Awakening Millennium

Vol 2 Chapter 469: Reliable that month sauce

   The reason why that month was loved by most students in a short period of time. She is more respectful of her students than many teachers who are from my elders or even ‘leaders’ from me. This is also an important point.

   "To put it simply, this brand's shoe style is beautiful, comfortable and durable."

   Levy made a summary that month. In fact, as far as he is concerned, the average student seems to care less about comfort and durability. As long as it looks good, let alone feeling uncomfortable, even if it is more uncomfortable, girls who love beauty and boys who like to play handsome can not care. But this brand of Levi also heard some colleagues exaggerate. Those men who have reached middle age often don't care much about their appearance after they become home, and the pursuit of dressing has changed from a young fashion trend to comfortable and durable. Since they all said yes, it really has its uniqueness. As for some advertisements, it is often loved that XX sports stars are also worn in the game as evidence of their brand performance. Levi does not care much about this. With Levi’s personal experience alone, he knew that those athletes who sought to break through the limit had completely different requirements for ‘equipment’ than the daily use of ordinary people. For example, the requirements of marathon runners for running shoes are that as long as they can make them faster, as long as they will not cause injuries, whether it is comfortable or uncomfortable to run in that shoe is not within their consideration. But what about ordinary people? You tell him'While wearing these shoes is almost the same as walking barefoot on the gravel road, it will allow you to run more than forty kilometers faster than usual one minute' Isn't it constant at a value?

   "Is it comfortable and durable? It seems pretty good."

   Tio listened to Levy and gave praise to the brand unanimously that month. Their interest was mobilized by them and they followed the two to the counter over there. She was looking at picking shoes everywhere, and Levi and that month started picking up the sports goods they were planning to purchase today that would be used in student games on the trip.

  Schools have to purchase all the brands and models already determined. Before coming to Gakuen City today, I checked the product lines of major brands online that month, and selected some of the most cost-effective alternatives. In fact, the same job was done once before that month, because Levi later told Meili that the price in the school city is cheaper, and there are some new technologies that are better and not available outside. The product made it necessary to tear up the purchase order prepared earlier that month. If it weren’t for Levi’s suggestion that it would save some money in the end, that month would definitely use her own method to retaliate against the guy who was idle for someone. It is not difficult to check the product catalog online, but it did take a lot of time because of my serious personality that month. In particular, many websites on the academy side are not easy to log in directly from the Central District network. Afterwards, Levi had to introduce Nagato Yuki to that month and let her help to improve efficiency.

   "These and those, are there enough stocks in this shop?"

I made a turn around that month and confirmed everything they had planned to purchase on this floor. The two returned to the counter just upstairs, and Tio was still staring at the goods at the front of the shelf. Look at the product introduction next to it.

   "Are you sure we have everything we want to buy in this store?"

   Physical stores are much more troublesome than online stores. Even if the store owner is committed to letting his store supply everything, but due to factors such as the size of the store and the degree of competition between certain brands, I want to find all the products of the famous brands in one mall. This is generally not possible. Some famous business and tourism cities try to include as many brands as possible in the form of a joint shopping mall, just like a very large shopping mall in a famous casino, which makes people walk around a large shopping mall that may not be able to be completed in a day. In fact, it is divided into multiple companies' shopping malls, but the division between each other is not obvious or not at all, so that customers and tourists can browse more comfortably and freely.

  Academic city This place, which is stronger than prison, is naturally not an international tourist city. Only a few large-scale festivals open to the outside world each year, a large number of foreign tourists flock to the academy city. Considering that there are not many tourists, students' shopping time is relatively fixed, and purchasing power is not so strong, naturally there will not be such a large-scale shopping center. If the brand you want to buy does not exist in this mall, you can only go out and go to other malls to see Compared to sitting in front of the computer, this online store does not have to open another one. The online store's page looks for shopping methods, and physical stores have no advantage in this respect.

   "Well, I checked online before, and I just found the things I want to buy."

  Doing things that month is naturally reassuring. Levi recommended a few malls in the academy city at that time, and after a comprehensive review of the brands operated by several stores that month, he finally decided here. However, Levi did not tell her that the recommended stores were all unsold. At that month, she only thought it was because Levi had been to these stores. In fact, Levi himself usually comes to the academy city without even caring about what might be seen through. After all, when he came by himself, he basically stayed with the local people here, and most of them were relatively high-level abilities, especially those in the dark.

  Garden City is actually a very obvious class society. It's just that the difference in grades among the students here is based on everyone's ability rather than factors such as learning and family background that are more important to the outside world. In terms of the simplest and most intuitive difference, the academy city has always been subsidized by all students, which is one of the reasons why some parents in a normal family environment want to send their children here. As for why the academy city is willing to provide subsidies to millions of students... Don’t forget that the academy city claims that it is an auxiliary brain development teaching for students, but in fact it is to adjust the brain and nerves to Develop the superpowers of students. Whether it is brain domain development or super power development, this is a new technology that is still in the trial stage of research. To put it nicely, students in the academy can be regarded as volunteers for clinical trials of new medicines dedicated to the progress of medicine; if it is a bit harder, students here can be regarded as mice raised by scientists in the institute.

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