Sigiswald, who said that the royal family needed a little information, was quietly staring at me with dark green eyes. You can still see him observing here with a gentle smile.

“Please answer honestly, Rosemine”


“I heard that the library that needed three keys contained only the royal family, some of the lord candidates, and the Schwartz, among them the material that the royal family should read. Is there a mistake? “

“I don’t know if there is a mistake”

In my honest answer, Sigiswald blinked and Anastazius held the forehead.

“Rosemine, what does it mean?”

“When I told Ehrenfest that I became the key manager from the managers of the Schwarzs, I reported the joy of reading the book that the librarian confirmed. It 鈥檚 not the information I know, so I do n鈥檛 know if there 鈥檚 a mistake in the archive. 鈥?/p>

Anonymous next to Sigiswald, 鈥淚 see,鈥?said Anastazius, 鈥淚 am too honest as usual.鈥?Apparently there was a need to wrap it in an oblate.

…… But it was the royal family who said to answer honestly, right?

“Still, it’s strange.”

“What is it?”

“Why is there no one knowing the information of the archive that requires three keys other than Ehrenfest?” There is no person who knows about the archive in the central or large territory. 19459002]

I leaned to Sigiswald’s words. Could it be that there is nothing at all? I think that the royal family who survived the Qingqing knows.

“Did you know that the teacher was taught the lord candidate course until last year?”

“It seems that her husband had been to the library when she was young, but she doesn’t know the existence of such a library. She also contacted Aube in Krassenburg and Dunkelferger. But he has never stepped into the Aristocracy Library. “

I know why lord candidates do not enter the library. The reason why I take a lot of aides to the library and occupy Carrell is because it is annoying because it is a nuisance to a lower class noble who needs to study and earn money with manuscripts.

I have also been told by my aides. But I like reading books at the library, so I don’t stop going. This year, I’m busy with a lot of research, and I’m confused by the change of the managers of Schwartz, so I’m just trying to keep it as close as possible.

“I hear that there are few opportunities for lord candidates to go to the library because ordinary lord candidates go to the books and materials they want for their apprentice apprentices.” 19459002]

“… Does Ehrenfest ask you to go for yourself?”

銈?I realized that I had told myself that the territory candidate of Ehrenfest had changed to the voice of Sigiswald who bite and killed laughter.

鈥淚 like the library and books, but I like to go there, but Villefried 鈥檚 brother and Charlotte are getting close to me, so the whole Ehrenfest has changed. It doesn’t mean that “

“Yes. Rosemine is just fond of books. And he also provided magical power to Schwartz, so he only had many opportunities to go.”

Hildebrand seems to have followed, but it seems that the evaluation of a strange lord candidate in Sigiswald does not change. I was thankful for my feelings, so I asked Hildebrand with a smile.

鈥淓hrenfest had a lord candidate who enjoyed studying, and often visited the library because of the rough apprenticeship of his lab teacher. There were a few reasons why they couldn’t keep an important book … “

After briefly explaining the situation, the three princes became very delicate faces. This may have been unnecessary information.

“It seems that it was still happening that he knew the existence of the library. When he was asking about the materials he wanted in the library, Schwarz and the others guided us to the library. Wasn’t it a secret at the time because it seemed to open? “

If you are a library where you can’t get back because you don’t have a senior librarian at that time and there are no senior librarians at that time, the senior librarian can unlock it It cannot be.

“I have visited the Aristocracy Library many times, and since I was an administrator of the Schwarzs, there should have been a lot of contact, but I still didn’t know the existence of a library. I think I was looking for a very special material. “

“I want to read a book that I have never read” to Schwarz and others, but I have never asked “I want this kind of material.” Therefore, the books in the reading room are enough.

“After reading all the books in the reading room and all the books in the closed library that anyone can borrow, Schwarz may have taken me to the library. However, considering the period until graduation, it will be difficult. 鈥?/p>

鈥楧on’t tell who the information is from. However, it seems to be transmitted to Sigiswald and Anastasia. Sigiswald smiled and shined deep green eyes.

“Why has the person been silent with so important information?”

“Did you think the royal family didn’t know it? If you didn’t know it was better to teach, I sent Ordnance. It seems that the royal family feels that there is a lack of information enough to think that it is concealed. “

From my point of view, Ferdinand itself is surely aware that Ferdinand is suspected. Still, it should be packed with important information so that it is better to convey it. It’s more constructive to read at least one of the materials in the library than to talk about anything you like.

“I want to ask you the royal family, but are you sure?”

Anastar Jius stopped me saying “Wait a minute”, but Sigiswald urged “Please”. I smiled and smiled at Sigiswald.

“What do you need to know about the information that has come from the royal family as much as you would like to call and ask in detail? Or it would be better for the royal family to know.” Since I have never entered the library, the content is completely useless. 鈥?/p>

Gigi Giswald rounded his eyes as the surrounding aides walked away, and Anastazius said, “The mouth is over.”

“Our librarian diary that I borrowed from Dr. Solange stated that an adult royal family visited the library during a sovereign meeting and a senior librarian was greeted in total. But I can imagine that visiting the library was an important activity for the royal family, as the diary was taken by the chief of the central knights, so the royal family would have seen it too? I think you already know it. 鈥?/p>

It’s clear that it’s important to go to the library, so it seems to me that I wanted to go to the library if I had time to ask where the information came from.

Sigiswald and Anastazius struck lightly after seeing their faces once.

鈥淚t is highly likely that the senior librarians will be greeted with a key archive. If you go inside, you will know if it is really important information. Anastazius鈥?[19459002 ]

“Okay, I’ll call Dunkelferger’s lord candidate to the library”

Anastazius calls Osvin and orders Dunkel Felger to fly Ordnance. I rushed and called out.

“Osvin, if you call Hannerole-sama, please tell me to bring recovery medicine”

“Is it a recovery drug?”

I whispered.

“I hear that you need a lot of magic to register your key. Should I be prepared?”

“Speaking of which, Ortanthia was saying that. Osvin, as Rosemine says”

“I’m smart”

When I flew Ordnance, I received a reply from Hannerole saying, “I’m smart. I’m heading to the library.”

Ordnance tells the library that three princes are heading, and everyone goes to the library. This is so conspicuous that I wanted to escape, but I can’t escape because I am the key administrator.

However, it was only for a while that they were all set. Given the speed at which I walk, I can’t walk with adult princes. Hildebrand, who walks at the same speed, calls out to the two princes who are gradually leaving.

“Does Rosemine know what is in the archive?”

“I heard that it was written about the ritual candidate’s lectures and old rituals. Apparently there are also documents about the old rituals I was studying at Ehrenfest.銉?Ehrenfest and Ferdinand visited the library, but Schwarz told us that there was no librarian and no keys. “

Recognizing the importance of the library, I would like more librarians to be added. Hildebrand laughed at me as if he had come up with a good idea.

“Wouldn’t it be better for Rosemine to look for materials together on this occasion?”

“It’s a very fascinating word, but it’s forbidden to enter the library by parents because it doesn’t bother me any more.”

In order to prevent Ehrenfest from being further suspected, it is better not to enter in order to prevent the blessed runaway that I entered the first library.

…… Even if you know it, you can’t help but want it!

Really wants to enter and read, but Richard is not likely to forgive and Ferdinand will be mad at all.

Upon arrival at the library, Schwarz and Weiss greeted me.

“Rose mine has come”

“Hildebrand, came”

It was the first time that Schwarz called him 鈥淩ose Mine鈥? and it was very strange. Although this is natural, it is a bit lonely that it is no longer a 鈥渉imesama鈥?

“I’ve been waiting for you. I’ve already paid for you.”

The prince contacted three people to go. Naturally, Hortensia and Solange were also waiting. The students who were studying are sorry, but it would be better to get away quickly than to trouble with the royal family.

Hannerole comes from behind us while exchanging greetings with the librarian. As the princes were lined up, Hannerole looked lightly at his red eyes.

…… Even if you are called by the name of Prince Anastazius, it is bad for your heart, but there are three princes. Are you surprised? I understand. I was also surprised.

Hannelore had a first-time greeting with Sigiswald while having a sense of closeness.

“I’m sorry for the sudden call, but I’d like you to help me as a library committee member.”

“I will be happy to help you”

As expected, he is a lord candidate in the Great Territory. In spite of sudden requests from the royal family, Hannerole smiles and takes over.

… I have to follow up.

“The key is in this office …. However, this is not enough to enter, so it is only two escort knights and one civilian to accompany you to the office. Please let me know “

It is difficult for all the aides attached to the three princes and the two lord candidates to enter the office after being guided by Ortancia. I went to the office with Leonore, a senior knight, and Laurenz, the largest and most escort knight of the escort knight, and then the most well-trained Filine.

Ortancia put the key on the office desk with a sound. It is a key that seems to have been registered from one senior librarian’s room, but could only be registered one by one.

“Please register an administrator for this key. Please hold the key and pour magical powers to Rosemine and Hannelore.”

Me and Hannelore hold the keys and register their magical powers as they are told. It is not much different from registering the owner in the key of the scriptures. It ended in no time.

“It’s early”

Replying to “Sorry” with the striking Ortasia. Hannerole finishes registration in less time.

“The lord candidate and senior nobility are still different”

“Ortancia, both of whom are very good lord candidates. It’s not like that.”

While saying that solange comforts, I took two other keys out of the key storage box and closed the storage box.

“I didn’t think I would use this key”

According to Solange, when the royal comes to the library in this way, the senior librarian will do everything, so Solange will not be on the table, so the side serving will be able to brew tea and prepare meals Apparently it was just pointing out the location and sticking to the back.

If you leave the office and head to the reading room, you will meet with the close friends who could not enter the office. The number of people crossed the first floor of the reading room as the number rose.

“Books lent to Rosemine at book lovers’ tea parties were in this library.”

As Couscous and Solange laughed, they unlocked the closed library in the back of the reading room. I feel my heart rising in the first closed library. It is quite comfortable that the smell of parchment is mixed in a little dusty air.

When everyone enters the not-so-large library, Solange opens the door lock in the back. Immediately after that, I saw a stairway that led to the basement with a light behind the door. The entire surroundings are white and feel bright.

“Schwarz, Weiss. Please give me guidance.”

“I’m sorry”

“Daily work”

Sowarz and Weiss began to go down the stairs.

“Follow Ortancia, Schwartz and Weiss. I am a mid-class nobleman and I can’t move forward. Please ask Schwartz and Weiss for further information.”

Ortancia, a senior librarian, goes down the stairs, followed by a prince. It was not just Solange but the aides were the same. Several people near the princes stop as if blocked by a transparent film.

When the three princes and collaterals headed to the stairs, Hannerole followed. I am the last in terms of territory ranking.

Filine and Rhoderich stopped moving around my side. There are only three people who can follow the stairs on my side, Richard, Leonore and Br眉nnhilde.

Considering that other royals and Hannelore have more aides, my aides are very few.

“There are many intermediate nobility in Rosemine’s aides”

channelore looked back as he went down the stairs.

“Ehrenfest is in a state of competing with the lord cadets because there is Wilfried and Charlotte, and another brother, Melhior, is waiting for him.”

“If there are four lord candidates at the same time, you will surely be short of entourage at the Aristocracy.”

“Yeah. There was no problem so far, but there are situations where only senior nobility can accompany you.”

When I was in trouble saying 鈥淚 am new鈥? Hannerole smiled, 鈥淚 am also new鈥?

When I went down the stairs, I went to a place where many tables and chairs were prepared like a tea party room. I was surprised at the size that all the entourage could put in and looked around.

Even though it should be a pure white staircase, a pure white floor, and a pure white wall, only one wall is colored like a metal, and the wall has three parts that are decorated with stagnation to assert its existence. They were lined up at regular intervals.

“Mr. Sannarabu”

“Locking out”

Schwarz and Weiss show the decorated part as they hit the wall of Teshiteshi and metal. Apparently, the metal wall looks like a library door, and this decorative part seems to be a keyhole. If you get closer and take a closer look, it is designed to fit, not insert the key.

I turned my eyes to Hannerole and Hortancia and then locked it in. When you think that the magic stone is shined by the magic stone that has been registered, the red line starts running across the wall.

After drawing a complicated pattern on the whole, the wall was divided into three parts and started rotating. I back so that I don’t get involved in that movement. Although it was visible on the wall, when it starts to move in three parts, it looks like a door.

The door disappeared at the moment the door moved slowly, rotated 180 degrees, and it seemed as if all doors were connected.

There was certainly a place like a library in the back. There were many bookshelves, desks for writing, and bookshelves. The bookshelves look like wooden cards, but there are many white boards that are not wooden cards, and the books that I know are in the form of books that are lined up on a desk with a tilted top. There are only as many books.

While everyone is stunningly surprised, Schwartz heads over to him, saying “I met”. Hortancia tried to follow Schwartz, but was blocked by a transparent film just like the stairs.

“… I can’t really enter”

Hortancia stops by pushing a transparent wall. Looking up at Hortensia, Vice said, 鈥淭he princess is awesome鈥?

“I want to see if the lord candidate can enter. Rosemine, please go”

“It is very unfortunate that I am forbidden by my parents to enter the library. If you have any materials you can read, please send them here.”

When I looked up at Anastazius with a feeling of crying, I shook my head as Vice shook.

“Shinkyo, Mochida Kinshi”

“Yeah? That is …”

…… I was thinking about watching it outside but it was terrible!

I wasn’t the only one who was shocked. Hortancia is holding his mouth with a small shake in the words of Weiss.

… I’m in full synchrony with Hortensia now.

Anastazius, who was watching me and Hortensia dropping their shoulders, exhaled as if amazed, and looked at Hannerole.

“It can’t be helped. Hannelole, please go.”

“… I’m smart”

As I decided, Hannerole took a big breath and then slowly proceeded with a terrifying hand. However, unlike Ortancia stopped, I went in smoothly. The Schwarz that had entered first seems to say something to Hannerole, and Hannerole can see his head leaning. Perhaps the voice may not be heard here.

“If you are a lord candidate, you really want to enter …. Then, brother. I will go first.”

Anastazius enters as if to confirm the danger, and when looking back, Sigiswald enters. Two princes were included, but no entourage trying to follow the prince.

“Then I will go”

Hildebrand tried to enter following the two princes with a bright smile, but could not enter. Blocked by a transparent wall.

Hildebrand breathes and hits the transparent wall.

“Why is it ?? Why can’t I enter? Is it because I decided to get engaged with Princess Ahrensbach and be no longer a royal family?”

Vice shook her head to Hildebrand’s voice, almost crying.

“No. Hildebrand, I can’t wait”

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