I also ran out of my mind. The field of view changed as I came before Ferdinand, but my hand doesn’t appear in the field of vision even if I’m going to reach out, and I can’t touch Ferdinand or Letizia. It feels like you are showing a movie. No matter how much I call, my voice doesn’t seem to be heard by two people, and my presence doesn’t seem to be visible.


Ferdinand took something out of his medicine box and threw it into his mouth, removing a small metal jar containing a special stone. His hands are trembling and sweat is floating on the forehead.


“Tell me this, you can go to Yustoks … early”


Lettizia rushed away when he received a spear with a bright blue face. I think it was probably out of the supply. It disappeared from the range that I could see.


At the moment when Letizia disappeared, Ferdinand threw her body back on the spot. Do not try to get up while lying down or sitting down.


… Ferdinand-sama!


I want to give healing and take medicine, but now I can’t do anything. You may not have noticed what I see. Ferdinand distorted his face in pain.


“Good …”


While leaking a whisper, Ferdinand presses on his chest and holds his clothes. When I looked closely, the chest was pale and shining in rainbow colors, wrapping around Ferdinand’s whole body.


…… My amulet! ?


It is not visible because it is under clothes. However, it is not reasonable to understand that the magical power that shines lightly as if wrapping around Ferdinand is yours.


The whole body is surrounded by a rainbow-colored faint light, and it looks as if the amulet is connecting Ferdinand’s life.


…… Everyone can help, so help Ferdinand soon!


You can only look. I can’t put my hand out. There is no use for it.


“Huh … ha …”


¡Ferdinand keeps holding his chest and repeats short, short breaths. Meanwhile, shoes sounded. At that moment, Ferdinand gets up with his chest reflexively reflected as if played. I managed to bring it into a sitting position, but it seems that my breathing is rough and I don’t seem to have the willingness to remove even the hair stuck on my forehead with sweat.


When I looked back at Ferdinand, Dietrinde wore a silver cloth cloak with a long hem and slowly walked with the sound of shoes and shoes. Obviously there is a Ferdinand that looks strange, but it ’s a way of walking that does n’t look like it. At least it doesn’t seem to worry.


… Why?


¡I had a very bad feeling about Dietrinde who was not surprised or surprised. I was filled with my feelings of premonition, strange convictions, or whether Dietrinde harmed Ferdinand.


…… Do not come over here. Keep away from Ferdinand!


I didn’t make any sense even if I intended to stop in front of Dietrinde to get Ferdinand. Dietlinde passes through me without hitting. I just realized that I wasn’t here.


“Wrong. Leonzio-san told me that it was a poison that would instantly die and become a magic stone, but still alive … Isn’t it possible for me to carry it out?”


Dietrinde looked at Ferdinand in a sitting position and frowned. The deep green eyes are floating with the light of Ferdinand.


…… What did you say now?


“Is it really letitia’s poison? Isn’t it because he seems weak, so he’s avoided direct hits, or was he using an antidote in advance?” Poisoned to Ferdinand “Letizia, and I was planning to discover Ferdinand, who became a magic stone, but what if I didn’t go as planned?”


Dietrinde leans gracefully with his hand on his cheek, saying, “I was having trouble getting it to let Letizia do it.”


“I promised Leonzio that Lanzenave’s magic stone will be returned to Lanzenave, but …”


Lanzenave magic stone. I was amazed by Dietrinde’s gaze and words. It is nothing but a declaration that Ferdinand is not recognized as a person. And I found that the person named Leonzio was from Lanzenave.


“Hey, Ferdinand-sama, wouldn’t you be able to return to Lanzenave as a magic stone before the baptism?” Is it a body that can only be recognized as a magic stone? ”


Dietrinde is looking down at Ferdinand with a clearly victorious face. Ferdinand is desperately trying to hide the painful breathing and appears to be trying to be calm, but it definitely feels like he is trampling on the most untouchable past.


“Isn’t it embarrassed that such a person is my next fiance, Zent? So I want Ferdinand to be gone before the star-knot ritual. He helped guide Letizia … ”


I don’t understand. There was no lord candidate in Ahrensbach, and Ferdinand would have been struggling while being drugged to support Ahrensbach with a kingship. But what do you intend to do with Arlensbach after losing Ferdinand?


“I can’t become the next Zent”


Dietrinde laughed at the ugly Ferdinand words.


“I don’t know Ferdinand, but I already know where Glutlisheit is. I know Leonizio. I got Grtrithheit with Leonzio and I went to Zent. And we will welcome Leonizio to the king, no matter how much you are loved, you cannot live with you. “


Dietrin smiles with a smile full of hope. The raised red lips looked strange to me.


“That is an ab dyed the foundation … to Zent”


“Fooh, not me. My sister dyed the foundation. So now, Aub Ahrensbach is your sister”


Dietrinde laughed with his hand over his mouth as if laughing at Ferdinand, “I will not dye the foundation of Ahrensbach, the next Zent.”


“If I become a Zent, ​​I can remove the current Zent’s king’s orders and return my brother-in-law to a lord candidate. It is also possible to return uncles to a lord candidate Benedicta is also the successor, Ahrensbach is safe. “


Dietrinde’s future map does not include Ferdinand or Letizia’s name. There must be a danger to the body of Letizia. I don’t know how it was guided, but it is decided to be treated as an executioner who poisoned Ferdinand.


“Mom is also getting ready for departure. I don’t know how I want to get a country territory like Ehrenfest … but it’s easier for you if you don’t. I’m waiting for my oldnant “


Georgine, who is waiting for reports of Ferdinand’s death, has irritated anger. Use Lanzenave’s poison, induce Retizia to poison Ferdinand and let Dietrinde confirm life and death. A way that doesn’t pollute your hands at all may be excellent as an aristocrat, but it’s a way to remember only anger.


“If you tell my mother that Letizia has failed to make you a magic stone, you’ll be beaten badly. If you leave it alone, you’re not going to die.”


Talking so, Dietrinde tries to take a bag out of his hand. As soon as he was out of sight, he clenched his teeth and whispered, Ferdinand threw several magic stones on his hips and grabbed Stap.


“Ky !?”


Dietrinde screams while exploding and Ferdinand himself is shocked. However, all attacks by magical power were struck by silver cloth. There seems to have been some impact, but Dietrinde has no injury. The witchcraft that caused a reversal when Ditter with Heishitze seemed to be less effective in front of the silver cloth.


“… Doesn’t work?”


“Wow! How violent?”


取 り 出 し Take out one bag from the bag that Dietlinde put on her waist and put it in her mouth. It looked like a lanzenave cake from Leticia. While licking it, throw another bag of powder to Ferdinand.


…… Stop it!


Ferdinand, who was unable to move his body freely, twisted himself to avoid a direct hit, but could not stop the powder falling on the floor from flirting. Ferdinand’s position collapses. I couldn’t sit in front of Dietrinde, and I sat down. The power that comes out of the hand that grabbed the chest is gradually lost. Only the golden eyes still rub the Dietrinde, but the lips hardly move.


“The instant death poison seems to have been ineffective, but this medicine works. It’s strange.”


While saying that, Dietrinde took out a criminal handcuff to seal Stap. Touching Ferdinand’s wrist as he tries to put it on. Dietrinde’s fingertips were struck by a rainbow of light with a flashy sound.


“Ky !?”


Dietrinde opened his eyes and stared at his hand, squeezed Ferdinand and put his hand on the silver cloak while preventing magic. A stone ring like a magic stone is hung on both wrists and connected by a chain.


“If this regains freedom, there will be no danger to everyone.”


Hun and Dietrinde said, pulling Ferdinand’s hand a little and placing it on the supply magic circle.


“Because it is impossible for me to be able to take out Ferdinand-sama as a weak woman like me, please pour magical powers to the foundation until it runs out of here.


Dietrinde went to the center of the magic circle and bent down and poured magic into the magic circle. The supply magic circle is activated. The magical power will continue to flow into the magic circle until you withdraw your hand.


“How long will it take for my magical power to be depleted? It would be nice to have Glutliss Height by then …”


デ ィ ー Dietrinde came out with a clear face like a big job.


Even if Dietrinde disappears, the magic team does not stop. Inhales the magical power of Ferdinand and keeps moving. I found it flowing from the amulet magic I gave Ferdinand. The rainbow-colored light that wrapped Ferdinand gradually faded away.


The emotions disappeared from Ferdinand’s thin golden eyes, who had been fond of Dietrinde. There is no anger or hatred.


At the same time, my view returned to the original meeting of the lords.


“… Don’t give up there!”


“What happened to Rosemine ?! If I thought it was shining in a rainbow, it wasn’t moving at all.”


It seems that it was because of everyone gathering around me and being worried. But that doesn’t matter. It is more important to go to help Ferdinand.


“Father, Ferdinand-sama! Ferdinand-sama fell to poison in Ahrensbach. Georgine-sama manipulated it, received poison, and fallen to the powder.”



While moving my mouth as I thought, my body stood up to help me. I tried to walk towards the door, but I was surrounded by everyone and I couldn’t move because my foster father grabbed my arm.


“Please leave me, adopted father!”


“Relax! I don’t know at all in that explanation. What happened to Ferdinand’s poison? How can I be helped, is it true?”


My shoulders were pushed back to sit down and I was forced to sit back halfway. After that, I was asked questions one after another to explain the scene I saw. Not just adoptive father. I was asked by my foster mother, my brothers, and my grandfather. As you can see, we need a collaborator. I explained my desire to go to help quickly.


“That means that Georgeine will come soon. We must urgently take measures.”


“Grandpa !? Now Ferdinand, not Georgine …”


“I can’t help the dying Ferdinand by poisoning the supply of other territories. Give up, Rosemine. Erlenfest’s lord candidate should prioritize protecting the foundation of Ehrenfest. It ’s not. ”


Grandfather said, looking down at me with severe blue eyes.


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