The victims in the hospital woke up one after another.

    Because these people are special and aggressive, there are guards at the door to avoid accidents. But this extra preparation is rarely used, and when they find themselves lying on a soft bed, surrounded by clean smells, they are in a trance and daze for the first time.

    The mild-mannered, non-aggressive medical staff will come forward and explain to them the current situation: they have been separated from their previous life, the lord brought them here, and the wounds on their bodies have also been healed. heal.

    Everyone reacts differently.

    Some people still think that they are dreaming, and some people think that they are probably dead. Others cried bitterly, or called out the name of one of their comrades.

    The same is that each of them owes a debt, three meals and treatment expenses paid in advance by the lord.


    The housekeeper in charge of their part told them that they could pay off in one lump sum or in installments, with no additional interest and no other requirement of 'repaying favors'. And if you become a citizen, there will be more preferential policies.

    Those who are willing to stay can share the homestead and land, and those who are unwilling can also find a job and leave after paying off their debts.

    All of this is not compulsory, they are still free.

    Most people choose to stay, and some want to leave. But no matter what kind, the feeling of the silence collar is very good, saved them, given treatment, and finally a fair exchange of money.

    The medical staff and other patients in the hospital are all volunteer propagandists. The most common word they talk about is 'our silence collar', and they can't hide their pride.

    Outside, no territorial people dare to say that this is our XX collar, because it belongs to the lord.

    It took Qingchuan several years, day after day to instill this kind of collective consciousness and the sense of honor that I am a member of the Quiet Leader.

    When you work and study hard, when you obey the law, when you stick to your post, you are contributing to the Silence Leader.

    The Qingchuan daily meeting will have a sentence: Thank you for all the people in the territory, your hard work has made the territory prosperous and strong.

    When the territorial people realize that the territory has a part of me and it is my responsibility, they will take the initiative to maintain its long-term stability. It will also take the initiative to promote it and attract more people - because the lord said that the territory needs more people to join, and they will also regard this as their responsibility.

    The rescued victims receive more information actively or passively.

    They listen with their ears, see with their eyes, and think with their brains.

    The conditions of the Silent Collar are very attractive to many people, the policy of multi-racial equality, low taxes, free basic education, transparent promotion environment, inclusive cultural environment... These are fresh and magical Things attract them.

    They no longer believe in humans so much, and the elf status of the lord is very good to soothe this anxiety.

    Everyone can see the potential of this land, and it will be even better in the future.

    The housekeeper took them to see the flag raising ceremony of the Silent Collar, which is the most solemn and lively ceremony in the area.

    When representing the future of the territory, children from different races came over in neat steps. When the flag standing in my heart is rising. When all people, humans, dwarves, goblins, orcs, children, youth, women and old people are singing the same song, the song is powerful and powerful.

    It was an indescribable sense of belonging.

    Many wandering people need this sense of belonging. They need an emotional support, they need to be needed, they need a goal that they can work hard for for a long time, and they need a bright future that they can see.

    People like them who have experienced ups and downs and hardships need this sense of belonging even more.

    The quiet and peaceful living environment of the Silence is also deeply attracted to them. Only the free fields and free wind can heal the tired soul.

    Freedom, serenity, peace...the once impatient parents are all beautiful.

    In fact, all people, no matter what race they are, long for a better world in their hearts.

    These people have experienced painful experiences that almost made them hopeless. They look better on the outside, but the psychological trauma has not yet. This is post-traumatic stress disorder.

    Mild psychological trauma, a peaceful life can slowly heal. Severe cases require psychiatrist and drug intervention.

    They are all excellent talents, and they are also red-hot gas cans. It can only be said that everything has advantages and disadvantages.

    The people whom Qingchuan chose to come into contact with were gentle and tolerant types, even if it was a gas tank, he wanted to keep these people.

    The monsters in the zoo also have the same problem. Their intelligence is higher than that of ordinary animals, and they also suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder, and their reactions are more intense. Violence, hostility to humans and other animals, loneliness...

    Some monsters even self-mutilate, they will bite their own bodies, and their spirits cannot be freed from the day-to-day hell.

    The situation of monsters is more complicated than that of intelligent races, because they are not intelligent enough to be attracted by the system of the Silence, and they will not have the complex emotions and self-control ability of intelligent races.

    But for these furry and slippery people, Qingchuan's method is particularly direct.

    He found the magic dragon directly.

    This resident from a horror game has been very melancholy recently. The high-cold goddess Long doesn't give him a look, his love is not satisfied, and the egg is still in the future. I wanted to go out to fight, but found that all the neighbors couldn't afford it, and it hurt my self-esteem... oh, it's boring, it's boring.

    "If it's just for laying eggs, there are also dragon girls in this world..."

    Before Qingchuan finished speaking, the magic dragon had an insulted and angry expression:

    "You can insult me, but you can't insult my love! Did I see anyone laying eggs?"

    Oh well, keep trying.

    Qingchuan deceived the magic dragon with the reason of 'a man can't have a career without a career', and let him find a place he liked in the zoo, covered with a thick layer of gold coins and various jewelry , has since been the honorary director of the zoo.

    His main task is to patrol and ensure the safety of the zoo. And 'pacify' those berserk beasts, including but not limited to preventing them from destroying, fighting, and self-mutilating.

    Of course, the means should not be tough, the equipment should not be damaged, and the equipment should not be killed.

    Others, such as feeding, cleaning and other trivial tasks are left to the territory staff.

    In fact, Qingchuan gathered a group of veterans who have reached retirement age, but are unwilling to go out and take risks.

    Isn't it tiring? How about helping me raise monsters?

    Magic Dragon likes this job very much, maybe Qingchuan is too successful? He likes to hover and patrol his territory recently, and if he sees a beast making a fuss, he will roar from time to time and beat him again.

      As expected of our lord.


    The monsters below were very restless at first, but recently they have calmed down a bit.

    How can I be calm? Such a behemoth, can walk and fly, can play magic, high attack and high magic, and has full skin defense. You can't beat the physics, and you can't beat the magic. After the fight, I will give you a treatment and continue to fight, so as to ensure that the pain is so painful that the body is still intact.

    I'm so sick I don't know where to learn.

    The highest-ranking monsters in the beasts were beaten a few times, and their noses were bruised and swollen. I hate it in my heart: wait, wait until I heal the injury and then I will fight with you!

    The low-level ones are directly freed from the world-weariness: the world is so big, I don't want to die yet.

    Forget it, look away. There is food and drink, and someone helps with bathing and cleaning. Apart from fighting, the house is a little small, and there is nothing else to say.

    Each type of monster has an exclusive breeder who comes to talk to them every day. These eccentric intelligent races are a bit stupid, remember to bring snacks, make do with it.

    "Good afternoon everyone."

    Accompanied by a melodious music, a lark-like sweet voice was heard on the radios at all the village entrances.

    It was evening, half of the sky was smudged orange, and the flying birds flew far away and landed on the treetops, gathering in twos and threes, cleaning each other's feathers.

    The housewife who is preparing dinner, the farmer who is working in the nearby fields, the old man who sits on the small bench at the door to take care of the children, and the craftsmen who make handicrafts in the yard, all stopped their work Move, listen.

    The wind blows over the fields, bringing the fragrance of flowers and distant singing.

    The world suddenly became quiet.

    The broadcast was only established at the entrance of the village this year, and some important news will be broadcast directly on it. Every evening, half an hour after dinner, it is a fixed broadcast time. This is the quietest moment in the entire Silence Collar, that is, the children stopped crying and listened carefully to the sound.

    Every day an interesting story, a song, and some recent current events, which territorial people are brave, which territorial people have done wrong, even where there is a war outside, where there are floods and droughts. Bring it up casually.

    The previous day's broadcast was the center of the conversation of the citizens the next day.

    No one doesn't love it.

    Broadcast is an expensive magic item, and on the day it was developed, all the developers got a huge bonus. Later, it took half a year to improve and reduce the cost, but now it still needs the cost price of more than 100 gold coins, plus the money for laying and the money for the line number tower, an average of thousands of gold coins.

    Qingchuan set up one for each village, and it also paid for it.

    Now the three alchemists are working **** how to convert solar energy into energy without consuming so many magic stones.

    Sufficient food and warm clothing are the foundation, followed by education, housing, retirement, medical care, and entertainment. These are not coming one by one, but walking slowly in parallel to improve the happiness of the people.

    When a person can proudly say: I am a free man of the Silent Land!

    Qingchuan knew that this person had grown with this land, just like those trees rooted in the soil.

    In this process, we must continue to strengthen the construction of spiritual civilization, and it is very important to promote the idea of ​​'one territory'. Not only children, but also many new immigrants, and old people who have left their homeland.

     Emphasizing 'one territory' and having a common territorial culture is also one of the methods to suppress racial thoughts. First of all, you are a citizen of the Silent Territory, and second, what race are you.

    Qingchuan selects different themes to reinforce the concept of 'our silence collar' over and over again.

    He didn't want the people to see themselves as irrelevant.

    Qingchuan is to slowly let everyone realize that the silence collar is not the silence collar of the lord or a certain group of people, but should be everyone's silence collar.

    He emphasized that the lord is at most the role of the leader, but the lord is the foundation of everything. Like the head and the body.

    In this way, they will take the initiative to think, I want to protect the territory, what I have to do for it, not what the lord orders me to do, and what I do.

    The broadcast time of half an hour every day is very important, it is very important, it is directly transmitted to everyone's ears and a channel into everyone's heart.

    So even though the broadcasting station and wiring are so expensive, Qingchuan installed a broadcasting station in all the villages without blinking.

    "Now there is a new message." The female voice on the radio was filled with uncontrollable joy.

    "Silent Collar Forest Zoo will officially open three days later after the bell rings in the morning! Three days before the zoo opens, all residents with household registration books can get a 10% discount for playing with their household registration books. Opportunity. The original price of 80 copper coins is only 8 copper coins! Children under the age of seven are free, but adults need to bring them into the venue.”

    "If you haven't got the household registration book yet, don't worry. The first three days are 30% off, and you only need 24 copper coins. The 24 copper coins are not enough to eat out, but now But you can play there all day!"

    "The zoo now has more than 70 kinds of precious beasts to visit. In the past, only outside aristocrats had the opportunity to see the magic animals they touched, but now more than 70 kinds are open to visit! On the beast card, the beasts that you can meet once in your dreams are now waiting for you at the Forest Zoo. Are you excited?"

    "Each type of monster is equipped with a professional instructor, who will explain the habits, living area, combat power, characteristics, etc. of this monster in detail for you. These are passed down from father to son in the outside world. Only our great lord is willing to teach us the secrets passed down to our descendants for free. Even people who know nothing about monsters will become a person who knows a lot about monsters after visiting this zoo."

    "In addition, the zoo has many performances and various souvenirs. This is an unprecedented carnival. If you miss it, you will regret it!"

    The voice was so excited that it was broadcast three times, even the old man with bad eyes and ears could hear it clearly. Everyone didn't react at the first time, and many people didn't even understand what the relationship between Warcraft had to do with themselves. Why should they spend money to visit?

    After about two minutes, someone came back to his senses: Warcraft? The legendary monster? How can you spend so little money to visit these high-level creatures that only the great nobles can afford?

    Only eight copper coins!

    Even people who are not very interested in World of Warcraft are moved. Then people who were originally interested in Warcraft were simply ecstatic, especially those fans of the beast card, suddenly there was a kind of nervousness and anxiety about seeing their idols.

    Moxie stood up suddenly and asked the wife in the room loudly, "Is it three days later?"

    "It's three days later." His wife was chubby, wearing a gray apron and holding a rolling pin, "We can go there as a family then."

    They are a big family, two old people, three children, the eldest son has married and moved to the next village, and has a young granddaughter. Now there are four people in the family, each of whom has eight copper coins, which is a lot to take out at one time, but the old woman's face is not at all distressed.

    "I know your wish." She looked at her husband tenderly.

    Not to mention eight copper coins per person, even eighty copper coins per person, must go.

    Moxy used to work in the Warcraft Circus and had the opportunity to become a trainer. The old animal trainer saw Moxi's strong affinity and felt that he was very suitable for this profession.

    But in the end that position was taken by a relative who was far inferior to his little boss, and Moxie was kicked out of the circus. He has always regretted this, even though his hair was gray, he still did not forget it.

    "...I know, I know you understand." Moxie hugged his wife, "what can I do without you?"

    "The lord is crazy? Eight copper coins per person? This can't make money at all!" The soldiers were also discussing this matter. They were in the Tomahawk Tavern of the Mercenary Association, a group of people were discussing This news.

    The warriors know the food intake of the monsters, they eat a lot of meat every day, a lot. Except for wealthy nobles and wealthy senior warriors, no one else can afford this kind of gold-swallowing beast.

    There are more than 70 kinds of meat, one or two of each type is one or two hundred... My God, how much meat do you have to eat on this day?

    It was known to them that Houshan was building a zoo for a long time, but at that time they thought it was a private Warcraft garden built for them by the lord. Almost all the kings and great nobles have such gardens, where only the rarest and most precious beasts are raised.

    Since they both have them, there is no reason why their lords of Silent Land can't have them.

    But I didn't expect this to be built for the people.

     I spent so much money and a lot of coins to raise these big meat eaters, just for the visit fee of a little copper coins for everyone?

    The warriors have ignored the fact that this is a 10% discount.

    "If... I mean, if the Lord has raised these beasts, and they will have offspring in the future, will we have a chance to apply for a cub? Since we can apply for weapons with military merit before , Combat skills..." A young soldier had a whim.

    The warriors who had not thought of this at all looked at each other in surprise.

     "What? Can't you? Why are you looking at me like this?"

    The young warrior was flustered by the seniors, thinking that he had said the wrong thing, and was very disturbed.

    An older warrior slapped the other on the shoulder hard, and laughed gruffly, as if the lid was cracking, "You're such a clever ghost! That's right. The lord has raised these monsters, and when these monsters have produced many offspring, we will have a chance! Because, we are the escort!"

    This warrior is very proud, this is an identity that will be admired by everyone.

    The specific performance is that when they wear uniforms to go on a blind date, the success rate is particularly high.

    They are a team with a soul and a strict system. The **** team exists to protect the territory and the parents, wives and children behind them.

    The people trust the escort.

    The lord equips each of them with weapons, daily nutritious meals and tailor-made uniforms, as well as the opportunity to exchange military merit for advanced combat skills and advanced weapons. Everyone knows that the lord values ​​the **** team and treats him as his confidant. So they have more opportunities, no question.

    Every warrior wants to get a beast as a companion, just like a magician also wants to get an elemental spirit. However, monsters are very precious, and many monsters have the attribute of suicide. After being captured, they will not eat or drink to commit suicide.

    Warcraft is proud and will never give in. There are only two situations in which they will recognize the Lord, one is to raise them from a young age, and the other is to conquer them with great strength and charisma.

    The quantity is relatively small, and they eat a lot of fresh meat every day, so they are very expensive, and they are by no means affordable for the lower-level warriors.

    Conquering an adult or sub-adult monster is too difficult, even more difficult than becoming an advanced warrior. If these warriors want their own monsters, they have to buy cubs to raise them, which is even more difficult. The monsters would rather kill their own children than let them be captured by humans.

    But now...maybe?

    It may not make a difference to change other lords, but this is the silent lord.

    The warriors are ready to move.

    "Even if it is possible, it probably requires a lot of military merit to apply. Ah, I suddenly hope that there will be another wave of robbers."

    "Are you going to ask the instructor?"

    "Okay!" The members of the **** team all left the Tomahawk Tavern, leaving behind the envy and jealousy of the soldiers who were not the **** team.

    They said sourly, "Actually, I once had the opportunity to enter the **** team..." However, because of the strict system and the rules of training Chinese and mathematics at night, many people retreated.

    'I am a soldier, why can't I escape the torture of cultural classes? ’ Many fighters were tortured to death by mathematics and language and dropped out of the selection.

    Who knew the benefits of the **** would be so good? There is meat for three meals, a set of uniforms for each season, and military merit can be exchanged for various high-quality weapons and high-level combat skills that cannot be obtained.

    Now there is still a chance to change pets?

    These warriors are gearing up: I wonder if it's too late to join the escort?

    "Ah? Did you guess it?" The instructor was still very gentle in the non-training field. He smiled and patted the soldier's shoulder, "Lord Lord does have this plan." The meeting was held not long ago. , to leave a group of retired soldiers, and to discuss the plan to include Warcraft cubs into welfare.

    Hearing the clear answer, the soldiers' faces turned red with excitement.

    "It's too early to say this, let's accumulate military merits in recent years, especially group military merits, one is equal to two. You have enough, just the first batch of monster cubs will come out. I still have to study hard in the evening culture class, but the culture teacher responded to me..."

    The instructors caught them and asked them to be careful one by one, study the culture class well, and don't be illiterate. Without culture, you can only be a low-level soldier for a lifetime. If you want to be an officer, you have to study hard.

    But the warriors are not listening, they have fallen into the ecstasy of a possible pet.

    If there is a chance, what kind of pet should I match?

    Flying? element class? Or frenzy?

    There is also a young warrior who dares to think: "Instructor, will the dragon cubs be replaced?" Dragon knight!

    The instructor replied 'Haha'.

    "You can discuss it with the dragons yourself." I'm afraid that you won't be beaten to death.

    The author has something to say:  The warriors fell into contemplation: is it furry? Or keep slippery?

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