Azeroth Shadow of the Moon

Chapter 335: The wall fell down and everyone pushed

When Andrea and others returned to Nordrassil, Malfurion, who was working overtime on 996, did not expect that they really brought Jarod back.

"Long time no see, Jarod."

Although Malfurion was very tired, he still welcomed Jarod's return with a gentle smile.

Jarod was also a good-tempered person, he politely took the hand that the archdruid extended.

"Thanks, Malfurion...but why do you look so haggard?"


Malfurion twitched the corners of his mouth with a half-smile, "Trust me, you will soon realize why."

Today's Night Republic is no longer the state it was in when the War of the Ancients just ended. There are night elf activities almost everywhere in the entire Kalimdor continent, let alone some information about the Eastern Continent.

As the largest and strongest country in Azeroth, the government affairs that need to be dealt with every day are also unimaginable to Jarod before.

There is no doubt that Garrod will surely secure his position as a military leader after his return. Even with the assistance of his adjutant Shandris, his overtime life in the future... is almost conceivable.

After finding Garald, Maiev's emotions were a little hidden. She slapped Garald heavily on the back, making him stagger and almost fell to the ground.

"Stop talking nonsense, let's start working. Just ask for any information you need. There are books in the Great Library of Eresalas. I can bring you any books about the Yaqi Empire."

When Sarah Hill looked at Maiev with an unfriendly expression, Andrea and Malfurion exchanged glances.

‘Is Maiev the type who loves to bully the more she likes it? '

‘I don’t know, I don’t have much contact with her except for official business, maybe Tyrande knows her better than we do. '

Andrea and Malfurion, who had unknowingly learned to make eye contact, hadn't had time to gossip deeply, and Tyrande, who was working in a boat, just pushed open the door of the meeting room and walked in.

"Malfurion, I'm going back to... Jarod?"

With the return of the High Priest and Maiev gradually returning to normal, the Convocation is finally back to normal operations.

While Malfurion and Maiev helped Garrod collect information, Andrea and Tyrande got together to discuss the situation in the Eastern Continent.

Tyrande, who just returned from Dalaran, brought back the latest battle report from Tirisfal Glades.

"Before I left, Lordaeron's army had already started to attack, but the defense of Xilud Town is very tenacious, and it should not be defeated so easily in a short time."

As a race relocated from Northrend in the north, the female warriors of Sylud led by Brunhilde have a special kind of toughness and ruthlessness.

Even though they were at an absolute disadvantage in numbers, the female warriors of Sirud did not flinch in the slightest. They relied on tacit cooperation and fierce fighting style to temporarily block the attack of Lordaeron's 100,000 troops.

However, there is a huge gap in the overall strength of the two sides. Lordaeron still retains the potential for war and can continue to mobilize troops from the country. However, the current 50,000 soldiers in the town of Xilude is already the limit.

The stronger the fighting power displayed by the female warriors of Sylud, the more interested the contemporary King Menethil is in wanting to subdue them.

However, with the successive interventions of the Night Republic, Quel'Thalas and Kul Tiras, King Menethil found that he was condemned by many countries for rashly raising troops to attack his own race.

The Republic of Night is a hundred and eight thousand miles away from the Eastern Continent, and Quel'Thalas had less and less contact with humans after the fall of the Arathor Empire.

Menethil had the audacity to ignore the protests of these two nations, but Kul Tiras...

The goods and profits that this maritime kingdom brought to Lordaeron every year were so huge that King Menethil had to consider the possible risk of offending Kul Tiras.

Misfortunes never come singly. Dalaran, who was originally vacillating, has recently publicly accused Lordaeron of instigating a human civil war.

The so-called wall is falling and everyone is pushing, Gilneas and Alterac followed closely behind Dalaran and made noises one after another, gloating and talking sarcasticly behind several countries.

The major countries have been involved in this war of words one after another, but Stormgard, which is developing silently, and the Kingdom of Stormwind, which lives in the far south of the mainland, remain silent.

"Oh? I didn't expect Gilneas and Alterac to stand up and support us."

Andrea asked in surprise, "High Priest, did you lobby them by the way?"


Tyrande shook his head and said, "These two countries were already dissatisfied with Lordaeron's status as the strongest human kingdom, and this time it was just the right time to find a reason for them to ridicule Lordaeron."

In any case, facing the diplomatic pressure exerted by many countries, even Lordaeron, which is rich and powerful, has to think carefully.

If they really continue to attack Hild in spite of the opposition of all countries, it might cause public outrage.

King Menethil thought more far-reaching. If there was a chance to attack Lordaeron's prestige, Gilneas and Alterac would definitely not let it go, and they might even bring Stormgard together to attack Lordaeron.

The period of peaceful development of human city-states has long passed. Now, except for Dalaran, which advertises complete neutrality, the various kingdoms maintain a situation of cooperation and competition at the same time.

The competition is not limited to the economic and military fields. This diplomatic crisis has made Lordaeron aware of its own weaknesses, and a new alliance may soon be staged.

"That is to say, this battle should not go on?"

Tyrande nodded, "That's almost the case, but Lordaeron is unwilling to retreat in such a disheveled manner. They want to fight a beautiful battle before withdrawing, so that they can maintain a high profile and retreat completely."

Andrea smiled knowingly, "It's a reasonable choice, but... is it really so easy to do what they want?"

In the western mountainous area of ​​Tirisfal Glades, the town of Sirud.

Brunhilde was still wearing a fluffy snow-white long dress and sitting in the lord's hall with her eyes closed, UU Reading But she put a beautiful two-handed giant sword with sheath on the ground with both hands, and silently listened to her subordinates. A female soldier's report on the situation on the front lines.

"Boss, Lordaeron already has the intention to withdraw its troops under strong external pressure, but they seem to plan to fight a victorious battle and return home triumphantly before they leave."

Brunhilde's eyes suddenly opened, and his sharp eyes swept across the lord's hall like lightning. The female warrior who raised her head and reported was shocked all over her body, and hurriedly bowed her head respectfully.


Brunhilde stood up slowly, and her aura gradually increased as her body straightened.

"Then let them come, I want to see who this victory belongs to!"

Brunhilde shouted proudly, "Come on, put on my armor, I will fight this battle myself!"

Gently pulling the two-handed giant sword out of the sheath, Brunhilde said sarcastically, "I don't know what the people of Lordaeron who claim to be the heirs of Arathor will think of this sword?"

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