Ask Sword

Chapter 321: Thousand Faces

  Chapter 321 Thousand Faces

   Taotao's demonic energy poured out along the steps, and the vegetation withered everywhere it went.

   Realizing that the abbot's complexion changed again and again, he immediately clasped his palms together, and a golden light appeared all over his body, condensing into a bell shape.

   One person stopped in front of the hall, blocking most of the demonic energy gushing out.

  But there are still many monks who accidentally touched the black mist.


  These monks fell to the ground, struggling in pain, and they all turned into ghosts or ghosts—or their arms turned into long knives,

   or a swollen abdomen with exploding bowels,

   or reduced in size, covered with strong hair,

   or wings on the back, giant tumors on the brain

  Thousands of demons and thousands of appearances,

  The monsters got up from the ground, screaming and rushed towards their former classmates.

  The familiar senior brother died tragically before his eyes,

  Most of the monks failed to make a decisive counterattack, but subconsciously retreated,

   The consequence was that hundreds of people were thrown down, bitten, and killed by monsters.

  Blood was splashed on the ground in front of the Daxiong Hall, the monks screamed and died, the clarity in their eyes faded,

   Only the incomplete body was still driven by the devilish energy, and it wobbled up.


   It's difficult for the presiding officer to pinch the seal with his hands, open his mouth wide, and his voice is like a bell, reverberating passionately in front of the hall.

  The lion's roar and the thunderous sound of the Buddha can point directly to the original heart, clarify the altar, and expel distracting thoughts.

  However, the infection of demon energy on people penetrates deep into the bone marrow, and can directly change their bodies, and even twist and mutate their minds.

  The difficult Buddha's voice just made all the monsters freeze in unison, and then went into the next round of killing.

  Like a pot of thick ink, dripping into a water tank,

  A large number of fearless monsters broke through the monks' line of defense abruptly, and rushed towards the ordinary monks and the vast number of pilgrims in the audience.

   It was a one-sided killing,

  The stumps and broken arms flew high, and the **** blood rushed straight into the sky.

  Monsters impregnated with demonic energy, their bodies are extremely tough, and their strength and speed far exceed that of ordinary people. Neither Buddhist sounds nor spells have very good effects.

  As long as a person's limbs directly touch the devilish energy attached to the monster's body, no matter how high or low the cultivation level is, whether the will is firm or weak,

   will be infected and assimilated by the magic energy, and after just a few seconds, a monster can be "freshly baked".

   Only by cutting off the head and cutting off the limbs can it stop its actions.

   Of the nearly ten thousand monks on Lingtai Mountain, there are only eight hundred real practitioners, and they are scattered all over the square.

   It was too late to curb the spread of the demon tide.

  In an instant,

   Cries, screams, growls, growls, sharp knives.

  Countless chaotic sounds overlapped together,

  The square in front of the hall has turned into Shura Hell.

  Prince Xia Jun of Zhou State stared blankly at the scene in front of him, feeling as if he had fallen into an ice cave.

  When he was studying at Zhou Guo Academy, he also went with the army to the deep mountains and old forests to wipe out bandits, rebels, and demon sects.

  At that time, looking at the corpses all over the floor, and the piled up dead in Jingguan,

  He vomited for a while, and after recovering, he thought that the killing scene described in the book was nothing more than that, and he would never lose his composure again.

   Until now.

   "His Royal Highness regains consciousness!"

   Xiao Da knocked away the rushing monster with a sword, and shouted at Xia Jun.

  Xia Jun just woke up like a dream, drove the flying sword, cut the monster in half in the air, and looked around.

  The current situation is extremely chaotic,

  On the open space in front of the hall, the living people who had not yet been infected with the demonic energy were terrified and fled in all directions.

  A rich man with a big belly barely ran a few steps, tripped by a broken limb on the ground, and fell to the ground,

  I had to wave my crutches and yell for the servants to pick me up, but no one paid any attention.

  Until the chasing monster pierces the heart with a knife;

  A couple held each other's hands and ran away. The husband suddenly felt a chill in his shoulders while running.

  Looking back, his wife has been stained with demonic energy, her eyes are red, she tore off one of his arms, and put it in her mouth to gnaw violently;

  Originally among the pilgrims, there were many monks,

  But the current environment is too chaotic, and the tide of magic is spreading too fast.

  When they raised their weapons, they were already facing thousands of monsters that had crawled up from the ground.

  The monks from all sides looked at each other, and some of them immediately jumped into the air and fled here.

  The other part shouted at Abbot Wu: "Abbot, quickly untie the mountain guard array! Let's rush out together!"


   The abbot sternly said, "It will take at least half an hour to open the formation from the inside out!"

   Half an hour? Even half an hour is not enough now!

   "Once the Demon Buddha in the Daxiong Palace fully awakens, the entire Jialan Sect will be destroyed forever."

  A white-bearded elder waved his Zen staff and smashed the head of a monster. He didn't care to wipe the blood on his face, and threw his Zen staff like a spear, pointing at the old scholar leaning on the wooden table in the hall.


  The iron ring on the top of the Zen staff clanked, and the staff was as fast as lightning, piercing through the three monsters blocking the way.

  The old scholar still lowered his eyes, without any intention of dodging - meaningless,

  I saw the flying Zen staff getting slower and slower in the air, and the golden light on the surface rapidly faded, until it completely lost its strength and fell to the ground.

  The Misu hourglass poured with the sands of time can distort the surrounding time by itself just by running on its own.

  Any power cannot penetrate time.


   Seeing this, Elder Baixu took a deep breath and shouted, "Amitabha Pure Land!"

  His cassock is flying, and the Buddha's light is shining all over his body, which spreads to the surrounding monks, with each monk as the node, forming a "breakwater" that isolates the evil energy in the main hall.

   "Everyone, don't retreat! Only by stopping the magic energy can you survive!"

  The elder yelled loudly at the monks, then turned his head and shouted at Abbot Wu: "Abbot, open the altar and call the mountain guard array, and use the array to destroy the entire treasure hall."

   Awareness instantly understands what he means,

  The Demonic Buddha that Master Jialan turned into cannot be resisted by human power. Only by relying on the large array of guarding the mountain with the power of destruction can it be possible to resist.

   You can't escape, you can only fight.

   He immediately gritted his teeth, sat down on the spot, and took out a string of white jade beads from his arms.

  There are as many as 200 beads in this string, the material is delicate, and the surface is engraved with Zen scriptures with fine gold threads.

   "Protect the abbot!"

  Elder Baixu clasped his palms together to shake off the approaching monsters. The other monks followed suit,

  Sit down around Abbot Awareness, ring the wooden fish, recite Buddhist scriptures, and use Buddha light to counteract the evil spirit.

  The monks present who had not yet left saw that the monks of the Garan Sect stayed in place and set up defenses. They also recognized the status quo and cooperated with the remaining monks to resist the surrounding monsters.

"what should we do?!"

  Xia Jun asked quickly, "Fight or flee?"

  Everyone was taken to the eve of the destruction of the Garan Sect three hundred years ago in a daze. What they wanted was to return to their hometown, but it was unknown whether they could survive in the current situation.


  Jiu Fenghai clenched his fists, he also wanted to escape from here, and try again to see if he can break out of the mountain guard formation.

  But there seemed to be a voice in his subconscious reminding him that if he trespassed in the formation, he would only die a miserable death.

   "Let's go help."

   Before Jiu Fenghai finished speaking, Li Ang interrupted decisively: "Go to the pagoda!"

  All eyes turned to Li Ang, who had no fluctuation in his eyes, and was holding the iron box of unknown origin tightly in his hand.

  The Misu Hourglass and the Sands of Time that can reverse time;

  The missing fourth Buddha statue;

   Iron box with text engraved on it;

  Suddenly triggered traversal;

  All the clues obtained all the time converged into a straight line in my mind,

  He already understood the way to break the game.

  (end of this chapter)

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