Azeroth Shadow of the Moon

Chapter 273: Outlier Black Dragon Prince

Black Horn, the soul walker, no one knows how many years he has lived and what his real body is except for the great chiefs of each generation of Gaoling tribe.

Most tauren only remember hearing stories from Blackhorn when they were very young, and the black-haired elder was still active in the front line of bragging until the end of their lives.

immortal person.

This is what the Thundertotem tauren call Blackhorn in private.

Knowing his own business, Blackhorn would never show off his long lifespan in front of other tauren, because he and the tauren were not of the same species.

Saying goodbye to the new batch of energetic calves, Black Horn smiled gratifiedly as he watched the little ones gradually go away.

"Heh~ It seems that you live quite comfortably in the tauren city, my brother who has never been masked."


The joking words from behind suddenly made Black Horn frowned subconsciously.

Two night elf women with curious eyes and a female tauren whom he had never seen before stood behind him.

Although Black Horn raised his vigilance in his heart, he kept a gentle smile on his face, "Ma'am, I don't understand what you mean, I don't remember ever having a sister."

A meaningful smile flashed on Onyxia's changed tauren face, "Correct me, it should be that there is no sister who is a tauren?"

There was a look of surprise in Heijiao's eyes, and his face became a little more serious.

"You, could it be..."

Hooking her finger at Black Horn, Onyxia took the lead and walked out of the Thunder Totem's cave, "Come on, let's find a quiet place to have a good chat."

Thunder Totem is a city built on the back of a mountain. It is located in the south-central part of the entire High Ridge. It is the best place for the Gao Ling tribe to build the city after years of surveys.

The northern part of Thunder Totem is surrounded by endless mountains, while the southern part is a towering peak with a higher altitude and covered with snow-white caps all year round.

The Thunder Totem, which is surrounded by mountains and rivers, ensures the rapid development of the Gaoling tribe in this high-altitude area. The footprints of the Gaoling tauren are getting farther and farther. The friction among the Kurdish people is gradually increasing.

In the west of Thunder Totem, the former Neltharion lair.

Since the fallen Black Dragon King was expelled by Hun Gaoling with the hammer, no black dragon has lived in this once noisy lair.

Today, this long-abandoned black dragon lair welcomes four guests.

Onyxia stood at the entrance of the lair and looked around with some emotion, "Is it thanks to you that it has been abandoned for thousands of years and can still basically maintain its original shape, isn't it, Black Horn?"

"Or should I call you... Abyssian?"

Noire is not stupid, but very shrewd.

In the process of setting off from Thunder Totem Simon to Neltharion's Lair, he probably guessed the true identity of the female tauren who suddenly appeared.

When his real name of the dragon clan was called out, Abby Xi'an did not panic, but still nodded calmly and said, "Yes, this is the ancestral land of the black dragon clan after all, and the depths of this cave are not suitable for anyone to explore."

Onyxia chuckled and said, "It seems that you already know something buried in the ground of Azeroth, but you still worry too much about this."

"It is true that when the ancient Kalimdor continent was not yet divided, the underground of Highmountain did indeed have an undercurrent, but that is already a thing of the past."

Onyxia stepped forward and patted Ebisian on the shoulder, "Now the guy you are worried about is hiding in the depths of the sea, and this lair is safe."

Seeing that the two of them never got to the point, the impatient Leticia asked excitedly, "Abyssian, do you still remember Andrea? Andrea Moon Shadow."

Ebisian froze when he heard the name. He frowned and thought for a while before he said uncertainly, "If you're asking about the meaning of this name, of course I know that he is the leader of the Night Republic, but..."

"Isn't that what you're asking?"


Abyssian smiled silently, "Well, the truth is, I only have a few faint impressions of this name, and it was mentioned by Hu En in his adventure stories when I was very young."

Aurora asked with twinkling eyes, "So, are you really... a black dragon?"


Seeing that he could no longer hide it, after entering the lair, Ebisian simply transformed back into his real dragon body.

More than 7,000 years have passed, and Ebythian has already grown up, but perhaps because he has not received enough education and resources for growth outside of the perennially separated ethnic group, his body size is a circle smaller than Onyxia.

Onyxia also returned to her original shape immediately. From the perspective of Leticia and Aurora, the two black dragons do have a little similar appearance.

But just like yellow people are blind when they see white people, and white people are also blind when they see yellow people. As foreigners, it is difficult for them to really distinguish the difference between the two black dragons.

Onyxia sized up the figure of the opposite black dragon, curled her lips and complained, "Abby Xian, you are too thin, did you get lazy in the process of improving your strength?"

Abby Xian shook the huge dragon head and said helplessly, "That's not true, maybe because I haven't received the orthodox dragon education, my efficiency in absorbing the power of the earth is not high, and it has become like this after so many years. "


Having achieved the purpose of this trip, Onyxia returned to her night elf form.

"Recently take some time to ask your mortal friends for a vacation. I will take you to the Obsidian Temple to meet your mother. By the way, let her teach you the uncontaminated original ideas of the black dragon and the most suitable cultivation skills for us."

Abby Xian also turned back into a tauren, nodded with a simple and honest smile, "Okay sister, I will arrange the time as soon as possible."

Onyxia showed a wicked smirk at an angle that Ebythian couldn't see, and her weird expression happened to be caught by Aurora.

Aurora: "???"

After talking about business, the four of them walked leisurely to the depths of the lair. Onyxia introduced the former black dragon stronghold to Ebisian with emotion on the way.

Ebixien is different from most of the rebellious dragons. Perhaps he was raised by mortals and accepted the values ​​of the Kaolin Tauren. His temper is much milder than that of his fellow dragons.

Onyxia couldn't say whether his temper was good or bad, but at least she wouldn't feel uncomfortable and awkward when communicating with Ebyssian.

At the same time that the black dragon sister and brother recognized each other and Onyxia started to make some small calculations, Shandris, who set off from the sharpshooter camp, rode a giant eagle into the Storm Fjord.

Storm Fjord, as the name suggests, there are often lightning flashes over this bay area. Shandris saw many local unique subspecies of dragons during the flight, and the residents of the Broken Isles called them Storm Dragons.

It is said that these subspecies of dragons were also part of the ancestor dragons before, but they received the blessing of Odin, the leader of the guardian, and gained wisdom in tens of thousands of years of evolution.

Shandris didn't know if this legend was true or not, and UU Reading had no interest in digging out the truth, as long as these storm dragons didn't threaten her.

Across the gradually sinking terrain, we came to the sky above the Tidespite Harbor marked on the map. Thick fog shrouded the sky above this port that exudes a strange atmosphere, and the powerful wings of the giant eagle could not disperse the nearby dense fog.

"It's here."

Command the giant eagle to descend in the fog. When Shandris could see the sea level, a dozen harpoons suddenly pierced through the fog, aiming at the giant eagle under Shandris.

"Whoosh whoosh!"

Shandris shot arrows one after another at the speed of pulling out afterimages, and missed all the harpoons attacking the giant eagle.

To avoid running out of mounts on the return journey, Shandris leaped from the back of the frightened eagle and called upon Elune's power of light in mid-air, illuminating the dense fog that stretched far and wide.

A large number of strange vrykul dressed in seaweed officially entered Shandris' sight, and their fierce eyes showed their extremely unfriendly attitude.

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