Asking about longevity

Chapter 386 Mystery

Sun Ze said embarrassedly: Yes...

Sun Yi was a little absent-minded, and after a long time, he murmured:

I made a mistake...

He originally thought that the little monk who looked the most inconspicuous was just a young disciple serving his master by serving tea and water.

But I didn't expect that not only did he know formations, but his spells were also so powerful.

He is also very smart, able to defeat many with one enemy, and has experience in fighting. He is also quite sophisticated.

Sun Ze said with hatred: Dad, we must avenge this!

Sun Yi did not answer, but looked at his son coldly, Have you told him all the details about our Sun family?

No! Dad, you have to believe me! Sun Ze vowed.

Sun Yi snorted coldly.

He believed in his son so much that he must have said everything he should and shouldn't have said.

Sun Yi's eyes flashed, and after thinking for a moment, he slowly said:

Let's stand still for now.

But dad, I can't bear this tone.

Sun Ze said bitterly.

He went to see the alchemist, who said that his arms were all burned by the fire, and he could not use his spiritual power for a short period of time. Other parts of his body were also more or less injured.

Especially my head, which was hit with a stick several times by ink paintings and is still buzzing.

Most importantly, he was disfigured.

The fireball technique hit his face. Although Sun Ze had covered his face, he was still injured by the fire, and there were several burning marks on his face.

Sun Ze couldn't swallow this breath.

Sun Yi snorted coldly: If you can't bear it, bear it with me.

Sun Zeyu's anger was still lingering, and he suddenly frowned.

This doesn't sound like his father's style.

In Qianjia Town, the Sun family has always retaliated against others, so how could they ever tolerate it?

Dad, do you have any other plans? Sun Ze asked.

Sun Yi touched his chin and asked:

Do you think this kid can really find the formation passed down by our Sun family?

Sun Ze immediately sneered, Impossible!

Sun Yi gave him a cold look.

Sun Ze calmed down and thought about it this time, his heart skipped a beat:

It's really possible.

Sun Ze thought carefully and said:

This kid's identity is extraordinary, his spells are extraordinary, and his attainments in formations seem to be extraordinary.

I destroyed all the formations he drew. I didn't pay attention at the time. Now that I think about it, those formations were drawn quite well. And they were done faster and better than you, dad...

Sun Ze was halfway through speaking and didn't dare to speak anymore.

Sun Yi snorted coldly, Just tell me.

I can draw better than you...

Sun Yi was not angry, but his heart skipped a beat, secretly thinking that this was indeed the case.

This innocent-looking kid turned out to be a rare formation genius.

Among this group of people, perhaps this kid is the real key figure.

The key is, he's still so young.

There is heaven outside the sky, and there are people outside the world... Sun Yi sighed.

How about, dad... let's just forget it? Sun Ze asked tentatively.

Why forget it?

The formation genius, wouldn't it be unwise for us to provoke him...

So what if you are a genius in formations? Sun Yi sneered, This world of cultivation is vast, with hundreds of millions of monks and countless geniuses. No matter how good your talent is, if you can't grow up, you will be no different than a mediocre person.

Sun Ze was a little confused and said doubtfully:

Dad, what do you want to do?

Sun Yi's eyes narrowed, We'll wait.


Wait for that brat to find out the formations passed down from our Sun family's ancestors, and then catch them all and reap the benefits.

Sun Yi sneered, When the time comes, the Sun family's formations will be returned to their original owners, and the kid who can draw formations will also be used by my Sun family.

Sun Ze was a little worried:

What if there are foundation-building monks among them?

Sun Yidao: I have made plans in the past few days. Even if there is a foundation among them, there will only be one at most...

And in our Sun family, I am the foundation builder. In addition, there are hundreds of Qi refining disciples.

When the time comes, I will take action and hold down the foundation-building monk. Will hundreds of Sun family disciples be able to hold down the remaining Qi-refining monks?

Sun Yi snorted again, No matter how powerful that kid's magic is, if he can defeat eight or nine people, he is still invincible. Even if there are dozens or even hundreds of monks, he can drain all his spiritual energy.

When his spiritual power is exhausted, he will be unable to escape.

Sun Ze still had some concerns, Even if we catch him, can he listen to my Sun family's words?

Sun Yi smiled and continued:

We will capture them all and use his master or senior brothers and sisters as threats. We will not worry about him being disobedient.

When he grows up, he will select a girl from the Sun family and forcibly marry him. Once he gives birth to a child, he will be bound to our Sun family.

The child has the blood of my Sun family and is connected by blood. He is also half of the Sun family. Naturally, he will do his best to do things for our Sun family...

Sun Ze was greatly shocked, Dad, you are so sinister... and wise.

Sun Yi smiled proudly. He turned his head and looked at the spiritual field in the distance, his eyes looking forward and saying:

Let's search hard and find this lost formation for our Sun family...

Mo Hua was indeed looking for the formation, but after searching for a long time, he still had no clue.

He ran to ask Mr. Zhuang:

Master, is the formation in the spiritual field?

The Sun family could no longer stay, so Mr. Zhuang borrowed money to stay at Old Man Ding's house.

Although Old Man Ding's family is poor, their yard is quite big.

Mr. Zhuang set up a bamboo chair in the yard again, and sat on the bamboo chair when he had nothing to do, looking at the green mountains, green water, blue sky and white clouds leisurely.

Hearing Mo Hua ask him, Mr. Zhuang smiled enigmatically, What do you think?

Mo Hua nodded, I think so.

Now that you have a guess, just be patient and look for it.

Mr. Zhuang said leisurely, not in a hurry.

The ink painting is a bit worrying.

He has been searching for many days, but still has no clues.

The only ones in the spiritual field are the earth-nurturing formation with six formation patterns, and some other formations related to water and soil.

There is not even a first-grade nine-mark formation, let alone a nine-mark or higher formation.

When Mr. Zhuang saw Mo Hua's wrinkled face, he suggested:

What are the elements of the formation?

Array media, array pattern, array hub, array eye.

This is a basic formation question, and the ink painting answers it naturally.

Then you should think about it from these perspectives, but don't be limited to your existing knowledge of formations.

Mr. Zhuang said, and then he looked at the world in the distance with a meaningful expression:

The formation is vast and profound. What you have seen and learned is still just the tip of the iceberg of the formation. There are still many unknown mysteries.

“You must learn to use the knowledge you already know to think, but you must not be limited by these things.”

Mr. Zhuang pointed out.

If Mo Hua realized something, he nodded slowly.

In the next few days, Mo Hua continued to run to the spiritual field every day.

Xiao Miaoer still runs around behind him every day.

Bai Zisheng and Bai Zixi had nothing else to do, so they followed Mo Hua and helped him find a formation.

Bai Zisheng would go for a walk nearby if nothing happened, to see if the Sun family would come over to cause trouble.

Aunt Xue has strict control over him and generally does not allow him to fight with others.

Otherwise, when he was in Tongxian City, he wanted to follow Mo Hua into the Daheishan Mountains to hunt monsters and show off his skills.

Now that Aunt Xue is not around, Mr. Zhuang doesn't let him go, but he doesn't restrain him either. Bai Zisheng has long wanted to find someone to fight and try his skills.

Especially as a senior brother, it is natural for him to help his junior brother fight, and Mr. Zhuang will not blame him.

So Bai Zisheng looked eager to try, wandering around the spiritual field every day, raising his head from time to time to see if any sensible Sun monks would come to trouble them and let him test his skills.

It's a pity that the Sun family didn't know what to do and never came.

No one from the Sun family came, so naturally no one disturbed Mo Hua.

But after several days of searching, he still made no progress, so he sat cross-legged on the edge of the field, holding his chin and thinking.

Formation medium, formation pattern, formation hub, formation eye...

If there is really a perfect formation in the spiritual field, it should be based on the ridge of the field.

The field ridges are built with stones, which are hard and easy to carve out formations.

The formation pattern should also exist on the field ridge.

But Mo Hua had almost gone all over the spiritual field and still couldn't find any trace of the final battle.

In addition, it is the formation hub.

The formation hub of the Jue Formation should be somewhat different from the ordinary formation.

Mo Hua didn't notice at all that there was any special formation hub in this spiritual field.

The most important thing is that there is no formation eye.

The formation requires formation eyes to provide spiritual power, but in this spiritual field, there are no formation eyes for the operation of the formation.

Mo Hua scratched his head, puzzled.

According to the basic formation framework, there are no other formations in this spiritual field.

But looking at Mr. Zhuang's attitude, Mo Hua is certain that there must be a secret formation hidden in this spiritual field...

Mo Hua's thoughts were a little confused.

The breeze blows, and the rice waves burst into waves.

There is a hint of sweetness of rice seedlings in the wind.

Mo Hua calmed down, found a branch, and began to draw something on the ground.

He drew all the formations involved in the spiritual field, including the earth-nurturing formation, the water-retaining formation, the insect-repelling formation, etc., one by one.

I want to find some connections among these formations.

But looking over and over again, these formations are still the same, there is nothing special about them.

Mo Hua sighed, and looked up to find Ding Miao'er sitting on the ground, holding a branch in his little hands, learning ink painting, but he didn't know what he was painting.

However, what Miao Er drew looked like a formation, but it didn't look like a formation.

Mo Hua looked at it for a few times, felt a little confused, and asked:

Miao'er, what are you drawing?

Miao'er pointed forward with her little hand, The painted spiritual field.

When he saw the ink painting formation, he followed suit.

However, the formation was complicated and there were many patterns. Miao'er couldn't draw it, so he found something to draw on his own.

He has painted them all, including cows and chickens.

Now it’s the turn to paint the spiritual field.

Miao'er painted a spiritual field, but he also followed the brushwork of ink painting, making it look like a formation but not like it.

Mo Hua nodded slightly, then was suddenly startled.


Mo Hua frowned, vaguely thinking of something.

At this time, another gust of mountain wind blew by, stirring the rice seedlings and forming green waves, one after another, connecting all the spiritual fields into one, rippling into the distance.

All the spiritual fields are like one body, echoing each other.

Mo Hua stood up suddenly, feeling a turmoil in his heart.

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