Azeroth Shadow of the Moon

Chapter 396: The biggest factor restricting development

It didn't surprise Andrea that Aegwynn would fall out with the Tirisfal Council.

She has a temperament that combines firecrackers and stubborn donkeys in Iger's anthology, even if there is no hidden influence of some existence, she can't tolerate other people pointing fingers at her head, let alone these pointing people's own buttocks are not clean.

The Tirisfal Council, which once had lofty aspirations, has gradually deteriorated amid thousands of years of changes.

Indulging in the glory of being a great organization that protects the world for a long time, the hands of the members of the Tirisfal Council have become deeper and longer. In the past ten years, they have even begun to secretly interfere in the internal affairs of the seven human nations.

The environment of the Kingdom of Silud is relatively closed, and the influence of the Tirisfal Council cannot be extended here.

After waking up from a coma, Brunhilde did not immediately regain her rights from the contemporary queen, but sat behind the scenes as a consultant and continued to guide the development of the Kingdom of Herod.

As the first immortal of mankind, Brunhilde is honored as the Valkyrie (Valkyrie) by the people of the Kingdom of Herod, and the most elite combat troops of Herod borrowed this name and called themselves Valkyrie, which means Glory to the Valkyries.

In addition to the Kingdom of Sheld, the Tirisfal Council has intensified its penetration into the seven human kingdoms split from the Kingdom of Arathor year by year, and recently even began to openly intervene in Dalaran's internal affairs.

Aegwynn, who used arcane skills to prolong his life, was very dissatisfied with the new generation of Tirisfal Council's meddling in politics.

When the council asked her to return the power of the guardian and pass it on to the next successor, Aegwynn flatly rejected their request. She believed that these members of the council would eventually use the power of the guardian to intervene in the internal affairs of human countries.

After the last heated discussion, the two sides broke completely, and Aegwynn left with the power of the guardian.

The Tirisfal Council, which has held the Guardian's authority for many years, naturally would not let her escape like this. After much discussion, they formed a mage hunter organization specifically to arrest Aegwynn - the Tirisfal Council.

After several years of entanglement, Aegwynn was finally tired of the parliament's entanglement. She used the power of Aluneth, who was gradually subdued by herself, to build a majestic mage tower in the south of the eastern continent far away from Dalaran - Karazhan.

"Heh~ This is interesting."

Andrea chuckled and handed the information to Niyana beside her, "I heard that the Tirisfal Council is discussing using ancient rituals to create a new guardian. Do you think they will put it into practice?"

Although Andrea's two apprentices are very smart, Leticia always uses her intelligence and talents in places where she is not doing her job properly. Her mind is full of pranks and mischief, and she looks like she will never grow up.

Obviously, she has a very sensitive thinking mode under the training of Andrea, but most of the time Leticia is too lazy to think about it. Maybe only when the night elves are facing a crisis if they want to see her seriously.

The young Niyana, on the other hand, realized her talent on the right path. After years of hard study, she gradually became a core member of Andrea's secretarial team.

After receiving the information and reading it carefully, Niyana thought for a while and then expressed her opinion, "I don't think the Tirisfal Council should have catalyzed the second guardian so hastily."

"First of all, given Aegwynn's rebelliousness, they must be worried that the new guardian will not obey orders."

"And if two guardians with a lot of magical power collide, the entire Azeroth may be greatly affected by the aftermath of their battle."

Niyana clicked on the desktop and said, "Although the Tirisfal Council has indeed gone astray in recent years, their original intention is still to protect Azeroth, not destroy her. I guess they will not be so short-sighted." decision."

Andrea nodded approvingly, "I think so too, but how the follow-up will develop depends on what those power-obsessed mages think."

"Next is the second intelligence."

Andrea withdrew her smile, and solemnly looked at the message Alfonso had just handed over.

"Caravans traveling to and from the sea have seen a huge sea turtle walking through the sea many times. Recently, some traveling pandaren have also begun to appear on the Kalimdor continent."

"I plan to try to contact these pandaren first, and ask them if they can enter the continent of Pandaria, which is blocked by the mist."

The giant turtle swimming in the sea is named Shen-zin Zi, the mount and partner of Liu Lang, the first pandaren adventurer.

Andrea didn't know when Liu Lang left the continent of Pandaria, and took Shen-zin Zi, who was still very young at the time, to explore the sea.

But judging from Shen-zin Zi's current island-like body shape, it must have been there for hundreds of years.

Although sea turtles are generally long-lived, Shen-zinzi is clearly no ordinary sea turtle.

According to the sea caravans that came and went, the big turtle can talk and has a gentle and friendly attitude. It often greets the fleet when it passes by.

Although the Pandaren didn't believe this, Andrea estimated that Shen-zin Zi should be a primitive animal **** similar to the Loa, but his talent is not in combat.

Niyana nodded and said, "I've also heard the legend about the Pandaren. They fought alongside us in the Battle of the Well of Eternity in ancient times, right?"

"Well, it's a pity that I completely lost contact with the pandaren after the world collapsed. It was the first time in nearly ten thousand years that I saw the traces of the pandaren again."

"I don't know what happened to Pandaria in the past ten thousand years..."

"A continent shrouded in mist, Pandaria..."

Niyana asked thoughtfully, "Uncle, why do you want to go to Pandaria? With the current population of the Night Republic, the territory we can control has reached the limit, right?"

Population is still the biggest limit to the continued expansion of the night elves.

The night elves can't even completely occupy their own homeland, Kalimdor, and a large part of the territory that nominally belongs to the night elves cannot be invested in manpower for development.

For example, Silithus and Tanaris, two once great deserts.

Hundreds of years have passed since the furnace of origin restarted. With the help of this earth reshaping device and the efforts of druids, UU Reading www. uukanshu.comDesolate Tanaris and Silithus are finally starting to see greenery again.

Although it is still limited to a tiny oasis near the water source, this is a favorable signal after all. The Furnace of Origin can indeed help Azeroth reshape the land and revitalize the barren land over a long period of time.

However, it is embarrassing that the Night Republic does not have the manpower to invest heavily in the construction of Silithus and Tanaris.

The same problem also restricts the Northrend continent in the north. After recovering from the Battle of Quicksand, the general who sits in Sandara has applied for many times, hoping to destroy the Drakalai trolls who have threatened Sandara for many years in one fell swoop.

However, considering the inability to govern after conquering the territory, Drakalai has always behaved obediently with his tail between his legs in recent years, and the Zandalari Empire has sent people to intercede through the Cenarion Council many times, this military proposal has never been approved by the highest authority. Council's consent.

Andrea shook her head and said, "I'm not here to expand the territory, nor do I plan to rob Pandaria's land with the Pandaren."

"My main purpose is to find a guardian who has been absent for tens of thousands of years, and try to wake him up from his decadent state."

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