Awakening Millennium

Vol 2 Chapter 1258: Come on, everyone hurry in

But after all, people without professional authority assured Levi that he would never die, and he did not have that interest to try various "death methods" to test whether he was like Hui Ye and Yi Wen, even if his body was Even if it is crushed into a powder, it can still be restored to its original state. Who made Levi a normal person rather than a brain abnormal?

In order not to let yourself have the opportunity to test the limits of your body like a pervert, even if it has been analyzed intellectually that there is no danger to yourself, Levi will still maintain it like a normal person. Be basically alert to danger.

   Like Hui Ye, this maze of the outside world is treated like a real-life RPG. Levi may never be able to realize it. Even Levi thought that even if he had an immortal body like Hui Ye, he would never be as careless as her.

  You should know that even if you can’t die, you can still recover even if you become a cosmic dust no matter what your body becomes. But whether it is Yiwen, Huiye or Xiaoren, none of their so-called undead bodies can be immune to pain and other feelings, right?

   Even if it doesn't die, it still hurts. Why did someone tell Levi that the stronger the self-healing ability and the stronger the vitality, the more unbearable pain once the person is captured by the enemy?

   Levi is not interested in experiencing various types of pain, even if it is a little bit of skin, can it become uncomfortable because of more encounters? The so-called habit becomes natural, and it must be a positive result that only those who are not normal can cultivate it.

   "In other words, as long as the door is pushed open normally, there is no need to find any organs or the like?"

   Huiye ran long before the gate leading to the ‘BOSS room’. The cooperation between Levi and Asuka Asuka had nothing to do with a dead house that would not have intersect with this alien world if she were not called out.

   is that if Levy asks her for help, Huiye has to consider what benefits he can get back. It’s not the women in the harem of this guy, how can the grand dukes selflessly provide free services. If Levi hadn't said this alien labyrinth before so interestingly, Hui Ye wouldn't specifically follow this trip.

  Although this trip did make Hui Ye feel worthwhile. After all, the real thing that exists in reality is the feeling that the VRMMO device can't be simulated anymore. To say that Hui Ye is biased or subjective. She just feels that the virtual things are not the same as the real ones. Even if she is a two-dimensional dead man who likes to pursue the fun in the virtual world, this view will not change.

  Who said that the real one must be better than the virtual one? If the illusory happiness is so meaningless, how can there be so many people in this world who are immersed in the world of various works? The spiritual pursuit is the most essential difference between man and other animals. Isn't the so-called high-level, low-level reflected in this spiritual pursuit that is not to meet the physical needs?

   "It shouldn't be needed. I didn't feel the breath of enchantment or other barriers on that door."

   Moreover... the monster in this level of the maze, even if it is the owner of the maze, may not have the ability to consider what kind of traps and enchantments?

   Although Asuka did not say anything, there were no unexpected traps along the way. It is reasonable to reach this last moment, and most of them will not suddenly come up with something that is too surprising.

   It was the maze of the very powerful beasts she encountered before, the executor girl just said on the road, and the traps that made it difficult for them to crack, let Hui Ye look forward to experiencing it once.

  Although among many types of games, decryption games that have been popular for a while are not particularly liked by Hui Ye. Even Levi often heard that when playing other games, the puzzles set in Tucao were too difficult and too biased, wasting her time. However, after all, decryption is also a classic element of the game. If it can appear in reality, it is still a realistic environment, not the decryption game halls that are also popular in the Central District. How come Hui Ye, who has been addicted to the game for so long, doesn't want to take a look?

Just like the various online novels that are popular on the Internet, although they are always naughty by Hui Ye, if there is really a chance to cross into their favorite works, guess whether this woman will rush in and shout out loudly. Really fragrant?

   "Well...then...if you have nothing else, I'll push the door open?"

  Hui Ye was still aware that he would ask everyone in this labyrinth, even Asuka will definitely not feel that there will be accidents that will cause everyone to be in danger. It’s worth commending this kind of behavior, Hui Ye, maybe Levi often told her to pay attention to the surroundings, safety first, right? Although this woman is always repulsive about Levi, she often mocks him why a big man is so timid and annoying.

   "Although there should be no danger, I hope you are still careful, Miss Huiye."

   The executive girl looked at Levi, then nodded at Chonghuiye. Hui Ye didn't care about waving her hand, and didn't push the door open as she just said, but stretched her foot and kicked it gently, and the gate, which looked heavy and made of stone, was indeed loud. With a heavy voice, he opened quickly to both sides.

   "How long has this BOSS been in the house? I feel that the door bearings are completely rusty."

  Hui Ye, regardless of whether the door had bearings or not, pinched his nose as if he could smell the rust inside, and did not wait for Levi and Asuka to catch up and walked into the door.


   Levi, who was supposed to be catching up behind, suddenly felt a little wrong after a few steps. The door did well as a door before it opened, not only blocking the sight, hearing and smell of people outside. Even people with extraordinary sensitivity like Levi have failed to sense the breath of the ‘master of the labyrinth’ that should exist inside the door.

  If it is a person who does not understand the ‘mechanism’ of the labyrinth of the outside world, it may indeed be ambushed by the BOSS in the room at the end of the labyrinth. After all, what kind of maze should come to the end, you should meet the ‘common sense’ of BOSS, but it is only the dead house like Hui Ye who is used to playing games to think it is common sense in the world.

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