Asking about longevity

Chapter 315 Disintegration

The days that followed were as calm as water. With hard work day and night, Mo Hua's ability to calculate his spiritual consciousness was also increasing day by day.

Until one day, he suddenly thought of a question:

Can I try to make the formation collapse?

Although Mr. Zhuang said that he was not teaching him the calculation of spiritual consciousness to make him disintegrate the formation, but since he had learned the calculation, he had to try it after all.

Mo Hua wanted to see what it would look like when the formation collapsed.

Even Mr. Zhuang found it incredible how strong the power of disintegration could be.

The principle of formation disintegration is not difficult, but the difficulty is to learn the spirit-reverse formation and divine consciousness calculation.

The counter-spirit formation has now been learned in ink painting, and the divine consciousness generation is not considered proficient, but after practicing for so many days, I have become a lot more proficient, and I already have the basic foundation of the disintegration formation.

Mo Hua was still not at ease, so he found Mr. Zhuang again and asked indirectly about the precautions for the disintegration of the formation.

Mr. Zhuang could see what was going on in Mo Hua's little head at a glance, but he didn't care.

It's good to be curious.

If there is no curiosity about formations and no desire for knowledge, on the long road of spiritual cultivation, it is easy to become numb due to the boring formations and lose the original intention of exploring the avenue of formations.

Moreover, the formation disintegration is not so easy to learn.

With Mo Hua's current spiritual consciousness, it would be considered good if he could calculate and disintegrate a first-grade single formation.

Although the power of a single-level disintegration array is not weak, it is not much stronger. He is playing with disintegration by himself, and even if he loses his hand, his life will not be in danger.

Mr. Zhuang then pointed out:

The disintegration of the formation is based on the calculation of divine consciousness.

First calculate the spiritual power trajectory of the formation, and then set up the counter-spiritual formation on the formation hub based on the spiritual power trajectory.

After activating the formation in this way, the spiritual power flows along the center of the formation and is reversely decomposed by the counter-spiritual formation in turn, causing the entire formation to disintegrate and producing a destructive force close to the origin of the avenue...

Mr. Zhuang said it in detail.

Mo Hua memorized Mr. Zhuang's words one by one, and then found some time to run to the Dahei Mountains and began to test the disintegration of the formation.

The disintegrating formation is still a first-grade earth fire formation.

Although Mo Hua's spiritual consciousness has established its foundation, it cannot calculate too complex formations, so it can only start with ordinary first-grade formations.

I drew the fire formation on the ink canvas, spent some time calculating the spiritual power trajectory, and then drew the counter-spiritual formation on the formation pivot according to the spiritual power trajectory.

After struggling for a long time, Mo Hua was finally ready.

Everything is ready, just need to activate the formation.

Mo Hua placed the spirit stone on the formation and ran away.

He didn't know how powerful the formation's disintegration was, so to be on the safe side, it was better to stay away.

Mo Hua cast a fireball spell, crushing the spiritual stone accurately, causing the spiritual energy to overflow and inject into the earth fire formation.

The light on the formation flashed, and then disappeared in an instant.

Mo Hua hid in the distance, only feeling that the formation lit up for a moment, and then nothing happened.

There was no explosion, no sound, no spiritual energy fluctuation, as if it was just a firecracker that had been fired...

Mo Hua was stunned.

Disintegration failed?

Or is there a mistake in the calculation?

Mo Hua couldn't figure it out and didn't dare to step forward rashly. He waited for a while and saw that there was still no movement. He let go of his consciousness and couldn't feel a trace of spiritual power flowing, so he stepped forward.

After just one glance, Mo Hua frowned and became more confused.

The formation is gone!

Nothing was left in place.

Only the stone carrying the formation turned into a pile of fine powder, which dissipated when the wind blew.

So this is...a success?

The formation disintegrated, completely, nothing was left, even the formation medium was reduced to powder.

But this what it looks like?

Mo Hua was not sure, so he tried again.

It is better to draw the formation and calculate it with your spiritual consciousness, then draw the counter-spirit formation on the center of the formation, and then activate the formation.

Mo Hua didn't run too far. While observing, he let go of his consciousness and concentrated on sensing the changes in the formation's disintegration.

But this time, he finally saw what happened.

The moment the formation is activated, spiritual power begins to flow, starting from the center of the formation and connecting the formation patterns. However, when the spiritual power flows to the counter-spirit formation, it will be decomposed.

When the light blue spiritual power is decomposed, it will not become more subtle, but will become a completely different kind of spiritual power, with faint black edges, exuding an aura of death, and disintegrating everything it touches. , and then annihilated.

This process is extremely terrifying, yet silent.

No, it should be that even the sound has been disintegrated! That's why it's silent...

Mo Hua was shocked.

This was unlike any form of spiritual power he had ever seen before.

Monks usually use their spiritual power to activate Taoism and form mysterious forces such as the Five Elements and Three Miracles. If this process is forward, then the current disintegrating force is reverse.

It is a form of spiritual power that is outside the usual spiritual power framework of monks.

That is what Mr. Zhuang said, the power of destruction that is close to the origin of the great road...

Mo Hua seemed to understand this when he heard it before, but now that he has seen it with his own eyes, he can deeply understand the horror of this power that is close to the source of destruction.

The only problem is that the scope of disintegration is too small...

When the formation explodes, the spiritual power spreads outward; when the formation collapses, the spiritual power concentrates inward.

The earth fire formation in front of us, if its normal explosion size is a large watermelon, its disintegration range can only be a small hawthorn.

This is used against the enemy, and the enemy must be tied to the formation, otherwise it will definitely not hurt anyone.

Even if it hurts, it doesn't mean much if it hurts an arm or a leg.

Mo Hua sighed.

No wonder Mr. Zhuang told himself this dangerous method of disintegration without any scruples.

With his current spiritual consciousness, he can only disintegrate an ordinary first-grade single formation.

And just as Mr. Zhuang said, Ordinary single formations are not worth disintegrating because the spiritual power composition is too weak...

The composition of spiritual power is weak. Although the power produced after the spiritual power disintegrates is special, it is too small in scale to pose a great threat.

As for the formation with strong spiritual power, it is at least a complex formation.

With his current spiritual consciousness, it is impossible to calculate the resumption of the formation.

Mo Hua was a little disappointed. He originally thought that if the power of the formation's disintegration was strong enough, he would have a more lethal trump card.

In this way, even if you face the foundation-building monks, you won't be helpless.

The big boss and the third boss of Heishan Village have not been caught yet. If they are allowed to escape justice, they will definitely be a big hidden danger in the future.

If I learn how to disintegrate the formation, I will have some means of dealing with them when I encounter them.

But now it seems that my thinking is still too simple.

The power that can threaten the foundation-building monks is not so easy to obtain...

Mo Hua sighed again.

In this case, he didn't worry about it anymore, and just practiced the calculation of spiritual consciousness with peace of mind, and through the calculation, he increased his understanding of the battle method.

People can't be too greedy. Just learn calculations well and forget about disintegration first.

Mo Hua warned secretly in his heart.

This was his original plan...

It was not until midnight two days later that the ink painting sank into the sea of ​​consciousness. After practicing calculations on the Taoist monument for a while, I suddenly froze.

Mo Hua looked at the monument and slowly frowned.

There are two calculated spiritual power tracks on the Taoist tablet.

One place he had just calculated, and another place he had calculated before but forgot to erase.

At this time, two spiritual energy tracks exist on the Taoist monument at the same time.

A question naturally emerged in Mo Hua's mind:

“Drawing formations requires ‘one thought’, but does calculation of divine consciousness require it?”

The so-called 'one thought' means that all the formation patterns of a single formation and the complete formation hub of a complex formation need to be drawn in one go with constant spiritual thought, otherwise the formation will not take effect.

Mo Hua had preconceptions and always thought that the calculation of divine consciousness was the same, but now it seems that there is no such explanation for the calculation of divine consciousness.

For a formation, you can calculate a little bit today and a little bit more tomorrow, as long as what is finally formed in the sea of ​​consciousness is a complete spiritual power trajectory map.

In other words, for a complex formation, you can calculate it one by one, and finally piece it together to form the complete spiritual energy trajectory of the complex formation.

There is no need to calculate everything in one go when calculating spiritual consciousness.

Mo Hua thought about it for a while and finally understood.

Because the formation is externally manifested, it is an objective flow of spiritual power, and the trajectory of spiritual power calculated by divine consciousness is actually the cognition of the formation.

Whether you can calculate it or not, the formation exists, but you may not be able to recognize the essence of the formation.

When he thought of this, Mo Hua was completely stunned.

His Dao tablet can trace back his spiritual consciousness.

This means that he can use the Dao Monument to calculate formations in a truly unlimited way.

At the same time, it also means that not only a single formation, but also a complex formation, or even a large formation, as long as he has enough time, he can calculate it piece by piece.

Being able to calculate a complex formation or a large formation means...

He can make the formation collapse, and even the big formation collapse, so in a true sense, he has the power to destroy the foundation!

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