Absolute zero!

Frozen beam!

Ride the dragon and glide fast, while opening your mouth and gathering the cold air!

Countless ice skills were released at the same time, flying towards the center of the waterspout.

The force of extreme cold quickly affected the surroundings, cold ice appeared to block the flow of water, and the waterspout rotated more and more slowly and the temperature became lower and lower.

A dozen seconds later!

Under the attack of dozens of dragons, the originally choppy waterspout gradually stiffened and turned into an ice tornado!

The entire area condensed into ice, and the Sainte-Teano stopped and tilted on the ice to avoid the danger of sinking!

“Ride the dragon!”

“Are you doing well?”

“I’ve come to see you!”

Ash jumped off the boat, jumped a few meters down to the ice, and ran towards the dragon.

On the opposite side, the speed of the dragon did not decrease, and he rushed towards Ash.

The two sides met in the center of the ice tornado and hugged each other fiercely.

“Ride the dragon!”


“I didn’t expect that in the end, you saved me? It’s getting more and more reliable! ”


Ash held the dragon’s head, and inexplicable emotions flowed in his heart.

His efforts were not in vain after all!

Heaven will not fail everyone who cares!



In the distance, the Howler Whale King saw the appearance of the dragon group, coupled with the strong strength of several elves of the Water Arrow Turtle, and finally regained his calm.

They made a cry and chose to leave without hesitation.

“Ride the dragon! Take your people with me! ”

“No matter how wide the endless sea is, there is no place for you to belong after all!”

“Come with me!”

“I will create an absolutely safe home for you! You can usually leave and go frolicking, playing and training on the sea! ”

“But! Never live in a fixed place again, never worry about danger again, always have a harbor of your own! ”

Ash issued an invitation unwaveringly, not only to the dragon, but also to its race!

Invite them to live in their soon-to-be-built home, become a part of it, and have their own belonging!

The dragon looked at Ash’s determined and serious expression, and his eyes revealed that he would not let them wander in the sea full of danger and unknown.

It was a little moved for a while, with tears in its eyes.

Behind him, countless dragons shouted:



They support the dragon with words and cheer it on.

Over the years, Dragon Rider has wandered the sea with his group, and sometimes he has temporarily inhabited friendly human cities.

The sea has encountered countless enemies, and has been forced to migrate countless times, from the Orange Alliance to Johto, to Hezhong and Carlos…

Once because of migration, I met Ash in the city.

Ash patronizes and reunites with it, which has never thought about the meaning and helplessness behind it!

They fled their homes and came to the Johto area in search of a place to live.

This time, he led his group back to return to the Orange Alliance in search of a new home.

On the way, Ryū heard Ash’s thoughts left above the sea and followed his footsteps.

What touched it was that the reason why Ash tried his best to find it this time was to give them a safe harbor!

“Choke! Choke! Choke! ”

Ryu raised his head and shouted, agreeing to Ash’s invitation, and kept rubbing his head against his face.

“Haha! That’s great! ”

“Don’t worry! With me, I will definitely not let you get hurt in any way! ”

Ash smiled and hugged Chenglong without letting go.

Next to it, Sarina stood there silently with a few elves, watching this scene with a smile on her face.



Honk! Honk!

The ice surface melts.

The Sainte-Teano sets sail again!

Dozens of dragons turned into guards to escort the surroundings, driving out possible dangers, and the ship sailed all the way towards Zhenxin Town in the Guandu region.

With the existence of the dragon riding group, the journey was smooth and there was no danger again!

Three days later!

The silhouette of the Kanto area emerges before your eyes!

The Sainte-Teano was moored on shore, and the little crushed diamonds carried containers ashore.

Xiao Zhi successfully led the little broken diamond and the dragon to the beach not far from Zhenxin Town!

“Tianxi, Dragon Ride, see?”

“This is about to become our home, our belonging!”

Ash looked at the endless plain with a look of anticipation and longing on his face.

In his heart, there was already a perfect choice for the place where the home was built!

That place.

Surrounded by mountains in the north.

To the south is the Bobo Forest.

In the west, close to the coast, ports and aquatic elves were established.

The east is a grassland that allows Kentairo to run freely and get close to True New Town!

He wants to build a big home here for himself, his elves and his race!

Guard this place with your own strength!

Name: Land of Legends!

Mid-Autumn Festival reading every day, charge 100 get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive (Event Period: September 19th to September 21st)

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