The moment the tight eyes were closed, the sense of equilibrium became strange. The body is tilted and caught in a strange floating feeling. Immediately after, he was drawn and beaten with a loud voice, “Don’t be foolish, stupid.” It ’s Ferdinand ’s voice. For the time being, I decided to cling to the arm that caught me.


Good! The moment I thought, it fell down. It seemed like it fell off the bed sensuously, and it wasn’t too high. However, because I was completely lost because of the floating feeling, I hit my whole body. In Ferdinand’s armor.


“Wow !?”


When I opened my eyes, I could only see Ferdinand’s armor. Apparently I fell on Ferdinand.


“Now …”


“Don’t be timid, just step back!”


I was told so in a harsh voice, and I was overturned. Wow? While thinking, the top and bottom were swapped, and Ferdinand quickly moved up and stood up. Immediately has a start.


…… Even though I wanted to draw from myself, I was really unreasonable!


 Pulled, dropped, rolled, crammed. When we got up with the feeling that the brain was shaken, we were in the garden of the beginning. In the middle of the white stone-paved round garden, there is an air vermin instead of a large white tree. Judging from the depth of the eyebrows between the eyebrows and the magical power that rises, it doesn’t look good.


…… Airvermin-sama, are you really grumpy? What happened?


When I tilted my head while looking at Airvermeen, I was surprised at the edge of my vision. There seems to be Gervasio. Just like us, it seems like it has fallen down and you can see it getting up.


I looked around the garden. Ferdinand is ready to fight with Stapl, Gervazio who heads to Airvermeen, and Airvermeen is jealous of my three people who are trying to hold their heads down and feel uncomfortable.


“What are the qualifications doing when the foundation of Jürgenschmitt must be filled with magical power as soon as possible?”


Apparently Ervermeen called us to complain and materialized. It may be because we can’t talk with the white wood.


“Quinta, despite having jumped in an insane way, gave him the wisdom of Mestionola. But instead of coming back to supplement the wisdom, he dyed it at all. I didn’t show any sign.I thought that it was finally coming again, and it was a different person, and that person ordered to kill one and complete the book of Mestionola. If I was relieved to see it, the light of wisdom was interrupted and I wasn’t obstructed to go to the cornerstone, why did I get in the way, Quinta, I don’t know that Jurgenschmitt’s collapse is imminent!


Most of Ervermin’s anger seems to be directed to Ferdinand. I’m also angry with a wave of anger, but I think it’s still indistinguishable by magical power, as it alternates with Ferdinand.


Ferdinand, who is angry with the former god, began to investigate by transforming “Glutlisheit” and Staap with a plain face.


“Ervermin says that the collapse is imminent, but Rosemine has poured magical power into the border gate, so it has about 20 years before it collapses. Airver has watched over Jürgenschmitt here. It may be a short time for me to blink, but for us we have more time than a child is born and grows up. “


“Is that so? Surprisingly enough, do you see that in Ferdinand’s Mestionola’s book?”


Show me, when I get up and stop by, I’m in front of my van! The book of Mestionola was swiftly closed.


“Would you please show me! Ferdinand-sama!”


“I confirm one thing, but are you seeing the current situation?”


I compare Ervermeen, who is standing angry with standing up, and Gervagio who is whispering. I knew it wasn’t possible for the chief to read.


“I see it, but I don’t want to miss the opportunity to read at any time!”


“I see. I understand. It’s in the way. Go down.”


He was struck with a forehead and pointed at his chin to go down.


“Due to Gervasio, we’ve already lost dozens. We can’t have Zent as a person from Lanzenave who collapses Jurgenschmidt.”


“I don’t know the reason of such a person. Jürgenschmitt is a place to hide those chased by Evilive. My land of atonement. The collapse of Jürgenschmitt must be avoided. Waiting too long, the birth of a new Zent will not be disturbed. Those who are not willing to dye the foundation will disappear quickly. “


Airvermin slowly raises his arm. The fingertip was pointed at this place.


The moment when Ferdinand, who took a breath, stood in front of me and shouted “Gettilt!”, A mass of magical power flew like Ferdinand’s all-out attack.


“Ky !?”


Ferdinand’s shield was played with a hard sound, and three amulets on the arm were played at once. It’s a magical amount that is very different from the ones that have been hostile. I felt blood immediately.


“Go, Terza, meet the cornerstone of Jürgenschmitt”


Gervazio, who received instructions from Airvermeen, stands up quietly. “Telza” must be a young name like “Quinta”.


“Ryuken water gun”


Ferdinand stood up and immediately shot Gervagio, who turned his back. Gervazio, who had lost his talisman in the battle on the altar, shot his thighs and fell down with a whisper as if they were killed.


“I should have told you not to disturb me, Quinta”


“I don’t know what the person who said you didn’t know the reason. I made a new zent, abolished the royal family, revived prayer, and in the next generation, sent a zent from someone who could get the scriptures on their own. I want you to choose it. Do n’t get in the way ”


Ervermin, who was facing Gervasio, moved his finger. When I jumped in front of Ferdinand, I chanted “Finsunghan” with all my magic, and widened my dark cloak to protect Ferdinand and myself.


Absorbs the magical power attack of Airvermin, and a large amount of magical power flows into you at once. Even the vast amount of magic power used by Vaschen that looked like a huge washing machine in the auditorium quickly recovered.


…… Dangerous! Overflowing! ?


I started compressing magic power in a hurry, but the amount of magic power that flowed in was too large to be compressed in time. I was struck by the pain of being filled with heat and trapped by the swirling heat vortex. I miss the feeling of being eaten by the heat of eating, but I never wanted to experience it again.


… hot. painful. who…….


“Do not try to collect! Release, Rosemine!”


…… Help, God!


The magic power jumped out of both hands raised, and I set up a pillar of light in the garden of the beginning. I don’t know if it was a prayer. However, as if it had responded to my magical power, the light shined down from the hole in the ceiling.


A woman with a look similar to herself was smiling in a field where only light was present. The hair that looks like the night sky, the golden eyes like the moon, and the frightening face look like you looked in the mirror after growing up.


“I was very happy with Arnvax, but it’s really similar. If you’re eating, you’ll be familiar with magic, so please lend me your body for a while.”


The voice is clear and soft. I don’t know if the words are completely different or what they are saying, but it feels like I’m listening to simultaneous interpretation as if I’m talking directly to my words.


“No? Borrow a body …?”


“Oh, would you be asking for help? I’ll stop Airvermeen. If you leave him alone, he’s dangerous.”


She leaned her head against her cheek while saying “I was in trouble”. I don’t know who it is, but if you stop Airvermeen, you can’t beat it. As expected, ex-god. The amount of magic is different. I can’t beat it very much.


“… but lend me a body …”


I’m scared of anything. There are too many anxiety factors about whether I will really return or what to do during that time.


“I can’t stay down forever, and you’ll have to wait in a comfortable place”


The moment I moved my arm, it became a library.


Floor to ceiling books, books, books. A bookshelf, even if you look over there. It’s not just a fascinating bookshelf, but books are stored in everything. Overwhelmed by the number of books I have never seen in the library of the Aristocrat as well as the Aristocratic Library, I lose my words and look around. There are chairs and writing desks that seem to be comfortable for reading books, and there is a desk suitable for writing, so you can read as much as you want.


“Wow …”


It’s like a library that I thought of at the place where I met Golden Smir in order to get a book of Mestionola. The moment I thought so, I remembered that the library was an illusion to judge the thoughts of those who entered.


“… Isn’t this a library with a picture on the wall?”


“No, this is a library full of my wisdom. You can read any book. Please wait here while I borrow your body.”


When she said that and waved, Golden Schmir brought a book. I sit here and read, so I have a book in front of a chair near me.


“Iyafu! Lend as much as you can! Pray to the goddess of wisdom, Mestionola!”


When I gave a prayer, I rushed to Golden Smir.


A chair like a one-seat sofa is much more comfortable than my chair with a mattress. The touch of the cloth is soft and feels warm.


After confirming that I sat down, Golden Schmir handed me a book. Maybe in Jürgenschmitt it is decided that Schmir works in the library?


I open a book while thinking of that. The book is written in a very old era and seems to contain stories about God.


… There was a similar story in the scriptures and books borrowed from Dunkelferger.


I follow the letters while having fun. The first story was the story of the fairy tale of the sea.


Although we received a courtship from two gods, Fairfurreme did not accept either of them. However, either of them is a genus of the fire god.


As a result of the enthusiasm involving the surrounding gods, when Fair Furumere broke down, he was married to the winner of the two. First, the winners must be decided, and the two gods began to fight with various gods.


フ ェ ア If you had a broken heart, Fairfurémeer, who was prepared to leave it until he was able to create a favorite partner, was a big battle unexpectedly from other goddesses. Be informed.


Fair-Furumeare rushed to the battlefield and used his power as a god to calm the heat of everyone. Since then, when the fire genus began to fight, the fair furremeer was called.


… Isn’t this the story that served as the basis for the Dunkel Ferger ritual?


It seems that it is very difficult for the Fair Furreme to be called not only by Dunkel Ferger but also by the gods. I sympathize with the fair fumemeer that is called every time a conflict occurs, and I read the following story. Next was Eugelize’s heartless love story.


“It’s over. Please give me the next book.”


I enjoyed reading the third book and asked Golden Smir for the next book. It was a story about Libesque Hilfe who steals Dreffangoa’s eyes and steals the thread of destiny and mischievously retaliates for being mischievous. Ribescuhilfe’s hair is mixed into the thread of destiny, and Ribescuhilfe is unaware of it and connects himself with a human man.


“What are you talking about next? Ufufun, Fufu ……”


When I was waiting for Golden Schmir to come back in a floating mood, I heard Ferdinand’s voice calling directly to the brain, “Rozemine”. With a low voice that seems like the mood is hitting the bottom of the ground, the floating mood disappeared in an instant.


“Uhy !? What is it?”


I looked around while holding my ears, but no Ferdinand was seen anywhere. It’s just a nice space surrounded by bookshelves.


“Did you finally hear it … Go back quickly, Rosemine. Otherwise, your important things will disappear in sequence.”


The voice with plenty of anger is serious. If you don’t come back right now, you will be in trouble because of the wrath of the Demon King.


“Gee! Please return your body! Ferdinand-sama is angry!”


“… I have been calling for a long time”


The library disappeared from my sight immediately after I heard her voice with a feeling of being amazed and tired. Instead, it was Ferdinand’s face. It’s close to mess. There is a worried gaze that seems to be clogged up in close proximity.


Surprised by a completely different expression from the angry voice that reverberated earlier, as soon as I blinked and opened my mouth, I worried that it was reflected in Ferdinand’s thin golden eyes The color disappeared and became a mixture of anger and anger. At the same time, something held in my hand disappears.


“… Is that Rosemine?”




“Please reply properly”


As I say, it is not bad for me to be a fool. I just couldn’t answer properly because Ferdinand was cheeked.


“Henakure Hana Hirakura is now”


“I don’t know what you are saying”


…… Mr. Ferdinand today, seriously unreasonable!


“There is a lack of learning ability, Rosemine”




Listening to the preaching entrusted to anger, I want you to release your hand on your cheek. I dab my hand on my cheek. Ferdinand made a good effort and then let go of his hand. However, the distance between the faces is not far away. I want to keep a little distance from the angry sermon, but it seems unforgivable.


“You were charged with the temple head by assaulting the temple library, and you were involved in the royal family by running out of magic at the Aristocracy’s library. Every time you are deprived of consciousness, trouble is happening. ”


The troubles that happened around me were not related to the library. Don’t blame the library. However, I know well from experience that if you refute, your sermon will multiply. I decided to ask and listen for the time being.


“Nevertheless, this idiot is thinking about rushing into Mestionola’s library at the expense of his body”


“That was the Mestionola’s library. It was amazing. It was a book, a book, a book paradise. There was so much that I could die anymore … I think there are a lot of research-related books, and Ferdinand will see how wonderful it will be if you go there once, so let ’s go together next time. ”


Favoring my anger, when I invited you to the library of Mestionola, Ferdinand dragged my cheek for a moment.


“Well, it’s a very innovative invitation to go to a much higher place. Wasn’t there a long-lasting near-death experience?”


…… Much higher! ?


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