Liu Zhang felt that Jiangdong, which had just been pacified, was invulnerable, but Jia Xu thought so too.

Only then did the remarks that let the facts confirm the conjecture be spoken.

Whether it is Liu Zhang, who is familiar with the direction of history, or Jia Xu, who is good at seeing everything, no one has thought of the current situation in Jiangdong.

Who would have believed that the Jiangdong forces who had just worked together to put down the rebellion would have such huge factional conflicts within them?

In fact, Zhuge Liang, who arranged everything, never thought that the factional struggle would evolve so fiercely.

It was Zhuge Liang's plan to transfer Zhou Yu from Chaisang, and it was also Zhuge Liang's plan to have Zhou Yu transfer the defenders of Yuzhang County.

But Zhuge Liang's bait was the entire Jiangxia County, and he was betting that Sun Quan couldn't resist the temptation to expand his territory and avenge his father's death.

If Zhuge Liang knew that both the Huaisi faction and the Jiangdong faction within the Sun family wanted to put each other to death, the methods would have to be even more ruthless!

But none of this matters anymore, because Zhou Yu has already defeated Huang Zu and climbed the walls of Xiling City!

In the water battle that broke out on the Yangtze River, the Jiangdong Navy won in the end!

Relying on four times as many troops as Huang Zu and five times as many warships as Huang Zu, Zhou Yu became the final winner.

In this confrontation, Zhou Yu once again established the Jiangdong Navy's position among all naval forces in the world!

The ending is good, but the process is more difficult.

The total size of Jiang Xia's navy was no more than 10,000, but with the help of Shuizhai, Zhou Yu was at a loss for what to do.

Although far inferior to Zhou Yu in terms of warships, relying on the flexibility of sailing boats to succeed in frequent sneak attacks caused Zhou Yu a lot of trouble.

Fortunately, it was Zhou Yu who had the upper hand in the end. After several defeats, Huang Zu immediately chose to give up the water village.

Xiling City is not only the seat of Jiangxia County, but also the foundation of the Huang family. There are more than ten thousand elite soldiers here.

After Huang Zu led the water army back to Xiling, he immediately gathered the elite, and finally gathered 20,000 people to fight to the end.

But when a piece of news came, Huang Zu's heart was ashamed.

Cai Mao's 50,000 troops surrendered either dead or alive, and Cai Mao himself was captured alive by Zhang Fei.

Liu Bei's army has taken Xiangyang, and Liu Biao, the state shepherd, has fallen into Liu Bei's hands!

The four major families in Jingzhou, Cai, Kuai, Pang, and Huang, underwent tremendous changes.

The arrest of the Cai family following Cai Mao has already heralded its decline, and the clan has already fled in all directions.

Under the leadership of Kuai Liang and Kuai Yue, the Kuai family abandoned Xiangyang and forcibly crossed the Han River, and took refuge in Xinye.

Pang Degong of the Pang family doesn't care about world affairs, but Pang Shanmin seems to have taken refuge in Liu Beijun.

Not to mention the Huang family, as Zhuge Liang's father-in-law, Huang Chengyan has been helping Liu Bei both openly and secretly.

Huang Zu and Huang Chengyan belonged to the same family. It stands to reason that with Huang Chengyan's joining, Huang Zu should also join Liu Bei's command smoothly.

However, Huang Chengyan can't represent Huang Zu, especially the Huang family army in Huang Zu's hands, they only recognize Huang Zu, not Huang Chengyan.

If Huang Zu insisted on not submitting, Huang Chengyan would not be able to speak well!

That's the fact, Huang Zu didn't intend to submit to Liu Bei, because in his heart, he looked down on Liu Bei at all.

What is Liu Bei?

They are just refugees weaving mats and selling shoes, swindling and cheating all day long under the guise of Han family clan members!

Even today's emperor does not recognize Liu Bei's identity as a clan member of the Han family, yet Liu Bei is shamelessly associating with the emperor!

It's shameless!

Apart from being opportunistic and seizing other people's property, he has no other skills at all.

Huang Zu would rather vote for Zhou Yu than Liu Bei!

But now it's not a question of whether to vote for Liu Bei, but how Huang Zu will solve the crisis in Xiling.

Outside the city, Zhou Yu's 40,000 troops only besieged but did not attack, and the encirclement was short of one. It was obvious that Huang Zu knew the difficulty and retreated.

Originally, Huang Zu thought that the Shepherd's Mansion of Xiangyang Prefecture would not sit idly by, and wanted to rely on Xiling Jiancheng to resist desperately.

But now Cai Mao's army has been wiped out, and the state pastoral mansion has been overthrown by Liu Bei's army, and there is no hope at all.

Huang Zu has made it clear that he will not return to Liu Bei, so why should Liu Bei save you?

Originally, Huang Zu wanted to forget about not submitting to Zhou Yu, but Zhou Yu was surrounded by three people, and he obviously had no intention of surrendering.

When Huang Zu had no way to advance or retreat and fell into confusion, Kuai Liang, who fled to Xinye, sent people to look for Huang Zu, hoping that he would lead his army to break through and go to Xinye.

Among the four major families in Jingzhou, the Kuai family is obsessed with politics and has the weakest military power.

If there is no strong military force, Liu Bei's army can cross the Han River and rush to Xinye at any time.

Even if the Kuai family can escape again, where can they escape?

The Kuai family is the only one in Jingzhou, who would recognize the Kuai family except Jingzhou?

Kuai Liang's gaze instantly aimed at Huang Zu who was at a loss under Zhou Yu's siege.

For Huang Zu, going to Xinye was not the best choice.

Whether it is Huang Zu or Huang's family, their roots are in Jiangxia County.

Abandoning Jiang Xia is like an eagle with its wings broken.

But where can we go if we don't go to Xinye?

After much deliberation, Huang Zu still decided to lead his tribe and army to go.

Huang Zu led the army and all his family members to abandon the city and fled. He did not encounter any obstacles on the way, but was stopped symbolically.

Huang Zu's smooth escape to Xinye also heralded the complete change of ownership of Jiangxia County.

In this way, Zhou Yu occupied Xiling City without bloodshed, and immediately sent a large army to collect the counties in Jiangxia.

On the Xiling city wall, Zhou Yu was in a good mood looking at the battlefield without any signs of fighting.

The credit this time is enough to deter the Jiangdong family for a long time, occupying Jiangxia, the Huaisi faction also has confidence in Jiangdong!

"Governor, why did you let Huang Zu go so easily?"

"If we set up ambushes layer by layer, it is not impossible to wipe out Huang Zu!"

Lu Meng was very puzzled by Zhou Yu's order to pursue and not to attack.

Obviously, the results of the battle can be expanded, and Huang Zu's head can be placed on Sun Quan's table.

Zhou Yu smiled, and couldn't help but lament that Lu Meng was too young after all.

"Ziming, you can't just look at the surface of things!"

"We want to take Jiangxia as our foundation, so naturally we have to show kindness to the people of Jiangxia."

"The Huang family has been in Jiangxia for so many years, and has been deeply respected and loved by hundreds of thousands of people in Jiangxia."

"If I kill Huang Zu today, the people in Jiangxia will call me Zhou Yu a butcher. How will we gain a foothold in Jiangxia in the future?"

Lu Meng nodded with a little understanding, but he was still a little unwilling.

"Governor, if you kill Huang Zu and give his head to the lord, maybe the lord will rely on our Huaisi faction again!"

Zhou Yu shook his head slightly, and couldn't help but sigh that Lu Meng was too naive.

"Ziming, as long as the lord's foundation does not leave Jiangdong for a day, then the Jiangdong family will always be the lord's first choice."

"Unless we lay a foundation and let the lord have the urge to move the capital, we can completely suppress the Jiangdong family!"

(end of this chapter)

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