In the dark night, Liu Zhang was leading Tai Shici, Zhao Yun and other generals to lead the cavalry towards Qiangu. The darkness could not hinder the speed of the Han army.

Liu Zhang has already arranged many scouts, and he already knows the route from Meiyang City to Qiangu like the palm of his hand.

Such a fast marching speed quickly attracted the attention of one person, that is, Di Yang who was following Liu Zhang.

Ever since Liu Zhang asked him to follow him, Di Yang never had a chance to see his subordinates, and he completely lost the information about Meiyang City.

This situation made Di Yang very uneasy, and he was looking for opportunities to slip away quietly all the way, but Liu Zhang did not give him the slightest chance, not only arranged Zhao Yun, Tai Shici by his side, but also the soldiers of the Wuqi battalion. In four weeks!

Not only did Di Yang have no chance of escaping, he didn't even have a chance to talk to Liu Zhang. He was like a prisoner, except for a little freedom of movement, everything else was under control.

An hour later, Liu Zhang finally led his army to the vicinity of Qiangu. He began to arrange scouts to inquire about the news, and ordered the whole army to rest temporarily.

Di Yang finally had a chance to get close to Liu Zhang, and hurried to Liu Zhang.

"General Empress, how can the infantry catch up with us at such a fast marching speed?"

Liu Zhang smiled, looking indifferent.

"General Di, don't worry, the infantry is led by General Zhou and General Dong, and they will arrive soon!"

Di Yang frowned very tightly, and muttered even more in his heart.

Did Liu Zhang treat me like a fool? With the cavalry running so hard, how could the infantry catch up with their two legs? Even if you press him again, will he still have to break his leg?

"Has the general later forgotten? A few months ago, Zhang Cheqi ordered the infantry to chase the cavalry, and finally exhausted his energy?"

Liu Zhang didn't answer, just shook his head.

Di Yang didn't give up when he saw this, and continued to question Liu Zhang.

"Where's General Dianwei? Why didn't you see him? Isn't he the personal guard of the latter general?"

"Dian Wei's troops are also infantry, so naturally they have to march with the infantry."

Liu Zhang's tone was so light that Di Yang couldn't hear any emotion.

Di Yang wanted to continue asking, but Liu Zhang choked him back.

"General Di, we are about to fight the enemy, the general should take a break!"

After Liu Zhang finished speaking, he closed his eyes and meditated, ignoring Di Yang.

Di Yang was too suspicious, he didn't know where to rest, and he didn't care whether Liu Zhang was angry or not, so he wanted to ask.

"Rear General, I..."

"General Di, didn't you hear what my lord said? Tell the general to rest!"

Tai Shici, who was beside Liu Zhang, stepped forward directly, blocked Di Yang, and gave him a warning look.

The general Di Yang next to Liu Zhang has heard of it, and everyone is not easy to be with! All of them are extremely brave, and they are definitely not something they can deal with.

"Yes, this subordinate will retire."

Di Yang didn't dare to do anything wrong, so he could only withdraw in embarrassment.

However, after walking a few steps, Di Yang found that his actions were still severely restricted. Although there were no soldiers guarding him, there were at least a dozen elite cavalrymen keeping their eyes on him all the time!

broken! Could it be that Liu Zhang found out about me?

Di Yang's heart became more and more terrified, the surroundings seemed calm, but there was a faint murderous intent!

Hold on, you must hold your breath! The more flustered the easier it is to make mistakes! Liu Zhang should not be sure yet, otherwise he would have taken me to justice long ago!

Di Yang found an open space, leaned directly to the side, and pretended nothing happened, closing his eyes and meditating.

After an unknown amount of time, the darkness of the sky gradually receded, and a trace of light emerged from a distance.

"My lord, news came from the scouts that Qiangu Gukou found that the enemy army was carrying grain and grass."

Liu Zhang slowly opened his eyes and nodded slightly. Then he stood up and gave Zhao Yun and Tai Shici a look.

The two immediately took orders, and immediately began to organize soldiers, preparing to go to Qiangu to burn food and grass.

Di Yang also heard the soldier's report and ran over immediately. Although Di Yang has been closing his eyes in the distance, in fact he is not asleep at all, he is just pretending.

Liu Zhang still smiled and looked at Di Yang very friendly.

"Has General Di rested?"

"The end general has been waiting in full force!"

"Okay! The battle is about to start, and then we have to see General Di show off his power!"

Looking at Liu Zhang's expectant eyes, Di Yang even wondered if he was too nervous? Misunderstood Liu Zhang!

There is simply nothing to do now, only to take one step at a time!

"The final general will not disgrace his life!"

After rectifying the army and horses, Liu Zhang directly led his army to Qiangu without deliberately concealing his whereabouts. The movement was so loud that countless birds and beasts scattered!

Di Yang still followed Liu Zhang at the forefront, but at this moment he was a little relieved.

The sky has gradually brightened, and the vision has gradually become clearer.

Di Yang analyzed the movements of the cavalry and the smoke and dust behind him. There are at least 20,000 cavalry here, which is indeed the entire Han army!

Liu Zhang brought all the cavalry of the Han army, which shows that he did not see through Li Wenhou's strategy, which means that he must be safe!

As far as the Qiangu Valley mouth was attacked, the Han army did not encounter any obstacles.

The Xiliang army who was carrying food and grass at Taniguchi was shocked. The Han army just appeared, and they all ran into the valley in fright, without any sign of resistance.

Di Yang rode his horse forward and begged Liu Zhang for orders.

"Rear General, if we go in now, we will definitely defeat the enemy!"

Liu Zhang shook his head and rejected Di Yang's proposal.

"No, the situation in the valley is unknown, so don't enter rashly."

Liu Zhang looked at the mountain of grain and grass in front of him, and sneered.

"Burn the grain, and then we'll leave."

"What? Leave? Didn't the rear general say he wanted to wipe out the enemy army?"

Di Yang was very puzzled, and looked at Liu Zhang suspiciously.

The soldiers didn't care what Di Yang thought. After receiving the order, they stepped forward one after another and started to set fire to it.

The food was all disguised by straw, and when it came into contact with an open flame, it spread rapidly, and the entire valley mouth was blocked by the fire in an instant, and black smoke rose all over the sky!

"Turn the horse's head and prepare to retreat!"

At Liu Zhang's order, the soldiers dispersed into two rows and began to turn their horses around at the same time.

"What? This...?"

"Follow orders!"

Liu Zhang ignored Di Yang's surprise, but sternly gave him four words.

After that, without Di Yang's hands, Zhao Yun stepped forward to take Di Yang's rein, and pulled him to the back.

Di Yang was more and more surprised as he walked, he found that there were no soldiers on many horses!

Is it a double ride? How many soldiers are there? What about the rest?

Di Yang was completely stunned, and was dragged forward in a daze, he didn't know what he was going to face next!

(end of this chapter)

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