Azeroth Shadow of the Moon

Chapter 328: rampant centaur

Under the influence of the night elves, the tauren's living standards have been greatly improved, and the birth rate has reached a new high, which is so high that Andrea is jealous.

But at the same time, they also stubbornly retained many ancient customs, such as the unique tent culture of nomads.

Bloodhoof was originally the family in charge of military affairs among the tauren.

As the suzerain, the Lin Ge family was almost extinct. Under the threat of the centaur, the military leader Bloodhoof was elected by the major clans to become the new chief.

Higher status usually also means greater responsibility. Dawn, who had just taken office, did not have time to feel the power and charm of the position of great chief. The first thing he faced was the endless guerrilla attacks of centaurs.

These four-legged hybrids dare not fight the tauren head-on. They use their powerful running and maneuvering abilities to develop a set of guerrilla tactics against the tauren.

After meeting Chief Dawn, Andrea and Fandral were soon "fortunate" to witness yet another centaur attack.

This time, the chosen target was the pastoral area of ​​the Wild Totem clan. Centaurs with bows and arrows came and went like the wind, relying on their own special body structure to ride and shoot.

Due to the inherited elemental affinity of Theradras as an earth princess, spellcasters among them can call upon the power of lightning and the earth to storm the tauren defenses.

The two-legged tauren can't run a centaur at all. With the weight of the tauren, the mounts that can carry them can't run fast, but they have a strong load and endurance.

Unable to catch up, unable to escape, it is no wonder that the Tauren will be beaten by the centaur and helplessly. These four-legged creatures do have the advantage of mobility on the almost undulating plain terrain of Mashanxi. .

"Chief Dawn, where are your bipedal dragon cavalry?"

Dawn sighed with a wry smile, "I've used it, but because of the small number, it's easy to be defeated by their net throwing and long-range attacks when facing these centaur **** in independent combat."

The wyverns in Stonetalon Mountain are excellent mounts in the air, but they are carnivorous animals, and they need to consume a lot of meat for each meal. The tauren did not domesticate too much in non-war situations.

Hundreds of Wyverns scattered across the vast Mashanxi Grassland without even splashing water. Centaurs, a barbaric race, are basically all soldiers except for the old, weak, sick and disabled.

Every time the centaur with a population of over one million is mobilized, the number is at least 100,000 or more, and the participation of the tauren's bipedal dragon cavalry can only be regarded as a drop in the bucket.

Andrea frowned and thought, "It's best to find a way to limit the mobility of the centaurs, and just let them charge, not to mention the tauren, even our nightsaber knights may not be able to play much role. "

After all, knights have to bear two mouths for one person and one beast, and it is impossible for night elves to tame too many fighting night sabers.

And centaurs are born with a body structure that is conducive to mobile warfare, and it is definitely a disadvantage to play guerrilla with them.

Fandral looked around, "Is there anything that can attract their attention, so that the centaur has to attack or protect?"

"When you say that..."

Chief Dawn was stunned for a moment, "This group of centaurs seems to value Maraudon very much, and any creatures near Maraudon will cause a large-scale dispatch of centaurs."

Maraudon is the lair where Zaerta and Therades live. If Andrea remembers correctly, the centaur was driven out of Maraudon by Theradras, which means that the tragedy of Zaerta has died. And it was his children who killed the father themselves.

The grief-stricken Therades massacred her centaur offspring after the incident, but the centaur, who had a bad relationship with his father, respected this mother who had a personality similar to his own.

In order to obtain Therades' forgiveness, after they were exiled from Maraudon by their mother, they have always regarded this cave as a holy place, and they did not allow any creatures to enter it to disturb Therades licking her heartache.

Although the combination of Theradras and Zaetar was very unexpected, the tyrannical princess of the earth did have true love for Zaetar, and stayed in Maraudon to accompany his soul after Zaetar's death.

"I have a solution."

Andrea touched his chin and pondered, "But this plan requires a gamble. If it fails, the tauren will inevitably suffer **** revenge from the centaur."

Dawn let out a long breath, tightened the huge totem pole on his back, and said solemnly, "Chairman Moon Shadow, please speak, we will try our best to cooperate, if we can't get through this difficulty, we can only move to The Mulgore Grassland has taken refuge."

Mashanxi is very important to the tauren. This is their hometown in Kalimdor for many years, and they must not give up unless it is absolutely necessary.

"Alright, while Shandris mobilizes reinforcements from Eresalas in the south, I will give you an overview of the strategic goals."

After many years of peace, Andrea intends to let the night elves rely on small-scale wars to hone their skills and maintain and improve the combat effectiveness and cohesion of the army. This war with the centaur is a good opportunity.

Although centaurs have innate advantages in physical structure, their conditions are very backward in all aspects, and they can only bully the unprepared tauren.

When Andrea and Fandral set off from Anakis, Shandris also rushed to Feralas with Reinera, Leticia and Dryad Lunara.

Considering the long-term relationship, it is more appropriate to send troops from Eresalas. This southern army has not experienced war for a long time since the battle with the Sandfury trolls. It is just time to take this opportunity to let them hone their skills and regain the strength of the battlefield. Feel.

After returning from the Emerald Dreamland, Lenila was now appointed by Fandral as the leader of the druid combat force. Her rich practical experience in the battle of the ancients can guide the young new generation of druids to quickly adapt to the battlefield.

The dryad Lunara didn't just come to watch the excitement with the sentinel adjutant Leticia this time.

Also as the heir of Cenarius, she has a pretty good relationship with Zaetar. The battle situation and changes in Mashanxi made her very worried about her brother's safety.

Knowing that Leticia was going to fight with the army, as the eldest daughter of Cenarius, she happened to come over to check on the situation on behalf of her father who was in the Emerald Dreamland.

Since the centaurs have not left Maraudon for a long time, their activities are now mainly concentrated in the west and south of Marshanhi.

Before the reinforcements from Feralas arrived, Andrea temporarily stood still, and the tauren also tightened the fence and continued to strengthen the fortifications, showing a posture of long-term resistance.

The tyrannical centaurs were very angry at the tauren's attitude of not knowing how to advance or retreat. UU Reading Under the call of the leaders of the major clans, more than half a million centaurs left the Valley of Spears near Maraudon and killed the tauren. The ghost sentry built in the south of the king's tent is surrounded by water.

The ghost sentry was built on a high ground, near the cemetery of kodo beasts, all old kodo beasts will return here by themselves to wait for death.

The old Kodos didn't have much time to live, and they didn't bother to pay attention to the centaur's attack. They lay in the Kodo cemetery like hills, separating the centaur's marching route from the middle.

The five centaur chiefs stomped their feet in anger, but their primitive bows and arrows could not do much damage to the old Kodos with rough skin and thick flesh. If they got too close, they would be attacked by the tauren from the ghost post. It can only be temporarily stalemate in this area.

Dawn stood on the edge of the ghost sentry and looked worriedly at the densely packed centaurs in the distance, "Chairman Moon Shadow, what should we do next?"


Andrea scanned the centaur camp with a binoculars, and said calmly, "The plan will not be officially implemented until Shandris' army arrives from the south. Before that, please be patient."

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