Called by Lufen, Ehrenfest knight apprentices ride on the beast and descend to the stadium. After going around the stadium, Gundorf came out when a bright ocher cape came into position. Apparently this year is not a Fraulerum.


“This year I ’m not the Fraulerum teacher. I ’m a little relieved.”


Since I had already tried to fly Ordnance and shouted with a screaming voice, I was sure that I had a troublesome demon beast if Fraulerm was in charge.


“No, I don’t think Mr. Gundorf can be relieved. You should be familiar with various monsters.”


“As you said, Mr. Villefried. After collaborative research revealed that magic paper was made from magic trees, we collected a lot of information about magic trees.”


It seems that Ignat has asked many questions from Gundorf about what kind of devil trees there are in Ehrenfest. He said he couldn’t answer so much and was amazed that he was willing to study seriously.


“Nevertheless, there are a lot of people watching this year”


I looked around the watching seat in the words of Villefried. There are many people who are looking at the Ditter as they embark on themselves, even though they are not in their turn. Dunkel Felger has a particularly large number of bells. The audience seemed much more excited than last year, whether it was because they didn’t know what kind of monsters would come out, or because of minor monsters.


“Even knights don’t have the opportunity to see the less-known monsters of other territories. It will be exciting how to defeat the monsters you see for the first time.”


While doing so, Gundorf activates the magic circle with a stap. Once a strong light was emitted and the light settled down, a big tree with a lot of freshness and many leaves appeared on the magic circle.


“Is that demon tree?”


“That’s a demon tree. If you put out a normal tree here, Gundorf will be accused.”


However, it does not move from the place like Nansave. It doesn’t scream like an Aphone. It does not seem to be a type that sucks out the magical powers like Trombe. It looks like a normal tree, and it looks like a luel tree, so it’s not like a fantasy.


…… Well, this tree is what you want to sing.


Because there is no movement at all, I’m just wondering if it’s really a demon tree.


“This is the first demon tree I see. What is it?”


I asked Gieves to test if they could make paper for the demon trees in Ehrenfest, but they were not familiar with demon trees in other territories. Worried, I stare and look at Leonore, the center of the knight apprentice. Does Leonore know what that is?


“Everyone except Udit should change to the same weapon used to shoot branches, as he does when hunting Trombe! Advanced knights will have their magical power in order! Alexis is ready.”


〈Leonole’s voice that gives instructions while changing his stap and starting to accumulate magic power feels certain confidence. Apparently it was a demon tree I knew.


“Udit must put the most powerful witchcraft on the gummy mocha in response to the signal. As everyone knows, there are many fine branches hidden in the leaves at the same time as the attack of a certain level. It takes only a few seconds to stretch, and you should pay as much as you can in the meantime, but be careful not to touch the branch, but the tip of the branch will have a spine and it will be severely numb


…… Gummy Mocha? Isn’t that a rubber tree?


I felt like Ferdinand was told that it was not a devil-like tree like Trombe.


“Ignaz, Marianne. Is that Dr. Gundorf inhabiting that gummy mocha lived in Drevanchel, or is it just happening to live in another place? I’d like to ask if I can’t get it … “


I asked Ignat and Marianne, who had exchanges with Gundorf. However, neither of them seems to know.


“I will ask Mr. Gundorf again”


…… If this wasn’t a devil tree for a game created by the teacher’s magic, I was screaming “Prefer material recovery!” Oh, I want rubber!


When I was thinking of what I could do if I had rubber, I stared at the gummy mocha, and the lyser gently held my shoulder.


“Lose Mine-sama, the body is a little leaning forward. Please look for Gummy Mocha’s information and be careful not to go to Ukauka and Gundorf-sensei.”


It was noted that there was a risk of information being stolen more and more. It may be dangerous. But I am attracted by the first gummy mocha I saw.


“Lose Mine, first ask Leonore before asking Dr. Gundorf. You know the habitat.”


“That’s right.”


Although I was only thinking about asking Gundorf who made it appear, Leonore who knows how to deal with it would know the habitat.


“Even if you know the habitat, don’t get it if it’s a special demon tree that only lives in other territories. It’s impossible to bring some knights to collect”



Wouldn’t it be a problem if a knight from another territory would come if you wanted Ehrenfest material? And was deceived by Brother Cornelius. I am convinced by thinking of the scene where the Dunkelfelgar knights come together to pick up materials. If you do that, you will be in trouble.


“What about trading for materials?”


“In the case of Rosemine, I can’t agree if there is a danger that I’ll be jealous of what the other party asks if it is for what I want.”


My proposal was cut off by Brother Cornelius. Entourage said to Cornelius’s words, “Because it fits within Ehrenfest, it will be a deal with other territories.”


…… I don’t think I can choose the method for what I want.


I was scolded by the surroundings, and I stared at Gummy Mocha with a little compliment.


In the stadium, knight apprentices who had changed the starp to weapons like Halberd that they saw at the time of the extermination of Trombe were already spread around Gummy Mocha. I don’t know how long the branches will grow, so I seem to be somewhat cautious.


The senior knight apprentices were accumulating magic as instructed, each shining a weapon like a rainbow.


“Anyone can attack like that?”


“Yes. Just gather and hit the magic power you have on your weapons, so anyone can do it with a little training. However, the power changes completely depending on the amount of magic and the number of attributes, so it’s not much for lower and intermediate level It just doesn’t make sense. If you are close to advanced, there will be someone who can be an intermediate knight. “


And, because it is an attack that collects and hits the magic of the whole body, it seems that it is a technique that can not be used if there is an estimate that it can be completely defeated, or if there is no recovery medicine and someone to follow during recovery. This time, the rest of the recovery medicine that was distributed at the dedication ceremony is also distributed, so it will probably be fine.


“While Judith is overgrown, there will be an advanced knight in order that the color changes slightly to the top of the trunk? When I call my name, attack that part!” [ 19459002]



Seeing everyone was holding, shake down the hand that Leonore was raising high.






Udit threw off the sling with the remaining magical tool used in the Ditterkelger Ditter. When I hit the leafy part that was bothersome, I heard a loud explosion.


Gummy Mocha sways as if they were surprised, and thin branches stretch out quickly and quickly from the shadows of the thick leaves. Is that about thirty to forty? As Leonore said, there was a sharp thorn at the tip of the branch that jumped out of the swaying leaves.






Knight apprentices riding on the beasts swung around the halberd and mowed the thin branches that stretched. However, it was only a few seconds that the thin branches stretched out. Immediately withdrawn into the leaf, this time moving like a tentacle and swaying, trying to catch the knight apprentices around. The tentacles moving from the thick and leafy part looked like a jellyfish.


…… If you touch a branch, you will be numb, that is, a tree jellyfish! Gummy Mocha is a wooden jellyfish. Pretty dangerous. Okay, I remembered.


“When the branch is not stretched, it can’t be cut! Lower it! I will drive!”


Leonore, who once lowered the knight apprentices, slams the magical power he has accumulated into the trunk of Gummy Mocha. A rainbow-colored light is emitted from the swaying halberd with a screaming spirit, and it flies to the upper part of the trunk where the color appears slightly faint.


¡Gumimoca shook the leaves greatly with the impact. The usual shock does not come to the surroundings as if the full power attack of magic power did not work. When I was amazed at the unexpected, a thin branch stretched immediately after that.


“Do it!”


ず Do not miss the stretched moment, swing around the halberd and cut off the dangerous branches. Leonore instructed, “Natalie, collect magic!” And stared at the movement of the knights while taking recovery medicine.


Will we continue the full power of magic power as it is? Is it really effective? I’m worried and I’m staring at Leonore, but I’m not at all confused about how to give Leonore’s instructions.






Alexis instigates magical power this time with Leonore’s instructions. Although a considerable amount of light was shot, there was no impact on the surroundings. The knight apprentice quickly takes a distance from the gummy mocha, cutting the thin branches that popped out and seeing the branches retract again. Then it is the next attack.


“Traugot, get ready! Natalie!”


Traugott begins to accumulate magic power with weapons, and Natalie shoots magic power. I understood the words of Brother Cornelius that there was a difference in power depending on the amount of magic power and attributes. Even complex rainbow colors with various magical powers have different colors and powers are completely different.


“Isn’t the thin dangerous branch almost cut off? Almost no longer come out”


Angelica whispered that the branches that were attacked by Natalie were almost gone. You may want to participate because it looks a little tingling.


“Yudit pays the leaves with his back! Everyone, keep a distance! Matias, collect magic!”




The next Leonore instruction was directed to Udit, not to the traugot that had accumulated magic. Udit quickly puts out a fist-sized magic tool from a waist pouch that contains magic tools and throws it away with a sling.


Flying like a magical tool thrown by Udid into a thick leaf. The next moment, the explosion sounded so loud that it did not resonate even when rainbow-colored magical power was applied, and a lot of leaves burned up.


“What, what is that !?”


“Are you using such a magic tool in a ditter competing for speed?”


Brother Cornelius and Angelica made a surprise voice. A roar occurs in the stadium. Speaking of which, I feel like Matias had said that there are few territories that use magical tools since becoming a ditter competing for speed.


“A magic tool created by Hartmut for the Ditterfelger Ditter. It’s inevitable, so I decided to use it in a territorial battle, but it’s more powerful than I expected.”


“I was surprised that I was going to use it against Dunkel Ferger. It’s merciless.”


“… it’s the back hand when you’re really losing”


The thick leaves were not burned completely, but the gummy mocha was not fallen. The upper part of the trunk does not seem to burn at all even if it is wrapped in flames, and the part that is a little thin remains as it is.


…… How strong is Gummy Mocha! ?


When I thought so, the uppermost part of the trunk was slightly shining lightly above the lighter part. At the same time, part of the branch begins to move swaying and a tentacle-like branch is about to be created.


“End before it grows. Traugot! Matias! Attack from above! Everyone, prepare shield!”




In line with Leonore’s instructions, Traugott and Matthias drive high and high on the beast while watching each other’s movements. The trajectory drawn by the rainbow-colored weapon was very beautiful.


“Hey aaa!”


“Hey aaa!”


Two people rush into the halberd so that they fall. Troughgot and Matthias, the rainbow-colored light of the two, pierced Gummy Mocha straight like a thunderbolt.


The landing sound that does not connect with Dodon is erased by the sound of crackling of Gummy Mocha trees.


Immediately afterwards, the light of the gummy mocha and the magic team disappeared. However, the impact of putting the full power of the magic remains. While the knight apprentices with shields were desperately enduring the impact, Ruhen’s voice resonated, “Ehrenfest, finished!”


“I did it well, it was a great Ditter”


When the knight apprentices came back from the stadium, the adopted father gave up everyone with excitement. Only minor monsters came out, the knight apprentices were confused, and the knight apprentices of Ehrenfest, who were able to launch attacks one after another without any hesitation, looked very prominent.


“I didn’t think there were any other demons so far, Leonore”


“I’m afraid, but I wasn’t the only one who knew about Gummy Mocha. All the knight apprentices learned so that anyone could fight and inherit important information.”


Leonore looks around the knight apprentices, saying so proudly.


“This year I was in a position to command, so I would have been prominent, but no matter who would lead the command, Ehrenfest’s knight apprentice could defeat Gummy Mocha. From now on, I will not lose my knowledge of monsters, no matter whether I graduate from next year or next year. ”


There are documents on the bookshelf about monsters that Leonore knows so that everyone can share knowledge. Read and remember it. Leonore smiled that knowledge will continue to be passed on.


“I am proud of their efforts as Abu”


Talking to the father’s compliment, one step ahead was one of the upper ranks of the Knights who were on the foster guardian’s escort instead of the father.


“It’s not just knowledge that their efforts are manifested. The movements of intermediate and lower knights, who follow the instructions and mow the thin branches that jumped out of the attack of the senior knights, are really quick and the collaboration is superb. I think that it was the first time that I could participate in the defeat of Trombe after adulthood. They are really strong. I want you to work hard as it is. “




The knight apprentice received a compliment from the Knights and laughed face-to-face happily. Combined power. I got the result. A smile full of accomplishment.


“Knight apprentices are watching Ditter in other territories while defending Charlotte and Rosemine. Here is Villefried.”


The adoptive father calls upon Villefleet and goes back to the social hall, telling us that he is watching Ditter. I wonder if I wouldn’t be with me, Charlotte laughed with laughter as he watched my foster father and Villefried lead me and returned to the ballroom.


“You don’t have to worry about that, Sister. Because you’re getting used to socializing your brother, then maybe you’re dealing with an offer about my purchase.”


Charlotte took my hand and told me to go to the table. Surrounded by the surroundings and the knight apprentices, it was in a state where no one could really get close.


Charlotte, standing next to me, smiles while looking down at the stadium.


“As the many territories have pointed out, I ’m still raising my rank with the achievement of one of my sisters. Until the situation of Ehrenfest is stable, the ranking has been confirmed. I can’t say that if I can’t change the consciousness of Ehrenfest nobility, I can’t decide where to buy them. “


The other territories have not yet been determined whether Ehrenfest should be treated as a higher territory or whether it would be better to immediately drop the rank. That’s why the courtships offered to Charlotte are so wide.


“… I think it’s necessary to change my mind, but I hope that by the time I graduate, it will be recognized as a higher territory from around.”


That would make it much easier to decide the opponent, Charlotte said. It seems that the opponents who balance with Ehrenfest to a certain extent are good for each other, but the standard to balance is not decided now.


“Hey, Charlotte. The Ehrenfest hasn’t felt so tight. Too far from being neutral, it didn’t need much change, unlike the territory that was defeated and beaten. However, there should be a big change due to the cleaning. ”


I think that the domestic politics is in turmoil as the former Veronicas were cleaned and some people were punished. You must take advantage of the chaos and improve your efficiency and change your consciousness.


“But that story may come back after returning to the territory. Now let’s enjoy the territorial competition, Charlotte.”


“Yes, my sister”


monsters that have never been seen in Ditter have appeared one after another. The territories of the territories were very enjoyable to watch while listening to the correct method of capture by the explanations of the knight apprentices who studied.


As Mr. Cornelius impressed, “Everyone is studying a lot. Did Leonore tell you?”, Leonore was happily angry. It seemed like a couple of lovers who met after a long time, and I thought it was nice to have no Dermuel.


“Speaking of which, did Angelica come to see the growth of the traugot? How was it?”


There are also people who are watching over them with a grudge that they are likely to develop into a love story. How did Traugott appear to Angelica’s eyes, saying, “At least you must be stronger than Cornelius?”


While attracting everyone’s attention, Angelica, who gently put her hand on her cheek, smiled and said, “… I reconfirmed Bonifatius-sama’s strength.” Apparently it doesn’t go as expected.


“This is the end of all the Ditter. Here I would like to perform a ritual by Dunkelfelgar Knights.”


ダ ン Drunkelfelger’s blue cloak rides on the beast and goes down to the stadium all at once, screaming loudly in response to Rufen’s voice. After the students went around the stadium as if they were going around the stadium before starting the ditter, the Dunkelfelgar knights disappeared and jumped off the stadium.


knights line up in a circle around Aub Dunkelferger. You can see that the standing position is completely determined by the movement that you are used to. No one else has started yet, but only Aube Dunkelfelger firmly held the Leidenshaft trap in his right hand. I robbed you from Dunkelferger’s temple and I borrowed it. The reason why the magic stone at the tip is blue even after the dedication ceremony is because it is already filled with magical power.


A don and a spear were struck on the ground, and Aube opened his mouth.


“There are many adult knights who have not learned from Rufen in the aristocracy and do not know the ritual dance. That’s why I decided to demonstrate the ritual by the Dunkelfelgar Knights, let me show you the real rituals and rituals that had gradually changed over time and were supposed to be forgotten! ”


Oh, I looked around the stadium as I was surprised that the voice of wonder was resonating more than expected. Every territory seems to be interested, and most spectators are rushing forward to see Dunkerfelger rituals.


“Normally, it is necessary to perform a ritual the day before to get a blessing, acclimatize the body to multiple blessings, and restore magic power”


If there are a lot of blessings, Ehrenfest’s knight apprentices will not be able to handle their bodies well, and even if they use normal recovery drugs, they will not recover immediately.


“But it is no longer necessary for the Dunkelfelgar knights. The number of ceremonies required to get the blessing is calculated by increasing the number of ceremonies by performing the ritual many times in advance. We were able to reduce the per capita burden. ”


It seems to have made adjustments so that it can be demonstrated even without a recovery drug. It is a surprising insertion. I realized that the first wife wanted to rub me.


“And this is a real sacred instrument borrowed from the temple, a spear of Leidenshaft”


Aub Dunkelfelger said, holding his hand on the Leiden shaft with both hands. I will continue to put magical power as it is. Leidenshaft’s wings were dyed in blue, not just at the tip, and began to wear light that was discharged with bees.


“What, what is that !?”


“Is the temple ritual like that !?”


Listening to the aristocrats who don’t go to the temple or see the sanctuary directly, they can hear a surprise voice in the blue light of the Leiden shaft.


“Power us in the battle!”


screaming with a blue glowing eagle, Aube Dunkelfelger was screaming. At the same time, the knights who had put out the starp changed to “Lanze!” All together.


“I am the person who created the world and prayed and thanked the gods.”


For me, Samurai was once struck by the ground with the words of prayers familiar to me.


“Get power to get victory in my hands. Get the strength of Angrye to beat anyone. Get speed to get victory in my hands. Steiff faster than anyone.” The speed of Elise ”


Rotate the spear while singing and hit the handle against the ground. If you change the trap, the armor part made of magic stone and the metallic sound that collides with it will sound like a beat.


However, the rituals of adults seemed more familiar than apprentices, and they looked quite different even though they were the same. Not only is it all in motion, but it also has the elegance that flows even though it is fierce.




Aube Dunkelfelger raises the Leidenshaft’s kite high, and the surrounding knights lift up all at once, as if they are poking in the heavens.


At the same time, the blue light pillar stood up. The blessing light pours down, and some of it flies somewhere.






















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