Transmit terminals.

Ash connected to the Ohki Research Institute remotely.

“Doctor, I need to change the elves!”

“Please help teleport the Koga Ninja Frog, and in exchange, the Lizard King will return to the research institute for training.”

Ash eventually chose to let the Lizard King go.

The Lizard King is currently very committed to training, but unlike Charizard, it can fly freely, find a suitable training place, and return at any time.

There is no way for it to leave Ash.

This caused training to be severely affected!

There is no suitable target to train the blade storm during the trip, resulting in slow training progress.

For this reason, letting the Lizard King return to the research institute has long been doomed.

Only the institute is able to meet its training requirements!

Currently, Ash’s elves train alone in Charizard and raise the level of fighting alone than the eagle.

There are no venue restrictions for Flame Monkey training, no venue restrictions for Water Arrow Turtles, and no venue restrictions for Pikachu training.

Only the training of the Lizard King requires very tough targets not to be broken by the leaf blade.

“Oh, is it the Koga ninja frog that teleported back not long ago?”

“This elf is super strong! Even after coming back, I train hard every day! ”

“I’ve never seen such a hardworking little guy.”

Dr. Ohki said, and the assistant on the side took the Pokeball back the Koga Ninja Frog and placed it on top of the teleportation terminal.

Xiao Zhi’s face was calm, and he put the Lizard King on it at the same time: “Lizard King, train well, I hope that when I return, you will already be able to release the handsome special move.” ”

The Poké Ball shook gently and then disappeared!

On the other side, the Koga Ninja Frog’s Pokeball floats quietly in the sky.

“That’s right, Doctor.”

“I also have an elf here that is badly damaged and needs treatment.”

“This is a legendary elf, I hope that while the doctor is researching, he can help with the treatment!”

Ash didn’t end the call and placed the ice ball on top of the teleportation terminal.

As he spoke, an embarrassed look appeared on his face.

At that time, I was too excited to meet the Koga Ninja Frog, and my hands were a little heavy.

Reggie Ace was directly cracked, and the constant ice on his body was full of wounds, and he fell into a deep sleep to slowly recover.

Ash currently doesn’t have any ability to help fix it, and Miss Joy of the Elf Center can’t do it.

Reggie Ace himself unconsciously emitted an extreme cold of more than minus two hundred degrees, and Joey would only be frozen into ice.

As a legendary elf, it has a special body, and the energy and instruments required for repair are immeasurable for ordinary people.


“Legendary elves?!”

“No problem! Teleport over! ”

“I didn’t expect Ash to subdue the legendary elves!”

Dr. Ohki’s eyes lit up and he stared at the ice and snowball with an expectant look.

There are very few legendary elves that trainers can access, and there are only a few who can be accepted by trainers, and there are only a few who are willing to undergo detailed examination!

A powerful legendary elf capable of bringing great discoveries to the Doctor!

“It’s okay, but the Doctor has to take safety measures, and legend has it that the natural effects of the elves themselves are not comparable to ordinary elves.”

“I also used the ice and snowball sent by Dr. Takeda to take it in.”

Ash said as he pressed the teleport button to teleport the ice ball.

Over there, Dr. Ohki couldn’t wait to pick up the ice and snowball and look at it: “It’s so strong with extreme cold power, the level of this legendary elf seems to be a little terrifyingly high!” ”

As a doctor, Ohki has a high vision in himself!

Just holding the Poké Ball already knows the approximate strength level of the elves in it.

He secretly said that the legendary spirit of this kind of power is still an existence with strength as the core!

How exactly did Ash defeat the other side?

At one point, Dr. Ohki was once overwhelmed by Ash’s spirits, blessing them with a trainer who loves elves and sympathizes with their great potential, but without trainers who know how to train, they cannot be realized.

Now, this problem has completely disappeared after Ash awakened.

End of teleportation!

Dr. Ohki couldn’t wait to study Reggie Ace and end the call.

Back to the lobby.

When Bratano saw Ash, he said directly: “I have already contacted Karunai, she will come over in two days, you get ready!” ”

Ash squeezed the Pokeball in his hand and held it in the air: “My truth is in place, and I can persuade her to perform her duties as a champion at any time!” ”

Sophie: “…”

Originally, she had never understood what the truth in Xiaozhi’s mouth was that made her deeply reflect on the truth, but she understood something for a while.

She looked at the Poké Ball in Ash’s hand without a trace: The truth of the trainer, isn’t it the elf?

Who is the elf in Ash’s hands that can give him such confidence to defeat Karunai?

Once, the bond evolution of the Koga ninja frog was immeasurable, attracting the curiosity and attention of countless people!

After losing to Ai Lan in front of countless spectators on the Carlos League, he instantly disappeared.

On the contrary, as representatives of super evolution, Ai Lan and Charizard have become the target of everyone!

Super Evolution becomes the dream of all trainers in the Carlos region!

Success or defeat, but that’s it.

Mid-Autumn Festival reading every day, charge 100 get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive (Event Period: September 19th to September 21st)

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