After finishing a personal interview with Prince Sigiswald, I explained the common sense of the royal family to the adoptive fathers and told them that the royal family was going to hear this opinion in full surrender. There are a lot of passing, but I don’t want to impose a burden on this, so I can negotiate somehow.


And, to resolve the lack of magical power and seal the complaints of other territories, the royal family sponsored a dedication ceremony on the last day, and as a condition to become a king’s adopter, Ehrenfest and my I told you that I had personal requests.


Of course, I stressed that I insisted on the prince, saying, “Because the right to decide is in Abu, I just give my opinion,” so as not to make a second dance last year. Immediately after the discussion was unsuccessful, the adoptive father was angry with the royal who was moving to get my consent in the underground library and praised me who claimed he had no right to decide.


After that, there was a call again from the royal family, and a meeting was held two days later. As a result, he returned with a very angry face. In the conference room of the dormitory, I have been in a personal interview with my foster father. I was amazed as my foster father struck my cheek with his eyes.


“Now, Rosemine. Will you explain again what the royal family had negotiated with?”


“… Puhi?”


“No! This time, the royal family also had a close discussion to avoid passing each other, but he seems to have given the incredible disrespect to Prince Sigiswald in the underground library?”


に I lean to my father’s words.


“Principal Sigiswald wanted to talk frankly, and he gave me permission in advance because there was no punishment, so I spoke frankly to my adoptive father. It ’s not masculine. ”


“Never negotiate like that. I just told you to be careful because it seems to do the same in the rest.


…… It ’s not masculine.


If I was told to be like an aristocrat, I wouldn’t say that much. I think it’s frankly said that if you follow that, you will complain.


“You say that kind of negotiations, but the dedication ceremony that the royal family is hosting still has no right to make a decision, so I don’t have negotiating negotiations regarding the terms of adoption. When I stated the conditions, I was a little threatened to make sure Ferdinand was saved. “


“Wait a minute! I’m just afraid of being threatened by the royal family just a little while ago. I just felt like that because of the words I missed, Rosemine wasn’t going to do that. “Did you really threaten?”


Adoptive father ate a bubble and said so. It’s bad for a foster father who seems to have desperately defended, but the royal language is not wrong. I threatened with awareness.


“Even though I was worried, no one would be friendly when I went to another territory, and Prince Anastazius told me to do it myself. I wouldn’t be able to ask for it normally, so I just used a method that I couldn’t use otherwise, would it be dismissed at other times? “


“I just passed on my thoughts to the royal family at a great opportunity that I can’t get rid of. If not, I will consider other means.


“You don’t have to think anymore because the royal family is blue enough to go blue.”


“… In other words, has the royal family accepted Ferdinand’s avoidance of concession and improved treatment?”


‘When I looked up at my adoptive father, I looked up at my adoptive father.


“He tells Arlensbach to give Ferdinand a hidden room.”


“Yeah! What happened to other conditions?”


“I accepted most of the conditions …. Thanks to that in a way.”


So, the adoptive father taught me the meeting. The last time it was done using a range-designed eavesdropping witchcraft, but this time it was done using an anti- eavesdropping witchcraft after removing the entourage and the escort knight.


In the strict caution, the center of the discussion between the worn-out royal family and Mr. and Mrs. Aub is the correct condition that I put out. It was a combination of the confirmation of the royal family and the recognition of Ehrenfest.


“When I heard the story, there was a lot of disagreement among the royal families about the treatment of Rosemine.”


The person who gets Glutlis Height is the next Zent, ​​so you should follow Zent’s words completely. Besides preparing for a detached palace. Zent is greeted at the main palace of the Royal Palace, and King Traokvar insists that he should move to the residence.


“That’s why it’s best to consolidate yourself with the noble Erenfest nobility, and your faction seems to have the opinion that you should make it yourself. It was decided to go to the center, but he was surprised to be rejected by Ehrenfest. ”


By the way, as for my marriage, it is natural to use the means of marriage to make my faction, so this is not to say. I need an adoption to get Glutlisheit, so I do it, but I don’t have a mouth or a hand for the rest. It seems that Jurgenschmitt should be led as Zent wants.


“It’s nice to hear, but the rest is the same as being thrown out, right?”


“Prince Sigiswald felt the same way”


It seems that Sigiswald told Traokvar that “Jurgenschmitt cannot be controlled just by getting Glutlisheit”. Originally from Ehrenfest, he has no power and no territorial messenger. What does it mean if you can do politics as you wish for a minor who has only Glutlis Height? It seems that it was impossible to throw it out.


Since I become a royal adoptive and get Glutlith Height, it is best to treat as my wife and use the current political foundation as it is to support the royal family as a backing Apparently there was no confusion. King Traokvar said he did not bend his claim that there was a reason, but it was Zent to decide whether or not to accept it.


“Princess Anastazius seems to have shook his head with these two opinions. Once Grutrisheit is acquired and Zent’s power is gained, Rosemine must have politics. Until then, it was the same opinion as Prince Sigiswald, but after that … “


Adoptive father murmured and glanced at me.


“What? What did Prince Anastazius say?”


“Jurgenschmitt cannot be entrusted to the crazy Rose Mine who grew up in the temple and deviated from the common sense of the nobles. You said that King Traokvar was angry with great force.


“… Prince Anastazius is rude, but not wrong.”


In addition, if it is possible to take up Glutlisheit, let the temple chief in the central temple even to adults, distract the surrounding dissatisfaction with Ehrenfest, and give it to Ehrenfest after adulthood. If you can’t give up Glutlisheit, it is the most peaceful for Jurgenschmitt to hide the Zent who is me and make him the third wife of Sigiswald and keep him in the library except when necessary It seems to have claimed that.


Anastazius’s opinion was that he was beaten by Traokvar, saying that he was too disrespectful to the next Zent with Glutlis Height, and was prohibited from contacting me in the underground library.


“That’s why you said that you’re going to be as convenient as Ehrenfest wanted. But if you’re going to be the next Zent, ​​you’ll have to pay attention to the central budget and state of the treasury. I was very sorry to have been excused from King Traokvar. ”


“Does Erenfest care about the central budget and state of the treasury?”


When I tilted my head, I couldn’t understand, and my adoptive father struck me like annoyed.


“Is it a personal library or a library?”


My library seems to have been overwhelming because the library is too expensive. Compared to the library requested as a marriage requirement, all other requirements are at a level that can be swallowed.


“The result of this discussion was that both parties agreed that they would regret the establishment of the library as all others would be regretted.”


“Oh! That’s terrible! The most important condition that you can’t give up is crushed! My library!”


I screamed with all my power and had a head that had become dull due to lack of oxygen. I talked to Sigiswald so hard that I couldn’t tell you the point.


…… Princess Sigiswald’s idiot!


“Noisy, Rosemine. Zent and Aub’s decision. Obey me, you have told me to follow my decision as an adopted father.”


“Oh yeah! I’m sure!”


…… My idiot at that time!


“Because you are free to enter the Royal Palace Library and other materials rooms, you can’t read books, and it was much more important to have all the other conditions than the library. Give it up, thanks to his ridiculous things, all the requests passed, but the royals were like shells. ”


Sigiswald, who was going to meet with a nobleman in the underground library, will face me in the merchant mode, lose common confidence and talk, and lose his confidence in the royal family seen from others That’s right. And it seems that the royal family who received a report from Sigiswald had a head on how to deal with it.


The dedication ceremony on the final day of the lord meeting is clear in terms of the foundation and reason, and there was a note about the preparation procedure and setup on the day, so the schedule will be difficult, but it can be handled. The profits are great, so it is worth doing a little overdoing. The current situation and requirements of Ehrenfest and Ferdinand’s treatment improvement must be given up. However, it seems that only the library has nothing to do with the library.


“In general, what did you think of asking for a personal library?”


“Eh? Isn’t it natural to have a library in the building where I live?”


The temple of Ehrenfest has a temple library, the castle has a library, and the dormitory has a library corner. In addition, there is My Library, which was inherited from Ferdinand. If it is a detached palace that will live as a royal adoptive, isn’t it natural to have a library?


“Leaving Ehrenfest means that you have to leave the My Library that Ferdinand gave you. Instead of letting go of what I had at Ehrenfest, I wanted a new library. I don’t think I usually think that I have to lower my standard of living to change from a lord’s adoptive to a king’s adoptive … “


+1 In response to my claim, the adoptive father made a voice saying “Ah!”.


“I have a headache where the standard of living is the library, but I decided to have the royal family prepare the room, so take everything from the Ferdinand library”


“Wait a minute. It’s my library, not Ferdinand’s library! I’ve already received it.”


¡Please don’t make a mistake there, and when I said to my adoptive father, I was swaying my hand as if it was extremely difficult.


“I don’t care about that. Don’t ask for an amount of books that devours the national budget.”


“… I didn’t mean to ask for such a thing. Like Ferdinand, it was good to have a book owned by the prince, not a new one. However, it was enough to treat the book that the prince had as a shared property if you became a couple.If you copy the books at the Royal Palace Library, the bookshelves will be filled up. Masashi … “


In my words, the adoptive father shook his head with a amazed face, whispering, “Well … I don’t have this common sense because of Ferdinand.”


“Rose Mine, let me say one thing, I don’t see many ancestors of books like Ferdinand, but I rarely love the rich, personally owned, one-of-a-kind books. There are no books in the library that are purchased and owned by Prince Sigiswald, so if you want to create a new library, you have to buy everything from scratch, which is equivalent to Ferdinand. Jurgenschmitt breaks down financially if he tries to prepare the quantity. “


In the words of adoptive father, I felt that my power was lost from my whole body in shock. In other words, I don’t have any books that I get to the center.


“That’s the worst. I don’t even have a book and call myself a prince! It’s a maiden’s dream, I’m going to break it! I already have two wives but I don’t have a book “Where should I beat the prince who can’t get a marriage after creating a library?”


“What are you talking about, who are you?”


¡I have a face that my adoptive father cannot understand, but it would be important if I was engaged with Sigiswald.


“Even the Villefried brother told me that the bookshelf in the dormitory can be my favorite! No, the real prince doesn’t have a book …. I asked you to leave the shrine, but the conclusion is that you should give up the library … “


Not only the standard of living, but also the quality of the fiance has fallen. What is that. I didn’t think that what I lost to become a king’s adopter was so big.


“I’m disappointed. I’m in a hurry. I was disappointed by Prince Sigiswald”


I felt like I was going to go to the center in a positive way. If you try to take over for a year, you can see that the new library is waiting, but you’re going to do it, but you’ll get out of your motivation.


“I went because I promised Ferdinand-sama’s improvement in treatment and avoidance of joints … I don’t want to go to the center. Huh, I’m leaving my library …”


“Stubborn. Only the room will be prepared and there will be a deposit system for them. I will send you a book made by Ehrenfest.


Adopter says, “It is no different from being at Ehrenfest”, but there is a time lag before the new product arrives. There is no change in the standard of living. Why can’t you understand such an easy thing?


“For now, the story of the library is good. It’s over. Tell others what you’ve decided. Listen carefully because it’s how you swing.”


I thought I wouldn’t end it, but I couldn’t overturn what was decided between the king and Aube when I ate further. I listen to the adoptive father’s words while dropping my shoulders.


“If you have a dedication ceremony as you suggested and you have the magic, you can try to see if King Traokvar and Prince Gigiswald can’t get Glutlisheit over the course of a year. If not, make him adoptive as planned.


I smiled unintentionally at the words of the adopted father. If one of them gets Glutlis Height on their own, what will happen to the conditions so far?


“What happens if I don’t become an adopted woman?”


“Only Ferdinand’s avoidance of concession and a hidden room will be obtained as a translation fee for this underground library, but otherwise it will be calculated. “That ’s what most people expect,” said King Traokvar, who can’t leave it all to make any effort. ”


If it is committed to avoiding Ferdinand’s concession and improving the environment, that’s fine. I don’t want to go to the center, so I want them to work hard.


…… I don’t want to do anything if I suspect poisoning, but I’d like to support you with a mad recovery medicine.


“Because there are various roots, the preparation period is about one year, and the adoption of Ehrenfest and adoption with the king will be carried out around the lord meeting next year. Ehrenfest and the royal family will move in a plan to become a king’s adopter, and will it move? “


I asked the father’s words. You can see that it’s impossible to become a king’s adopter. The secret movement to avoid as much information as possible is good for Ehrenfest, where the information network is cut off. It will be somehow.


“I’m going to do the lord clan’s meeting once I get back to Ehrenfest, out of close proximity, and then think about how far I should go.”


“But I’ll tell you about me and Melchior’s entourage and the people in the temple. I need to think about how to take over and shake. When will I tell Gutenberg and others? I can’t live without a printing studio, whether to transfer technology on a business trip, or to relocate as I do now, but if I’m not ready to accept it, it will only burden them.


I think of the matters to be handed over as I think. The interaction between the temple, Gutenberg and the exclusives is likely to be the center of the year.


“If it can be expected that it will take a burden, it would be good to become a king’s adopter and get ready to accept his craftsman. Don’t rush the work in downtown.” I was struck by him. ”


“That’s right, talk to Benno and decide. You have to talk to the central bureaucracy and send me the materials as soon as possible. Adopter, a friend with Melhior who was rejected before. Can’t you share it with me? ”I am short of the Aristocratic Senior Guard Knights”


If you just go back and forth between the lecture and the dormitory, it’s okay as it is, but if you go to the underground library, you need a senior knight, and I want the education period to Melhior’s aide as long as possible.


“Although it depends on Melchior’s response, it’s okay …. By the way, what do you think of Villefried, whose engagement should be resolved, although the current status is maintained for one year?


Supplied by the adoptive father, Villefried, who was trying not to think as much as possible, emerged.


“… To be honest, I didn’t feel anything about the engagement itself. I didn’t have a sense of distance as a fiance even with my brother and sister, and I didn’t have a lot of contact with them recently. I was disliked if I flew…. Above all, I didn’t do any rituals necessary for engagement. ”


The exchanging of magic stones does not match the color matching that I was going to do when I grew up. Engagement between me and Villefried is just a promise that was approved by the king. For me, it feels like the other party will change from Villefried to Sigiswald. Apart from floating and sinking.


“But I’m not sure what to say about Villefried’s future and position. Villefried, who was raised by Veronica and entered the White Tower, is seen as the next aub. Because it was due to engagement … I think it’s sad that suddenly it became very difficult to become the next aub. The future we had was overturned. “


The adoptive father asked, “That’s right.” It is the face of a father who is worried about the future of Villefried who is not here. I breathe slowly, feeling that I am not in my eyes.


“It ’s not just the brothers Villefried who overturned the plan with the appointment of the king. Together with Ferdinand and I. I had no plans to leave Ehrenfest, but I had to leave and take care of it. You have to let go of things and break up with important people, because Wilfried can be at Ehrenfest, so shouldn’t it be okay if the foster father watches it? ”


“… That’s right”


Then, an invitation from the royal family also arrived at Ehrenfest’s dormitory, and the foster father announced that a dedication ceremony would be held on the last day of the lord meeting. The nobles were happy with the explanation of the adoptive father that they would not be troubled from pushing up from other territories, but there are many nobility who have not participated in the ritual, so try to re-acquire the blessing by participating in the priesthood And when he was asked to participate by his adoptive father, he was surprised.


“Rosmain’s entourage should once again wear blue priest and blue priest costumes to assist and escort”


“I’m smart”


Since there was only a ritual on the day, there was little preparation, and I continued going to the underground library until the last day of the lord meeting.


“A dedication ceremony will be held by the royal family. I heard that it was realized in cooperation with Ehrenfest to respond to the voices of other territories that wanted to know about the gods. 19459002]


At lunch time, Hannerole will tell you that Dunkel Felger is willing to participate in the dedication ceremony.


“Dunkel Ferger was wondering if he would be able to participate in the ritual before and after the Ditter because he was able to obtain blessing”


“It seems that you are interested in other affairs other than Ditter …. You can’t get the blessing of other gods by that god alone?”


It may be rude, but I was a little surprised because I didn’t expect Dunkel Felger to be interested in anything other than Ditter.


…… No, you see. No one feels like a ditter. So I.


According to Hannerole, the bureaucracy and the side service seem to want protection from gods that are a little different.


“It’s great that adults have another chance to get blessing again …. How do you re-acquire intermediate and lower-class aristocrats who don’t usually bring them to the lords’ meeting? My mother was worried about her head. “


Magdalena, who was listening to the story together, said, “I need to adjust that area,” and Hildebrand mourns that he cannot participate in the ritual. It’s the same because Hannerole, a minor, can’t participate.


“There are also plans to include it in lectures at the Aristocratic House, and there is an opinion that it will become a regular study by Klassenburg and Ehrenfest. Wait until you go to the Aristocratic House.”


Hildebrand, soothed by his mother, sharpens his lips with little dissatisfaction, “… it’s slow”.


“Will most territories participate?”


Magdalena asked “Yes” to Hannelore’s question.






「加護の再取得もフェルディナンド様任せにするつもりなのでしょうか? 儀式は最奥の間でなければできませんよね? ご存じないのでしょうか?」










 ……ひいいぃぃぃっ! フェルディナンド様の連座回避、王族を脅迫してでも確約が取れてよかった!


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