Azeroth Shadow of the Moon

Chapter 177: march to tanaris

As early as hundreds of years ago, Syndra's scouts had conflicts with the Sandfury trolls. In the end, Syndra's voluntary retreat put a temporary end to the dispute.

But the irreconcilable conflict between trolls and night elves will not simply disappear.

Andrea has always wanted to find a chance to give these Sandfury trolls a good look, but because the core territory of the night elves has always been in the northern part of the mainland, Syndra's troops alone may not be able to stabilize the war against the Sandfury trolls. prevail.

Trolls are ephemeral species with a short lifespan. Except for a few special individuals who use special methods to extend their lifespan, their life cycle cannot exceed 150 years.

Although short-lived species are inferior to long-lived species in terms of individual strength accumulation, short-lived species also have an inherent advantage-fertility rate.

The total population of the night elves at the end of the War of the Ancients was 35 million, and most of them were concentrated in the northern part of Kalimdor.

The only large settlement in the southern part of the continent is the once hidden capital of Elesalas.

Compared with when it first established contact with Eresalas, the population of this southern important town has not increased significantly. It took several hundred years to increase from 1.3 million to 1.5 million.

This desperate population growth rate has long made Andrea unable to complain. Although he has thought of various ways to encourage births, the inherent limitations are difficult to be artificially broken.

Due to the growing reputation of Moonlight City, this seaside city has gradually become the first choice for night elf immigrants who yearn for a prosperous city life.

Now the population of Moonlight City has reached 2.2 million, but the natural increase in the population over the past 100 years is only about 100,000. This is the result of Andrea trying various methods, and the rest are immigrants from all over the world. The old population of the whole family.

Fortunately, due to the harsh living environment of the Sandfury trolls, although they have a lot of newborns every year, they also die a lot.

Thirty years ago, the rogue scouts led by Prism secretly infiltrated around Zul'Farrak to collect information.

Andrea now has a very intuitive understanding of the Sandfury troll.

Sandfury trolls have a population of about 1.5 million, most of whom live near the water sources around Zul'Farrak.

Water is the most important source of life in the desert, and the Sandfury troll occupies more than 70% of the water source in Tanaris, and is the well-deserved overlord in this desert.

In order to solve the water source problem, Andrea deliberately built a small village near the coastline in the southeast of Dustwallow Marsh.

Relying on the abundant freshwater resources here, the naval force of Stormport has established a military town on the eastern coastline of Tanaris—Sea Moon Town, which is located near Steamwheedle Port, which may no longer exist in the future.

The night elves who entered Tanaris again made the Sandfury troll furious, and this time it was not the previous exploration, and the other party made it clear that they would take root here for a long time.

The Sandtop Chieftain of Zul'Farrak immediately ordered to send a vanguard to attack the purple skin monsters who dared to invade their sacred territory.

In the absence of command of the sea, it is undoubtedly a stupid decision to blindly attack the enemy's seaside military town.

The ships of the Second Navy Fleet docked in Haiyue Town made the invading trolls realize for the first time what it means to wash the ground with artillery fire.

Faced with this kind of long-range attack that would explode in a small area for the first time, the Sandfury troll vanguard left hundreds of corpses and fled in a hurry. With this victory, Haiyue Town officially established its foothold in Tanaris.

Since the night elves really entered the desert for the first time, the Tanaris Expeditionary Army still needs time to adapt to the harsh living environment here, so as not to perform abnormally in battle.

Fortunately, with sufficient fresh water from Dustwallow Marsh, the living standards of the night elves in Seamoon Town are much better than the Sandfury trolls who guard a few small water sources.

Sandfury trolls were formerly part of the Gurubashi Empire, and their skin would have been blue-gray like the jungle trolls.

But countless years of desert life have changed their appearance, and today's Sandfury trolls have become bronze-colored skins.

Due to long-term exposure to the dry desert hot wind, coupled with the lack of water, their skin surface has very obvious signs of dry cracks.

It was the first time that the regular army of night elves had a direct battle with the trolls since the world collapsed. Even Tyrande, who was struggling to appease the people in the capital, took a lot of attention out of his busy schedule to pay attention to the battle situation on the front line.

Regardless of the internal situation, Tyrande is still very reliable in the face of external enemies.

The trolls are the feud of the night elves, and the two sides have inherited an unresolvable hatred thousands of years ago.

Although it has experienced a tragic war with the demons, there are still some veterans who participated in the troll wars in the army of Moon Night Town.

Under the words and deeds of these veterans, the Tanaris Expeditionary Force took the initiative to attack after gradually getting used to the desert climate.

The Sandfury trolls are just a small tribe in the entire Azeroth troll system, but by fighting them, the night elves will at least not be in a hurry when facing other types of trolls in the future.

The Sandfury troll saw that the night elves had left the range of the naval guns, and immediately dispatched a second wave of the main force to fight fiercely with the Tanaris Expeditionary Force in the area of ​​the Ruins of Heat Shadow in the northeast of the desert.

Although they lost the cover of naval guns, the 60mm portable mortars carried by the expeditionary force still caused great trouble to the Sandfury trolls, and the formed musketeers also entered actual combat for the first time.

Considering the troll's powerful self-healing ability, Andrea deliberately chose the poisonous lead bullet.

As it turns out, his choices made a big difference.

As long as they don't get hit, even if the troll gets shot, his life will not be in danger. Instead, he can quickly recover his fighting power by relying on his self-healing ability.

But the poisonous lead bullets embedded in their bodies greatly slowed the troll's recovery speed, effectively curbing the troll's biggest advantage.

Although the fearless troll launched several attacks one after another, the Sandfury troll finally retreated temporarily under the order of the chief of the sand, thanks to the first-time gunnery cooperation of the expeditionary force and the efforts of other soldiers in various positions. .

Since then, the Ruins of Heat Shadow has become the first forward base of the night elves in Tanaris, UU Reading www.uukanshu. com The expeditionary logistics force that had gained a firm foothold also began to officially mine the nearby Mithril mine.

In the Equipment Research Department of Moonlight City, Andrea looked at the slightly yellowed milky white ore on the table with great interest.

"Is this the Mithril Mine?"

Alan, Director of the Weapons Research Department, nodded and said, "Yes, during the Night Empire period, this ore was widely used to make arcane puppets and enchanted equipment. Its ductility and magic conductivity are excellent, and it is usually used in conjunction with Thorium ore."

The mineral origins before Andrea's crossing cannot be used as a reference. The minerals in Kalimdor are not distributed according to the level of the map as in the game.

He did not find thorium mines in Winterspring, but the natural mines in Stonetalon Mountain produced a small amount.

Similarly, Feralas does not have mithril, but a lot of copper mines. Andrea once thought that all the mithril production areas were allocated to the Eastern Continent, but he did not expect to find an unexpected surprise in the Tanaris Desert.

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