Azeroth Shadow of the Moon

Chapter 318: Azadas didn't wake up, we might as well...

Pushed by Thorim, the heavy door opened slowly, and the interior scene gradually appeared in front of Andrea and the others.

Standing in the center of the hall, Azadas closed his eyes tightly, and his body was covered with many layers of fossils.

With him as the center, a large number of sleeping earth spirits surround the surroundings, roughly counting, there are about a thousand people.

Azadas fell into a deep sleep earlier than Elonaya, and the ordinary way of waking him up could not wake him up.

Elonaia and Thorim joined forces to cast spells, using the spells inherited by the titans to try to awaken the dormant soul of Azadas.

Onyxia approached Andrea and asked quietly, "Azadas is the Titan Guardian who gave that person the power to protect the earth?"

Andrea nodded, "Almost, but Azadas is only used as a power transfer station, and it is Kazgoros, the shaper of the Pantheon, who bestowed Deathwing's power."


Onyxia asked expectantly, "Say, is it possible for this titan guardian to pray to the Pantheon again and give Ebyssian the power of the guardian of the earth again?"

Andrea and Aurora turned their heads to look at the Black Dragon Princess with weird expressions at the same time.

"...I can't tell, you're taking good care of Ebby Sean."

Aurora also covered her mouth and smiled lightly, "I thought you would only bully and fool my brother."

Onyxia shook her head arrogantly, "Hmph! I just asked casually, if it doesn't work, forget it."

Patting the dragon horns on Princess Black Dragon's head, Andrea sighed, "Your original intention is good, but unfortunately, even the Guardian of Titans may not be able to contact the Pantheon now."

"After all, the Pantheon has been destroyed by the Sa Zongtuan..."

But Andrea didn't dare to say this in front of the guardians, not to mention the source of information, if they lose the will to fight like Raiden, Azeroth will be completely finished.

Only Raiden and Odin should have noticed the news of the fall of the Pantheon.

The Grand Guardian Raiden and the Chief Manager Odin are the two most powerful of all the Guardians of Azeroth.

But because of Odin's extreme behavior style, he was in trouble, and was colluded by his adopted daughters Hela and Loken, and was sealed in the Hall of Valor.

From time to time, he could only send the souls of Val'kyr lower realms to fool the vrykul warriors who can travel through life and death into the Hall of Valor, drink and enjoy themselves in the hall of mead all day long, and hunt in the eternal hunting grounds to relieve boredom.

As for Raiden, this stinky salty fish who doesn't want to struggle anymore should still be locked up underground in the Throne of Thunder.

Now Pandaria is blocked by the mist incarnated by the last pandaren emperor Shaohao. Except for the pandaren who are familiar with the route, it is impossible for others to reach this large island that is isolated overseas.

If you want to go to Pandaria, apart from hoping for a cataclysm where you don't know if there will be another cataclysm, your only hope may be some stray pandaren.

However, the Wandering Island established by the pandaren adventurer Liu Lang is also hard to find. It is said to be an island, but in fact, the pandaren on the Wandering Island live on the back of a huge sea turtle. This turtle has been swimming non-stop. There is no fixed stop position at all.

At least the Dark Night Republic has never discovered the whereabouts of the Wandering Isle for so many years after opening the endless sea cross-sea route.


Under the spellcasting of Elonaya and Thorim, the gray-black fossil layer on the surface of Azadas' body began to peel off, and Azadas' body shook more and more violently.


With the last loud bang, the fossil layer covering the surface of Azadas' body was finally completely broken free.

"Who dares to awaken Azadas! Who dares to pry into the mysteries of Titan!"

Just like what Elonaya said, Azadas, who just woke up, just acted according to his instincts. His eyes were devoid of any spirit, and he couldn't see any wisdom in the chaotic chaos.

Elonaya and Thorim looked at each other.

"Are you coming or am I coming?"

"I'll forget it. I haven't recovered my strength yet. I'm afraid I can't beat him."

"I don't want to do anything, what if Azadas finds a chance to retaliate in the future?"

At the same time, the two giants turned their gazes to the three Andreas at their feet.


The corner of Andrea's mouth twitched, "What are you looking at me for? Can I just offend a titan guardian at will?"

Eager to throw the blame away, Thorim patted his chest and assured, "Don't worry, I'll explain it to you afterwards."

Ailonaya also interjected to persuade, "Azadas is a typical coward. He can retaliate unscrupulously against acquaintances. He will be more polite when facing outsiders. Don't worry about him retaliating against you."

'Easy to say...'

Andrea's eyes rolled, "Oni, you and Aurora go together."


Onyxia pointed to herself, "Are you sure? Me?"

Andrea solemnly gave a thumbs up, "Yes and yes, go, I believe you can do it!"

"Aurora, Onyxia is standing in the front to resist the damage. With the help of her huge dragon body as cover, you can safely cast spells in the back to support."

Aurora smiled bitterly and said, "Okay, I see."

"But if we can't figure it out, Dad, you must help."

Elonaya and Thorim retreated to the outer circle, and moved the sleeping earth spirit away, leaving only Azadas in the middle of the field who kept repeating those two sentences.

Onyxia saw that the venue had become much wider, and immediately transformed into a huge adult black dragon.

"hold head high!"

Just after the transformation was completed, Onyxia sprayed it with a mouthful of salt soda.

The surface of Azadas's body left a lot of gray-black impurities due to the peeling off of the fossil layer. Under the breath of Onyxia's dragon breath, the sand was blown away at one time, exposing the black and gold-based Guardian clothing.

I don't know what kind of material these costumes are made of, and there is no damage under the black dragon princess's breath of shadow flames.

Azadas, who had just awakened, was still very weak. Although UU Reading was not injured because of the strong body of the guardian, he himself was blown back a few steps by the breath of the dragon.


Regaining his footing, Azadas swung a pair of fists and started a hand-to-hand fight with Onyxia.

Both sides are good at using the earth to strengthen their bodies, and Azadas' soft fists can't cause any damage to Onyxia.

The reverse is also true, the body of the guardian pinched by Titan is not so easy to be destroyed, and Azadas is gradually recovering his sanity and strength under the fist-to-body fight.

Aurora held up the gift Seres gave her from the Sunstrider's royal treasury some time ago - the artifact disintegration staff, and tentatively released a series of arcane missiles to Azadas.

The guardian's body's physical defense and magic defense are equally excellent. Most of Aurora's arcane missiles hit Azadas's body and were bounced off by the magic resistance skin, and only a very small part could cause some harmless damage.

"so hard…"

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