

It seems that the magic circles that are in operation continue to be sucked by the magic, and you can see Ferdinand in a face down state. You must end the magic supply by moving away from the top of the magic circle. When I rushed down and placed the medicine box, I strengthened my body and turned Ferdinand’s body upside down from the prone, and put my hand on the side and pulled it to the side of the wall without the magic team.


“This may have helped me when I grew up … There is a limit to how much I can strengthen my child’s physique.”


Thanks to Arnvax, the god of nurturing, I asked him to be a little bigger and confirmed his breathing. Since breathing seems to be normal, take a medicine box after taking a recovery position to lie sideways.


“Well, if you don’t have consciousness, start with Jureve …”


As explained in Yustoks, pour Juleve using a device like a mouthpiece to let an unconscious person drink. As you can see from the fact that I was soaked for two years and unraveled the block of magical power, if you were eating poison that would instantly die and turn into a magic stone, it would be most effective.


Although I have been taking medication when I am unconscious many times, it is my first time to be someone else. Pour Jureve into the mouth with tension.


…… It should be easy to dissolve as soon as a lump is formed. Good luck, Jureve.


Considering such a thing, he heals the healing of Fruthrene and Lungsumer. Hope it can be used to alleviate or recover from poisoning.


“Next is an antidote”


I pushed a cloth with antidote into my mouth just like I had been made Ferdinand. It seems that if the paralysis of the tongue is alleviated, breathing will be easier and medicine will be easier to take.


…… Ah. Did n’t your mouth move a little?


While observing, a subtle movement was seen. Pull out the cloth once, add antidote once again and plung it into your mouth. I felt my mouth moved slightly and my breathing was a little shallower.


When I pull out the cloth again, this time I will pour the irritating medicine into the mouth little by little with something like a dropper. When you wake up, your mouth fills with a terrible taste, but you can restore both magical power and physical strength. Immediately after I thought it was okay, Ferdinand began to cry hard.


… Why! ? Something failed! ?


When I got up, I had a lot of experience so far in my mouth, but I was drunk when I was unconscious and never sung. It seems that my way was bad.


“I’m sorry, I’m sorry! This shouldn’t be!”


When I looked into Ferdinand’s painful coughing and rubbed her back, I suddenly grabbed my arm.




The arm is pulled at a speed that can not afford to think that the consciousness has returned, and the position is reversed. While I was blinking without knowing what happened, I was pushed down by Ferdinand, who had never been conscious before, grabbed both wrists, and I was struggling with weight. A chain of handrails connecting Ferdinand’s wrists bites into the neck.


“Who are you?”


From the painful breathing between breathing breaths and from a grimly narrowed look to see those who can’t understand, it turned out that Ferdinand could not recognize me as Rosemine. While I feel stuffy in the chain, I call myself desperately to shout “I’m Rosemine!”


…… Suddenly it grew, but I understand! ** Please stop putting your hands in your hands! Because it hurts when I hit the chain!


“… Rose, Mine?”


Ferdinand, who was silent for a while and looked down at me, struck the sound of the chain and lifted one hand slightly.


“… not possible. Rosemine is about this size”


“What does it mean ?! It was such a size as a stuffed toy, once I met it … ever before?”


When I took a lot of power with an objection, I ended up pushing myself into the chain. The momentum seems a bit too strong and it is so painful that I’m about to die. When I was coughing with Gehogoho, Ferdinand slowly woke up and retreated from above as I fell sideways. The agile movement just seemed completely irritated, so I lay down on my body and looked at me with a close eye.


“… Are you really stupid?”


“Wow … I really think so for now. Don’t say it in such a timid tone as I have a good sense.”


This is the first conversation after recovery. I think that there are words that are more appropriate for a reunion after a long time, such as moving words of appreciation, words of compliment for me who worked hard.


“It’s not just a little … but I see. You’re definitely Rosemine. You’re the only one who makes me so ridiculous and stupid when I’m strangled with chains.” I only know “


I stood up quietly, saying, “I am happy to understand.” If you are conscious of this, you will be able to take your own medicine.


“What kind of medicine do you need? Hmm? Please wait … uh …? Did you strangle because you were struggling with your chain?”


When I looked back with my hands on the medicine box, Ferdinand looked really disgusting.


“… Did you really realize it?”


“No, I knew I was guarded by Ferdinand. I thought I wouldn’t understand because I grew up, but at least I gave Juleve and an antidote, I didn’t think it would be done “


When I inflated my cheek, “No matter how bad,” he said, “I am terrible, you”.


“I don’t dare say anyone, but there are some idiots who commanded me to live without choosing any means after taking the name of someone else. Otherwise, the body seems to have moved in the middle ”


“Yeah? Isn’t it strange that the behavior of a drowned person who was ordered to choose a way to live would eliminate the enemy?” I think it ’s the right behavior. ”


‘I said so, Ferdinand wandered a little bit and said,“ I thought I was poisoned. ”


…… Oh, I understand. Understand. It’s a murderous taste that isn’t funny even if it’s a serious poison recovery drug.


However, if I took a drastic recovery drug and misunderstood it as a poison, wouldn’t it be the person who made it, not me?


“In other words, isn’t Ferdinand’s self-assurance completely!”


“If you say that, I didn’t order you to stop it, and I didn’t tell you to stop it, so it was only your own self-confidence that I was strangled and killed … Huh. Please give me a quick medicine because I don’t care about questions and answers like that. “


“Did you become a demon?”


“I’m not deceived. I’m just talking about what you should do now.”


…… This is as soon as consciousness is back! !


“The body still doesn’t move freely. First of all, it’s an antidote. When you’re finished taking the medicine, do something with this. Next, it’s inconvenient and useless that you can’t use it.”


Ferdinand gives instructions one after another while lying down without much force.


Now, I’m taking the name of Ferdinand and I should be the Lord, but I’ll prepare the medicine as it is told while sharpening my lips, and drink it little by little while watching the situation.


“Since Ferdinand cannot move at all, his mouth is just as usual.”


“Maybe you just move your mouth because you have included an antidote …. And if you’re going to complain to me, do something about that loose face. I’m not sure if I ’m complaining or I ’m happy. ”


When I pressed down the face pointed out by Ferdinand, I realized that it was indeed a very faint face. I try to squeeze it and tighten it, but it doesn’t seem to be fixed at all.


“I’m glad that Ferdinand was able to recover to the point where I was hated and I couldn’t manage my face.”


¡Laughterly laughing at the emotion, Ferdinand blinked several times and then closed his eyes and made his mouth open.


“… You are absolutely”


“Are you shy?”


“I’m not shy”


When I poke my cheeks, Ferdinand’s arm stopped halfway up and was lowered without going up to the end. Ferdinand, who exhaled in vain, glares at me.


“Please remember when you can move”


“Yes. Once you are able to move, you can stroke your head very well and give up, you can just squeeze it, and you can pinch your cheeks.” [19459002 ]


While looking into Ferdinand, try to line up your hopes and things that are likely to be recovered.


“… So be ready to move fast”


My tears fell. I think the tension is also relaxed. I think there is a sense of security that I had a love-free interaction with Ferdinand. But the biggest is the feeling that it was good to live. I can’t stop tears overflowing without permission.


“… Do not cry”


The Ferdinand’s arm that said so raised again, stopped halfway and dropped again. A frowned Ferdinand gripped his fist in annoyed manner.


“In general, you didn’t have to come to help me. I should have told you just to tell Justoks, why are you here?” How did you come here? “


My tears stopped in the words. I think this is a great effect if you say it to stop me crying, but Ferdinand is definitely saying it.


“I didn’t think Ferdinand-sama’s memory was so bad. I should have threatened that much …”


“I was threatened, but the situation has changed. What are you angry about?”


…… I don’t really understand this person.


“I’m angry! If I don’t make Ferdinand happy, what would I say if I turn to the enemy to go for help! Is Ferdinand calling me?” ]

“I don’t remember calling”


ん で Grabbing Ferdinand’s face, looking away from her eyes, staring at the golden eyes that seemed to have escaped.


“I remember being called, because I saw Ferdinand’s situation. When Lutz saw my critical situation in the same way, I was faced with the fear of my death. It was when I called Lutz desperately, so Ferdinand-sama called me this time because if I wasn’t called, I wasn’t ready because I wasn’t ready enough. “


“I understand. I know, please leave a little. Too close.”


When I was talking about what Ferdinand called, Ferdinand, who says things like “close face”, often tells Gon, using a distance that is too close. Ferdinand, who was in pain, groaned me with a compliment.


“… Is it not you who created a better situation if you didn’t come”




“I wouldn’t answer this question, would you have run away without caution and nothing, get a book of Mestionola, and have Ervelmin ordered me to turn me off?


Favored by Ferdinand, I also swallow Ferdinand.


“I was ordered, but what is it? I refused to Ervermin himself”


“Wait. Jurgenschmitt will collapse unless one sacrifices to complete the book of Mestionola, but what are you going to do?”


“Eh? It wouldn’t make sense if Jurgenschmitt helped if Ferdinand-sama couldn’t help,”


When I tilted my head as to what I was saying, Ferdinand saw me with a startling face.


“What are you talking about, you?” Then it sounds like choosing me over Jurgenschmitt. Choose your language … “


“Grand territory, center, royal family, gods … Didn’t you tell me what you would turn to the enemy?”


“… The last gods are first ears”


Ferdinand, who said so with a stunning face, collapsed on the spot. It is proof that it has become easier to lie down and change posture. I smiled while observing the recovery.


“Oh, did you hear for the first time? Excuse me, but that’s why, let’s think about how to complete the Mestionola’s book in a safe way for both of us.”


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