“Ehrenfest, please go back to the shield! Bring injured people back!”


I don’t know what the other person is thinking or how much preparation is available. And the knight apprentices of Ehrenfest are tattered in the battle with Dunkel Ferger. There are also apprenticeships of knights who have fallen in the stadium. Healing is necessary to do anything.


Even those with some injuries, those who can move by themselves recover the injured and return to the shield of Szeria.


Udits wrapped around in a band of light by a knight apprentice of Dunkel Ferger were also recovered. You can’t cut it unless you have higher magical power than those who use the band of light. I cut the band of light that bound Udit with Messer.


“Can Rosemine and Hannelore protect here too?” I was left alone in that team. “


“Please enter immediately, Mr. Hannerole. What are the escort knights doing? There will be something to do before eliminating the intruders”


‘I ’m screaming at the top of the attacking magic, and when I say so, I open up a place for Villefried and Hannerole.




I chanted “Strait Kolben” and changed Staple to a Flutelene’s cane, and healed everyone who gathered there. A pillar of green light stands and a roar occurs in the sky. It is a pillar of light that has become familiar to Dunkelferger and Ehrenfest who participated in this Ditter, but those who gathered in the sky seem to be those who have not seen the pillar of light.


I look around at the knight apprentices in the shield, thinking about that in the cool part of my head. Brunhilde, who had lost his mind, seems to have regained his consciousness. Brünnhilde, who gets up and frowns slightly on his hair with soil and grass, is washed with a baschen.


…… Does the aristocrat waschen instead of wiping with his hands to remove dirt?


The difference in girls’ power is revealed. Immediately, I was relieved at Brünnhilde, who looked as usual, and I felt as if the field of view flashed for a moment.


“Eh …?”


Although it was just a moment, the body must have begun to complain. I realize I don’t have much time left.


I looked around at the knights’ apprentices, thinking I had to finish this battle quickly. Lungsumer’s healing should have healed the injury, but the magical recovery should not be over yet.


“Please use your own healing potions to restore magic power. Then check the rest of the potions and witchcraft …”


When giving instructions to do, a loud scream comes out from the audience, saying, “Dangerous!” Or “Kyaaaa!” When I looked around in a hurry, one of the Knight Apprentice Knights of Dunkelfelgar crashed, losing the beast.


A knight apprentice slammed into the ground with a dull sound does not move.


“Ky !?”


“I will heal immediately! Escort”


[Udit sees me touching the beast’s magic stone and immediately puts out a shield, Leonore puts out the beast. Leonore looked around in the shield while jumping on the beast.


“Mathias, Laurentz! Don’t be dim!”


When I ride my cavalry, I head to the knight apprenticeship of Dunkel Ferger. If it is true, it would be best if you could bring it in a shield, but it crashed from that height, albeit protected by shock-proof magic stone armor. It is highly possible that you are hitting your head, and it is dangerous to move it easily.


“Does Rosemine take the risk of saving Dunkelferger’s knight apprentice?”


“Isn’t it natural to act because there is an injured person in front of me and I have the power to heal?”


I get out of the beast and give Lungsumer healing with a ring while being protected by the shields of the escort knights. Laurenz suddenly said, “Tell me someone lie” when I was pouring light of a little green light.


Looking up at Laurentz, the escort knights are all looking at the sky. Looking closely at what happened, we could see the knight apprentices moving one after another from Dunkelferger’s spectator’s seat and starting to participate in the battle over the sky.


“How much does Dunkel Felger have strength, but what happens if you enter the spectator seat …”


Prior to the end of the fearful Matthias words, the attacking magic that was pouring down from the sky toward the stadium began to face the audience seats.




Unlike Dunkel Felger, who has armed civilians and side officers, and everyone who remains in the spectator seat already has a protective shield, those who are in the spectator seat of Ehrenfest have very low combat ability .


Servants apprentices of heroes who have been squeezed of magic power from Hartmut for the preparation of magical tools, and side apprentices who cannot know how to put out shields but have not received battle training. The knight apprentices of the lower grades who can not participate in the Ditter even though they have some knowledge of combat. And the lord candidate Charlotte.


Immediately after my scream, Villefried’s voice screamed in the shield of Szeria.


“Recovered knight apprentices go to protect the audience seats at Ehrenfest! Bring them here. Those who are recovering will stay here and take this escort!”




Knight apprentices who seem to have finished recovery started to fly to the audience seats all at once. If everyone puts a shield and joins the shield of Szeria while protecting it, it will be a little easier to protect.


I told myself that it was okay, and concentrated on the injured person in front of me.


“… Oh, I …”


Dunkelferger’s knight apprentice jumps up immediately after regaining consciousness. Surprised by the unexpected movement, I pulled the cloak of the knight apprentice.


“I had lost consciousness until now. A little more rest …”


“No, the healing of the saint has healed the wound. No problem. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.”


knight apprentice who went to the place to express his gratitude goes to the sky again immediately after giving his thanks.


When I looked up, the front blinked again. In just a few seconds, the field of view blinks white and black, and the surroundings appear to have lost color. It may be because he uses magical power one after another by using two kinds of recovery medicines in succession to recover magical power.


I thought it was good that the knight apprentice was fine, but at the same time, I felt irritated that there was no need to rush out of the safe shield and heal.


“Lose Mine, your face color is not very good. Let’s go back to the shield. Please ride with me.”


When Leonore says so with a little stiff expression, when he picks me up, he begins to return to the shield of Szeria.


“Rosemine, what is the recovery drug …?”


“I’m already drinking too much”


Leonore put a little effort on my arm. Now I can’t throw this place back into the dormitory. Charlotte began to move to the shield. The safety of non-combatants rests on the shield of Szezelia.


When I returned, Villefried desperately struggled to stop the sky battle in the shield of Szeria.


“Hannere, wouldn’t Ditter be invalid in this situation and would you like to quell their excitement at the ceremony of the Sea Goddess?”


“Yes. Ditter is already over, so it’s good.”


Hannelore, looking up with a gloomy face, agrees with Villefried.


“So, while Hannerole-sama performs the ritual, we will perform a wide range of Vaschen so that the attack will not come down. Aegidor, Brünnhilde. Will the magic be okay?”


Talk to Aegidre, “Take out a wide range of magical aids” and Villefried will remain in the shield as to who will be the Hannerole escort among the knight apprentices here Look around the knight apprentices.


Suddenly! And a loud metal sound reverberated, and Luffen’s voice resonated loudly.


“Ky !?”


“Wow !?”


Unlike me and Villefried, who were victorious, the knight apprentices around the world prepared their postures all at once and turned their eyes to the upper Lufen. Knight apprentices who were in a battle in the sky immediately stopped their attacks and corrected their posture.


“I didn’t ask for it, and I confirmed with Ordnance that there was no order from the royal family! Why is the Central Knights in the Aristocratic House? And why was the Ditter disturbed?


Luenen’s angry voice resonated. If you look closely, there are some black cloaks among the colorful cloaks in the sky. I thought that there were so many territories that would rush into Dunkelferger’s Ditter, but there seemed to be a boost from the Central Knights.


“The royal family is worried about the maiden of Ehrenfest moving to Dunkelferger. The role of the Knights is to pay the royal family’s grief”




When the knights wearing black cloaks make a strong voice, the small and medium territories also cheer up in the same way.


“This is the royal hope”


“If you win, you can get the maiden of Ehrenfest”


Rufen became stunned with the Knights of the Central Knights who called themselves justice, and knight apprentices of small and medium territories who seemed to be beaten and acted.


“Did you ever go out without a king for that reason !? It’s no wonder!”


“The central knights are knights of Zent! Those who pay the sorrow of Zent! Those who destroy those who oppose Zent! Defeat those who oppose!”


One of the knights attacks Luffen. He moved to the center and was amazed by the attack on Luffen, who also wore a black cloak. Only Luffen immediately evades the attack that comes toward him and looks around his students.


“There is no king’s order! I confirmed! If you join the Knights anymore, you can’t stop! They close!”


Rufen ordered students wearing a colorful cloak against the Central Knights. Knight apprentices of small and medium territories, who were not enlisted in the royal family but suggested that they might be punished, will fly away to scatter the fox cub.


The shadows that were filling the sky all at once diminished, and all that remains are the Knights of the Central Knights wearing black cloaks and the knight apprentice of Dunkelfellgar wearing a blue cloak.


“There is no king’s life and the language breaks down, such as intruding into Ditter! Tied up and dragged in front of Zent!”


Dunkelferger’s knight apprentices responded to the voice of Restiraut and started fighting to capture the Central Knights. However, the Central Knights are a group of knights who have been recognized for excellence and transferred to the center. No matter how much Dunkel Felger, they are not comparable to the Central Knights. To capture it, you need more magic than your opponent.


The only knight who can catch a knight is Resty Laut, a lord candidate near adults.


I saw Rusten and the knight apprentices entrusted to the numbers chased one knight and caught the Resty Laut.


“If you are Rosemine, would you be caught?”


“Unfortunately, you can’t reach unless you get closer, and now I’m full because I keep the shield of Szeria.”


There are things that can and cannot be expected. Rather, I’d like someone to take care of maintaining the shield of Szeria. I started to feel nauseous. To be honest, I don’t want to use magic anymore.


So, when I looked up in the sky, a lot of black cloaks came. She is prepared to think that she is a reinforcement to the Knights.


“If you rush to receive the Ordnance from Rufen, what is this all about?”


The voice of Anastasia was heard from the increased black cloak. There seems to be no royal order. Anastazius ties up the Knights of the Central Knights, who are now being pursued, with a band of light. As expected, it is a royal family. There seems to be much magic power.


“I want to hear the story. The lord candidates of Dunkelferger and Ehrenfest, their entourage, and the dormitory manager are left here! The others are disbanded!”


If possible, I would like to change the date, but Anastazius, who seemed to have received an urgent call by Rufen’s Ordnance, seems to have heard everyone’s story here.


I relieved that the battle over the sky was settled with the appearance of Anastazius, and I realized that I was getting sick at a stretch because I was relaxed. Even though the shield of Szeria is extinguished and there is no longer anything that consumes magic power, the feelings of illness only worsen and do not improve.


…… Isn’t it bad to fall in front of the royal family? What should I do?




Richarda, who had moved from the audience with the Charlottes, looked at me and quickly ran up here.


“Let’s go back to the dormitory right away. Leave it to Villefried Bachama and Princess Charlotte”


“But I was told that the party would remain with Prince Anastazius. It would be against the royal order.”


In my words, Richarda shook his head with a severe face.


“If the princess loses consciousness, you can’t hear the story, so isn’t it the same thing? Let’s return to the dormitory after explaining the reason. It ’s harder to have more points to lose. ”


Richarda told me that I wanted to return to the dormitory. Anastazius, who saw me, shook his hand to drive me away after having a very disgusting face as if he remembered something.


“If you look at that face, you can see that it’s not good. Get back quickly.”


“Excuse me, Prince Anastazius’s generous heart …”


Listening and giving thanks while enjoying nausea, Anastazius shouted and ordered, “Ehrenfest, take Rosemine out early!” I will be picked up by Richard immediately.


“Leonore, Matthias, Ditter, and Brünnhilde, who were all together in the shield, and Roderich, who was watching from the audience, remained and talked to Prince Anastazius instead of me …”


I ordered while being taken out of the stadium. Over the shoulder of Richarda, I could see Anastazius’s amazed face.


When I returned to the dormitory, I was immediately told by Richarda that I was able to see it from above.


“It was a game that I couldn’t lose, but rather than the knight apprentices who could heal the princess and take recovery medicine, Ferdinand stipulated the amount of medicine strictly and healed himself A princess who can’t do so must take good care of herself. “


knight apprentices who can recover enough with less effective recovery drugs can use any number of recovery drugs, but they are almost ineffective unless they are recovery drugs made by Ferdinand. The dose is determined.


“Because you are likely to have this state due to taking too much recovery medication, you can’t let the current princess take any more medication. You have to sleep until the symptoms alleviate.”


Richarda and Riezela are quickly changed into clothes and thrown into bed. I closed my eyes in a situation where I could lie down slowly.


It seems that about three days had passed when I was able to move. In order to show her health, she dine with everyone in the cafeteria and moved to a small meeting room to hear the results of discussions with Anastazius.


Villefried, Charlotte, me, and their allies are here.


“Due to the invasion of small and medium territories and the central knights, Ehrenfest decided it was an invalid game, but Dunkel Felger said the referee was not instructed, so the game was ongoing and Mr. Hannerole Said he had a game when he left to join his shield to escape danger. “


Such a way to win is very unwilling, but Villefried says, but if that admits defeat, I think that’s fine.


“Ehrenfest doesn’t have the physical strength to do such a big ditter again or again. If you feel that you’re defeated, that’s fine. As you say, the way to win is so subtle, so why don’t you just cancel Hannerole’s marriage and give up on our cancellation of engagement? ”


Villefried was relieved to my proposal.


“Well, that’s the right place. Ditter’s game is sacred or something decided to be done,” said Dunkelferger, but that can be negotiated with Aub in a territorial battle.


Talking with Dunkel Ferger who sacred Ditter seems to be very troublesome, but since this is supposed to be a win, it will be somehow depending on the negotiation.


“But since then, Prince Anastazius has been told that he will not have any problems with disengagement. The next time he happens, he will be married to the prince by his royal life.




“… I felt helpless to protect him”


Villefried said so and dropped his shoulders.


“Actually, Prince Hildebrand told me about this ditter”


It seems that there was a complaint from Hildebrand that Dunkelferger was trying to take away the saint of Ehrenfest, whose fiance was decided by the king’s order. Anastazius argued that the royal family was not able to speak by telling them that it was not a king’s order but permission to engage, and that it could be revoked, depending on the decision of Aub Ehrenfest.


“If Ehrenfest decides to send her sister to other territories, it seems that the royal family wants it …”


It is difficult for the royal family to pick up what Dunkel Ferger won with Ditter from the side, and then because Ferdinand, the lord candidate, was directed to Ahrensbach by the king’s order, if the lord candidate was reduced further It seems that the royal family has given up calling me for fear of affecting the foundational magic of Ehrenfest.


“But there seems to be no second time. It was to protect with the royal family when it happened to make a noise in the aristocratic house the same time.”


Villefried is not the only one who feels depressed that he couldn’t protect him. My aides are the same.


“This time you missed it, so think positively that you shouldn’t wake up again. What happened to the invading knights and territories?”


Villefried renews his expression and stretches his back.


“Since the name of Zent was used, it was decided that the small territory was unquestioned. Dr. Rufen seemed to have worked so much. And the center that instigated the small territory and invaded Ditter The Knights of the Knights will be severely penalized by Zent, ​​who swears the students in the name of the royal family. It ’s deep ”


“… I think it is strange that the knights who are loyal lords move freely without kingship”


Matias raised his hand to ask my permission to speak. When I gave permission, Mattias opened his mouth with a preface saying, “I don’t have any proof.”


“There may have been Torque”


“When it comes to Toruk … no way?”


Toruk is a medicine that is thought to have been used in a Georgine school rally, and must have been a strong plant that has the effect of making the memory turbid and showing hallucinations.


“When I approached Prince Anastazius for greetings, the bound knights smelled sweet. I didn’t know what it was, but I went back to the dormitory I came back and remembered to see the fireplace, because I didn’t sniff it very well, so there is a possibility of a mistake. ”

“But did you think that Matthias was almost right, so did he speak?”


The discerning Matthias is not the one who says anything he thought. If anything, you shouldn’t say it unless you ponder and have a certain degree of confidence.


“It may be clear if you look into their memories”


If a torque that distorts memory is used, there is a possibility that three knights were being manipulated. Has the royal family already grasped the information of Toruk? Is it better information to flow?


“… Do you think there is a common truk in the aristocracy and the center?”


“If it is common, I think it is more widely known as a plant with dangerous effects. Perhaps it is a plant unique to some territory.”


Charlotte’s apprentice apprentice taking a lecture on pharmacy shook his head and denied. If it is unique to some territory, the royal family and the center may not know.


“After asking permission from the adoptive father, let the royal family know about the possibility of using trook.”


Talking about that, I felt nervous about my chest.


Is it a coincidence that an incident that seems to have used Torque in such a short period of time appears?


Isn’t there a possibility that Georgine is connected to a standing person who can control the Knights of the Central Knights? If so, would it be much easier for Georgine to return to Ehrenfest than we thought?


I raise my hand and touch the iridescent magic stone trap. My heart was noisy with the touch of the magic stones.


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