Azeroth Shadow of the Moon

Chapter 302: Arathor's Expansion

There is a huge difference between the time concept of the long-lived species and the short-lived species. The Zandalari druids have been disturbing the Cenarion Council for more than a year. To beat.

After Andrea, the chairman of the council, came back, Malfurion was relieved from the heavy government affairs. The good old man rolled up his sleeves and rushed to Moonlight Glade without saying a word.

Andrea simply ignored the group of idiots who thought they were gaining power. After taking over the government affairs again, he immediately arranged for the caravan to establish a formal maritime trade route with the Arathor Empire.

As Andrea had speculated, after arriving in Moonglade, Malfurion immediately followed the suggestions of the council members who had long complained and began to rectify.

Those Zandalari druids who danced the most were mercilessly tied into zongzi and sent back to the country. Most of the remaining people wanted to integrate into the Cenarion Council, but they were restricted by the leaders and could not start their actions.

The thorns were removed, and the Zanchuli Council and King Samiro, who received the gift of "native products", also knew that the Cenarion Council was not easy to mess with.

Andrea's warning and Amani's tragic experience are still in sight. The God King and the Prophet can only hold back their anger and put down their small thoughts for the time being, and let the war druid Litina send a few more responsible druids Yi fills up the number of people.

The Arathor Empire was established, and Andrea's attention to the Eastern Continent further increased.

After Emperor Thoradin's reign ended, the ambitious Empire of Arathor began its own great expansion.

The local lords who were entrusted by Emperor Thoradin himself began to expand their own territories.

Among them, the descendants of Lordane were entrusted to guard the fertile ancestral land of human beings, the Tirisfal Forest, because of his great contributions to mankind.

To commemorate Lordain, a human hero, Thoradin personally ordered a statue to be erected in Strom before he abdicated.

In order to maintain respect for their ancestors, the descendants of Lordaeron in the Tirisfal Forest named the city they built in this forest Lordaeron. The general in charge of Lordaeron is a descendant of Lordaeron, whose family name is Menethil.

Although Alterac Fortress is located in a bitterly cold place, in order to ensure that this fortress city has enough population to resist the remnants of trolls from the north, Thoradin divided the fertile Hillsbrad Hills in the south of Alterac Snow Mountain Also included in the territory of Alterac.

The family entrusted to Alterac is named Perenolde, and it is also one of the generals who made great contributions in the war of trolls.

Then Greymane, who was entrusted to Silverpine Forest, built a new city called Gilneas in this coastal area, and began to build ports and ships.

After several years of development, explorers who sailed from Gilneas discovered a large and wild island not far from the mainland.

Led by a heroic adventurer captain, they occupied the island, built a seaside city in the strait closest to the mainland, and named it Kul Tiras. The captain of the city-state was named Puro De Moore.

Finally, the group of mages who were taught by the high elves gathered spontaneously for in-depth academic exchanges and arcane research, and established a small trade fair between Hillsbrad Hills and Silverpine Forest. City-state - Dalaran.

The leader of the first generation of Dalaran was a mage named Ardogan. Under his rule, Dalaran gradually became an important hub of trade between the north and the south. The development speed of this independent city-state far exceeded that of the other city-states.

With the gradual expansion and prosperity of the Arathor Empire, the original 100 mages also branched out and taught a large number of apprentices in more than 100 years.

Just as the saying goes that Muxiu will be destroyed by the forest wind, mages who possess powerful arcane power gradually conflict with the secular world. Commoners who do not understand arcane even regard these mages as black magicians who use wizards, and reject them for no reason. Suppress.

The unbearable mages had no choice but to leave collectively. They were invited by Ardogan, who used arcane techniques to prolong his life, to come to Dalaran.

The aged Ardogan knew that his days were numbered. In order to ensure the bright future of Dalaran, a city of mages that was gradually taking shape, he formulated a new political structure for Dalaran.

Ardogan is determined to follow the example of the Silvermoon Council of the high elves and rule the city of mages with a parliamentary system. Combining the clever minds of the mages, he formed a ruling alliance called the Kirin Tor Council. Ardogan served as the first generation of Kirin Tor. speaker of parliament.

Under Ardogan's call, a large number of mages from various city-states of the Arathor Empire gathered in Dalaran.

Ardogan assured the mages that they could freely explore the mysteries of the arcane in this city, and he was determined to turn Dalaran into a sanctuary of knowledge in the minds of the mages.

Andrea, who was far away in Anakis, also received the news. He was not happy about the rise of Dalaran.

"Plissim, tell Anasteria about this matter fully. He should know the dangers of abusing arcane arts. I hope he can catch up."


"How is the development progress of other human city-states?"


While marveling, Tyrande also raised his vigilance, "This race called humans is very dynamic. They took advantage of the opportunity of defeating the trolls and the powerlessness of the high elves to expand, and spread their footprints all over the northern part of the Eastern Continent."

Maiev crossed her arms and said, "A brand new country will indeed be very ambitious in its initial development, but how far it will develop in the future depends on how their descendants operate."

"Moreover, the human enfeoffment system has great hidden dangers. Once Strom City, the capital, cannot guarantee the control over all enfeoffment territories, this huge human empire may fall apart at any time."

Maiev sees very clearly that as long as one day the rulers of the empire in Strom City are no longer wise, the major city-states will definitely break away from Arathor's control after they develop to a certain level.

In 2650 BC before the Dark Portal, although Andrea notified Quel'Thalas as quickly as possible, the Sun King, who was busy with internal affairs, had little free time to pay attention to foreign affairs.

He didn't wake up suddenly until the mage in Dalaran poked a big basket. UU reading www.

With the assurance of Aldogan, the first Kirin Tor Chancellor, the mages of Dalaran used magic without scruples in the city, and this eventually led to disastrous results.

They have attracted the covetousness of demons, just as the Night Empire abused arcane magic.

The ignorant human mage tore open the passage leading to the astral world at will, and finally attracted the demon hiding in the twisting void waiting for an opportunity.

Although this disaster was caused by humans, in the final analysis, the high elves who taught them arcane magic did not take the responsibility of supervision.

The remorseful Anasteria temporarily put aside domestic government affairs, and arranged for the elite mages of the high elves to go to Dalaran to investigate and persuade them.

Andrea was not interested in knowing what happened in the middle, and finally humans and high elves reached an agreement.

"The Council of Tirisfal?"

Andrea sneered and threw the information on the table in the chamber. "The product of bureaucratic compromise, sooner or later there will be big trouble."

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