An hour before Kane entered the room.

Skaya sneaked into his room.

It wouldn’t be easy to infiltrate originally, but it wasn’t difficult because there was a transition scroll that I had secretly stored in Kane’s room before.

‘I never thought it would be used in a place like this.’

Anyway, this is not the time for this.

The other women must have been giving Kane chocolate by now.

Since it’s late, you have to do something special.

And that’s nothing.


It is itself.

After putting on a swimsuit, dipped in chocolate on her chest, and in a bewitching pose, she would be quite delighted to give it a Valentine’s Day gift.

Let’s imagine that for a moment.


The face suddenly heats up.

It feels like the temperature around you has risen.

Skaya waved her hands and shook her head.

“Ah, this is not the time for this!”

You never know when Kane will be here.

You should prepare as soon as possible.

Skaya hastily buried thick chocolate on her chest.


‘Hey, would you like it this way?’

I drew a heart shape centered on the breastbone.

He wrote his and Kane’s names in it.

‘Ugh… Shame!’

However, you have to be patient.

For a woman who has been quite behind in recent times, this should be enough to remain in his memory.

Skaya is completely covered in chocolate and wearing a white bikini.

“Ummm… I think Kane likes this posture, right?”

In order to make it look as good as possible, I practiced a bewitching posture while looking in a full-length mirror.

At the same time.


Kane, who said absurdly, was reflected in his vision.

next moment.



They both screamed at the same time.


I heard a story I couldn’t hear without Skaya’s tears.



It was so funny that tears came to my eyes.

Then, with her earlobes blushing, Suka bowed her head.

It’s kind of a shame, apparently.

“It’s really crazy. I should have prepared such a surprise for you.”


“Still, I got what I wanted. Skaya.”

“yes? What did you want?”

At that, she tilts her head.

I nodded, raising the corners of my mouth.

“It will always remain in my memory. Of course, your black history!”

“Hey, you bastard!”

Skaya, who has reached the limit of her patience, shouts.

And then, slap me on the back.

“Hey, why did you get so stiff!”

“Yeah. because I’ve been training right.”

Unfortunately, only her palm hurt.

She sighs, rubbing her palms.

“Ehh. Anyway, well, as others have said, train in moderation. The reason I prepared these things is not because you trained like you were being chased too much.”

“Hmm… is it that bad?”

“Oh, it’s serious. very.”

Seeing him nodding without hesitation, I think we really need to be a little more careful.

I answered, scratching my cheek in embarrassment.

“okay. ok thank you for worrying about me.”

“.. Bare mouth?”


“Are you going to say thank you with your bare mouth?”

As if waiting for those words, Skaya revealed her true nature.

I glanced at her for a moment, looking a little shy but full of anticipation.

She is still wearing a swimsuit with chocolate on her chest.

i saw that


She swallowed dry saliva and opened her mouth.

“Hmm. Of course you can’t go barefoot.”


After those words, we must have had a conversation between the chocolate-stained chest and lips.


After having a serious skin relationship with Skaya, I headed to the restaurant for dinner.

‘I don’t have much appetite because I ate chocolate all day.’

Am I just telling you to eat a snack before eating for nothing?

A feeling of not being hungry and not wanting to eat much.

However, if you don’t eat, you’ll only hear nagging from Richie for nothing.

‘I’ll just eat a little.’

As we walked with that determination, at some point we arrived at a restaurant.



A gigantic three-tiered chocolate cake was reflected in the field of vision.

I rub my eyes with my arms to see if my eyes are weird.

‘I think my eyes are normal.’

Unfortunately, the chocolate cake was still in sight.

I was planning to eat less rice because I ate too many snacks, but this time a huge chocolate cake came out.

For a moment I raised the other corner of my mouth, which is ridiculous.

“host! What do you think?! We are ready!”

“I worked hard to make it for the master.”

Cage and Richie appeared with their eyes shining.

As if waiting for me to come.


I want to say that I don’t want to eat it.

Didn’t you eat the chocolate on Skaya’s chest for close to an hour just before?


“Really, it looks delicious. They both suffered.”

“Heh heh heh. Of course not, master!”

“no. It’s only natural that you like the master.”

Seeing the twinkling eyes of the two of them, I can’t even say that I hate them.

The moment you say that, the background is so clear.

“Then let’s replace today’s rice with this. host! Richie!”

“Let’s do that. junior.”

“····Yes. OK.”

It seems that I am too lazy to eat rice.


I escaped from the hell called chocolate cake.

“This is how I die…”

I went to the bathroom, enduring the sweet smell that wafted out of my mouth.

The moment you arrive in front of the bathroom.


A very familiar voice was heard in my ear.

He turned his head towards it.

just as expected.


The person who called me must have been none other than Lisana.

When I saw her, a chill welled up in my spine.

‘F * UCK.’

Approaching her with a bright smile, she is so beautiful that she is enchanted by her outward appearance.

Perhaps it was because Hado was tortured in chocolate by a group of women, and it seems that he is a reaper trying to drag him to hell.

“Uh? Honey, why are you so vigilant?”

Then, she looked at me and tilted her head.

I answered her question without erasing boundaries.

“There is such a thing. By the way, when did you come?”

“yes? That’s right. just came hee hee hee. Anyway, I have something to give you.”


no. I don’t know what it is, but just don’t give it to me. please please

When I look at her while swallowing the back words, Lisana plunges me into despair, perhaps because she didn’t hear my heart.

“braided! Look at this! What a mint chocolate toothpaste! I saw that today is the day when women give chocolates to the men they like! I originally thought it would be homemade chocolate, but something was so common that I got this! how is it? Are you impressed?!”

sorry. I’ll stop training now! So stop now!

I wanted to spit it out, but because of her twinkling eyes, I only half-forced my head slowly.

“Uh, yes.”

“Hmm… is there something wrong with the reaction?”

Looking at her narrowed eyes, I think I should react violently right now.

After making a quick judgment, I showed a strong reaction.

“a. It can’t be. Our Lisana prepared it for us! Very good!”

“right? Then show me how to brush your teeth with this now!”


f*ck off. I beg your pardon?

“Why do you ask me again? Show me how to brush. Aren’t you supposed to brush your teeth now anyway?”

“no. Uh, yes. right.”

“Why do you hate it?”

She stares blankly with a gloomy face.

‘no. How can you say you don’t like it when you make a face like that?’

Groaning inwardly, I shook my head.

“no. It can’t be. I will do it now.”

After that, I applied mint chocolate toothpaste to the toothbrush.

Soon, put it in your mouth.

– Julleuk!

Tears flowed out without me knowing.

Lisana saw it.

“self. I’m even impressed Good luck ♥”

He confessed his love and hugged me tightly as if he had misunderstood something.

Without knowing that I was crying because it was so tasteless.

By the way, I hate mint chocolate so much.


After enduring the torture of mint chocolate toothpaste, I let Lisana back and headed to my room.

‘I really feel like I’ve experienced hell for a moment…’

Just thinking about it again made me goosebumps and went into the room trembling.

At the same time.

“Kane. I was waiting.”


Destiny emitting the final boss’s force was reflected in his eyes.

f*ck off. Why is Snowna out there?

When I looked at her with those eyes, Destiny responded as if she was reading my thoughts.

“In another world, it is said that today is the day women give chocolate to the man they like.”

“Uh, yes.”

Please don’t build up buildups.

“therefore. I thought about it, and the other kids must have given it to me, so I prepared something special.”


no. don’t prepare ‘Cause just my heart is enough please.

“Voila! Mint Choco Soju! It’s sold in limited editions in stores!”


There was even mincho soju and a strange scream came out without me knowing.

Soon, he grabbed her by the neck and shook her violently.

“now stop!! I think I’m going to get neurosis!!! Save me! I want to stop eating!!”

“a. Have you been eating very well before that? Would you mind brushing your teeth with mint chocolate?”

“no! I hate mint chocolate!”

It’s not a lie.

I hate mint chocolate so much more than that damn toothpaste.

I just forced myself to use mint chocolate toothpaste because of Lisana!

However, fate doesn’t care about my words.

“Kane. Did you know how to use irony?”

He smiles softly and pours it out of one ear.

I shed tears and vehemently denied it.

“f*ck no!”

“a. to be shy Then let’s eat together.”

At the end of those words, Destiny forced me to drink mint chocolate soju to tears.

As an aside, after that day, I would never see chocolate again, and I would have decided to train in moderation.


Read at

Meanwhile at that time.

It wasn’t enough to completely face the truth in the past, but it’s a dimension that came to experience.

“What those guys said was right…”

Realizing that the words of the ‘bastards’ he met on Earth were true, he shook his head.

I just had a strange soul, so I was just trying to track down the traces.

I didn’t mean to do anything more than that, but I found out the unexpected truth.

“Uh-huh… Then I have to move too…”

While muttering, the dimension returned to his original time zone.

At the same time.

‘okay. Let’s trust them and keep an eye on them.’

She entered another dimension and watched the future of the continent of Raceton.

no. The future of David von Cain.

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