Ask Sword

Chapter 438: reply

  Chapter 438 Reply

  Shen Tuyu tried his best to make himself Shen Tuyu tried his best to calm his voice, but the words he said were full of cold and murderous meaning.

  What are people related to Jianquan?

  Jianquan has been famous for many years, and has friends all over the world.

  The great Confucian scholars exchanged letters with him and talked about philosophy;

   Celebrities from the two capitals invited him to give lectures on Buddhism in their residences;

  The aristocrats of the family visited him to listen to the Buddhist verses;

   Could it be that these people are suspected? They all need to be imprisoned, tortured, and asked if they know the secret of Jianquan's obsession?

  Even the emperor of Yu State wanted to invite Jianquan to the palace to explain Buddhist scriptures, and even Taihao Mountain once invited Jianquan to the sanctuary to pay homage to the head teacher.

   If you really want to investigate, wouldn't even Emperor Yu and the head teacher of Haotian Taoism be suspected?

   Li Ang remained silent, the high-level officials of Yu State reacted so strongly that it could even be said to be radical, which happened to be in line with Jianquan's prophecy—

  No ruler is willing to see the illusion of the six realms of reincarnation, and no ruler is willing to see the people under his rule. He would rather enter the illusion of the six realms of reincarnation than live in this world.

  In the past, even in the face of horrific natural disasters and changes, all forces had their own minds, secretly intrigue and harm each other.

  Now, from Xijing to Southern Zhou, from Mount Taihao to Chang'an, the emperors of all kingdoms, religious leaders, aristocrats, and hermit sects,

   All temporarily put aside past hatred and disputes, united, and tried to jointly kill the rumors of the six reincarnation illusions.

   Really. Irony.

   Li Ang was not interested in listening to Shen Tuyu's instructions, he backed away silently, walked outside the city with Sui Yi, and rescued the civilians who were injured during the evacuation.

  Jianquan died, and Xingzhou City also suffered heavy losses.

  Chengzhong Town Fusi was almost completely destroyed, nearly 70% of the streets were damaged, many geological collapses and depressions, and thousands of houses were judged as dilapidated and no longer suitable for living.

  Out of some weird psychology, Li Ang did not participate in the investigation of Jianquan's disciples organized by the Zhen Fu Division, and he continued to stay in Xingzhou to help with disaster relief.

   Friends also accompanied him, helping to fill up the pits in the city, repair roads, strengthen houses, purify water sources and so on. It lasted for nearly half a month.

   During this process, there was another piece of good news—He Fanshuang had been promoted to the Cloud Patrol Realm.

  At that time, she left Xingzhou City, and Yujian went to Weizhou to ask for help, racing against time along the way, driving Feijian hard, concentrating on it, and breaking through the realm naturally. Became the first student to arrive at Xunyun Realm in Zaiqian's three-year class.

   Li Ang couldn't help feeling that there is a gap between geniuses and geniuses.

  After returning to Chang'an, he continued to be full of resentment, looking for clues that might involve Mosi in the vast and vast books related to Taixuanzong.


  Zaiqian six years, the end of summer.

  The weather was hot, and Cicada was lying on the tree, shaking her wings weakly, and making a sound like a broken gong.

   Li Ang yawned, got up from the bed in the bedroom, and ended his nap.

  It’s hot outside, but it’s cool indoors—the talisman board technology of the Academy has made a breakthrough some time ago, and the cooling talisman board can further precisely adjust the temperature, which is no different from the air conditioner in the memory of the foreign world.

   Even better than air conditioners in some ways.

  For example, it will not reduce the moisture content in the room, make the air dry, and cause discomfort.

  ‘The lack of a remote control, every time you adjust the temperature, you have to press the button yourself. '

   Li Ang pushed the door open and walked out of the bedroom with a murmur. Through the floor, he could hear the noisy children playing downstairs.

  Ever since he accepted Ouyang Shi as his apprentice, the families of his acquaintances and friends always want him to accept more apprentices, even if they are named disciples.

  The euphemistic name is: be blessed.

   Li Ang couldn't laugh or cry about all kinds of invitations to visit. He couldn't close the door and see no visitors, so he had to relax a little, and let the children from relatives and friends come over to play, practice calligraphy, read books and so on in summer.

   Think of it as summer camp.

  When Li Ang went down the stairs, he saw Chai Chai happily leading the children to play hide-and-seek, handkerchief throwing, eagle catching chickens and other games. It doesn't look like a disciple of the academy at all.

  Tired from playing, Chai Chai asked all the children to sit according to their seats, and each of them shared a piece of pastry.

  All the children sat obediently in their seats, eating dessert like little squirrels.

  After so many years, his personality still hasn't changed.

  Lian Ang looked at Chai Chai who looked like a child king, smiled slightly, and recalled the time in Yunzhou in a trance.

  My childhood in a pharmacy was actually a bit boring.

  Li Ang's parents trained him as a future doctor. He not only had to read classics such as the Four Books and Five Classics since he was a child, but also memorized all kinds of tedious and obscure pharmacopoeias and medical books.

   If you can't memorize well, you will be punished to stand. If you can memorize well, you can eat fruit snacks.

   Li Ang has a good memory and can memorize books very well, but he doesn't like snacks very much, so he will hide the snacks given by his parents in his pocket. At night, take it out secretly and share it with Chai Chai.

  Chai Chai eats double servings of snacks every day (including the extremely sweet honey jujube cake), and soon gained weight, so that she was dubbed a fat girl by other friends.

  She found Li Ang crying, saying that he had made her belly bigger (literally), and she must hold Li Ang accountable in the future.

   Li Ang's parents, who heard this by accident, were shocked, so they beat him to death with bamboo sticks.

  Thinking of those memories, Li Ang smiled, feeling a little melancholy for no reason.

   "Teacher, tea."

  Ouyang Shi approached quietly and handed him a cup of warm tea.


   Li Ang, who is still a modern person at heart, unconsciously said thank you. According to secular habits, teachers rarely say this word to students, but Li Ang is not a few years older than Ouyang Shi, and he doesn't care about these red tape.

   "How do you read Xuegong's books?"

   Li Ang asked casually.

  Ouyang Shi replied: "It's about the same. I feel that Neo Confucianism and arithmetic are easier, but I'm not very good at military science and Yulu."

   "Where is the path? Has Senior Sister Sui Yi read it for you? Which one is suitable for cultivation?"

   "I've read it, Professor Sui said that I am most suitable for Fu Xue and He Nian Xue."

  Ouyang Shi paused for a moment, his expression a bit gloomy.

  She took part in this year's school exam, passed it successfully, and obtained the admission qualification.

   This incident made her happy and unhappy. On the one hand, being admitted to the academy means that life is going smoothly, on the other hand, being admitted to the academy also means that you will often see Xi Yangyu who abandoned their mother and daughter back then.

  The latter is still a school secretary.

  On the night after the exam results were announced, she and other students went to the palace to face the saint as usual.

  Emperor Empress specially received her and asked her about her life.

  Ouyang Shi proudly said that he was Li Ang's disciple, which attracted the envy of other students who didn't know.

   But when the Emperor Empress asks about her parents, it's not so fun.

  Whether she admits it or not, Xi Yangyu is still her biological father.

  Filial piety is always the most important item in Yu Guo's ethics. In Leon's words, it is political correctness.

   "That's it."

   Li Ang smacked his lips, his abducted apprentice is just as suitable for Talisman and Reading as he is, but it is necessary to deal with Xi Yangyu.

   What is this, the entangled love and hatred between two generations?

   Li Ang shook his head and comforted him: "Don't take it to heart, Xi Yangyu is not the only one in the Academy to teach studying. If studying is suitable for you, there is no need to give up because of him."


  Ouyang Shi nodded obediently, took out a stack of letters and handed them to Li Ang, "This is the letter I sent to you, teacher, this morning."

"so much?"

  Li Ang handed back the teacup to Ouyang Shi, flipped through the signature of the letter, and walked into the study with the letter.

   There is a letter from Shade in Weizhou—the Local Chamber of Commerce in Weizhou built two new buildings in the state school in the name of Li Ang.

   There is a letter from Cheng Juxiu—he is going to go on a long voyage with the academy's scientific research fleet, and he can't return to Chang'an in a short time, so let Li Ang take good care of the teacher.

   There is also a letter from Ashinagara in the northern grassland.

  Li Ang sat on the seat, opened the envelope with a letter opener, and read silently.

  Jia Luo would send a letter to Chang'an every month, in which he would tell about recent events in the grassland.

   "Hi, how is Aangyi recently?

  I heard that Chang'an is very hot this summer, but the grassland here is very cool. Do you want to consider traveling to the grassland?

  Haha, just kidding, I still miss your swimming pool. It's a pity that the grasslands have to chase aquatic plants, and the ethnic groups have to keep migrating, so there is no way to build them by themselves.

  Can you use your bright mind to help figure out a way? "

  I'm not Doraemon, how can I think of a way.

   Li Ang saw the begging graffiti attached to the letter paper, and smiled slightly, inexplicably thinking of the way to reply in the memory of the foreign world.

  【If you are Li Ang, your friend asks you to help build a swimming pool. Please write him a short message, the number of words is 80-100]

   Li Ang shook his head and continued to look down.

  “The mare I raised had dystocia last month, and the herdsman in the family said that it was hopeless, and told me to give up as soon as possible to end her pain.

  I had already drawn the scimitar, but seeing her eyes, I couldn't do it for some reason.

  I got someone to bring the veterinary textbook you wrote, and according to the above process, I personally delivered the mare,

   It took almost an hour, and finally the pony was successfully pulled out covered in blood. Both the mare and the pony were safe.

  How about it, am I amazing? "


   Li Ang rubbed his chin, but pulling the pony out is some kind of nonsense?

   "Some time ago, the mission from Taihao Mountain came to visit Wangting again. I heard that they asked us to strictly investigate the monks who came to the grassland to preach recently. They said that it was related to Master Jianquan who died in Xingzhou in Yu Kingdom.

   You said last time that Le Ling and the others went to Xingzhou for an internship, right? Are you also involved in it?

  Did not write to me about such a dangerous thing, which made me worry for a while. Hmph, I'm so mad. "

  You also know that the matter is important, how can I tell you.

   Li Ang shook his head and smiled wryly. All of them who went to Xingzhou were given a gag order, and it was strictly forbidden to talk about any topic about Jianquan monk. Those who violated the law would probably go to Zhenfusi's dungeon to drink tea.

   Li Ang is not sure whether the letters he sent to Turkic will be intercepted (there is a high probability that they will), so naturally he cannot tell Jia Luo about these things. Even one or two cryptic mentions will not do.

  Now all countries in the world are investigating the matter of Jianquan disciples. There has been a bloodbath in the Jianghu, and many people have disappeared in Chang'an Ghost City for no apparent reason.

  However, no matter how hard Yu Guo and Tai Haoshan tried to block the news,

  Among the folks, there are still rumors of the illusion of the Six Paths of Reincarnation. Some people even built temples dedicated to Jianquan statues and Liluanfeng murals in the wilderness.

  The aftermath of this mutation is even more far-reaching than the Chang'an mutation in July last year.

  Li Ang withdrew his wandering thoughts and continued to read the letter.

   "Oh, by the way, apart from this matter, the mission of Taihao Mountain also wants to cooperate with us to investigate a secret realm located in the shallow layer of Liyuan.

   Only innate warriors or monks in the Cloud Patrol realm are eligible to participate.

  Hey, I also broke through to innate last month,

  For this reason, I specially found a craftsman to create a new scimitar. If I can see Bian Chenpei in the secret realm next time, I might be able to slash it hard.

   Well, Li Yuan, it's not surprising that any kind of mutation happened. "

  Liyuan is located in the western part of the Turkic Grassland, a huge rift valley that stretches for fifteen hundred miles.

  The widest point is fifty miles, and the narrowest point is several miles.

  The valley is filled with dense fog all the year round, unfathomable, inhabited by many dangerous monsters.

  The most terrible thing is that Yuan Qi is banned in the valley, and no spells or thoughts can be used. Even a martial arts master will quickly become exhausted.

   It is a forbidden place like the Hundred Thousand Barren Mountains and the Endless Sea.

  In some pre-Sui classics, it even directly interprets the highest realm that mortal monks can reach [Linyuan] as being superior to Liyuan,

   That is, only Linyuan monks can cross Liyuan without being affected.

  Li Ang knew this allusion, his brows were unconsciously frowned, and he was vaguely worried.

  Worried about whether it would be dangerous for Jia Luo to go to Liyuan, and also worried about what she said in her heart that she would take revenge on Bian Chenpei.

   "Haha, don't worry, it's just a joke.

  Bian Chenpei's father, Bian Yubo, is now the Trial Cardinal of Taihao Mountain, a rare big shot in the world.

  Even if I have the ability to retaliate, I still have to take the safety of my people into consideration. I know that.

  Hmm. However, I'm still a little upset. After I finish writing the letter, I will make a paper man and curse Bian Chenpei for being hit and limped by a carriage when he goes out. It should be fine, right? "

  Dump truck curse?

  Li Ang laughed dumbly, but unfortunately there is no carriage in the world that can easily pretend to be a monk who patrols the clouds, and Bian Chenpei is not a female high school student who can run to school with bread in her mouth.

   "The recent situation is like this. How is your life over there? Please reply to me quickly. I will receive it before the seventh day of July."

  Maybe he was really in a hurry to tie the villain, Jia Luo's handwriting was very brisk, and he even drew a smiling face at the end of the letter.


  The seventh day of July, is that Qixi Festival?

   Li Ang stared blankly, and noticed that there was something stuck behind the letter.

   Opened it, it was a small, poorly embroidered sachet. Inside are dried, delicately scented fragments of flower petals.

  (end of this chapter)

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