After Liu Zhang finished talking about his conditions, he stepped aside and quietly waited for the reactions of the ministers.

Especially the reactions of He Jin and Yuan Wei are crucial.

Naturally, Liu Hong didn't have any objections. Anyway, he had already made up his mind, and if he asked for money, he wouldn't have a penny!

Didn't the general and the Taifu both advocate the Western Expedition? Yes, I also agree. It's just that I can't help this money, grain, soldiers, horses and horses!

Yuan Kui didn't speak, his gloomy face already showed his attitude.

He Jin was the most shocked, his eyes widened, and he kept cursing Liu Zhang in his heart.

This thief is really hateful! Two hundred thousand troops? Two million stone grain and grass? You just rebel! If you have so much money, why use you Liu Zhang?

"Isn't the Empress General a bit too much? How many soldiers and horses did the Empress General use to break the Yellow Turban in the past? The last battle of Meiyang was only tens of thousands of troops, why is it necessary to have 200,000 troops this time? There is also food and grass, you didn't hear that just now." What did Da Sinong say? The treasury can’t even get 300,000 shi, so where can I find you two million shi of grain!”

Liu Zhang didn't care about He Jin's anger at all, and just spread his hands together, looking indifferent.

"General, you are the ones who insisted on forcing me to go to the west, can't you satisfy my request? Don't you want to send tens of thousands of recruits with me, and bring a hundred thousand stones of food and grass? If you do this, don't you just let me go to die? Is it? If this is the case, you don’t need to ruin the lives of tens of thousands of soldiers in vain, you can simply let His Majesty kill me!”


The anger in He Jin's heart was ignited instantly, he didn't expect Liu Zhang to be so ignorant!

"Your Majesty, the latter general is too rude! According to Yichen, he just doesn't want to serve His Majesty!"

How could Liu Zhang let He Jin take all the reasoning away, and he snorted coldly.

"General, it stands to reason that you are in charge of the world's soldiers and horses, and you are the real commander! How about the general go west and let Liu Zhang see the demeanor of the general!"

He Jin was speechless immediately, not to mention tens of thousands of troops, even if he was given 200,000 troops, he would not dare to go to Liangzhou.

"The Empress General was just joking. The Great General has an important responsibility in the world, so how can he leave Beijing so easily? In my opinion, I have to rely on the Empress General for this matter! The Empress General might as well ask for less money and food, so as not to embarrass Your Majesty!"

Yuan Kai helped He Jin out of the siege with a smile, and did not forget to praise Liu Zhang.

Liu Zhang smiled but didn't smile. He knew Yuan Kai's sinister intentions and refused to give him any face.

"Teacher really doesn't hurt his back while standing up and talking! Do you want less money and food for soldiers and horses? Then why don't you ask Bian Zhang Beigong Boyu if he is willing to surrender! When the soldiers and horses gather and the food and grass are ready, what's the situation in Liangzhou?" I don’t know yet! I’m asking for His Majesty’s consideration!”

"Besides, who in the world does not know that the Yuan family is a top-notch family? There are countless money and supplies! As the head of all officials, Yuan Taifu, why not set an example for all officials?"

Yuan Kai didn't expect that Liu Zhang had blatantly broken his face with him, so he put away his smile.

"According to the general's opinion, what should I do?"

Liu Zhang laughed out loud, looking at Yuan Kai with malicious expressions in his eyes.

"The Yuan family is very rich. A million stones of grain and grass must be a drop in the bucket for the Taifu's Yuan family! I don't think it is better for the Taifu to take out one million stones of grain and grass, and the other ministers will collect the rest! By the way, the general should also To set an example, why not take half a million stones!"

As soon as Liu Zhang finished speaking, he heard He Jin's angry voice.

"I have no money!"

Yuan Kai's face was extremely gloomy, how could anyone bring this kind of thing to the court? Liu Zhang is so courageous!

"Your Majesty, I, the fourth generation and the third father of the Yuan family, each generation is loyal to the emperor and patriotic, honest and honest! Not to mention a million shi, even the 10,000 shi mentioned by the old minister just now is already the whole family's savings for a few years. Savings!"

"If the old man has a false sentence, he will definitely die!"

Liu Zhang had a look of contempt on his face. He didn't expect that Yuan Kai would even give up his life because he didn't pay for it! No wonder he was slaughtered by Dong Zhuo later! It deserves it!

"Your Majesty, the latter general has slandered the veteran so much, if he doesn't give him an explanation, the veteran will resign immediately!"

Liu Hong frowned slightly, unexpectedly Yuan Kai would still hold on to this point! I also blamed Liu Zhang for being reckless in my heart.

"Rear General, hurry up and apologize to Taifu Yuan!"


Liu Zhang scolded Yuan Kai secretly in his heart, but he still saluted Yuan Kai.

"Teacher Yuan, please forgive Liu Zhang for talking nonsense!"

Yuan Kai took a few breaths, but did not continue to pursue responsibility.

"The latter general slandered the old man, and the old man can not be held accountable, but you have to agree to this Liangzhou matter!"

Liu Zhang didn't expect that this old man would give him a hand to repair the plank road and secretly hide Chen Cang! On the surface he forgave himself, but in fact he threatened him with the matter of Xi Zheng!

"Rear General, you should think of a way! Manchu civil and military affairs, that is, what you are best at conquest!"

Hearing Liu Hong's pleading tone, Liu Zhang knew in his heart that the time had almost come.

"Your Majesty, if you want to completely put down the Liangzhou rebellion, the three points I said before are definitely the minimum conditions, without any discussion! But if you want to deal with the current chaos in Liangzhou, I have a good plan in mind."

Liu Hong pretended to be excited, and hurriedly urged Liu Zhang.

"Speak quickly!"

"Your Majesty, if the national treasury is unable to support the Western Expedition, we can only shelve the matter temporarily. Since Liangzhou cannot be recovered, it is better to trap the rebels in Liangzhou so that they cannot get involved in other places! When the treasury is sufficient, we can put down the rebellion in one go !"

He Jin snorted coldly, with a look of disdain on his face.

"The latter general said it lightly! If Liangzhou is left alone, will it be possible to stay there safely after the rebels have completely taken control of Liangzhou? Could it be that the latter forgot that when Geng Bi was still in Liangzhou, Bian Zhang and others Dare to attack Sansuke?"

"Don't worry, general, I haven't finished my words yet."

Liu Zhang glanced at He Jin indifferently, and looked at Liu Hong again.

"Your Majesty, we only need to let Polu General Dong Zhuo be stationed in Meiyang, and then reactivate Huangfusong to station in Chencang. Order the two to strengthen the city defenses and hoard food, grass and equipment, and they will definitely stop the bandit army from advancing eastward!"

"Elect another general who is both wise and brave, and let him garrison Hanzhong. On the one hand, it can prevent the Xiliang army from invading Sichuan and Shu, and on the other hand, when the Xiliang army advances eastward, it can seize the opportunity to invade Tianshui from Qishan Road!"

Liu Hong nodded, and first spoke in agreement with Liu Zhang's strategy.

"Now the national treasury is empty. Judging from the current situation, we can only temporarily follow the general's strategy."

"General, Taifu, what do you think?"

He Jin looked at Yuan Kai when he heard Liu Hong asking himself a question, and he didn't know whether he should agree.

"Your Majesty, the old minister thinks that the general's strategy is feasible. The court is indeed powerless to conquer, so it can only temporarily trap the rebels in Liangzhou. When the treasury is full, you might as well go to Liangzhou to suppress the rebellion!"

Yuan Kai agreed, and He Jin didn't have any objections.

"I also feel that this method is feasible!"

Seeing that neither of them had any objections, Liu Hong became worried.

"But where can I find this wise and courageous general?"

(end of this chapter)

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