“By the way, when do you want to do it? You can’t do anything right now and you have to match the number of knights.”


“I know. I also need to arrange the place. Let’s get in touch with the appointment of the referee’s schedule and training grounds”


knight apprentices come together when Villefried and Restiraut begin a detailed meeting with Ditter. I put a Theodor who couldn’t participate in Ditter in my first year and put my escort on it, and Leonores headed for that discussion.


“Would you like a little tea, Rosemine?”


Hannelore shows the table with a face that seems to cry. There was too much in a little time. Surely I also want to moisten my throat a little.


When I headed to the table, the side servants immediately started to brew tea again. When I saw Brünnhilde brewing tea, Hannerole worried about the restiraut and said, “I want to talk to Cordura and Rosemine” in a small voice.


“Here you are”


Supplied to Cordura was a magic tool to prevent eavesdropping. It’s probably a story that you don’t want to be heard by Resty Laut. I immediately hold it.


“Sorry, the tea party had this result. I’m not enough …”


Even though it was an enjoyable tea party, he provoked him by saying something rude to Villefried. When Villefried received it, I cheated Ehrenfest and asked me to be in front of my fiance. And when I refused, I brought pressure to the Ditter as a territory.


“I’m really sorry for suggesting that Rosemine doesn’t have everything, but it’s going to trample it.”


“Since I wanted you to stop Ditter from Lestiraut, I involved Hannelole. I am very sorry.”


“No. Because it was the brother who smashed the excuse to stop Ditter that Rosemine was doing”


I once mourn for Resty Laut with the sad smile of Hannerole.


“If I win the Ehrenfest, I intend to cancel the conditions for Hannerole-sama. I just wanted to stop Mr. Restiraut-sama and it would be too rude to have Mrs. Hannerole-san”


“… I’m very thankful, but I don’t cover what was decided by Ditter. At least at Dunkelfelger”


“How troublesome … No, stubborn … um …”


HANNEROLE said, “That’s right,” drowned me when I couldn’t get a proper noble word.


“… What do you want Hannelore to do?”


“How is it?”


“If there is hope for a future partner, we will negotiate with Dunkel Ferger so that when we win we will be tied with him.”


Dunkelferger would be easier to accept than becoming the second wife of Ehrenfest. Hannerole blinked my suggestion.


“… I don’t have that kind of hope because my parents and older brother decide, but that’s right. That’s right. After seeing her, I wanted to choose myself for the first time today. ”


“So, when Ehrenfest wins, let’s hope it is Dunkel Felger”


“I can’t afford to pay more for Ehrenfest. Thank you for your feelings.”


Hannerole smiled saying that. However, the smile is a little cloudy compared to the usual smile.


“If Hannelore is inevitable to come to Ehrenfest, I will welcome you, and I will do my best to make Hannelore happy.”


When I came to Ehrenfest, I could read the most new book, because I wanted to make it a paradise for books.


“I’m very happy that I didn’t tell you that Rosemine had stopped your friend in this case.”


Certainly Dunkel Ferger is quite troublesome, but Hannelore is an important friend. At least I will not stop my friends.


“Sir Hannerole is my heart’s friend!”


“So, I’m just one of my best friends. Rosemine may think that you can win if there is a shield of that wind, but it doesn’t mean there’s no way to capture it. I already know that …. Please don’t be alarmed. “


The tea party ended with such a Hannerole whisper.


“Older brother, older sister, I don’t know what it is. Why are you going to a tea party and doing a stakeholder betting on the cancellation of their engagement?”


Returning to the dormitory and explaining to the multi-purpose hall that everyone was going to play a Ditter match, Charlotte turned pale. It is self-restraint of Resty Laut, but even if I explain it, I don’t understand why it became such a flow.


“… Rosemine, when I happened, I realized now that he was hesitant about the answer”


“That’s the best thing to understand. Then, I’ll leave your brother with a response that Charlotte understands.”


When I laughed, Villefried laughed.


“No, I want to leave this to someone I’m used to”


“Oh, aren’t you just pointed out by Restilaut that it’s not good to leave it to me?”


I say that and leave the explanation to Villefried. It wasn’t pressed separately. I wish Villefried’s growth.


When Ville Fleet, who explained to Charlotte for a while, shouted, “It would be meaningless to explain more! It would be better to take measures!” Charlotte also gave up asking for explanation. It seems.


I state that it will be a battle where the shield of Szeria may not be used, as told by Hannerole.


“… That’s why Dunkel Ferger knows how to break the shield of Szeria. Leonore, do you have a win?”


“If you can’t use a shield, it’s very low. But you don’t know how much you can’t use it, so it’s bad if you don’t use it from the beginning. Rosemine is also a cavalry. ”


Laurentz gives his opinion as he speaks to Leonore’s words.


“Rather, I think it’s the biggest weakness that Rosemine is taking the time to make a wind shield. I would aim for Rosemine at the beginning of the opening. But it ’s awkward to be beaten in a shield. ”


If you don’t protect it first, you can’t put a Szeria shield. Casting takes a long time to cast a shield.


“How should I protect it? If there is a magic that uses a flash in the wide area to envy the opponent … Like this, use a waterfall-like baschen towards Dawn and the enemy …”


Mattias calmly rejects my proposal.


“It’s only Rosemine who can use such magic, and if the knights use up their magic power there, they can’t fight after that. More than anything else, they earn time to put a shield. Unless the knights can do it … “


When I pointed to Matthias, my lips sharply pointed, and Richarda said, “Are you sure?”


“… Bochama, Princess. If you are a treasure stealer, it would be more effective to replace two knights with less magical power and seniors with more magical power.”




“Adults are angry at what happened at the aristocratic house, but they can’t let the princess be taken away by Dunkel Ferger”


As Richard says, he suggests adopting the old treasure stealing method.


“What role does side serving play in the Ditter?”


“Put the magic power into the magic tool and manage the recovery medicine. Udit is good at long-distance attacks. The number of magical tools that can be used is several times greater than leaving only to Udit. “


And even though the knights in battle are limited in the amount of recovery drugs they can have alone, if the side service manages the recovery drugs, new recovery drugs can be distributed to knights who have lost their drugs .


“Sometimes I was waiting for a side service that could use healing magic. Unlike the knight, the side service wasn’t directly fighting, it was mainly about helping to supply magical power. Because it wasn’t useful on the day of the battle in preparation “


Investigate that Villefried is going to look around and look around the side servants on the spot.


“Who is the most magical side apprenticeship? Let’s put two instead of the knights”


The senior side who knows how to compress magical power seems to have overwhelmingly much magical power. Aegir, a side apprentice of Brünnhilde and Villefried, was chosen.


“Isn’t it possible for three people, including me, to do Vaschen as proposed by Rosemine?” Then, the knights can earn time without using their magical power and restore their magical power while the knight is fighting. I can do it … “


Brunhild turned around in the words of Villefried.


“Rose Mine, did you say that Clarissa is researching magical tools to assist in the magic that has a wide range of influence in last year’s territorial competition?”


“Brünhilde, it may be useful. You can’t ask Clarissa himself, but ask Hartmut and Raimund for details.”


“Don’t you remember who you were there?”


I gently diverted to Villefried’s words. At that time, I wasn’t very interested in it, and I was thinking of something like Angelica, saying, “Everyone is talking about a technical and difficult story”. I’m not happy.


“I’m going to leave the basic strategy to Leonore, but I’d like you to create a strategy that takes advantage of my magic.”


エ ー Erenfest also trained with knights, and because it is a lord candidate and has abundant magic power, it can attack strongly, but because it is not a knight, it does not do much coordination training. Leonore laughed with a smile on Villefried’s words.


“Let ’s protect Villefried.” Rosemine, Udito, who is good at remote attacks, and side-serving apprentices. If Villefried, who has abundant magic power, protects him, more knights can attack.


I saw me while Villefried said “I understand”.


“Rose Mine, isn’t there any sacred gear that I could handle? Even during the time of Tarnis Bephalen, he would put out a sacred cloak and created a chance for everyone to attack?” If Dunkel Felger can make an unfamiliar attack while defending the people, wouldn’t he be able to surprise him? ”


If you can do it, Villefried, who has a lot of magical powers, will be able to use it. I think of the sacred items in the temple.


“Every time you devote, a magic circle comes up, and if you can’t think of the shape of the magic circle and the priest, you won’t function as a priest. I don’t know the number of days, but if I ask the foster father to borrow temple shrine, I think it would be the easiest.


When you try to make a sacred item with stap, you need the magical power to create, the magical power to maintain, the magical power to use and the considerable magical power, but like the first time I used a Leidenshaft spear, If you use, you only need the magic to use.


“You can’t use the Leidenshaft spear. It’s a good weapon if you defeat the treasure at once, but you can’t attack Hannerole like that. I’m scared when the spear penetrates the shield.” 19459002]



Villefried agrees and asks. If you attack with moderate, I think the familiar weapon is easier to use.


“The shield of Szeria is what I use, and if there is a way to break it, it doesn’t make sense for my brother Villefried to make it. It will heal regardless of your enemies. “


“That’s not a problem”


“It ’s better not to use the cloak of the dark god. It ’s easy to get confused when it ’s mistaken for a black weapon. It ’s not Evilive’s sword that I ’ve never used before. ”


“What can Evilive’s sword do? Does it have any special effect, like the shield of the wind that plays all the bad faith?”


“I don’t have much use, and it can only be used in the winter, so it’s not easy to use. But it may be just right for this fight. Urgently contact Ehrenfest and borrow Let ’s do it ”


Summarize in a report that the Ditter game is unavoidable due to pressure from Dunkel Felger, the conditions when losing, and ask the temple to send Evilive’s sword. I added that I asked Khaltomut to know more about Clarissa’s research.


“Send this to Ehrenfest very quickly!”


“I’m smart”


Rhoderich raised his face when Villefried’s side service ran out.


“Here we have written a magical tool that can be used from Ferdinand’s Ditter Teaching Book. Useful for Leonore’s strategy”


“Thank you, Roderich. The cadet apprentices should create magic tools and recovery drugs one after another. The knight apprentice is also a material collection for training.”


Among the students who moved to the direction of Leonore, Matthias said, “Mr. Rosemine, can you ask for a blessing?”


“If you can get used to the blessing of Rosemine, you might get a little better. The success rate we can get blessed on our own is low.”


“It’s not for everyone that I give you a blessing …”


Even so, if you think about your future, you will not be able to change your back, and you cannot afford to choose a means as long as you cannot participate. To be honest, I don’t know how much blessing Dunkel Felgar can get. I send out the blessings of Angry to knight apprentices.


Villefried also went out with knight apprentices. All that remains is a minimal escort knight, Charlotte and his side servants.


“… I want to deprive Dunkelferger’s blessing if possible”


This is a great threat to Dunkelfelgar’s knight apprentices who are already familiar with the blessed state, even though the blessing is almost unusable. Today, I had Hannelore touch the fair-furre-meer wand, but I couldn’t remember it once.


“Uh, I want to enter that library. I need permission from the royal family, but the royal family is busy supplying the magic now? Would Prince Hildebrand who comes to the Aristocratic House give permission?” 19459002]


Richard said, “I don’t think you will give me.” If you don’t, you just have to give up. When I sent out a letter while thinking so, Ordnance flew away.


“If it’s only tomorrow morning, it’s okay. I’ll also speak to Dunkelferger’s Hannerole”


Hildebrand ’s joyful voice is repeated three times.


“… Richarda is quite abrupt, but permission has been granted”


“I thought I wouldn’t go out until the royal family had enough room …”


Mysterious Richard was bad, but the royal family gave me permission. I made a plan to go to the library.


The next morning, I headed to the library. He is accompanied by a senior knight Leonore and a first-year theodor who can’t go out to Ditter, then Richarda and Brünnhilde.


“Hime-sama, Kita”


“Himesama, long time no see”


The welcoming Schwartz is very cute, but I don’t know why I am called “Hime-sama”. I looked up at Ortania and Solange.


“Dr. Hortensia, isn’t the name of the Schwarz people calling strangely?”

“The other day, it seems that the way of calling has changed since you poured your magic power. When I consulted Prince Anastazius, it was going to change to me again … … ”


It seems that it has not changed yet. He was taken to the office while saying he was surprised at the sudden contact from Hildebrand. There was already Hildebrand.


“I’m sorry while I’m busy. I’m going to work hard for my request …”


“I was so surprised and surprised, but what does Rosemine find?”


“I’ll talk after the library opens”


Hannerole arrived as he exchanged greetings with Hildebrand. It seems that Dhaner ’s special training is the reason why Hannelore’s aides are still visible. After exchanging the greetings, the two librarians explained that “the final exam is approaching, so we can’t close the reading room”, and we are getting the attention of the students in the reading room. I entered the closed library.


From there, with the guidance of Ortancia, we enter the basement. If you unlock the same as before, the sidemen will begin to move to prepare tea.


“Rosemine, the key to the library has been opened. Please tell me what to check”


“I’m going to have a Ditter match with Dunkel Ferger, so I’d like to investigate a bit about the rituals and sacred items.”


laughs like Hannelole is a little interesting in my words.


“Can Rosemine say it to me?”


“Because it is not a known problem”


“Why did you decide to do Ditter with Dunkel Felgar? Did you know that many territories and Dunker Felger were competing the other day to participate in the ritual?”


I gave up my shoulder a little.


“We got married to Restirlaut and decided to fight with Ditter. Hey, Hanellore?”


“Yes, there is no more time than that. Let’s investigate soon, Rosemine”


Hannelore, a little impatient, told me, and when I waved lightly to Hildebrand, I headed to the library behind the transparent wall.


“Hannare, tell me more about the story. Will you not investigate?”


I entered the library as he watched Hannerole stop his call to Hildebrand. Schwartz looked up at me and said the same words as before.


“Hime-sama, I can’t live”


“I understand. I don’t have time today, so I’m praying again. Rather, please give me materials on the Fair Furumere ritual that relieves the summer heat and the ritual that calls spring.” [19459002 ]


So I asked Schwarz, I researched and copied from the document how to make a wand of Fair Furumere and how to make a foundation with engraved magic circles necessary for the ritual to call Haldenzell’s spring.


“Princess Hildebrand has known about Ditter”


When I raise my face to the voice of Hannerole, there is a figure of Hannerole looking down at me copying the material.


“Is there anything wrong with Prince Hildebrand?”


When I tilted my head, Hannerole smiled.


“Have you heard from Prince Anastazius not to do anything extra? You will be called again.”


“… Since Restiraut-sama is the cause of this, let Prince Anastazius scold Restylaut-sama”


When we asked for consent that we weren’t bad, Hannelore smiled vaguely, “Yes.”


“Even if you claim it’s not bad, you’ll get talked together. I have never been beaten when my brother did something.”


Hannelole urges him to leave the library while saying so. There is no figure of Hildebrand over the transparent wall.


I closed the key to the library with Hannerole and Ortasia, and then asked Richarda, “How was Prince Hildebrand?”


“It seems that I was reminded of the important work …. I was talking about a book about Brünnhilde and Ehrenfest for a while.”


Even though the side service manages the schedule, you can’t forget the important work. This is one of the excuses for removing a seat. I’m sure it was hard to wait for a long time for a young Hildebrand. I was happy with Richard’s words.


When I returned to the dormitory, Evilive’s sword was delivered with Hartmut. Apparently the adoptive father and the adoptive mother who read the report seem to be in trouble at a level where they can’t move with their heads.


“No way, Haltomut will come again …”


“It ’s the duty of the priest to carry the sacred gear. And you need a detailed explanation of Clarissa ’s work, right?”


“Do you remember?”


In my words, Haltomut asked, of course, “Of course” with a natural face.


“I have also consulted Clarissa and helped me a little, so I remember the blueprint.”


“Hartmut is great!”


When I praised it as a reliable companion, Haltomut smiled happily saying, “I am honored to be pleased with Rosemine.” Then tighten your facial expression.


“I was given room in the castle until the day of the Ditter game, and I was supposed to go to the sun to deliver Evilive’s sword, so I could help with the creation of the magic tool. To protect Rosemine Let ’s do our best ”


“… isn’t it hard to get Hartmut to make magical tools?”


When I tilted my head, Villefried, who received Evilive’s sword, said, “What is it now?”


“That’s what the gods brought in from the temple and asked Hildebrand to copy the material. Whatever they say, if you win, you can’t do anything. 19459002]


Magical tools for fighting are made more and more by civilians around Hartmut. Knight apprentices repeat battle training and material collection, thinking about several strategies.














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