“I give 10 billion to the person who responded beautifully to my commission!”

Canel showed a mouth full of white teeth.

“10 billion?!”

“Hey, is that amount serious?”


Hearing such a generous bonus, many people were surprised and delighted.

Deranka gritted her teeth and said, “Compared to the bonus, Mr. Carnell, do you really know which ingredient is located?” ”

Kanel was a little angry, and directly turned around and walked forward: “What a stupid question… Who do you think I am? ”

“Don’t refuse to come!”

“Century soup, those who want to challenge come with me!”

Hearing this, the crowd boiled.

“Do you want a selection test? President! A bodyguard asked.

Canel showed a strange smile: “No need! Bring it all! ”

“I’m going to increase the probability of finding the soup of the century, even if it’s 0.1%…”

“And, ah, soon nature will eliminate a group of people!”

“Anyway, the place we are going to, but the frozen continent that can freeze everything!”


A huge icebreaker travels on the sea.

The hall was packed.

“Thank you, for answering the call!” Kanel showed his big teeth, “First of all, let me thank you for your courage and courage, then let me tell you the location of the century soup now…”

On deck.

Wang Lin had already put on a suitable ignition suit.

The ignition suit is a tights made of multiple layers of rubber-like materials with high cold resistance, and the frictional heat generated by the friction of the overlapping materials keeps the whole tights hot.

Its thermal insulation rivals that of the fur of a blizzard bear that inhabits permafrost.

Such a set of ignition suits costs 7 million.

After all, Wang Lin knew very well that the place he was about to go was the Frozen Continent.

According to the delineation of the IGO, it is an extremely dangerous area, not because of the beast, but because of the environment.

The average temperature there is minus 50 degrees Celsius.

If you don’t take measures to prevent the cold and keep warm, you will freeze to death if you land on the frozen continent.

Although Wang Lin’s physique has become very strong, he can’t completely resist that cold.

Put on a ignition suit and be safer.

Moreover, after putting on the ignition suit, the body is warm and much more comfortable.

Of course, Wang Lin knew that Kanel gave everyone a set of expensive ignition suits for free, not because he showed mercy, but because he installed a bugging device on the ignition suit.

Others may not know, but Wang Lin does.

However, in order not to attract Carnell’s attention, Wang Lin did not take down the bugging device now.

As for the location of the century soup, Wang Lin also knows.

It was in the heart of the frozen continent, where there was a place called the “Food Display Window” underground.

The so-called “gourmet display window” is that in ancient times, when refrigeration technology was not developed, gourmets captured the ingredients, and in order to maintain the freshness of the ingredients, they put the ingredients there and froze them.

Today, the gourmets who refrigerated the ingredients no longer exist, but the ingredients left behind are still preserved, forming today’s gourmet display windows.

The century soup is the delicious essence flowing from the gourmet display window, bringing together the taste of countless ingredients in ancient times.

Why did the soup of the century appear?

This has to do with combustible ice at the bottom of frozen continents.

Every hundred years, combustible ice appears, melting the nearby ice, causing the food display window to melt and the stock flowing out of it, because it is once in a hundred years, so it is called the century soup!

At this moment, when everyone heard Carnell’s explanation, their expressions changed.

“Are you a frozen continent? Hey, isn’t that where the average annual temperature is minus 50 degrees Celsius? ”

“We’ll freeze to death!”


Kanel showed his big white teeth: “Otherwise, what do I send you to light the fire suit?” ”

Then, he repeated the information about the century soup.

On the deck, Ah Yu and Komatsu also put on their light suits and came to Wang Lin.

Ah Yu said: “Hey, Wang Lin, are you sure?” ”

Wang Lin said, “Definitely!” ”

Although there are many people who captured the soup of the century this time, these people are not competitive at all.

If you want, Wang Lin can clean up 99.9% by releasing a “top overlord color domineering”.

A little more competitive is Domilot, the sous chef of the gourmet club.

In the original work, Domilot, the head of the 5th branch of the gourmet club, Bukiwuz, the head of the 4th branch of the gourmet club, Ballycamon, and the head of the second branch of the gourmet club, four people also came to grab the century soup.

However, only Domilot can fight.

With Wang Lin’s current strength, it is not a problem to deal with Domilot.

Of course, later, the waiter Alfaro also came, which was a dangerous opponent, and Wang Lin couldn’t do it.

But, fortunately, Setsuna’s mother-in-law is also here!

Therefore, this time to capture the century soup, determined to get!

“Hello, Mr. Ahei!”

Suddenly, a voice came.

Looking back, I saw a young man riding a white horse appearing.

Komatsu was taken aback.

Ah Yu frowned, because he didn’t know the boy in front of him.

However, Wang Lin knew that the boy was Takimaru, a member of the Gourmet Knight!

Around 17 years old.

The left eye is covered by drooping hair.

A sunny smile on his face.

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