"Shiyuan, between us monarch and minister, but it's okay to say!"

Liu Zhang's thinking is completely different from that of this era, and such things as not listening to advice will never happen to him.

From ancient times to the present, good medicine has always been bitter, and loyal words are harsh!

If Pang Tong is right, Liu Zhang can also learn from it.

"My lord, please forgive Pang Tong for being disrespectful!"

Liu Zhang smiled and made a gesture of invitation, which immediately made the tense Pang Tong relax a lot.

"My lord, there is nothing wrong with what Sun Wuzi said about 'throwing into death and then living, and falling into death and then living'. It's just that there is something wrong with my lord's thinking."

Seeing such a serious Pang Tong, Liu Zhang also put away his smile and became a student who "listened to the class" seriously!

"Sun Wuzi's original intention is that when fighting, arrange the army in a situation where there is no way to retreat, but to die in battle. The soldiers will advance bravely and kill the enemy to win."

"However, the fact that the lord donated generously and distributed the precious food to the people without any scruples did not push the army into a desperate situation, but instead drove the lord himself to death!"

The gap in talent was immediately reflected, Liu Zhang didn't understand what Pang Tong meant!

"Shiyuan, is there... any difference?"

Liu Zhang believed that he represented the Yizhou Army.

Pushing him into a corner doesn't mean pushing the army into a corner?

"Of course there is a difference! The soldiers didn't know about this at all, and even if they knew, they were not in danger of falling into a desperate situation. Because in the eyes of the soldiers, our food and grass are sufficient."

"My lord's approach is to push myself into a desperate situation, but Sun Wuzi's original intention is to push the whole battalion into a desperate situation!"

In Pang Tong's view, if you want to use food and grass to drive soldiers into desperation, you can only create an atmosphere of food shortage.

However, the soldiers would definitely panic when they learned of the shortage of food and grass, and their morale would definitely be severely damaged.

Therefore, food itself is not suitable as a prerequisite for death.

"Shiyuan, at least it made me firm up my determination to fight against Qiang and Xianbei, didn't it?"

Liu Zhang knew very well in his heart that this sentence was suspected of being irrational, but now he wanted to be tough.

"Hehe, if we don't distribute food and grass to the people, we will completely lose the opportunity to send troops again in the next few years. Isn't the Lord determined to fight to the end?"

"My lord's move certainly gained a good reputation among the common people, but it ruined our hope for the future!"

Liu Zhang was at a loss for words. In fact, he didn't think that much at all.

In his opinion, after conquering a county, the people here became the people under his rule.

Then Liu Zhang naturally couldn't just watch the people starve to death!

"Shiyuan has ever heard a saying that the monarch is like a boat, and the people are like water. Water can carry a boat, and it can also overturn it!" "If we don't get the love of the people in Yongliang, how can we have long-term peace and stability in the world of people who have won the hearts of the people since ancient times?"

Liu Zhang is familiar with thousands of years of history, and all dynasties and dynasties respected the rule of benevolence.

Why Confucius can always be respected is nothing more than a word of benevolence embodied in his Confucianism.

Why Liu Bei was able to jump from a down-and-out weaving mat seller to the ninth five-year position and establish the Shu Han is also a word of benevolence.

Benevolence and righteousness have achieved Liu Bei's great cause, and even the later Song and Ming dynasties governed the country with the word benevolence.

Pang Tong nodded in agreement, and then shook his head in denial.

"My lord's words are very true, and I agree with them very much."


I thought I had convinced Pang Tong, but this one just made Liu Zhang frowned again.

"Just what?"

"It's just that the lord was too anxious. At that time, we were not sure of victory, and the people in the counties of Liangzhou were not the people under the lord's command."

Pang Tong was a little helpless, Liu Zhang's thinking was both right and wrong.

"Think about it, my lord. If we lose the war, is subsidizing the people of Liangzhou not subsidizing the enemy in disguise?"

Liu Zhang was very upset. He couldn't understand what Pang Tong said, if, if, if.

"Shiyuan, there are no ifs at all! If you win, you win, and if you lose, you lose!"

Pang Tong was slightly taken aback, and Liu Zhang's words already contained obvious anger.

The best choice is to keep silent at this moment and try not to offend Liu Zhang as much as possible.

But Pang Tong is not a cowardly person, and he will not choose to back down because of Liu Zhang's anger.

"My lord, is there any element of luck in our victory over Han Sui?"


Liu Zhang can't deny the element of luck at all, and even luck took a lot of credit.

Ma Chao promised to drive away the Qiang soldiers, Zhou Ping was captured by Tai Shici, and a series of designs were all inseparable from luck.

"But luck is also a part of strength, Shi Yuan can't deny it?"

Pang Tong did not deny it, but nodded heavily.

"My lord is right. Luck is naturally a part of strength. It's just that we can't pin our victory on luck."

"Although we became the final winners this time, the process was not flawless!"

Just when Liu Zhang and Pang Tong were in a stalemate, Xun You also spoke.

"My lord, if it wasn't for Pound, Ma Yue and Ma Yue would have caused us a lot of trouble if they exposed Ma Teng's conspiracy."

"Does Gongda also support Shi Yuan's point of view?"

Xun You nodded, confirming Liu Zhang's question very firmly.


Liu Zhang was very helpless, and he couldn't explain many things.

As a time traveler, he is familiar with everyone's personality.

In the eyes of Xun You and Pang Tong, many things are coincidences, but in the eyes of Liu Zhang, they are inevitable results.

"My lord, you and Shi Yuan have their own reasons!"

"However, the lord considers the problem from the perspective of being able to defeat Han Sui, while Shi Yuan considers it from the perspective of the overall situation."

Xun You's words were like enlightenment, which made Liu Zhang feel suddenly enlightened.

It seems that as Xun You said, from the beginning to the end, Liu Zhang never considered failure.

Liu Zhang warned himself and his subordinates not to underestimate Han Sui, and to take every enemy seriously.

But never thought about defeat.

If all ideas are considered from the perspective of the winner, there will undoubtedly be many disadvantages.

The reason why Liu Zhang was willing to provide a huge amount of food and grass for the people of Liangzhou was entirely because he believed that he must be the ultimate winner.

But where is the basis for victory, and what is the reason?

Liu Zhang kept thinking about it in his mind, but unfortunately he couldn't find the answer at all.

Before the war started, Liu Zhang never found a reason why he would definitely be able to defeat Han Sui.

In fact, if Han Sui hadn't been stabbed in the back by Ma Chao when he led an army of 300,000 to attack Yuzhong for the first time, I'm afraid the outcome would be hard to say!

If Han Sui had fought steadily at that time, and then stormed Yuzhong day and night, it would be the Yizhou army who could not hold on in the end.

(end of this chapter)

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