{ Strongest Superman 2 }

that day.

When Aiden first met Bruce.

A vast area with vast deserts and vast expanses of mountain ranges.

There were two people in the same place.

High peaks with white eyes on their heads.

The hills glowing colorfully as if God had sprayed them with paint.

Colorful sandstone canyons.

The mysterious sights that go back and forth between the extremes make you feel as if you are on another planet.

“Have you been here before?”

“This is the first time.”

“How is it?”

“Good. Thank you for inviting me.”

Bruce grinned at Aiden’s positive reaction.

“I’m glad you did. This is my favorite place. That’s why I often come alone. This is the first time I’ve come with anyone.”

Bruce looks at the scenery for a moment without saying a word.

And Aiden staring at his side like that.

Is it like a place of your own when you are exhausted and need a rest or just want to organize your thoughts?

Haha, if you come here, it will be difficult to meet a single person even if you stay for a few days.

Why did you invite me to such a place?

Whether he knew the gaze or not, Bruce opened his mouth with his gaze fixed forward.

“Can you believe it? The name of such a beautiful place is Death Valley.”

Death Valley.

The hottest and most barren place in America.

In summer, the temperature approaches 60 degrees Celsius, making it one of the hottest places in the world.

The largest national park on the continental United States, stretching from California to Nevada.

It is about seven times the size of Jeju Island.

“The will of man is truly amazing. It is the desire to risk one’s life and move toward a goal.”

Aiden nodded, understanding what he meant.

gold rush era.

In 1849, when gold was discovered in western California, the whole of the United States was infested with people moving from east to west.

And this is where the immigrants passed because they thought it was the fastest way.

Thousands of people buried their bones here, and the people who barely survived and arrived in California came up with the name, Death Valley, to make use of the roughness.

“I didn’t know it would be so difficult.”

Bruce continued on to Aiden’s reaction.

“It must have been the first time, but there were people who came in after knowing about it? Even today… many people are doing it too.”

Death Valley is a term commonly used in startups.

A term that refers to a general case that faces a bankruptcy crisis due to difficulties such as financing in the early stages of a start-up.

The fastest-growing startups.

And the Death Valley that they inevitably experience.

Bruce turned his head to look at Aiden, who was listening silently.

“Of course, this has absolutely nothing to do with us. The only thing we will face on our journey ahead is this beautiful and mysterious sight.”

It is said that there will be no such difficulties at all in BH.

he can say that

Because he has succeeded in starting a business several times in a row, he is already one of the richest people in the world.

“Aiden. I want you to go as fast as possible. And I can help you do that. So that you get to your destination in a straight line. Without any difficulties.”


“There are no footprints in the desert. The wind makes all previous footprints disappear. So in the desert everyone goes their own way.”

Bruce’s intense eyes staring at Aiden.

“Do whatever you want. Feel free to.”

Then Aiden’s voice quietly flowed out.

“Even if it doesn’t match the direction of the company?”

“Yes. All you have to do is do the research you want to do. We will support all of the facilities, equipment, and expenses for your research as needed.”

Aiden thought.

Bruce’s proposal is a story that I will never be able to repeat again.

What could be a better condition for a scientist to do as he pleases?

It is far more appealing than the unprecedented salary conditions he proposed earlier.


So, what if I finally reach my goal?

What if I walk my way to my destination and finally get gold?

Bruce’s words were added as if he had guessed the other person’s thoughts.

“The result of your research. It will be recognized wholly owned by you. I promise that I will not claim any shares or any rights in the company.”

Even the word “exploitation” is not enough, a condition that is truly absurd.

“Then what do you… get BH?”

Bruce turns his head.

Aiden’s side view caught in his eyes.

Bruce’s calm voice came out as he opened his mouth while looking at the bonfire.

“I am not in this business to make money. To contribute to the ultimate development of mankind, that is my only goal.”

Bruce lifted his head and looked up at the sky.

“To provide full support so that you, one of the most talented people in the history of mankind, can freely do research as much as they want. I think that is precisely what meets that goal.”


The true essence of Death Valley, which is infamous for its extreme heat, is a season that cannot be found at all.

It was also a night when the scorching sun disappeared.

He turned his head to follow Aiden’s gaze at Bruce.

Numerous stars embroidered the dark night sky were spread over the two of them.

Aiden suddenly escaped from the old memories.

When I lifted my head and looked up, the sky did not change today or then.

His mouth opened calmly with his gaze fixed.

“Are you here? It’s been a while.”

Then, Inyeong appears from behind.

“Long time no see, my old friend.”

Aiden is sitting in a chair and staring at the opponent with only his head slightly turned back.

“Bruce. If you came, you wouldn’t have told me.”

“It’s been awhile since I’ve been on here. You seem to have deep thoughts, so I’ve been looking at you for a while.”

“Um, this reminded me of the old days. Come on, sit down.”

In the middle of a desert where there is nothing.

A place where there are no people.

A small bonfire is lit under the dark night sky.

Two people sitting on a chair in front of him.

“Today, I invited you. If you are thirsty, have a beer there.”

At Aiden’s words, Bruce opened the beer bottle next to him and drank it without hesitation.


he opened his mouth

“Good. Isn’t it a meaningful place. It’s a good place for a reunion.”

“Yeah. Because we were supposed to be together here. The place where it all began. There’s no better place to end it than this.”

“It’s going to be a finish… what kind of ending are you thinking of?”

relaxed look.

Looking at him like that, Aiden said.

“How have you been? I haven’t seen you for a while, but you look good.”

Bruce smiling.

“I don’t think that’s what you, who gave information about me to the US, are talking about.”

“Weren’t you doing this even knowingly, on purpose?”

“Yeah. I know. I just gave it to you. That’s nothing to me.”

“Well, didn’t you actually look at the US too? To make them think the crisis has been eliminated, you’re giving away all of the superhumans. To buy time.”

“That’s right. Speaking of which, it’s a car abattoir… You’re calling in flies to solve the problem between the two of us. Isn’t it too much? Because of you, a lot of precious children have died.”

“You’re calling me a red flag for saying things like that. You keep bothering me because you’re bored. What should I do? Besides, you were the first to do it to China and Russia. “

Their tone is too calm for the content of the conversation.

Bruce said calmly.

“Sorry but why? Would our relationship be arranged so lightly?”

“When we meet, there are times when we break up. If you act poorly, you become too filthy. You’re old enough to eat. Don’t you know a beautiful parting?”

“No, no. Our meeting should never be like that. Isn’t this all for the sake of humanity?”

“Bruce. Why are you so tired? Who are you that cares about mankind? You or no one can save mankind? You’ve done enough, so why don’t you stop letting other people get swept up in your thoughts? I want to.”

“Aiden. That’s what I’m going to say. Let’s stop wasting our time. Don’t hide like a mouse. Let’s go out into the world and live comfortably. Listening to me.”

“Which world? The world you will create?”

Bruce’s face seems to be good with words as well.

“You know it well. A new era of humanity is about to begin. Your legacy will live on forever in that lofty history. Isn’t it really exciting?”

Bruce’s tone seemed to be exhilarating.

But what comes back to him is Aiden’s short answer that feels dry.

“Not at all.”

Bruce takes a deep breath.

It’s a look that doesn’t make sense at all.

“Aiden. I’ve loved you since a long time ago. I thought you were the only one who could be this humble with me. Just like a friend. You deserve it. So I came here myself right now. In response to a friend’s invitation. But how is it that you always treat me so differently from the inside? Is this the proper attitude of the person who invited me?”

“Wasn’t it you who looked different on the inside? The Ubermensch Project. If you were proud, why did you hide your plans so much?”

“Because it is impossible to understand the big meaning of the things below.

With those words, Bruce snapped his fingers as if he didn’t want to haggle anymore.

Beer bottle caps popping out.


It pierces Aiden’s body and falls to the floor.


Bruce drank all the remaining beer at once while looking at the hologram.

“As you wish, think of this as parting with an old friend. Next time we meet…”

Aiden stares at him like that.

Bruce’s voice came out.

“You’re just going to be a puppet.”

Aiden answered.

“I had fun last time, too. But I can’t say goodbye to you back safely.”

At that moment, the popular pretenders approached behind them.

Bruce wakes up.

He could even hear Aiden’s voice.

“These are the results we made. You have to endure it yourself.”

those who have come.

in the middle of it

Yuhan Wol opened his mouth.

“Finally meeting you. Bruce Hendrick.”

* * *


“Bruce is really here. Aiden is a really important person right?”

However, even with Yang Yang-gwang’s jokes, he did not know that the heavy atmosphere would spread.

Cain with a serious expression.


They only stare at the screen.

Cain’s voice came out.

“Where did you suddenly appear?”

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