Asking about longevity

Chapter 227 Foundation-Building Divine Consciousness (Fifth Update)

Mo Hua was stunned.

Mr. Zhuang said: These past few days, I have looked through the handbooks of seniors in the sect who have practiced Tianyan Jue. After a little research and reference to the mystery formation you encountered, I discovered a problem.

Mo Hua perked up and listened carefully.

The bottleneck of Tianyanjue technique varies from person to person. Mr. Zhuang said slowly.

Mo Hua was slightly surprised, It varies from person to person?

Do you still remember the fine print on the Tianyanjue technique? Mr. Zhuang asked.

Mo Hua recalled for a while and said: The bottleneck lies in spiritual consciousness. Only formation masters cannot practice.

The problem lies in the spiritual consciousness. Mr. Zhuang looked at the ink painting and said, Your spiritual consciousness is too strong. The stronger the spiritual consciousness, the stronger the bottleneck will be.

Mo Hua opened his mouth wide and asked weakly:

Then if my spiritual consciousness is weaker, then practicing Tianyan Jue will be much smoother...

Mr. Zhuang looked at the ink painting with a half-smile, If the spiritual consciousness is weak and the bottleneck is weak, the effect of the technique will naturally be weak.

Mo Hua thought about it for a moment. The benefits of the Tianyan Jue technique are that it sharpens his spiritual consciousness, makes his control stronger, and allows him to draw formations faster. However, his own spiritual consciousness is outstanding, so it seems that a weaker effect is nothing.

Do you think there is nothing wrong with spiritual control? Mr. Zhuang saw Mo Hua's thoughts.

Mo Hua nodded honestly.

Mr. Zhuang said: The purpose of the Tianyan Jue is to use the sea of ​​consciousness to solve the formation to exercise your control over your spiritual consciousness. The more complex the formation is, the sharper your control of your spiritual consciousness will be after the breakthrough.

Mr. Zhuang expressed emotion, Sacred consciousness control is extremely important for masters and even monks. It is related to the speed at which you can draw formations and the time it takes to cast spells.

To put it simply, the formations will be drawn faster and faster, and the more spells are drawn, the spells will be used faster and faster.

Mo Hua nodded, Then this skill is quite powerful, isn't it?

As I just said, it varies from person to person. Mr. Zhuang's eyes narrowed slightly and he said:

The stronger the spiritual consciousness, the more powerful this technique will be. The weaker the spiritual consciousness, the more useless this technique will be.

Mo Hua's eyes lit up.

His consciousness is not weak, not only is it not weak, but it is also very strong.

It seemed that he had made the right choice, Tianyan Jue was the most suitable technique for him.

Mo Hua felt a little proud, so Mr. Zhuang poured a basin of cold water on him and said:

Although the stronger the spiritual consciousness, the stronger the effectiveness of the technique, the bottleneck to break through is also stronger, and the mystery array is more complicated.

Mo Hua frowned.

Mr. Zhuang said: The Consciousness Sea Puzzle Formation you created in the middle stage of Qi Refining is already a first-level restoration formation. So if you want to break through the Foundation Establishment, what level of Puzzle Formation should you solve?

Mo Hua was shocked when he heard this, It can't be a big formation...

That's not necessarily true. Strictly speaking, although the Grand Formation is within the scope of the First Grade, it is not something that a First Grade Formation Master should learn.

Sir, can I learn the big formation now? Mo Hua asked.

Not yet.

Oh. Mo Hua nodded.

Mr. Zhuang said this, so he stopped aiming too high.

The most urgent task is to solve the problem of practice.

Mo Hua asked: The stronger the consciousness, the stronger the bottleneck. So how can I break through the bottleneck of foundation building in the future?

Mr. Zhuang glanced at Mo Hua and said calmly: It's actually simple. Just make your consciousness stronger.

Mo Hua frowned even more, and he realized a problem:

Sir, if the stronger my spiritual consciousness is, the stronger the bottleneck will be. Then no matter how strong my spiritual consciousness is, the bottleneck will also be strengthened. In this case, can blindly strengthening my spiritual consciousness really break through the bottleneck?

Mr. Zhuang's eyes narrowed slightly, So, the growth of your spiritual consciousness must exceed the limit.

Mo Hua's heart trembled, What are the limits of Qi refining and foundation building?

Not bad. Mr. Zhuang nodded.

How much difference is there in spiritual consciousness between Qi refining and foundation building? Mo Hua asked.

Mr. Zhuang said: A monk's spiritual power can be quantified by the Zhoutian, but a monk's spiritual consciousness is not easy to quantify uniformly.

One of the commonly used methods is to measure the strength of a monk's spiritual consciousness based on the range of its spiritual consciousness.

For monks in the Qi refining period, the distance at which their spiritual consciousness can be released is mostly between ten feet and twenty feet. If their spiritual consciousness is strong, the distance will be farther. If their spiritual consciousness is weak, they will be released closer.

Mo Hua nodded. When he cast spells, he relied on his strong spiritual consciousness and the long range of his spells, so he could take advantage.

But this method is not accurate. Some monks are born to spread their spiritual consciousness far away, but the strength of their spiritual consciousness is only average. Some monks are not good at spreading their spiritual consciousness, but their sea of ​​consciousness is very strong and their spiritual consciousness is also weak. Very deep.”

The most accurate way to measure spiritual consciousness is through drawing formations.

Drawing formations? Mo Hua was slightly startled, The number of formations?

That's right. Mr. Zhuang nodded, Just like an array master measures the level of an array by the number of array patterns, it is the most accurate way to measure the strength of spiritual consciousness by the number of array patterns.

Generally, if you can draw one formation pattern with one level of Qi refining, your spiritual consciousness will be the first pattern. If you draw two formation patterns, your spiritual consciousness will be the second pattern... By analogy, if you can draw nine formation patterns, your spiritual consciousness will be It’s the Nine Patterns.”

And the Nine Marks Divine Consciousness is the limit of a Qi Refining monk.

Mo Hua silently thought, The spiritual consciousness of the foundation-building monk is the ten lines?

Mr. Zhuang nodded.

Is it just one line missing? Mo Hua was stunned for a moment.

Mr. Zhuang half-smiled, It seems like there's only one line missing, but the amount of spiritual consciousness is twice as bad.

Mo Hua was surprised, Why is there such a big difference?

Mr. Zhuang said: Because the ninth level of Qi Refining has broken through to the Foundation Establishment stage, the spiritual power will be condensed and qualitatively changed, and the spiritual consciousness will double. Therefore, when the Foundation Establishment cultivator draws the second-level formation, the spiritual consciousness used is the ninth level of Qi Refining. Twice the layer.”

Nine lines refine qi, and ten lines build the foundation. Only by doubling the nine lines' spiritual consciousness can we reach the ten lines' spiritual consciousness.

And this double gap is the limit of spiritual consciousness, and it is also a gap that monks cannot cross!

Mo Hua was shocked in his heart. No wonder he always felt that since he became a first-grade nine-pattern formation master, his spiritual consciousness has improved like a vast sea of ​​smoke, and he can't see the edge at a glance.

It turns out that the gap here is so big and the ravine is so deep.

In the Qi refining stage, is it possible to have the divine consciousness of the ten-line foundation building stage? Mo Hua asked weakly.

It's possible. Mr. Zhuang looked at the ink painting and replied meaningfully.

Mo Hua breathed a sigh of relief, it was possible.

Then his heart skipped a beat and he suddenly understood:

Is it possible that only by possessing the divine consciousness of the foundation-building stage can I solve the mystery, break through the bottleneck, and become a foundation-building monk?

Seeing that he had figured it out, Mr. Zhuang nodded and said:

Yes, the stronger your spiritual consciousness, the stronger the bottleneck. However, no matter how strong the bottleneck of cultivation is, after all, it is only a technique for the Qi refining period. If your spiritual consciousness exceeds the limit of the Qi refining period, you will naturally be able to break through the bottleneck. This is why mean……

Mr. Zhuang looked at the ink painting and said slowly:

Other monks must break through the foundation building stage before they can have the spiritual consciousness of the foundation building stage, but you are different. You must first have the spiritual consciousness of the foundation building stage before you can become a foundation building monk!

The fifth update is completed.

Thanks to book friends Ze Yuan and 20220812183836149 for the reward~

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