Azeroth Shadow of the Moon

Chapter 148: sneak attack

The werewolf, the mobile disaster that ravaged the Kingdom of Gilneas 10,000 years later, originated from the werewolf druid who couldn't control his inner anger.

Werewolves are unnatural creatures that are very difficult to deal with. Although the changes are not complete, they do possess some of the abilities of the wolf **** Goldrin.

Not only are the individuals powerful, but they also cooperate with each other very tacitly. The worst thing is the werewolf virus they spread.

All night elves who are bitten by werewolves will be infected with the virus, and will be forcibly mutated into werewolves within a short period of time.

In this era, there are no humans and the Kingdom of Gilneas, and there is no antidote they have researched to keep the werewolves sane.

Hundreds of werewolves shuttled between the positions of both sides. Although many of them were killed by satyrs and night elves, the number of night elves infected by their virus far exceeded their original number.

In just half an hour, thousands of werewolves were infected.

The natural force of the same origin makes druids more susceptible to the werewolf virus, but satyrs who use fel energy will not be affected by the virus.

This situation caught the attention of the cunning Satyr leader Saraen. He ordered his subordinates not to kill the werewolves for the time being, and led them to the night elves' position at the cost of their lives.

Saraen's crooked mind had a very significant effect, and the speed of the werewolves' spread further increased. When Malfurion began to deal with the werewolves in a state of desperation, their size had already exceeded 2,000.

Ferrien watched from afar his mentor Fandral trying to subdue the werewolf rushing into battle, and turned to look at Andrea with a frown.

"My lord, what should we do? Just rush in to make a rescue?"

"Do not."

Andrea stroked his chin and thought, "There are quite a few druids among us. The werewolf virus infection doesn't seem to affect Sartre, and joining the battlefield rashly may have the opposite effect."

Raising his head and looking at the surrounding terrain, Andrea pointed to the clear-cut canyon junction in the distance and asked Delier, "Can you teleport us to the side close to Frostwhisper Canyon? Let's attack Sartre from the rear. Flanker and block their retreat."

Delier raised his eyes to observe the distance, nodded after thinking for a while, "There should be no problem with the short-distance teleportation of 20,000 people, but the raging elements on the battlefield may interfere with our teleportation accuracy, so we may not be able to accurately appear at the exit of Frostwhisper Canyon .”

"Enough, as long as it doesn't send us stuck in the ground and the mountain wall."

Due to Andrea's shadowy mist covering the whole regiment, although the troops of Moon Night Town were already in sight, none of the three parties in the scuffle could find their traces.

Tyrande, who was furious after receiving the report, was still on her way. Because of years of grievances, the highborne arcanists refused to teleport for Tyrande and her personal guards due to reasons such as shift changes and transmission tower system failures.

Tyrande, who was furious, remembered the behavior of the Highborne at the critical moment, and with her vengeful nature, she should take revenge soon.

At the junction of Sossain Canyon and Frostwhisper Canyon, with the light blue arcane light flashing, a large teleportation array appeared on the ground.

A small group of Sartres who were behind noticed the arcane waves behind them, and turned their heads to check the situation in surprise, but these early birds were all cut off by the shadows that suddenly appeared from around them.

Priscim's band of thieves hadn't formed yet, and it was the battle priests led by Nasa who attacked.

More and more Moonlight Town soldiers came out of the teleportation formation, and Andrea stood at the front of the team riding a snow-white unicorn horse that Leticia found somewhere.

Sartre's front line was happily leading the werewolves to attack the druid's defense line, but the troops that suddenly appeared behind caught them off guard, and they didn't even have time to turn around and deploy a line of defense behind them.

Andrea untied the Dark Empire Sword from the weapon belt around his waist, and raised a loud order to the area where Sartre was.

"Charge! Break through the Satyrs' rear formation and annihilate all Satyrs!"


Shocking battle roars resounded across the battlefield, and the soldiers carrying eagle shields and one-handed weapons rushed to the front. As soon as they entered the attack range, they immediately launched a collective charge skill towards Sartre's rear formation.

The heavy armored warriors with extremely strong impact were loaded into Sartre's position, causing a burst of panic screams.

Too confident in the strength of the sentinel troops, Sartre was seriously lacking in defense against the rear, and the troops in Moonlight Town pierced deeply into the center of Sartre's formation like a knife cutting a cake.

Although Andrea can transform into a beast form to fight more freely, but in order to boost morale, he gallops on the battlefield on the fast white unicorn horse.

The left sword and right staff were waving wildly on the horseback. After sprinting for a while, he found that the sword of the Dark Empire was not long enough, and it was difficult to cause enough damage to the enemy on horseback.

Andrea simply retracted the one-handed sword, and the Tears of Elune at the top of Ghanir's staff extended a sharp energy light blade, completely turning into a long-handled weapon with a spike on the head of the staff.

The light blade inspired by Elune's tears is indestructible, and the naked satyr is easily split by the light blade like paper.

In the chaotic situation on the battlefield, the sudden charge from behind by the Moonlight Town army wiped out Sartre's hard-won morale.

Andrea took the lead, and rushed straight towards the largest black-haired satyr in the center.

This unicorn looks very gorgeous, but in fact it is only characterized by fast speed and strong breakthrough power caused by acceleration kinetic energy, and it does not use magic and flying.

The defensive work in the riding state was taken over by Andrea. The purple-black translucent shield tightly wrapped each man and horse, and ordinary arrows could not penetrate Andrea's defense at all.

Like the previous high-level elf society, creatures like satyrs have a distinct hierarchy, and the few tall satyrs in the center with a look on their faces are undoubtedly the top of their family.

The assault of the troops from Moon Night Town had dealt a big blow to Saraen. He didn't expect that his rear would be attacked by an army that suddenly appeared.

In front of the last fence, the unicorn jumped high, and Andrea pointed the "spear" in his hand at the most important gray-haired satyr in mid-air.

"The lackeys of the devil! This world does not belong to you, perish!"


The long spears thrown out of their hands bombarded heavily in front of the wartime headquarters where Saraen and the others were located, and the dust raised up covered up many **** scenes that took place inside.

Andrea's Staff of Garnier is assembled from the twigs of the Mother Tree Garnier and the Pillar of Creation artifact, the Tears of Elune, which inherently has a very high upper limit.

Although Andrea did not dare to activate the Tears of Elune so far, the artifacts are artifacts after all, and the Tears of Elune are quite useful even as a mana boosting device.

When the wand fell to the ground, an energy explosion was triggered within ten meters from the front. The Satyr who didn't react in time was divided into countless parts by the blasted energy, and blood was sprayed everywhere.

"Junior! How dare you go straight to the position of the Chinese army, you are too arrogant!"

An angry shout came from Andrea's head, and UU Reading reflexively pulled out the Dark Empire Sword from his waist and slashed at his head. Under the crisp sound of metal collision, Andrea Ya blocked the claw blows of Saraen with sharp nails.


The unicorn under him withstood the pressure, but his body sank slightly, and the shadow force in Andrea's hand exploded, forcing the startled Saraen to fly back.

"Saraen, Xavius' loyal servant, do you still not recognize the reality?"

Under the vigilant gaze of Saraen, the unicorn paced to the side of the Garnier staff inserted into the ground under Andrea's instructions. The surrounding internal organs and body remains made Andrea feel a little nauseous.


Pulling out the staff full of blood from the ground, the reappearing light blade pointed at Saraen with a gloomy face.

"The world has changed, and the times have also changed. You are no longer the protagonists of this world. You should honestly withdraw from the stage of history!"

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