Awakening Millennium

Vol 2 Chapter 1195: Is it still a problem?

   So Levi said ‘just right’. Such a situation where there is such a convenient choice, will it also stem from the magical ability of Haruhi Suzumiya? Just like she was so inexplicably drawn such a big award, there are the kind of luck that was so helpful in the past.

   If it wasn’t Haruhi Suzumiya until now that he still didn’t realize that he had realized his dream for many years, the head of the SOS group was really a mirror of the absolute meaning of the doomed teenager in the academy city.

   Looking at the present, the good luck of Haruhi Suzumiya seems to be slightly worse than the bad luck of the last article. I don't know who of the two should work hard?

   "Is the appearance of alien world random?"

   Eve is just not familiar with the world in some places, it is because there is less contact than stupidity. Since it was a very ordinary place, and now it is also called a ‘special location’. I know that it is near the hotel where my school classmates have stayed. Isn’t the answer obvious?

   "No, strictly speaking, it should not be exactly."

   Levi opened the map application on his mobile phone, located the area from Asuka, and roughly confirmed that there were no other notable places in the surrounding area.

"Actually, Asuka and the organization behind her should think that there are reasons and reasons for the emergence of the outside world. But because in many cases it is not so good to confirm what is related to it, there is naturally no way to simply determine that it must not be. Random. After all, they are a very large organization, and they still need to pay attention to evidence in doing things."

  Although Levi has not seen any other members of the organization called Nemesis, especially senior executives, asuka Asuka belongs to. But for an organization like Nemesis, Levi has always been in contact with a lot. How does such an organization generally work, what are the behaviors and thinking patterns of internal core personnel, in fact, it is possible to infer a rough picture from their external performance.

  With Levi’s past experience, the Nemesis organization doesn’t look like a roadside bad gang that has no strict management and is self-willed. As long as they maintain good concealment for a long time, it can be seen that this is definitely an internally closely managed team with very complete management methods and well-executed management.

And the only member of the organization Levi has touched so far, that is, Asuka, gave him a pretty good impression, let people first have a high vision and courage for the selection of talents in the organization of Nemesis evaluation of.

  Although Asuka was very open and honest, she told Levi that her parents were once members of the organization. But this will not only make Levi feel that Nemesis has the old-fashioned and decayed system based on nepotism, but let him appreciate that the senior management of the organization is not stubborn about the qualifications and rules, and is very flexible in the selection of talents.

  If it is a less enlightened and less courageous organization, such as Asuka Asuka, who has a relatively high degree of autonomy in action at a young age, it is difficult to have a chance to appear. Even if there are, then most of them really rely on nepotism and are not simply promoted by strength and ability because of internal high-level reasons.

   "Like a policeman?"

   In other respects, Eve may lack some common sense, but she is more proficient at these police, intelligence organizations, underground mysterious associations and the like than many others.

   After all, how to say before is also a killer. Especially the killer Eve has never followed the so-called rules of conduct in the circle. Not to mention the beautiful assassinations that some of her peers are especially pursuing, she is no different from the criminals who are committing murder on the streets in broad daylight.

He has always acted in a style that is not afraid of being discovered and undisguised. It is conceivable that Eve was caught by the police, intelligence organizations, special forces, peers and hostile forces during his killer career. Arrest, chase and assassinate.

   And Eve never concealed her whereabouts, not only when she was "offending". After ‘fleeing the crime’, there is still nothing to hide his thoughts. When she didn’t break out of the name of the legendary strongest killer in the Golden Dark, she was suddenly attacked by different forces while wandering on the street, reading in a hotel, etc. .

Even if Eve’s name gradually became louder, the general police and underground forces were afraid to take the initiative to find fault, and there were still people who were harassing tirelessly either for revenge, for justice, or even those who planned to conquer it. Eve's free time outside of work.

  Especially those organizations and forces who dare to come to the door even if they already know the name of golden They are no longer the first intellectually handicapped silly to think that they have not dealt with a little girl. Various exquisite designs and traps directly help Eve open up its horizons, and its strength has steadily improved.

   The style and level of the mysterious organization hidden under the water surface, Eve is actually the same as Levi, just looking at the surface can guess a rough idea. It's just that her speculation is like the difference between the reason and sentiment between men and women. Eve does not give Levi’s clear and detailed analysis, but uses an intuition to form an export impression that he does not say much.

   Yes, although I have always loved to read, I have actually read many excellent novels with plot twists and turns. Perhaps it's because I haven't spoken much before, and Eve's language organization skills are indeed lacking. Just like she is not as good as those literary girls in school who can write some good essays and poems. It's also a little difficult for Eve to describe exactly what he knows.

   But to tell the truth, this phenomenon does not only appear on Eve. Levi has also seen signs of some adults who have also studied hard and have achieved certain results. That is also the same as Eve because usually speaking less and less, the chance of writing a large and rigorous article is also less and less. It's just that the reason why those people become like this is because the prosperity of the Internet, especially the social network, makes them slowly get used to the fragmented communication on the Internet. Not only the articles and information that I read are all fragmented and simplified, but even when I talk to others, I think of what to say and do not need a rigorous organization to continue to add later models.

   Such daily habits directly lead to the deterioration of some people's language and writing skills.

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