Asking about longevity

Chapter 266 Deep Mountain

Mo Hua felt slightly horrified and silently wrote down these sixteen words.

It seems that this map is not trivial. If it is not clear, it will definitely be a huge hidden danger.

Monks rely on mountains and eat mountains, adapting to local conditions.

Near Tongxian City, there are no fertile spiritual fields, no surging rivers and seas, and no spiritual beasts to breed.

The casual cultivators nearby have to make a living in Daheishan.

The weapon refining shops, alchemy shops, and even the Fushan Building in the south of the city also rely on monster hunters to hunt monsters, peel off flesh and bones, and provide materials for weapon refining, alchemy, and cooking.

Learning formations in ink painting also requires drawing a large amount of demon blood to prepare spiritual ink.

The entire monks in Tongxian City are closely related to Daheishan, whether in monastic production or life.

If there is a hidden danger in Daheishan, then the trouble will be big.

From then on, Mo Hua learned the Niling Formation and went to Dahei Mountain when he had free time. When he encountered a remote or unfamiliar place, he would open Zuixiu's map and compare it to see if he could find the location marked on the map.

But after searching for several days, I still found nothing.

The ink painting felt dejected, and when I looked up, I suddenly saw heavy fog in the distance, covering the mountains and the sun. It was so misty that I didn't know where the mountains were and where the cliffs were.

That is the deep mountain of Daheishan, and it is also the most dangerous place in Daheishan.

It is said that the deep mountains are dangerous and unpredictable, and the monks will never return.

Mo Hua looked at it, suddenly startled, and took a breath of cold air:

The heavy fog in the Black Mountains can cover the abyss...

The location marked on this map cannot be the deep mountains of Dahei Mountain, right?

Mo Hua's eyelids twitched, and the more he thought about it, the more likely it seemed.

He knew the outer mountains like the back of his hand, but the inner mountains were too big for him to say, but he was also very familiar with them.

If the location recorded on the map is really in the inner mountains or outer mountains, then he must have an impression.

If it's not in the outer mountains or the inner mountains, it must be deep in the mountains.

The sin cultivator disappears, and there is the deep mountain where there is no return.

Mo Hua had a guess in his mind, and a chill came over him.

He quickly used his body skills and ran all the way back to Tongxian City. He found Elder Yu out of breath and asked hurriedly:

Elder Yu, has anyone been to the mountains?

Elder Yu was startled when he heard this, Why do you ask this? The mountains are dangerous and you can't go there.

He thought Mo Hua was curious and wanted to play in the mountains.

I won't go, so I'll just ask. Mo Hua took a breath, Is it true that as long as the demon hunter goes into the mountains, he never comes back?

Seeing Mo Hua's solemn look and serious tone, Elder Yu knew that it was probably not a trivial matter, so he nodded and said:

It's true.

Since when?

Elder Yu frowned and thought, and after a moment said: About two hundred, maybe three hundred years ago...

Don't you know either?

I have only lived for more than two hundred years. I don't know anything about what happened before. I can only hear about it.

Elder Yu touched his beard, recalled it, and then said:

It seems that more than three hundred years ago, although the mountains were dangerous, they were still accessible.

Can you get in? Mo Hua was a little surprised.

Elder Yu nodded, You can enter, but the fog is heavy, the miasma is poisonous, and the monsters are strong, and there are more second-grade monsters.

Elder Yu thought for a moment and then said: Although it was called a deep mountain at that time, it was actually an inner mountain, but it was the most dangerous place in the inner mountain. But later when we entered the deep mountains, there were too many demon hunters who never returned, and gradually No one dares to go there, and the deep mountains of Daheishan have become taboo.”

Do monks in the foundation building stage not dare to enter?

Elder Yu's eyelids twitched, I don't dare to build a foundation, because there are foundation building monks who have died.

Mo Hua opened his eyes wide, Will the foundation-building monks die inside?

Elder Yu nodded.

Not missing? But dead inside? Mo Hua asked doubtfully.

Logically speaking, being missing does not necessarily mean that you are dead. How can you be sure that you died in the mountains?

Because the body was found on the outer edge of the mountain.

The more Mo Hua listened, the more strange he felt, Who is dead?

Elder Yu looked a little complicated, The former eldest elder of the Qian family.

Qian family? Mo Hua was a little unbelievable.

Elder Yu nodded slightly and said to Mo Hua:

I was still a small Qi practitioner back then. I heard that the eldest elder of the Qian family had gone into the mountains and there was no news. After half a month, the ancestor of the Qian family took people with him and wanted to go into the mountains to look for him. He wanted to see someone. If you die, you will see your corpse.

How could a great elder of a family with such a high position of power die without any explanation? At that time, the Qian family was already very powerful, with a large number of people, so they dared to go into the mountains, but even so, they did not dare to do anything. main idea.

Nearly all members of the Qian family, from foundation building to Qi refining, were mobilized. The monks were close to each other, forming a human network and advancing from the outside into the mountains. Finally, the deceased elder of the Qian family was found under a tree on the outer edge.

It is said that the death was very strange. One arm was missing and it seemed that it was bitten off by a monster. However, this is a rumor after all. The Qian family has not disclosed the cause of death to the outside world.

What happens next? Mo Hua asked.

It was nothing after that. The Qian family didn't dare to go any further. The great elder in the foundation-building period died and his body was found, so there was an explanation. If we go further into the mountains, if we encounter any serious danger, I guess the Qian family will It’s about to be wiped out.”

Elder Yu was a little gloating, but also a little pity.

He was probably gloating about the death of the eldest elder of the Qian family, and also felt a little pity that not all of the Qian family had died in the mountains.

Mo Hua asked: Since then, has no monk dared to go into the mountains?

Elder Yu corrected him: Some people dare, but no one can come out.

There are many people in this world who are very brave, or who don't know the heights of the world. There are some who are brave and talented, and some who are stupid and fearless. But no matter what, they never come out after entering the mountains.

Mo Hua's eyes were complicated and he said slowly: Did they go in voluntarily?

Elder Yu smiled and was about to say something. Suddenly he was startled, the smile on his face gradually faded, and he said solemnly:

Did you...know something?

Mo Hua took out the map and handed it to Elder Yu. He also told the story about Bald Tuo and the sin cultivators, including those sixteen words.

The heavy fog in the Black Mountains can cover the abyss; at midnight, you can cast stones to ask for directions.

Elder Yu muttered, and the more he thought about it, the more frightened he became.

His mind was racing and his voice trembled slightly as he said:

You mean, the deep mountains of Daheishan are probably a huge den of thieves. For the past two or three hundred years, there have been extremely vicious sin cultivators dormant inside?

Mo Hua nodded slowly.

Elder Yu couldn't help but stood up, frowned, and paced back and forth in the hall.

After walking back and forth like this for several times, Elder Yu collected his thoughts, then sat down, drank a cup of tea, calmed down, and said in a deep voice:

It is indeed possible...

In the past two hundred years, not only monks from other places, but also demon hunters, many have disappeared in the mountains.

The elders from the beginning of the demon hunting business, including me, gave many warnings and instructions not to go into the deep mountains, otherwise there will be greater dangers.

But there was a demon hunter who didn't listen to the advice and went into the mountains. There was no news from him.

I used to hate him for being stupid and ignorant of life and death, but now that I think about it, I realize that there is something very strange about it.

Who can be a demon hunter or can live in the inner mountains, who doesn't know the dangers of the Black Mountain? There are a few people who don't care about their lives. How could they go deep into the mountains when their heads are hot?

Even if they don't cherish their own lives, their wives and children are pointing out that he hunts monsters and earns spiritual stones to make a living. How can they dare to take risks with their families and their families so easily?

How could they not know that once they die, they will leave orphans and widows living a miserable life?

Now it seems that they did not go into the mountains voluntarily, but were caught or killed and then taken into the mountains!

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