At The Beginning of The Game, The Five Tiger Generals Were Intercepted

Chapter 258 Han Sui's Plan for Several Counties in Liangzhou

With Yan Xing by his side, no one would dare to do anything wrong! Because Yan Xing's broadsword has been stained with the blood of countless Qiang people.

"Without a stable rear, how can we go further?"

No one answered Han Sui. His subordinates were all reckless men who could only fight. Without a wise man, Han Sui could only talk to himself.

"My lord, we are all vulgar people. If we don't understand these things, the lord will tell us who to beat, and we will hit whoever we want!"

These idiots from the barbarians are really hard to be elegant!

Han Sui looked down on them very much in his heart, but he still greeted them with a smile. After all, he still had to rely on them to attack the city and pull out the stronghold!

"Everyone, we now occupy the three counties of Anding, Jincheng and Tianshui. Why didn't the imperial court send troops to conquer, but just garrison Meiyang and Chencang, and sit back and watch us occupy the prefectures and counties? It is because they are not capable enough now, and they are unable to conquer now!"

"Then what are we going to do now? Are we going to fight against the imperial court like Bian Zhang and Bei Gong Boyu, two idiots? Of course not! We must seize this golden opportunity to further expand our territory!"

Han Sui turned sideways and pointed to the map behind him.

"Look, generals, we now occupy this, this, and this. But this place does not belong to us."

Han Sui put his hands on the position of Longxi County, and even these Qiang people understood Han Sui's intentions.

Jincheng County, Anding County, and Tianshui County just form a triangle, but there is another county in the middle of this triangle, which is Longxi County!

If Longxi County is taken out alone, it is not conspicuous in Liangzhou, but it will be particularly important when viewed among the three counties of Han Sui! Once there is a problem in Longxi County, the connection between Anding, Jincheng, and Tianshui can be cut off instantly!

"Generals, if Longxi County doesn't belong to us, it will feel like a stick in the throat! Now that the kingdom is united with us, it's okay. Once it turns against us, it will be like a sharp knife directly piercing our chest."

All the generals also understood what Han Sui meant, and they wanted nothing more than to attack Longxi County from three sides and completely destroy the kingdom.

At this time, Yan Xing stood up and raised his concerns

"My lord, once we attack and kill the kingdom for no reason, the other Liangzhou forces will definitely be in danger! If they join forces to deal with us, I'm afraid they won't be able to deal with it easily!"

As soon as Yan Xing's words came out, the Qiang generals were very reasonable, and immediately began to sway from side to side. Some supported Han Sui's attack on Longxi, while others disagreed.

"Okay, stop arguing!"

Han Sui stretched out his hand to stop the noise of the generals.

"I've already thought about this issue. Naturally, we can't be enemies of all Liangzhou warlords! Next door to us is Ma Teng of Wuwei County. We can unite with him and push Ma Teng to take Xiping County and Zhangye County, or even Jiuquan County, Dunhuang County, and Xihai County in the back. We can distribute these counties to Ma Teng!"

"My lord, if this is the case, Ma Teng will occupy the six counties, and his strength will surpass us in one fell swoop. It is inevitable that he will have some thoughts about our territories!"

The Qiang people are like this. They are afraid of wolves and tigers, and they want to gain benefits, but they don't want to take risks. Why did Han Sui look down on the Qiang people and just use them as thugs? It is because of their character! After all, it will not be a big deal!

"Don't worry, even if Ma Teng takes over the six counties, it's fine. The main resources of Liangzhou are in our four counties!"

Of course, Han Sui didn't have the good intentions to let Ma Teng take advantage of it. The six counties in the west are all located in the depths, so it is easy to occupy, but if he wants to keep his own, he needs to garrison a large number of troops. However, these six counties are sparsely populated and surrounded by Qianghu, which actually means nothing at all!

Yan Xing on the side nodded, presumably Han Sui's remarks had convinced him.

"My lord, what about Wudu County? As far as I know, Wudu County has a population of tens of thousands, and it is one of the few important towns in Liangzhou! We can attack Wudu County directly after attacking Longxi County! "

Yan Xing glanced at the map behind him, walked over and pointed in the direction of Wudu County.

Unexpectedly, Han Sui's reaction was very strong, and he directly rejected Yan Xing's proposal.

"No! Wudu County don't move for now!"

"Why? The guards of Wudu County have all run away, and now only some county soldiers are maintaining it!"

Yan Xing was very puzzled. In his opinion, Wudu County seemed to be a stunning beauty. If he went there, he could possess it. Why not do it?

"because of him!"

Han Sui also stretched out his hand and pointed to the side of Wudu County.


"That's right, Hanzhong County is not what it used to be. Now the prefect of Hanzhong County is Liu Zhang, the later general!"

As soon as the word Liu Zhang came out, the generals of the Qiang people were visibly nervous, and some of them still had fear in their eyes!

Yan Xing followed Han Sui all the time, but he had never fought against Liu Zhang, and he couldn't feel Liu Zhang's fearsomeness, so he immediately asked questions.

"My lord, is Liu Zhang so scary? As far as I know, he has less than 10,000 soldiers now!"

"That won't do! This Liu Zhang is treacherous and unpredictable in his use of troops. Even if there are only a thousand soldiers, he must not be underestimated! Have you forgotten that he only used a thousand soldiers to destroy more than 100,000 people? He even cut down Bo Bo himself." Cai's head? The most frightening thing is that it was the first time he used soldiers!"

Han Sui never underestimated any enemy, especially a particularly difficult person like Liu Zhang, he thought it was better to avoid it if he could.

Of course, it doesn't mean that Han Sui is afraid of Liu Zhang and never wants to be his enemy. It's just that at this stage, stabilizing Liangzhou is the first priority, there is no need to fight Liu Zhang to the death!

However, Yan Xing obviously didn't understand Han Sui's meaning, and directly broke out to Han Sui's determination to fight Liu Zhang.

"My lord, there is no need to be like this. Then Liu Zhang is a human being, and I am also a human being. I, Yan Xing, are not afraid of him!"

Now that Yan Xing is young and vigorous, he naturally disobeys anyone in his heart, and it is inevitable that he will have an urge to compete with Liu Zhang.

Han Sui sneered in his heart, feeling that Yan Xing was really beyond his control! Han Sui had personally seen the bravery of Liu Zhang's generals, and even Han Sui felt that Yan Xing might not be able to defeat that young general with a white horse and a silver gun!

"Yanming's courage is commendable, but now is not the time! But sooner or later, we will have a decisive battle with Liu Zhang! We can't let him keep blocking our progress!"

With Han Sui's affirmation, Yan Xing didn't say anything, but his eyes always showed absolute confidence!

"Okay, let's take action on both sides at the same time! On the one hand, we will send people to unite with Ma Teng, and on the other hand, we will deal with the kingdom! The kingdom must deal with him at once, and we must not give him a chance to fight back!"

Han Sui had already made a plan in his heart. They must not start a tug-of-war with Longxi County, and must decide the winner as soon as possible. Once dragged into the quagmire of war, it will be very difficult to break free!

"My lord, what shall I do?"

Han Sui showed a cold smile, these conspiracies are what he is best at!

"Hehe, isn't Bian Zhang and Beigong Boyu just examples? Go back and rectify your troops as soon as possible. After the matter is completed, attack the counties in Longxi from three sides! Let them surrender as much as possible to reduce our casualties!"

All the generals handed over their orders and all went down to prepare, only Yan Xing was left by Han Sui's side.

"Yanming, you go to Ji County and tell the kingdom that Ma Teng and I are going to elect him as the leader of the alliance and attack Guanzhong together. Let him come to Jincheng to discuss the matter of marching troops as soon as possible!"

"Yes, the last general will do it!"

(end of this chapter)

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