Awakening Millennium

Vol 2 Chapter 662: Why are you here again?

To say which man does not have a minimum appreciation for a "goddess" like Penglai Shanhui Ye, it is not just a question of sexual orientation that needs to be questioned, but the whole person's aesthetics and cognition of humans may be out problem.

   In fact, although Levi is a normal man himself, he believes that even those men with different orientations should not deny the charm of Hui Ye. Well, here it refers specifically to the night of the moon capital princess in front of those who did not reveal the side of her home.

   initially faced such a woman, it would be too unscientific to say that Levi was completely unimpressed by the ambiguous accidents she occasionally got out of because of the sloppy style. But thanks to Hui Ye, this woman is indeed not a wonderful flower in the general sense. Regardless of her way of life or personality, now that she has been getting along for a long time, Levi is a little bit slow to feel that she has no way to treat Hui Ye as a woman.

   I remember when I first met Alice, Levi was still comparing Huiye with her in her heart, and felt that the two of them, Chunlan and Qiuju, were good at each other, and it was difficult to distinguish them from each other. Now who is going to ask Levy who is more beautiful and attractive than Alice and Huiye? Levy doesn’t even need half a second of thinking time. The answer is definitely Alice’s name.

  Hui Ye is also called a woman? Isn't it even better to compare with Alice! At least it is absolutely impossible to be wrong when at home!

  However, with the ‘combat power’ of her explosive performance, Huiye successfully made Levi ignore her. She is a princess who was a beautiful and dusty former capital of the moon, but the blast did not have the ability to do so. On the contrary, those who insist on strict analysis on the blast body can barely be regarded as shortcomings in the eyes of some people, such as the occasional little naughty and the occasional uncle's words and deeds in front of some cute girls, let alone the impression on her is discounted, for most people All are extra points with extra points.

   The same is true for Levi.

I was right to think of that girl as my daughter’s little friend, but when I grew up, the blast that had become such a lovely girl appeared again in the years afterwards, and I always understood it as a person with a normal IQ. What is the way to'contact' with him. To say that Levy can think that nothing happened is questioning his IQ. If he says that he is taking advantage of the situation, he enjoys that kind of ambiguity... this man is actually not that scumbag, right? How much, there is still some morality.

  During the trip, the wind harassed me and I couldn't sleep well. After I got home, Levi went to bed at a speed that I couldn't normally do. Until the morning when the sun had risen quite high, he was still unwilling to get up in bed after the time to get up at work. It wasn't until he felt a familiar touch on his shoulder that he was stimulated by a cold sensation on his face, then he regained a little consciousness and stretched his hand forward half a dream.


   Levi reached out and pulled the girl who kissed him on the shoulder and hugged him on the bed. Although it's not too early, but who wants to come to his room to do this kind of thing at this time? Who else can be besides the real ancestor Loli who sleeps next to his pillow every night?

  I don't know if it's already a holiday. I always rely on Yiwen who refuses to go to school to get up early. But when he finally returned from a trip, he finally took a vacation, but he still planned to sleep a little longer. It was a rare lazy sleep. It didn't matter if he didn't eat breakfast.

The girl who was brought to bed by Levila was very cleverly struggling, but unfortunately, Levi, who was half asleep and half awake, didn’t even pay attention to the soft voice just now. How can you even think about the most noisy wife in your family? How can you not toss?

   The girl shrank and closed her eyes for a long time. She didn't dare to move. She waited a long time to find that Levi not only didn't take any further'action', but instead her breathing became more and more slow and even, it sounded like she slept deeper, and then opened her eyes.

   She carefully adjusted her posture and moved to the side to lie on the side of Levi. The girl was very careful not to press Levi's arm or let her face touch his skin. Although you can’t see yourself without a mirror, your hot face will not deceive you. The girl may worry that her face is too hot. If she wakes up, she will always fall asleep and remain highly vigilant. 'the host'.

   The owner looks tired, then let him take a rest.

  Thinking about this, the girl didn't forget to carelessly pull out her cellphone from the pocket of the maid's skirt, and sent an email to her sister who was helping downstairs, so as not to disturb Levi's laziness later.

  Just after sending the email, the girl's face became redder and hotter. In the content of the email, she told her sister that she was taking care of her tired host so as not to be But she did not write her specific form of ‘care’ in the body of the email.

  If you let your sister know that you are lying on the bed like this, lying beside the master... The girl feels that she is almost happily confused.

  She tried to take a deep breath to calm her mood, and then she lay down and lay beside Levi, her eyes wide open. She was staring at the sleeping face that was completely relaxed-it was really different in her home. The girl looked at the man next to her for a long time without knowing how long she was, and she dumbly followed into the fixed place. Even when the man's body moved, she still didn't respond.

   Levi had already felt that there were people around him. Although he could not remember what he had done when he was waking up, but he woke up to have such a person around him... Isn’t it normal and ordinary? He stretched out his arms and hugged the people around him, but the moment the other person's body touched himself, Levi immediately discovered that things seemed not simple.

   "I... Uh? Alas?"

  Although the wind blows into the bed several times during the days I went to travel, but this girl who has already returned home can't be as arrogant as he is in a hotel outside? However, even if Levi and Ewen already had an old husband and wife, the body around them was definitely not Evin's touch.

   Even if Yiwen doesn't talk about a flat body in a normal state, it is definitely not the curve that a teenage girl should have. Even Nagato's figure, which is easy for people to misunderstand age at first sight, is very different from Ewen's absolute loli figure. Not only is there a lot of difference in height, but when you wear a school uniform, it feels quite flat and uncommon. In fact, as long as you change the tight clothes, you will find that the girl who looks like a junior high school student still has a little bit of "material". .

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