“I didn’t expect you to mess with the Illuminati.”

Chen Xiang was surprised after listening to Meng Fan’s words.

“You’ve heard of the Illuminati too?” Meng Fan looked at Chen Xiang through the rearview mirror.

Chen Xiang said, “Of course. As a high-level awakened being, I have connections to both the Sheriff and the Skybreaker Army, and have previously participated in operations to eliminate evil organizations.

“The worst evil organization before was the Church of Judgment, which had done the infamous massacre of provincial champions ten years ago.”

“As a high-level awakener, I have also fought with the Church of Judgment for more than ten years.”

“After the Church of Judgment was exterminated, I heard that some remnants escaped the eradication because they were outside.”

“Not long ago, I heard from the Sheriff that these remnants were absorbed into the Illuminati.”

“Now the Illuminati dares to arrange a sub-base in the capital.”

“It shows that this organization has accumulated enough power.”

“I expect more operations planned by this organization in the near future.”

When Meng Fan heard this, he told Chen Xiang and Tang Ruoruo his plan.

After entering the airport, wait for the two people who followed to turn back, and then follow the two to the Illuminati sub-base.

“I’ll go with you.” Tang Ruoruo listened and said.

Chen Xiang also said: “I will also go with you, after all, you are a seed student of our Beijing University.”

“You can’t let those extremists hurt you.”

“What’s more, I haven’t been active for a long time.”


On the outskirts of the capital.

A huge mountain was hollowed out.

A huge building was built in it.

There are combat monitoring rooms, fighting rooms, laboratories, cells, conference rooms….

There is a huge shielding device in the combat monitoring room.

This device can emit energy waves outward, thus shielding the detection of those who have mastered the awakened of perceptual skills.

One of the spacious laboratories.

A scientist with a hooked nose and thick glasses was looking intently at the microscope.

Beside him, there are huge column-type culture cylinders.

In the culture tank, there are strange-shaped creatures.

a dog with long hair;

a spider with a human face;

a man with a bull’s head;


“Dr. Yuan, I’ve already asked someone to find that Meng Fan.”

The scientist, “Dr. Yuan,” was looking at the microscope when a middle-aged man with a beard and curly hair walked in.

This middle-aged man is the temporary head of the Illuminati branch base in the capital, Gong Hui.

Eighth order and sixth stage, fire system talent awakener, qualification S-level.

Since he knew about Meng Fan, a fifth-order Flame Dao awakener.

Unexpectedly, he hacked to death the seventh-order awakened Jiao Pei with one sword.

My heart is very hot.

He has been stagnant for three years in the eighth stage and sixth stage.

At this point, he found that he was among the S-level qualification awakeners, and he was a poorly qualified person.

Therefore, it is very likely that it will not be able to rise to the ninth order.

Because of this, he is now the interim head of this sub-base.

If the Illuminati find a candidate, they will remove his temporary leader.

When he was worried, he met this mad scientist, Dr. Yuan.

Prior to this, Dr. Yuan studied human-animal synthesis with great success.

Some of the synthetic beasts that have been researched have become the combat reserves of some evil organizations.

Compared to humans, alien beasts have strong bodies, large aura capacity, and stronger attacks and defenses than humans.

However, the IQ is lower than that of people, so the means of attack are so simple that they cannot exert their great power.

With this synthetic beast technology, some low-qualified awakened people, and even some awakened losers, can be fused with alien beasts.

Thus preserving human memory and consciousness, but possessing the power of alien beasts.

With this technology, as long as you occupy the secret realm, you can create a large number of troops.

Recently, Dr. Yuan was conducting another human fusion experiment.

The goal is to allow some low-qualified awakened people, even those who have failed to awaken, to merge with high-qualified awakened people.

After fusion, low-qualification awakened people can obtain one or more of the qualifications, physiques, and talents of high-qualification awakened people.

Meng Fan is young and has a high rank, which means that his qualifications are excellent, and the temperature of the flame he emits is extremely high.

These qualities are what Gong Hui desperately needs.

He wondered if Dr. Yuan’s human fusion experiment was successful.

After he fused Meng Fan, Mo said that he was promoted to the ninth order.

It may even be in a few years, reaching the ninth rank and nine dan and becoming a god of war-level figure.

Now, Meng Fan was a treasure to him.

As soon as he came, he didn’t want Meng Fan to lose his life in the future if he had an accident while performing the mission.

Second, he was afraid that Meng Fan would grow too fast by then, and it would be difficult for him to catch.

Therefore, although Dr. Yuan’s human body fusion technology was not yet mature, he sent someone to capture Meng Fan in advance.

And Dr. Yuan himself, since he knew that Meng Fan slashed the seventh-order awakened person to death with a fifth-order awakener.

He was also very interested in Meng Fan’s body and wanted to study Meng Fan.

Dr. Yuan asked, “Meng Fan, he is in the Beijing University, will it be difficult to arrest?”

Gong Hui smiled: “From the video of his freshman exchange competition, it can be seen that this person is not a serious person like me.”

“I’m sure soon, he’ll be out of school.”

“At that time, without the protection of the teachers of Beijing University, the opportunity to arrest him will come.”


Those two awakened people who were ordered to bring back Meng Fan.

Driving a car, following Chen Xiang’s car from a distance.

“Hey, Viagra.”

The seventh-order awakened person held it high, fiddling with the steering wheel while saying to his companion, the eighth-order awakened person Yang Wei:

“Who do you say is in the car with Meng Fan?”

“Could it be a master?”

Yang Wei spat out the melon seed shell and said, “I wish it was a master, then our mission could be canceled.” ”

Gong Hui, that person, in order to increase the level, did not care about anything.”

“Meng Fan’s qualification will be valued.”

“I’m afraid that after Meng Fan disappears, the officials will use most of their forces to search for him.”

“At that time, the sub-base that we have not yet established ourselves will be exposed again.”

Gao Ju nodded, very much in favor of Yang Wei’s words.

Finally, they followed Chen Xiang’s car all the way to the airport.

“Haha!” Gao Ju smiled:

“It seems that Meng Fan is going to leave the capital by plane.”

“You can’t let us get on the plane with him.”

Yang Wei also smiled: “Okay, you can go back, Boruto hasn’t finished reading it.” After

Gao Ju saw Meng Fan enter the airport, he turned the steering wheel and turned back.

For these two people, the progress of cultivation has almost stagnated.

No matter how hard you try, it is basically difficult to improve.

After struggling for two or three years, they decided to put it on the table.


After Meng Fan saw the two people who were following him return, he used his domineering appearance to perceive the location of the person who was following, and then showed Chen Xiang the way.

While driving according to Meng Fan’s instructions, Chen Xiang was amazed:

“Meng Fan, how can you know any skills?”

“It’s too powerful, isn’t it?”

“This reconnaissance skill is comparable to the masters of the military.”

Meng Fan said, “Passing the award, this is inseparable from my efforts.”

Tang Ruoruo hugged her hands to her chest, and a pair of beautiful eyes glanced at Meng Fan obliquely.

Meng Fan had always behaved lazily in front of her.

Arriving late for class, leaving early, having a headache today, having a headache tomorrow, skipping training…

‘Could it be that Meng Fan secretly trained after class? Tang

Ruoruo thought to himself, if this were not the case, it would be difficult to explain why Meng Fan’s level and skill power had increased so quickly.


After about half an hour, Meng Fan noticed that the two awakened people who were following him had stopped.

Immediately, the two seemed to have walked into a certain place, which weakened his sense of these two people.

Moreover, he sensed the existence of many awakened beings in this place.

Although this place seems to have a device of shielding perception.

But with the benchmark of those two awakened people, he could still judge the approximate level of the awakened people in this place.

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