Azeroth Shadow of the Moon

Chapter 138: Leticia

The development of an industrial chain usually involves many aspects.

For example, the shipbuilding industry and civilian commercial ships are not mentioned. At this stage, the use of Kirk ships is completely sufficient.

But if you want to create medium-sized or even large-scale warships that are more suitable for naval warfare, it is definitely not enough to rely on ship-mounted ballistas as offensive and defensive firepower.

The warship industry naturally derived the chain of shipborne weapons, and Andrea planned to try the steel keel initially.

Although the wood strengthened by Druid's natural spell also has quite good strength, it is still lacking compared to the serious refined steel.

The meal needs to be eaten one bite at a time, and he strides directly onto the steel material. Andrea is afraid that he will make a big fuss like Torsedrin.

In addition, the cooperation of the Marine Corps requires time and actual combat experience to adjust. Andrea already has a preset solution to this problem. According to the current situation, if it continues to develop, it should be resolved within a hundred years.

Andrea also thought about continuing the technology tree of the Dark Night Empire and developing magic technology, but an important problem still cannot be avoided.


The problem in the south ends here for the time being. The outposts along the coast from Ashenvale to Feralas are still being established, and it will take time to consolidate the defense of each camp.

Putting down the blueprint of the new ship drawn by himself, Andrea rang the bell on the desk, and soon a female night elf in business attire and a single ponytail walked in from outside the office.

"Master Andrea, what are your orders?"

Andrea smiled and said, "Sally, how is the situation in the north? Didn't Leticia do anything wrong?"

This meticulous green-haired woman was one of Andrea's secretaries. When she mentioned Leticia, a strange expression appeared on Sally's plain face.


Andrea's smile froze, "I won't really be right?"

" should I say it?"

Sally hesitated for a while, and then answered after sorting out her words, "Miss Leticia has indeed followed your orders and steadily started pioneering in the Black Seashore, but..."

Seeing Sally's hesitant to speak, Andrea patted her forehead in pain, "Say it straight? What stupid thing is she doing?"

"Yes...Miss Leticia discovered a large number of owlbeast lairs near the ruins of Bashalan in the middle of the Dark Coast."

Sally smiled bitterly and explained, "You also know that the miss set off with Akumail, and the owl beasts are called the moon god's pets. Although it's just a folklore, we can also see their usual energy from this aspect. .”

Andrea rolled her eyes, "Okay, I understand, you just tell me how much damage the local owlbeasts have suffered? They won't be harmed and exterminated by her, right?"

"That's not the case. Miss Leticia secretly took a baby owlbeast from one of the nests while the owlbeast's parents were out looking for food..."

Leticia, who was discussed by Andrea and Sally, is currently stationed at the second forward pioneering base on the Black Coast—Auberdine.

The name was chosen by Andrea. In order to avoid names like Moonsong Outpost and Moonsong Fortress appearing again, he directly and forcefully decided on the name of the second frontline base.

At this time, Auberdine was far from being as prosperous as later generations, and looked like a small fishing village with only a few hundred people living there.

At this time, Leticia was holding a chubby bird in her arms, and she was laughing silly, completely ignoring the panicked chirping of the poor little guy.

"Lord Leticia."

A druid walked in from the outside. When he saw the poor little owl beast struggling desperately in Leticia's arms, he paused for a moment, and then continued his report as if nothing had happened.

"According to your instructions, the moonkins were repelled, but their lives were not injured."

"Ah, very good."

Finally, she rubbed the chubby little owlbeast's furry head, and Leticia put the loveless little thing on her head.

Although owlbeasts have wings, they are usually unable to fly due to their weight, and can only flap their wings foolishly and suspend in place.

The wings of this young owlbeast have not yet fully formed, if it jumped off Leticia's head, it would fall to death in all likelihood, it could only shiver and shiver on the head of the big devil, not daring to mess around run.

Seeing the letter in the messenger's hand, Leticia frowned, "Is there anything else that needs to be reported?"

"Yes, a letter from General Feather Moon, sent from Felwood Forest."

"Oh? Sister Shandris?"

After receiving the letter, Leticia waved her hand to signal the orderly to retreat.

After reading the contents of the letter at a glance, Leticia's expression became serious.

"Finally showing the fox's tail..."

The Cliff River in the northeast of Darkshore. This river originates from the cliff near Felwood Forest, and it is a river that flows directly into the Sea of ​​Misty downstream.

The source of the cliff river is a large mountain spring, which is located halfway up a steep cliff. Leticia once looked up and saw it from a distance during the pioneering journey, but she did not lead the pioneering team to explore in depth.

After exploring the ruins of Mathestra at the northernmost tip of the Black Coast, Leticia originally thought that this pioneering journey would come to an end. She even started teasing the wildkin beasts out of boredom, but Shandris' warning letter was She brings new "fun".

After further detailed exploration, Leticia was surprised to find a cave on the steep **** where the Cliff Spring was located.

"It really is."

Ferien, who was Leticia's adjutant, stood in front of the gloomy cave full of water vapor, frowning tightly.

"I didn't expect that there was a hidden cave behind the waterfall. If General Yuyue hadn't reminded us, we wouldn't have noticed it at all."

Shandris' letter doesn't mention the cave behind the Cliff Spring, it's about Satyr.

The satyrs, who were gradually showing their feet, became more and more undisguised about their whereabouts. Shandris lost track of a small group of satyrs while chasing them. The location happened to be just above the Cliff Spring, which belongs to a highland on the border of Felwood Forest nearby.

Although Leticia often let her own temper mess around in private matters that have nothing to do with the overall situation, she has been taught by Andrea, who has a calm personality for many years, that she will never be negligent in business matters.

More than 200 years have passed, and the current Leticia is no longer the young girl who trembled with fear on the battlefield. The toy staff in her hand has also been replaced by a moon wheel commonly used by battle priests.

Under the blessing of the World Tree, the lifespan of the night elves is endless, and the endless lifespan gives them learning time far beyond that of humans.

Human beings have a short lifespan of a hundred years, and they cannot master all aspects of skills, but the night elves do not have this problem.

In the first hundred years, Leticia followed Andrea's advice and concentrated on studying shadow magic.

A hundred years later, Leticia's spell learning is basically out of the teacher, and Andrea has taught her everything that can be taught. The next step is to see how she uses it in actual combat.

According to the custom of the night elves, after the end of the first hundred years, newbies can choose a branch profession as an assistant.

This custom is not limited to combat occupations, just like carpenters will learn to carve in their spare time, and stonemasons will mostly choose gem processing as an auxiliary.

After some inquiries and considerations, Leticia finally chose the Warden role as an assistant, UU Reading, that is, the former battle priest.

Andrea once persuaded Leticia not to choose such an unpopular weapon as the moon wheel, but this stubborn girl resolutely refused.

In desperation, Andrea could only accept the reality. He specially ordered Nasa to contact Maiev, hoping to ask the moon master to teach Leticia how to use this unpopular weapon.

Unfortunately, after the Broken Isles reconnected with Kalimdor, Maiev took a small party of Wardens to a separate island south of Azsuna.

She plans to renovate the training ground of the battle priests before the Great Crack, and rename it the Warden's Vault according to the terrain changes. More than 100 years have passed, and she still has not returned to the Kalimdor continent.


I went to the entrance of the cave and sniffed the air in the cave. Although there was some rotten and damp stench, there should be no poisonous gas permeating it.

Leticia lowered her weight and waved her hand to the fighters of the frontier team, "Let's go, be more vigilant, maybe we can catch a big fish this time."

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