Azeroth Shadow of the Moon

Chapter 292: wheel of the times

The current Ranger General is named Veronica Windrunner. Her appearance is considered top-notch even among the high elves who are full of handsome men and beautiful women. The combination of her heroic temperament and beautiful appearance gave Andrea a feeling of seeing Shandris' delusion.

However, this does not mean that he has any unreasonable thoughts about this General Windrunner, but simply appreciates beauty, and Veronica is already a married woman.

Veronica Windrunner is over 1,500 years old this year and is a seasoned veteran.

The Windrunner family rose in the early days of the founding of Quel'Thalas. At that time, the head of the family, Taranas, used the artifact longbow Thasdora to slaughter a large number of invading forest trolls, making a contribution to the early expansion of Quel'Thalas' difficult territory. made a huge contribution.

Sasdora is made from the wood of Sas'ara, the sacred tree of Eversong Forest. This sacred tree covers the entire forest with its branches and leaves nourished by the sunwell, and even trolls benefit from it.

Within the scope of the holy tree Sas'ara, the forest is like spring all year round, and the magic power of the sunwell permeates wantonly, creating an excellent living soil for the high elves.

The wood for making Sasdora was taken from the sacred tree, and Danath ordered it to be soaked in the sunwell to absorb the magic power, and it was taken out after several years to make a longbow.

This bow was delivered to the first ranger general Tanaras Windrunner. With the help of Thasdora, he led the ranger army to drive all the trolls in Eversong Forest to the south.

Since then, the Windrunner family has been sitting on the frontier of Quel'Thalas for generations, becoming the first barrier to defend the country.

As a descendant of the Windrunner family, Veronica took over the titles of Thasdora and Ranger General from her father who died in battle at a young age, and led the Ranger troops to fight against the invading trolls.

Veronica was born in peaceful times, but grew up in turbulent times.

As the feud among the Amani trolls winds down, their raids on the frontiers of Quel'Thalas increase in frequency with each passing year.

In the past 200 years, Veronica has basically never retreated from the front line. She has fought countless times with Sinsa, the contemporary chief of Amani, and both sides know each other well.

Compared with the decadent nobles who prefer to hold military power in Silvermoon City, Anasteria is more willing to trust the Windrunner family that has guarded the border for the high elves for generations.

Including the Sunfury Legion, the mage force directly under the Sun King, all the hopes of Quel'Thalas were pinned on Veronica.

Facing the heavy pressure, General Ranger did not show anxiety or uneasiness. She still maintained a calm mind during the march, and launched endless harassment of Arathor's troll rear troops.

But Veronica managed to grasp the mentality of the trolls very well, and did not irritate them completely. The two sides just chased and crossed East Weld, and followed humans and trolls to West Weld. Central, the area to be known as Andorhal in the future.

During the period of their operations with the army, the three of Andrea and Veronica established a good relationship.

Although she has never heard of Veronica's name, Andrea still remembers the name of Windrunner in her heart.

The descendants of this ranger family run through the history of thousands of years after Azeroth. First of all, the name of Veronica's daughter made Andrea feel a little familiar.

Sensing the gaze behind him, Andrea sighed softly, turned his head with a somewhat tangled expression, a small golden head was looming under the cover of the leaves in the forest.

"Li Reza, come out."

Knowing that he had been exposed, someone hiding in the tree simply jumped down.

"Why follow me?"

The little girl who was not yet 20 years old tilted her head, "Curious, I've never seen a night elf before."

Seres next to Andrea was a little surprised, "Isn't it? Hasn't the cross-sea trade between the Night Republic and Quel'Thalas been going on for many years?"

Li Reza curled her lips, "Mother and father won't let me leave the Windrunner's residence, only Sunsail Port has traces of night elves."

Since the two sides have not formally established diplomatic relations, the night elves who followed the cross-sea merchant ship to Quel'Thalas will only be active around the port, and will not go deep into the hinterland of Quel'Thalas.

The young Li Reza happened to be very curious. Unfortunately, the strict family education made her only live in the border area for a long time to receive training. Even Silvermoon City, the capital, was only taken by her mother once when she was an adult.

Andrea and Seres looked at each other, shook their heads helplessly and said, "Even if you want to observe, you don't need to be so sneaky, why don't you just come up and talk to us?"

According to Andrea's past life memories recorded in the small book, Li Reza should be the mother of the three famous Windrunner sisters, but at this time she is just a very curious high elf girl.

Because of her relationship with the high elves, Celeste has a lot of kinship with the citizens of Quel'Thalas, except for a few corrupt nobles with their noses up in the sky.

Beckoning Lireza over, Seres patiently told Lireza, whose eyes were full of curiosity, about the history of the night elves.

While Dath'Remar and Danath paid little attention to the past, noble-born historians kept the history of the high elves secret before their expulsion.

The history books circulating in Quel'Thalas today only preserve the history after the founding of the High Elves, and Li Reza and other descendants only have a one-sided understanding of the origin of the High Elves.

Moreover, these news are still passed down from generation to generation among the people, and there is inevitably a lot of false information mixed in them.

Onyxia looked at the two people who were talking quietly together, "Don't you need to stop them? If this girl learns the truth about the departure of the high elves and spreads it in Quel'Thalas...I'm afraid it will control the public opinion of the nobles." Cause a certain impact, right?"

Andrea shrugged. "Really can never be fake. There is nothing wrong with letting her know about history."

"And I believe that Li Reza is not the kind of person who doesn't know the priorities. Do you think Veronica didn't stop it?"

At this time, although Veronica was still ordering the rangers to set up a temporary camp, her eyes would glance at her daughter from time to time.

"We are only one step away from the decisive battle."

Andrea set up a pergola and looked at the camp built by trolls in the distance. The simple animal skin tents and the high elves' exquisite gold and red marching tents formed a sharp contrast, as if they represented wildness and civilization respectively.

Onyxia obviously had similar thoughts, and she sneered disdainfully, "A country like the Amani trolls who don't know how to keep pace with the times, sooner or later, UU Reading will be crushed by the wheels of the advancing age. "

"If the goal of this joint operation is achieved, Amani will have no hope of rising from now on."

Andrea agreed with the Black Dragon Princess' speculation.

Facts have proved that even with Zuljin, the ruthless and cunning forest troll leader, Amani still failed to find anything in the end.

Looking at the Alterac snow-capped mountains that were clearly visible not far away, Andrea sighed and said, "Amani's experience can be regarded as a wake-up call for us. We can't just muddle along, and we must always pay attention to the current era."

"After this war, the situation in the Eastern Continent will undergo a huge change."

"With Quel'Thalas recuperating and Amani slumping, the rise of Arathor Kingdom and humans is almost inevitable."

"We should start to formulate strategies for dealing with humans. Fortunately, I buried a good relationship in advance, which should be of some help to the friendly exchanges with humans in the future."

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