Asking about longevity

Chapter 249 Spell

The matter of sin cultivating came to an end, and in the following time, Mo Hua devoted his attention to learning two spells.

A concealment technique and a water prison technique.

In the courtyard of the Mo family.

Since the restaurant was a little quieter, Liu Ruhua had time, so he sat in the yard sewing clothes for Mo Hua.

Mo Hua was learning the art of hiding from the side.

After a while, Mo Hua asked: Mom, can you see me?

He didn't know what it would be like after learning the stealth technique, so he wanted his mother to help him find out.

Liu Ruhua found it interesting, so he raised his head while sewing clothes and said, I can see it.

What now?

can see.

Can you still see it now?


Can you see it now?

Liu Ruhua looked up, looking stunned, and said in surprise:

Hua'er, I can't see you anymore!

Mo Hua felt happy, but then realized something was wrong. His mother was looking at him and said she couldn't see him.

When he lowered his head, he could still clearly see his body and the clothes he was wearing.

Mo Hua said helplessly: Mother...

Liu Ruhua covered her mouth and smiled, her eyes full of smiles, You can continue to practice, I won't lie to you.

Mo Hua sighed, somewhat dumbfounded. But seeing his mother happy made him feel happy too.

He then tried the stealth technique a few more times, but to no avail.

Mo Hua then took the book of concealment and looked at it. He carefully recalled the above points and the meridians through which spiritual power circulated, and then cast the concealment technique.

The spiritual power flows out from the sea of ​​qi, penetrates the meridians, and covers the skin and clothes on the body.

Mo Hua's body shape also gradually changed.

Liu Ruhua looked at it with a surprised expression.

This time the look of surprise didn't seem fake.

Mo Hua then asked: Mom, can you still see it?

Liu Ruhua frowned, It seems like I saw it, but also like I didn't...

What does it mean?

Mo Hua didn't understand. He raised his hands and saw that his arms turned light blue and transparent.

It looks like it's made of water.

It can be said that it is invisible, but it is not completely invisible.

Mo Hua thought about it and understood.

The key to concealment lies in spiritual roots.

A single type of water spirit root is suitable for learning the concealment technique, and can also exert the effect of the concealment technique.

Ink painting is a small five-element spiritual root. The five elements have water, but it is not pure. Therefore, the concealment technique can also be learned, but the effect is less effective. The body shape seems to turn into water, but it cannot be completely concealed.

Mo Hua was a little disappointed.

Liu Ruhua thought for a moment, then her eyes lit up, If you hide in the water, others won't be able to see you.

This seems to be the truth, but there are not many places with water near Daheishan...

Mo Hua sighed, I'll think of another way.

At least this concealment technique is not available for the time being.

The concealment spell was not easy to use, so Mo Hua learned another spell - the water prison spell.

The Water Prison Technique is not very powerful, and can even be said to be dispensable.

However, this spell was originally used to trap enemies, so it didn't matter how powerful it was.

After casting Water Prison, the spiritual power will turn into water-shaped chains, temporarily binding the enemy monks so that they cannot escape.

The binding time is usually about three breaths. If used on low-level monks, it can be bound for longer. If used on high-level monks, it can often only be trapped for one or two breaths.

It may seem of little use, but in a life-and-death fight or a desperate pursuit, this remote spell is crucial.

The difficulty of the water prison technique is that it is difficult to learn, difficult to use, and it is not accurate.

When performing Water Prison Technique, the movement of spiritual power is complex and there are many acupuncture points, so it is difficult to learn.

Due to the complex operation of spiritual power, when casting a spell, the shot is very slow, and because the shot is slow, it is difficult to hit.

Especially for many monks with good body skills, by the time your spell is condensed, others will have already fled.

Therefore, few spiritual cultivators would put effort into learning such unpopular spells that are difficult to learn, difficult to use, and have little power.

But these are not problems for ink painting.

Mo Hua's spiritual consciousness is inherently strong, and his technique is Tianyan Jue. He is good at controlling his spiritual consciousness. The old man also taught him how to lock his spiritual consciousness, so his spells are both fast and accurate.

This water prison technique happened to be very suitable for him to learn.

And because the spiritual consciousness is so strong, ink painting can be learned with almost no effort.

Mo Hua wanted to try the effect of the Water Prison Technique, so he threw a wild fruit into the air, and then locked it with his consciousness. He held it in his right hand, and his spiritual power condensed into a light blue chain, locking the wild fruit in the air.

After a few breaths, the wild fruit fell to the ground.

The effect is not bad, but I still need to find some living animals to try it.

Then Mo Hua thought of the fish in Mr. Zhuang's pond.

The next day Mo Hua got up early, arrived at Zuowangju, said hello to Mr. Zhuang, then went to the pond and used the Water Prison Technique on the fish swimming inside.

The water grass is green and the water is clear.

The fish was swimming leisurely at the bottom of the pond. Suddenly, a light blue light appeared, trapping the fish. Even if it turned left and right, it could not escape.

The bottom of the pool suddenly became a mess.

The other fish were frightened and swam faster and faster.

The ink painting finger points frequently, and each fish is locked in the water light.

After playing for a while, I got a little tired of ink painting and felt it was too simple.

Mo Hua untied the fish one by one, and the fish that were freed from the restraints swam in panic. After a while, they realized that there was no danger and started swimming leisurely again. The bottom of the pond gradually returned to calm.

After harming the fish in the pond, Mo Hua felt that he was still not very proficient in using the water prison technique, so he went to find Bai Zisheng under the big locust tree.

Under the towering locust tree, Bai Zixi was reading quietly, while Bai Zisheng was still bored.

I learned a new spell. Mo Hua secretly told Bai Zisheng.

Bai Zisheng's eyes lit up, and then he secretly glanced at Bai Zixi.

Bai Zixi didn't look away from the page, but said calmly in a clear voice: Just finish your homework.

I'm almost there. I can finish it in less than half an hour. Bai Zisheng said.

Bai Zixi said hmm softly.

Bai Zisheng looked happy and said to Mo Hua: Come, let's compare.

Mo Hua and Bai Zisheng ran aside and did not disturb Bai Zixi's reading.

What spells have you learned? Bai Zisheng asked.

Water Prison Technique.

Bai Zishengyi frowned, It sounds a bit strange, but it doesn't look particularly powerful.

This spell can trap enemies, but it has no power.

Wouldn't that be boring? Bai Zisheng was a little uninterested and asked, Then how can we compete?

Mo Hua said: You use your physical skills to run away, and I will use my magic to trap you.

Isn't this called sparring? Bai Zisheng glanced at Mo Hua doubtfully, Am I just being beaten?

Sparring with a purpose is called sparring. Competing without a purpose is just fighting. Mo Hua said plausibly, This is to train my magic, and it is also to train your body.

Okay, what you said makes sense. Bai Zisheng nodded.

Playing with something is better than playing with nothing. He also wanted to see the effect of the Water Prison Technique.

The ink drawing circled a large area of ​​grass, In this circle, I will use the Water Prison Technique on you.


The two of them were on the grass under the big locust tree, one practicing spells and the other practicing body movements. Bai Zi was able to hide, while Mo Hua tried to trap him with the water prison technique.

After practicing for about an hour, the two stopped and sat on the grass to rest.

When the Water Prison Technique is cast, the spiritual power circulates complexly, so the action is actually slower than the Fireball Technique.

At the beginning, Mo Hua used the Water Prison Technique about three times to trap Bai Zisheng once. After that, I gradually became familiar with it, and I could get trapped probably once every two times.

Bai Zisheng is the proud son of a well-known family, and he is top-notch in both martial arts and Taoism. An ordinary monk would basically not be able to escape the lock of the ink painting and water prison technique.

This spell of yours is, to be honest, a bit disgusting. Bai Zisheng couldn't help but say.

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