At The Beginning of The Game, The Five Tiger Generals Were Intercepted

Chapter 327 Dong Zhuo reluctantly parted with her

Luoyang, Xiangguo Mansion.

Dong Zhuo has not gone to court for three days, which is equivalent to three days of stagnation in the early court!

The news of Yuan Shao's rebellion has already spread to the Prime Minister's Mansion, and even Yuan Shao's call for thieves has been placed on Dong Zhuo's table!

"I really answered Liu Zhang's words, this Yuan family is an unfamiliar wolf cub! We should have slaughtered Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu in the first place!"

Dong Zhuo is regretful now, in order to win over the Yuan family, he didn't care about the rudeness of Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu, let alone fleeing Luoyang privately. Instead, they were promoted to ranks, Yuan Shu was named the General of the Rear, and Yuan Shao was named the Prefect of Bohai!

Now, instead of being thanked by Yuan Shi, he got the news that he was raising troops to kill him!

"Xiangguo, it's too late to say anything now, it's better to think of some countermeasures as soon as possible."

Li Ru kept shaking his head and sighing. At the beginning, he was so talkative that his mouth was worn out, but he didn't persuade Dong Zhuo to attack Er Yuan, which led to today's disaster!

"The Yuan family is deeply rooted, and its disciples and old officials are all over the world. Yuan Shao's attack is bound to get a lot of response! But fortunately, our family arranged many county guards and state shepherds last year, so they should be able to resist for a while."

Dong Zhuo's only hope now is that Er Yuan and the chiefs of the states and counties arranged by him can attack each other to consume each other's strength, so that Dong Zhuo can sit firmly in Luoyang, and when Er Yuan is in poverty, he can wipe them out in one fell swoop.

After all, Zhang Zi, the prefect of Nanyang, and Han Fu, the shepherd of Jizhou, were all hand-picked by Dong Zhuo, so it can be regarded as a first-hand preparation in advance!

"I hope so..."

Li Ru's face was very sad, he didn't think Dong Zhuo's strategy would work, and he was always pessimistic.

"Wen You, I understand that I didn't listen to you at the time, which caused this calamity! But don't blame our family, the Yuan family is the head of the family, and there is no way not to fight against them!"

Li Ru smiled bleakly, how dare he blame Dong Zhuo, since Dong Zhuo took the position of Prime Minister, his temper has become more and more cruel!

"Xiangguo was joking, how dare Confucianism blame Xiangguo, but there are some things we need to do as soon as possible!"

"What is it?"

"The Yuan brothers rebelled, so Yuan Kui who stayed in Luoyang will undoubtedly become their internal support! If we don't get rid of them as soon as possible, it will definitely lead to disaster!"

Li Ru has already decided that from today on, he must put his mind on the most ruthless, and there must be no more fish slipping through the net!

"Kill Yuan Kui?"

"No, it is to wipe out Yuan Kai, Yuan Ji and all the Yuan families! And deprive them of all official positions!"

Dong Zhuo frowned and moved his eyes around, obviously hesitant about this proposal.

"Wen You, it is estimated that as long as Yuan Kui is killed, then we will be equivalent to a complete break with the Yuan family..."

"Xiangguo! The Yuan brothers are about to attack! Think carefully, if the Yuan brothers invade Luoyang, will they consider breaking with us? Will they spare our lives?"

Li Ru is really depressed, Dong Zhuo's temper is getting more and more irritable, but his character is becoming more and more indecisive, and he often has the feeling of worrying about gains and losses!

Dong Zhuo squinted his eyes and kept pondering Li Ru's words in his mind. Finally, he made a decision and clenched his fists.

"Okay! Just Yi Wenyou, I'll send someone to imprison all Yuan Kai's family!"

"Don't worry, you just need to send people to watch now. When he comes to court in the next few days, the Prime Minister will execute Yuan Wei in public! To deter the ministers!"

Dong Zhuo nodded lightly, and a stern look appeared on his face. Now that the decision has been made, he doesn't care about doing it better!

"Who else do you want to kill? Let's talk together! Our family will bloodbath Luoyang City tomorrow!"

Li Ru's small eyes kept moving around, his brows frown sometimes and sometimes relieved, obviously hesitating.

"Oh, what time is it, why don't you say it!"

Seeing that Li Ru hesitated to speak, Dong Zhuo hurriedly urged him.

"Xiangguo, in Yuan Shao's proclamation, he emphasized that Xiangguo abolished the elders and established the younger, and forced Liu Xie to be the emperor! Under the guise of obeying the last emperor's will, they marched under the banner of the eldest prince Liu Bian again. It is better to kill Liu Xie Debate, let them go out without a name!"


Without even thinking about it, Dong Zhuo directly rejected Li Ru's proposal to kill Liu Bian.


Seeing Li Ru's puzzled eyes, Dong Zhuo was extremely embarrassed, and he hesitated for a long time without explaining.

"Wen You, can Liu Bian not be killed first?" Li Ru suddenly reacted, his eyes filled with disappointment.

"Xiangguo is reluctant to part with the queen mother!"

Dong Zhuo blushed, and Li Ru directly exposed his little thoughts!

"Wen You, the Empress Dowager He is really reluctant to part with our family! You don't know how it feels..."

"Xiangguo! What time is it? If the Empress Dowager He joins the ministers and cooperates with the Yuan brothers, it will be too late for regret!"

Li Ru was so disappointed. Where did Dong Zhuo, who was decisive in killing and had a heart like a rock, go?

Ever since he came into contact with Queen Mother He, Dong Zhuo has completely changed! He stayed in Empress Dowager He's bedroom all day, not paying attention to Luo Yang's affairs at all.

To put it bluntly, if Li Ru wasn't Dong Zhuo's son-in-law, he would have turned his back on him long ago! Even Dong Zhuo didn't know how he died when he was killed by him!

Maybe because he really felt the crisis, maybe because he was shocked by Li Ru's eyes, Dong Zhuo finally came to his senses.

"Wenyou, I leave everything to you, our family...just ask..."

Li Ru finally showed a smile, he firmly believed that as long as Dong Zhuo could listen to him, everything would not be over yet!

"I obey! It's just that there is a hidden crisis in Luoyang, Xiangguo must not forget!"

"You mean Liu Zhang, right?"

Dong Zhuo nodded and immediately understood what Li Ru meant.

In the past six months, Liu Zhang had stopped his banners and drums, and he didn't even go out to the camp. Dong Zhuo gradually forgot about the existence of this person.

"That's right, he hangs on our chest like a sharp knife! Liu Zhang's command is slightly reduced, and he still has 40,000 troops! If it is an enemy, it will definitely give us a fatal blow! But if it is an aid, it will be a great help !"

forty thousand! If it wasn't for Li Ru's reminder, Dong Zhuo would have forgotten this number! It's because Liu Zhang's sense of presence is too low!

"Oh, our family can't figure out what Liu Zhang means. How about you visit Liu Zhang for our family to see what he wants and see if he can bring us on the same side! As long as it's not too much, you can agree to him!"

Dong Zhuo absolutely didn't believe that Liu Zhang really had no intention of dealing with the court, so why didn't he just sue his old man and return to his hometown? What are you doing holding on to the 40,000 army?

There is only one purpose for doing this, and it is up for grabs!

"No, I'm going to visit General Xiawei right here!"


As soon as Li Ru turned around, Dong Zhuo behind him stopped him.

"Wen You, you will find a way to get Liu Zhang to attend the court meeting in three days' time."


(end of this chapter)

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