Bodao Road meets three rivers, and you only need to go straight down the Lushui River to reach Zhuti in a few days. This is also a great advantage on the road compared to attacking the other two counties.

The barbarians have no water army, so Liu Zhang doesn't have to worry about being cut off from the supply of food and grass on the waterway.

Five days later, Liu Zhang led an army of 30,000 to Zhuti, and set up camp in a dangerous place, assuming a protracted battle.

Yongzheng believed himself to be strong and strong, so he didn't pay attention to Liu Zhang at all, so he led a large army to challenge in front of the camp that day.

The Yong family had lived in Nanzhong for hundreds of years. Liu Zhang thought they had been infected by the wildness of the barbarians long ago, but never thought that Yongzheng was still a scribe.

If it hadn't been for the battle outside Zhuti City, it would have been impossible to imagine that this would be a figure in the leadership of the Han and barbarian tribes in Nanzhong.

"Yongzheng, you are also the founding hero of the Han Dynasty, after Yongchi, why did you betray the court for no reason?"

No matter when, as long as it is a struggle within the Han Dynasty, it is very important to occupy the righteousness.

Yongzheng is a Han Chinese, and even after the hero Yongchi, if he can suppress his aura with righteousness, there will be a lot of benefits and no harm.

"Liu Zhang, you were the one who invaded Nanzhong first, and I and the other barbarian kings followed! If it wasn't for being aggressive and driving us to a dead end, how could we have come to this point?"

Yongzheng was just like his attire, with clear organization and clear thinking, which made Liu Zhang's plan come to nothing.

"Yongzheng, this general is the Yizhou Shepherd appointed by His Majesty himself. The six counties in Nanzhong are all under the jurisdiction of the Yizhou Shepherd's Mansion. How can we talk about coercion?"

Liu Zhang will definitely not give up lightly, and continue to fight for righteousness and reason.


Unexpectedly, Yongzheng suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed several times, and looked at Liu Zhang with disdain.

"It's been four hundred years since the founding of the Han Dynasty. When did these counties in Nanzhong come under the jurisdiction of the Yizhou Prefecture Mufu? It has always been autonomous by the prefectures and counties! This tradition has lasted for four hundred years. There has never been any turmoil in Nanzhong. Why do you Once it comes, can’t it be business as usual?”

"Back when you conquered Zhang Lu, Jia Long and others, they asked me for help. Did I make things difficult for you? Now that Ba and Shu counties are all under your command, you are still not satisfied and want to attack our Nanzhong people. Idea! Don't you think it's too greedy?"

Liu Zhang couldn't help laughing, he really underestimated Yongzheng. Thinking of comparing Yong Kai's eyes with the Yong Zheng in front of him in the future, I can't help feeling that the Yong family is not as good as the previous generation.

"Yongzheng, you are really eloquent, and I have to take a high look at you! However, the six counties in Nanzhong are not independent places. As long as they are under the jurisdiction of Yizhou, everything will be under the rule of this general. No matter what the four hundred years are, from today From now on, this rule will be changed!"

Yongzheng couldn't help sneering, looking at Liu Zhang as if looking at a fool.

"Want to change the rules? Yes! You have to have that strength!"

"Strength? This general fought against the Yellow Turban at the age of fifteen, and it has been eleven years now! This big man has traveled from south to north, from east to west, what enemy this general has never seen, and who is this general's opponent!"

Yongzheng didn't say anything more, he was very clear about Liu Zhang's resume, and he also knew that he was not talking nonsense before the battle.

"Brother Meng, Brother Zhu, although Liu Zhang is a bit arrogant, he is not incompetent. If you want to defeat him head-on, you two need to take action."

Yongzheng didn't dare to be careless, and looked directly at the two barbarian kings beside him.

He knows the characteristics of the barbarians best. It is no problem to win a battle. They are braver than each other, but if they are defeated, they will immediately scatter and flee.

After all, they are all too familiar with such things as climbing mountains and drilling forests, and there are no military rules or disciplines at all!

Zhu Qiao and Meng Kun looked at each other, then nodded at the same time.

"Brother Yong, don't worry, leave everything to us!"

Zhu Qiao clamped the horse's belly with his legs, and rode out directly, standing in front of the battle with two knives in hand.

"Listen Liu Zhang, I am the barbarian king Zhu Rong's family Zhuqiao! We barbarians don't have as much nonsense as you. If you are capable, come forward and fight me. If you win, I will be convinced!"

Liu Zhang's eyes lit up, this must be Zhu Rong's father, right? It's a pity that she is not a woman, otherwise there would be some shadow of Zhu Rong.

"Zhu Qiao, if he wins against you, would you like to surrender to this general?"

If it is really something that can be solved in a heads-up match, that would be great.

It's a pity that Zhu Qiao didn't answer directly at all, but his eyes were full of ridicule.

"I have more than a million Southern Barbarian warriors, how many of them can you fight against?"

Liu Zhang's face darkened, Zhu Qiao was obviously playing tricks on him!

"When I catch you, see if your mouth is still so hard!"

"Ziyi, take him down!"

Liu Zhang directly dispatched Tai Shici, a general under his command, in an effort to capture Zhu Qiao directly, so as to discourage the enemy's morale and encourage his own soldiers at the same time.

Yongzheng on the opposite side narrowed his eyes slightly, and looked at Tai Shici who was holding a spear, his eyes became cautious.

"Brother Meng, Liu Zhang's ability is not very good, but the general under his command has to deal with it carefully. This Tai Shici is the leader of the Wufeng Battalion. He has superb marksmanship with one hand. Don't underestimate him! If Zhu Qiao loses, Brother Meng can respond in time !"

Yongzheng didn't dare to be careless in the slightest. Meng Kun and Zhu Qiao were the leaders of the barbarians under his command. If they were captured or killed, the impact on the South Central Alliance would undoubtedly be huge.

"Hehe, brother Yong, are you joking?"

Yongzheng was very puzzled by Meng Kun's playful tone, following his eyes, he immediately understood what he meant.

Zhu Qiao has no disadvantages and even suppresses Tai Shici to death!

Even Yongzheng, who was not good at martial arts, could see that Zhu Qiao had the upper hand, and Tai Shici, who was in a hurry, was about to lose!

"Hahaha, even with your level of martial arts, you dare to fight against my barbarians, so save your life!"

Zhu Qiao already had the determination to win, so he accelerated his swing of the two knives again, and finally took advantage of the panic of the opponent to knock down the spear in Tai Shici's hand.

"not good!"

Tai Shici turned pale with shock, quickly turned his body and dodged the two deadly sabers, and then immediately urged his horse to flee into the formation.

"Where to escape! Stay alive!"

Zhu Qiao was not willing to let Tai Shici go, he slapped his horse and followed without thinking, as if he would not give up.

Tai Shici was defeated and fled. Meng Kun immediately spotted the opportunity to fight, and then swung his mace forward.

"The Han army is all cowards, barbarian warriors, crush them with me!"

The barbarians followed Meng Kun's footsteps and rushed forward frantically.

At the same time, Liu Zhang's army had already begun to retreat because of the defeat of the general.

"My lord, shall we chase?"

Yongzheng's subordinates came to his side, the barbarians had already attacked, but the Han army under Yongzheng's command had not yet been dispatched.

"Let these barbarians chase after us, and we'll just follow behind slowly."

Liu Zhang's army fled and Tai Shici was defeated, which was different from Yongzheng's imagination.

Tai Shici is not the first person under Liu Zhang's command, but also a top existence. Will he lose to Zhu Qiao so easily?

Yongzheng has read a lot of poems and books, so he naturally knows the trick of deceitful defeat. At this time, he feels that Liu Zhang is deceiving defeat!

Let the barbarians go to Liu Zhang's encirclement first, and after all the ambushes are exhausted, lead the army to press on him, and then wipe out Liu Zhang in one fell swoop!

(end of this chapter)

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