I decided to help my children, but there is little I can do when I get home. After discussing with Lutz and Franc, for the time being, I decided to sneak in with the word “life cherished”.


[I didn’t know how much the children there could digest, so I decided to make a fluffy bread cake by putting the bread into the supernatant of the soup, and let the gill insert it from the back door.


Fran said that if Fran took the grace of God from the front and Gill secretly took it from the back, he would probably be able to feed small children without being noticed.


“Gill was the most concerned and should take the initiative”


“Tell me that I’ll do one of my clothes and use it for dirty work.”


This is all I can do today, but I feel a little lighter just to think that the children won’t starve to die tonight.


わ た し Unlike me who relaxes, Fran tightens his expression and stares at me.


“Mine, the temple head is likely to be reluctant to save orphans, so watch out for Delia.”


“… Is the priest good?”


I think that not only the temple head but also the head of the priest are quite disappointing, what do you think of that?


“I would like to talk to the chief priest because the priest is the same as the chief priest who was angry about the orphanage treatment and the treatment of the priestess.”


“Huh? I didn’t think so?”


When I tilted my head, Fran looked a little surprised and then looked down with an irresponsible face.


“Have you heard Delia’s words? The temple head is stronger, and the head of the priest hides the truth deeply so that he can’t take a lift, so it’s very hard to understand. But I feel frustrated with the current temple. “


“… I don’t know at all”


Listening to that discussion, do you know that the chief is feeling frustrated? Can Franc hear the voice of his heart?


When I twisted my head without understanding, Lutz lightly gave up his shoulder.


“There is no report to the priest that he doesn’t communicate with Mine”


“That’s right. Mine has to study the nobility of the aristocrat.”


Listening to a bad child, the warm eyes of two people were very painful.


Securing Gill for a few days, I discussed with Franc and the two how to report to the priest. We heard Lutz’s opinion and talked to Mine Kobo, so Benno, who had an unpleasant face saying, “Troublesome things” was also involved.


I wanted to get permission from the chief priest and challenge the reform of the orphanage as soon as possible, but I was angry with Benno.


“Don’t hit a straight line! Even if you’re an aristocratic partner, even if it seems troublesome in a detour, it’s necessary to prepare and take root! Rather, that will determine everything. “Nazo!”


“That’s what Benno says. Mine always takes action as soon as he decides, but if there is an important story, he should communicate some information and requests in advance and make a reservation for the meeting. You don’t need to be rushed to talk to the nobility, take as much time as possible and prepare yourself under the water for your advantage. “


I was surprised by the state of the orphans and directly appealed to the chief priest, but I made many places because I asked him to do so, but he was fooled by Franc because it was a violation of manners. He says that he is unable to prepare for the reception and information transfer.


“This is a good opportunity. Mine, please take a close look at appointments and arrangements with nobles, etc. You will need them in the future.”


As a result of various discussions, first of all, I was appointed as the director of an orphanage and decided to use the assets of Mine Kobo to make a reform called the workshop maintenance.


Thorough cleaning of orphanages by washing children before baptism. Then, the basement of the men’s building is set up as a workshop, and cocoons are installed and tools are brought in so that it can be used for cooking and paper making.


Employees in the orphanage are grouped into paper-making / forest collection groups, orphanage housework groups, and temple work groups. . Then ask for hope and regroup. Freedom of occupation selection.


Require clothes and tools to be washed out and purchased through Benno.


To make the money, I asked Lutz and Ralph to make a wooden hanger. A hanger with a shape that I know, taking care of the rounded shoulders. “I don’t hurt my clothes more than the cross hangers I saw at a thrift store,” Benno glared and ate.


Thank you very much.


“What is the final purpose of the Mine Kobo Orphanage Branch?”


Benno asks me while watching me. If you don’t answer here, you will get angry again.


“Securing the cost of living in an orphanage. I hope I can earn my own shortages with the grace of God and buy the food I need.”


“Is food all right?”


“Since most of what is necessary for life is given by the temple, I think that it would be enough if there was a profit for food expenses”


When answering Benno’s question, Rutz began writing down the price of paper and the price needed for food.


“… I think it’s surprisingly easy if you only have food expenses”


Lutz told me that if he had no money, he would collect it in the forest, but considering the size of the orphanage, he couldn’t collect so much from the forest for a long time. If you know that you will be able to make money as a workshop, you can get the cost of food to get on track from the cost of the workshop.


“If Mine gives money, isn’t there any meaning to remind you to collect?”


“I just want to learn how to collect paper in the forest as I make paper. If I know, I’ll be able to eat something before I hunger and die. If I don’t know, I might collect poisonous mushrooms like me.” No “


“Mine had a high rate of poisonous mushrooms …”


franc confessed to the priest secretly after talking to a certain extent, and unofficially became the director of the orphanage and accepted the consent for the Mine Kobo Orphanage branch. On top of that, he also made a reservation to talk to me publicly.


When officially seeking a meeting, I had to ask in writing a few days ago, so I was taught the format and wrote a letter.


…… Noble, troublesome.


By the time the invitation arrived from the chief, the physical condition of the children was getting better thanks to Gill’s enthusiasm. He received a report that his appetite came out and he was able to eat a little solid food besides soup, and his movement gradually became active. While cleaning a room full of feces and urine, they seem to be in good health, even if they are washed.


After the three bells designated by the priest rang, I went to the priest’s room with Franc. In my room, Gil and Lutz are ready to move.


“Thank you for your time, Priestess”


“You? … come here”


It seemed that people had already been paid, and there was only Arnaud in the room of the priest. If you go to the office desk as usual, the priest heads towards the bed on the other side.


“Principal !?”


Arnaud was surprised. Franc also has a rounded eye. I keep following the priest without understanding.


The priest dismissed the tent of the bed, and beckoned me. Beyond the bed? When I approached while tilting my head, I saw another door over the tent.


“Talk with you here”


As soon as the priestess held his hand over the door as if it were to be recognized by a fingerprint, a magical glowing bluish surface emerged, and the ring jewel attached to the middle finger of the priest shined red. The red light of the ring goes around the magic circle, and the light stops.


“There is no side service here. Mine, come.”


Opening the door with Katya, the priest goes into the room without Arnaud tangling. I looked into the dark room and became anxious for a moment and looked back at Fran. Franc urged me by whispering small.


“I’m sorry,”


At the moment when I entered inside and the door closed, a window appeared in a dark room and dazzling light entered. A window appeared as if the shutter was open.


“Wow !?”


When you hold your eyes and wait until your eyes get used to, you will hear the priest moving slowly. When I opened my eyes slowly, the dark room was like a university lab.


Scrolls and parchment materials are scattered on desks and shelves, and several books are stacked. Although I have never seen it, some sort of science experiment tool was on the shelf. There was a chaise longue in the corner of the room, or there were scattered materials.


It was a complete private space for the priest, unlike the usual room, neatly arranged by the side.


“This is not allowed unless there is more than a certain amount of magic. There will be no one else in the current temple other than you. It’s just good for secret talks.”


“It’s a great hidden room. It feels like a magic crystal …”


The priest looked at me as he slammed away the materials that were piled up on the chaise longue.


“… Is it also in your room?”


“Is that so? I knew it for the first time”


The tent of the bed has never been rejected, and the bed has a frame but no futon. It may be better to keep a futon in case of a fall.


“You have to register magic at the door, so you may not use it.”


“Magic registration?”


“I don’t care about that. Let’s get into the subject. Sit there.”


Discontinuing the story, the chief priest pointed at the chaise longue. I take the chair at the desk and sit down.


The face that was lifted up was not an expressionless expression that felt the same feeling as Fran, but a difficult face with a sharp crease between the eyebrows.


…… This is a sermon?


I have been beaten by Franc for the past few days and realized today’s requirements. Perhaps we use this because it is preached at a better level if it is not shown to the side serving. Even if he asks Fran for help, there are only two people in this room and no one can help.


“Oh, that priest, why are we talking here?”


“It was because of Fran’s recommendation that it was useless to ask you for an aristocratic and eclectic phrase”


Jiri and the chief mourn me. It is a type of face that has an expressionless and slightly cold impression, so it is very scary to have a grumpy face with an eyebrows between the eyebrows. Unlike Benno, which drops thunder, it is an angry way of generating cold air that freezes from your feet.


“Actually, you were talking about the other day without thinking about anything that was quite important or awkward. There was a side of the temple head that was visited there because of errands. Did you realize? ”


“I didn’t notice at all”


“I don’t seem to understand that this was a life-shrinking conversation, such as condemning the actions of the temple chief in a place where the temple chief served, …”


“… I’m sorry”


I thought I would ask the uncle who knows even a little, but it was only to condemn the way of the temple chief. It seems that he was cooling his liver.


“At least remember the face and name of the blue priest, and then the side-served face. What do you do without knowing who you have to be wary of? You are too detoured.”


The face of the confessed Priest is similar to the face that Benno shows. I seem to be scolded wherever I go.


“… Mr. Benno is often told that he has no thoughts”


“Speaking of which, I told you that there was no vigilance or that I wouldn’t be disciplined if I was deceived. I fully agree with Benno’s opinion. You have to learn and remember the way of the nobility “




The priest’s opinion was completely worried about my position. As Fran said, the truth was too hidden and I didn’t understand, but the chief secretary seems to protect me from the temple head.


“You don’t feel like taking out this hidden intention and you don’t seem to hide any opinion straight, but this is fatal in aristocratic societies. It ’s flat, I do n’t know if this is what I want to do, so I decided it ’s best to use it when you ’re talking about something you do n’t want to hear. ”


“I’m really sorry”


It seems that I decided to talk here because I couldn’t communicate with me unless the chief told me. Sorry for the inconvenience, but it is helpful to be able to talk with your stomach.


“Fran contacted you, but you seem to have decided that you want to become the director of an orphanage?” At that time, you said you weren’t responsible, but are you all right? “


I stretched my back straight as I looked straight into my eyes with a strong light that sought to my inner soul. I decided to help, but only my determination. I wanted to convey just the motivation, and looked straight ahead.


“To be honest, I’m still afraid of being responsible. But I can’t leave it, so I’d like to help if I can help.”


“Fum. If you are prepared, you don’t mind”


Permission is granted, and I see the priestess as if I had a shoulder open.


“Are you okay?”


“Isn’t it informally given an acknowledgment through the franc?”


“I heard that, but I was surprised because it was so different from the previous discussion …”


“If you make a song, it won’t be communicated, so there’s no choice”


“Oh, sorry.”


I don’t know how many times I apologize, but the chief brought several sheets of paper. I looked at it and looked at me.


“I’ve heard from Franc, but I don’t get the point. It seems that Franc isn’t completely understood. He told me that the story goes on with merchant-specific phrases and tacit understanding. Describe what you intend to do when you take office. ”


I explain what I had with everyone.


“Orphanage is set to Mine workshop. First, improve the nutritional status of the children who will be workers and clean up the orphanage, which is the workshop, and install work tools. Then improve the nutritional status. I think I will be able to cook on my own, so if I can make soup alone, I think I can improve the nutritional status along with the grace of God. “


“I see. What does it mean to take care of all this orphanage?”


The priest stared at me.


“… If I serve on my side, I can go out of the temple as an angel.”


“Please stop for that reason. When the blue color comes in, there will be no human resources to serve as side, and if everything is surrounded, there will be an inadvertent confrontation.


“I understand”


If you can get the children out of the temple, you don’t need to serve them separately. I whisper and understand.


“What should children do when their nutrition is in place?”


“I’ll have you make plant paper. I used to make it with Lutz, so if you teach me how to do it, I should be able to do it with kids.”


“Plant paper …”


Glance and the priest look out for a stack of paper on the desk. Speaking of which, the paper that Benno presented and the chief priest was most pleased with was plant paper.


“I don’t cross, and the ones made by Mine Kobo cannot be picked up because the contract magic that the Gilberta firm sells has already been concluded”


“It’s a good decision like a merchant. Even if you find it, it’s good if it isn’t taken up by the temple chief. What do you do with selling paper?”


Slightly distracted, the chief priest proceeds.


“Selling the goods and getting them to buy their own supplies of food, so that I don’t have to have food, and I’m hungry for the increase and decrease in blue priests and shrine maidens. That should no longer happen. “


“Why are you basically indifferent to it? Why don’t you get in trouble and take care of it?”


”The chief priest strengthens his gaze and stares at me. I also looked back on the priest with my eyes.


“Isn’t I decided to read casually?”


“What is it?”


The priest was astonishing as he could not understand.


“If you know that your child will starve and die across the wall, you can’t help but worry about it. Is revived and can no longer withstand guilt and feelings. “


“In other words, is it that you become the director of an orphanage and run a workshop just to eliminate reading disabilities?”


“That’s right”


When I whispered greatly, the priest held the temple.


“You are … more stupid than you expected”


“I am often told”


“… Okay, how long is it? How long are you going to get on track with permission?”


“Because preparations are over, I think that in this season, in about a month, you will be able to make and sell paper and buy some food.”




This time, the priest asked, the advance preparations were quite solid.


Since Benno and Franc have confirmed many times with the eyes of the merchants and nobility whether there are holes in the plan, there should be no problem. The fact that I was the most anxious element is new to my memory.


“Yes, let’s allow”


“Thank you, Franc said that if you were a priest, you would understand if you talked properly. Mr. Benno also has a good eye for a priest, so if you consult with the priest, Anyway … Why are the chiefs different from other priests? “


When asked as if this was definitely a question that would be asked if asked outside, the priest chief told me, “Don’t ask me outside of this room”.


“I’m not going to talk in detail, but like you, I wasn’t brought up in this temple. I grew up in an aristocracy and entered the temple for a reason. It ’s not a good idea to confront, but be careful not to buy any more anger. ”


“… Why don’t you buy anger by running an orphanage?”


¡The orphans earn their own money and are directly opposed to the conventional way. When I asked, I laughed at my nose, “What’s up now”.


“I’m going to take the appearance that I’ve pressed it, but don’t do anything too flashy. In your case, you have too much common sense and we have no idea what to do. Report it to me no matter what you do and then listen carefully to what Fran says. ”




After being repeatedly urged by the priest, the news, ream, and minister, I left the priest’s secret room and returned to my room with Fran.


Gil and Lutz greeted me with high expectations.


“How was Mine?”


“I was so angry. Learn seriously about the aristocratic nature. Bypass without thinking …”


“Did that mean that the orphanage director wasn’t good?”


Lutz and Gill looked clouded with anxiety. I hurry and shake my head.


“Yeah, I became the director. Mine Kobo is okay. But I’m angry wherever I go …”


“Well, it’s Mine”


Lutz laughed a little, hitting my head lightly with pompoms.


I still have one more thing I need to do before I can start reforming the orphanage.


Talk with Delia. I would like to keep an eye on Delia, whose job is to pass information to the temple head.


No matter how much you want to hide, Delia cannot be noticed if the other side is hungry, Benno and Lutz come and go and are noisily in the orphanage. However, I don’t want to be disturbed by the temple head until the studio’s work is on track.


¡Delier said that he should help if he can help, so I think he agrees to help the orphans themselves. As expected, in the current situation where you are ready to help, you wouldn’t say you should die.


Aligned my eyes and decided to ask Delia honestly. This is because I thought it would be better to ask Deria who reports that she had met the minister’s side service, rather than the eclectic way.


“That’s Delia. I’m going to help the children before the baptism. So I don’t want to be disturbed by the temple chief. I want Delia to be silent for a while. Then, do you want to help them? Can you ask for it? “


After a while of silence, Delia closed his eyes and shook his head to shake off what he remembered.


“… I don’t want to go to an orphanage. I don’t want to remember and don’t want to get involved.”


“Yeah, I know. So, it’s all right for Delia to watch the chef here. I just want you to do a little pretend. Can you ask?”


Food management and chef monitoring are absolutely necessary, so someone must remain in the room. If Delia does not want to go to the orphanage, she does not need to go to the orphanage.


“Okay, I’m silent. But it’s not for Mine but for the kids. Don’t think I’ve been exposed”


Delia promised me to be silent for the time being, with a slightly relieved face facing sideways. I pledge my breasts and promise to Delia.


“Thank you, Delia. I will definitely help you.”


“I don’t ask for anything else, but as long as I do it, I will not forgive you if it fails”


Although the attitude is frustrating, it seems that Delia is also expected.


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