Awakening Millennium

Vol 2 Chapter 1190: Xiaoren really heard

   In the past, Eve was a killer for a special reason. Now the crux of that reason is no longer there. Even if she has the opportunity to return to the previous universe, she will definitely not choose to regain the title of golden darkness. Just like when she introduced herself to her classmates in school now, she used the real name of "Eve" who had never told others when she was a killer. Instead of telling others to call themselves'golden darkness', it is easy to make people suspect that she is a secondary disease.

  If Ive enrolled at the school is still the same as before, I am afraid that the member of the Haruhi Suzumiya who cares very much about the member of the second symptom society, will you find this kind of the first time? It seems like now they only occasionally encounter Eve who secretly observes the little noise but makes the atmosphere a little strange?

   "It is because more and more people think like you said, so the big men who manage the country have such a headache all day."

  Evidently, Eve knew something unexpectedly, but Levi said that she had no idea about these fertility and population age issues. Seeing that Eve raised her neck and raised her head vigorously, looking at her lovely look, Levi squeezed her face gently, explaining to her the principles that were not actually complicated.

   "You also did not notice the problems because most of the technology you have been to on the planet has been much more developed than the earth."

  In fact, if it were only a period of time after being a killer, Eve had been to more planets than Levi.

  Although neither of them is a kind of task after task, as long as there is a commission, the visitor will not refuse, and never stop to work rest. But compared to Levi, who had more vulgar affairs, Eve had more commissions than he did in those years. In particular, Eve has no clear purpose in accepting the commission, which is entirely based on personal preference and depending on the situation of the task target person. This "habit" makes Eve's whereabouts quite confusing, but it also travels all the more famous planets in the universe that are equivalent to the big countries and metropolises on earth.


  Eve nodded. She didn't think it was rude to admit that the earth is relatively backward among the planets she has been to. Especially now that the only Levi who is in this room with himself is not an aborigine on this earth...oh, no. If you don’t know in the Levi’s shadow whether you’re asleep following the vampire’s habits, or if you’re like Ewen Jielin, you’re slowly losing the vampire’s appearance, and you’re still full of spirited blonde pseudo loli in the daytime. It's really born on earth.

   But no matter when it was called Ji Sixiu in the past, it still changed its name to Xiaoren. The weird king is definitely not a member of humanity, and even unlike Yiwen, who is also a vampire, she once had a short time as an ordinary person that she still misses so far.

  Even if he heard the conversation between Levi and Eve, he certainly would not consider human science and technology from a human standpoint. In fact, it is just like those who are also living in the real world, but seem to exist in different dimensions in parallel and disjoint with ordinary people. Although Xiaoren’s strange career in the past seems to have been in contact with humans a lot, in fact, the two have completely different views on the world.

   But even if you hear an ordinary human being, as long as the person has a little experience of reading or watching science fiction or science fiction movies, there will be no objection to the words of Eve and Levi.

   As for all aliens who can reach the earth and know the existence of the earth, their technological level must far exceed the existing level of the earth.

  The above cognitive books are not only imaginative science fiction writers, but even the most rigorous scientists are also unanimously accepted the basic truth. After all, as long as it is not an accidental crossing like the group of people in the Semiria and the apostles of the Red World, and the aliens who can come to the earth with their own abilities, it must be that they have mastered the earth. Humans have been working hard but still far from the threshold. Untouched technology is undoubtedly.

   Well, unless those alien planets are not based on science, but an unscientific world where magic or other abilities and superpowers prevail.

   People on a planet that has not yet reached the level of interstellar civilization, let alone find a cosmic killer like Eve and Levi to invite them to accept the commission. If there is no power like the earth and ordinary individuals have discovered the technical level of other creatures in the universe, how can they know the existence of even the famous golden darkness?

   There are also Levi and Eve and their colleagues, obsessed with work to the point of hunger. Even the earth, a backward planet that has no way to get in touch with the civilizations of other people will find a way to be like a big company in a shopping mall, or a small company that posts small advertisements on the street. Earth, put special props that can contact them on these planets. Even when Levi was in the past, some people had sold him the kind of equipment without interplanetary communication capabilities such as ordinary phones that could be used as long as they were taken. Props connected to people in other galaxies.

   In fact, someone on Earth must have used such a prop, and accidentally contacted the ‘professionals’ in the universe, whose scope of work did not include these backward planets. Many unknown and mysterious events on the earth that have not been discovered so far, although most of them are caused by those abilities hidden in the surface of the world itself, there are still a few of them that are accidentally received. The aliens entrusted by the people on this planet do it.

   However, that was what happened a long time ago. Since this earth did not know when it was separated from the outside world by a strange enchantment. Even if accidentally picking up the props of alien high-tech civilization, it is difficult to get effective contact with outsiders.

   After all, even the three magical girls who were born in a large institution specializing in time and space research like the Space and Time Administration, tried their best to pass through the outer boundary of the earth by accident. So far, the Eight Gods has been working hard to study and failed to let the remaining companions who are still outside come in like three of them. Those aliens who were not good at this, but met Levi’s door-to-door sales just like they did at the beginning, and then bought the goods. At best, they only thought that their small advertisements were not found and were curiously believed to be true. Let’s take a look at this lagging planet where a distant self posted some small advertisements.

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