Azeroth Shadow of the Moon

Chapter 225: sudden call

If you want to conquer the Daksaron Fortress, you must rely on the original troops of Sandara City alone.

After being pressed and rubbed on the ground by frost trolls for many years, the morale of Sandara City's army was very low, and their training was not enough.

After some deliberation, Shandris decided to continue to sit in the capital by herself, with Adjutant Summer Moon leading the expedition, and Maiev also sent her adjutant Sera Moonguard to lead some of the watchers to Northrend for support.

Coupled with the Druid troops led by Fandral himself and the Moonlight City joint troops commanded by Nawaz, the total strength reached 200,000, and it should not be a problem to take down the periphery of Zuldak.

The original troops of Sandara City marched westward, first meeting with the Cenarion Council at Wintergrasp Lake to establish a camp, and then entering the Sholazar Basin and the Borean Tundra to find suitable places to establish outposts.

Compared with the desolate Sholazar Basin, the Borean Tundra adjacent to Caldara Island needs to be developed more carefully.

Andrea doesn't plan to expand in the Borean Tundra. He just needs to build a simple outpost. The main purpose is to facilitate direct contact with Blue Dragon in the future.

While the high-level leaders of the Night Republic were discussing the Northrend pioneer plan, a revolving arcane portal suddenly appeared in the government affairs hall of the Great Moon Temple.

Sensing the strange fluctuations of magic power in the Great Moon Temple, the Priests of Dark Moon Shadow guarding around the temple surrounded them vigilantly.

Andrea stopped the priests calmly. The strong arcane atmosphere on the other side of the gate gave him a rough guess.

A blue dragon claw stretched out from the door and hooked back, and a thick voice came from the opposite side of the door.

"Andrea Moon Shadow, do you still remember our agreement? Come here, don't let me go and catch people myself."

Seeing this dragon claw, no matter how dull people are, they can guess what's going on.


Scratching his head helplessly, Andrea picked up the Garnier staff hanging aside.

"Everyone, the planned route has almost been discussed, so let's proceed according to the predetermined plan. I have to go to an appointment first."

Leticia and Celes immediately stood up and volunteered, "We also..."

Shandris put his hands on the shoulders of the two and said in a deep voice, "This is the meeting between Andrea and the Dragon King. If you go, you will only add to the chaos. Sit down."

Onyxia seemed relatively calm, and she threw a string of miniature dragon teeth necklaces around her neck to Andrea.

"There is an imprint left by my mother on it. If there is an emergency, remember to activate the spell on the necklace. The mother who receives the induction will contact Dragon Rest Temple as soon as possible to save people."

Andrea smiled and waved to Onyxia, "Thank you."

There was an impatient urging voice from the other side of the door, "Hurry up! My tolerance is limited!"

Andrea smiled silently, and finally exchanged a deep look with Shandris, patted her left forearm, and then stepped firmly into the portal.

With the disappearance of the portal, the government affairs hall fell into silence.

Shandris took a deep breath, and pressed the pendant on her chest through her clothes.

"Everyone, let's take action separately. I believe that he will be able to overcome this difficulty."

When Andrea entered the portal, the exit of the door disappeared immediately, and what Andrea presented was a very magnificent scenery.

The condensed arcane particles floated in the air in pieces, and under the blue-purple halo belt was a large piece of beautiful scenery like a blue starry sky.

Andrea was standing right at the end of a floating building complex, and the wonderful space filled with massive arcane stars was right in front of him.

A huge blue dragon with a crown on its head coiled its body and lay in the center of the stars, as if its body was floating in mid-air.

Andrea tried to reach out and tap the starry sky in front of him, but the strange floor blocked his toes from continuing to reach down.

"Hmph~ Welcome to the Eye of Eternity, Andrea Moonshadow."

The blue dragon looked at Andrea approaching with displeasure. The sudden increase in pressure made Andrea stagnate, and then continued to move forward as if nothing had happened.

Resisting the pressure deliberately released by the opponent, Andrea smiled and bowed to the blue dragon, "Your Majesty Malygos, it's a pleasure to see you again."


Violence and reason flashed alternately in Malygos' eyes, and finally he controlled his temper, and said to Andrea in a deep voice, "Mortal, you should have heard Arygos say about my ban on Sindragosa, right?" ?”

Andrea's smile remained unchanged, "Yes, I've heard of it."

Malygos sat up suddenly from the ground, staring at the tiny night elf in front of him with piercing eyes.

"Then you dare to openly disobey my order! Do you think the Dragon King's promise is a joke?"

Andrea shook her head and said, "Of course not, I think this suggestion is logical."

"As guardians of dragons empowered by the titans, you are the last barrier to guard Azeroth when the guardians of Ulduar are unable to perform their duties."

"Among the five guardian dragons, Deathwing rebelled, Nozdormu, the dragon king of time, lost himself, and Ysera needs to sit in the Emerald Dream all year round. Her Majesty Alexstrasza alone is too difficult to support."


Andrea spread her hands and said, "I just suggested that everyone in Wyrmrest Temple find a way to awaken your reason. Facts have proved that the method of fighting poison with poison works, doesn't it?"


Malygos sneered coldly and said, "No matter how many reasons you have, it is an indisputable fact that you broke the ban I personally set."

"As the arcane guardian of Azeroth, the king of blue dragons, I must maintain my authority."

Malygos looked down at Andrea, "Get ready, no matter whether you dodge or block, as long as you can complete my three spells, your crime of offending me will be canceled from now on."

"Are you really going to fight..."

Sighing secretly in his heart, he took off the Garnier staff on his back and held it in his hand. Andrea took a deep breath, tried to maintain a calm mind and nodded, "Yes, Malygos, please come out." Hire it."

"Hmph~ Your guts are pretty good."

Malygos ticked the corner of his mouth, "I heard that you fought against Queen Azshara before? Then take the first spell as a question for you. UU Read"


Feeling the familiar pressure enveloping his whole body, Andrea gritted his teeth and put the staff on the ground, propping up the Power Word Shield on his body.

'Your uncle's bonus question! '

The Power Word shield has been crushed countless times, and Andrea will renew the shield immediately before the shield is broken, and also apply Power Word Fortitude and Pain Suppression for himself.

Malygos didn't move where he was fighting at all. He calmly watched Andrea's shield being broken and repaired, as if he didn't intend to continue to strengthen the strength of the gravity technique.

Five minutes later, the several times stronger gravity finally disappeared, and Andrea secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

"As I said, the first spell is a sub-question for you. Don't think that it was my best just now."

"Get ready, Andrea Moonshadow, the next spell will not show mercy!"

"Arcane singularity!"

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