It is possible to buy a route between two cities.

You can also buy city routes that have been opened in China.

Purchase of aircraft for the route.

You only need to report to the aviation bureau two hours before the flight.

You can fly.

And the system rewards Chen Ze’s route.

Naturally, the most awesome one.

Cities that have opened domestic routes can fly.

Learn about these.

Chen Ze couldn’t help but blush.

He also said before that he would let the plane pick up Reba’s father.

Fortunately, Reba stopped it at that time.

Otherwise it would be embarrassing.

Can only say.

Worthy of his baby!

Reba comes to mind.

The corners of Chen Ze’s mouth unconsciously rose slightly.

Alas, I really miss this little girl a little.


Chen Ze didn’t know.

At this time, Reba was also sitting on the bay window of the hotel.

Thinking about him.

Different places at the same time, but inexplicably have a soul.

That’s it.

A week passed.

During this time, the two seemed to return to the time of online dating.

If anything, it makes a difference.

That is from making a phone call to playing a video.

Every day, you have to look at each other on the screen and say goodnight to fall asleep.


Sometimes I don’t even hang up on the phone.

Just like this, while charging, listen to the sound of each other’s breathing.

It can only be said.

Fortunately, neither of them snored~

Chen Ze’s home.

Update today’s novel by two chapters.

He suddenly remembered the script that the previous system rewarded.

“You Are My Glory”.

Just look at the name.

It feels a little sweet inexplicably.

“Qiao Jingjing, Yu Tu…”

“It seems that this script can be written as a novel?”

Wore the title of top writer.

Chen Ze is very sensitive to words.

Just take a look.

He felt that there was other room for this script.


Open a new book?

Anyway, “Douwei” has been updated.

Now “Old Nine Gates” is rewarded by the system, and he does not need code words.

Idle is also idle.

So Chen Ze had his own ideas according to the script.

Keep typing on the computer.

Soon, 20,000 words came out.

Just at this time…


WeChat voice sounded.

Chen Ze subconsciously unlocked the phone to view.

The pinned message has a big red dot on it.

It’s Reba.

The little girl has a meme in her hair: (Your little cutie is here/).

Chen Ze instantly smiled.

Quickly replied to her: After filming?

Reba: Not yet, I’m lazy in the crew (naughty /).

Chen Ze: hhhhhh, others won’t say you?

Reba: Hmph, who dares to say me~

You can already imagine this girl’s proud little expression.

The corners of Chen Ze’s mouth rose unconsciously.

The two chatted for a while.

Very suddenly.

Reba sent a voice.

Chen Ze clicked, she said: “Baby, I miss you so much~”

Reba’s voice carried a hint of small milk.

This is coquetry with Chen Ze.

Just two seconds of speech.

Chen Ze felt that his heart was melted.

How can his baby be so cute!


Actually, to be honest.

Chen Ze also wanted to miss this little girl very much.

Reba left this time.

It’s really a little unaccustomed.

How about going to visit her?

This idea appeared in Chen Ze’s mind, and he couldn’t forget it in an instant.

Just then Reba sent another voice over.

“Baby, I’m going to be busy, let’s talk in the evening~”

Chen Ze replied with a ‘good’ word.

He decided.

Since the little girl thinks of herself so much.

Then surprise her!

Chen Ze picked up his mobile phone and made a call.

“I’m going to fly in two hours…”

Put things in order.

Chen Ze began to pack his luggage.

Nothing to bring.

It’s computer clothes and some toiletries.

One backpack and one computer bag will do.


Inside a certain crew in Hengdian.

Reba didn’t know what Chen Ze thought.

She turned off her phone and focused on her work.


When you are idle, you will think about Chen Ze.

I can’t even memorize the lines.

My boyfriend is really a murderer~

Two hours later.

Chen Ze appeared at Jinhua Airport in a low-key manner.

It was already evening.

I don’t know if the little girl ate on time.

After all……

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