Azeroth Shadow of the Moon

Chapter 403: green hooves

The King of Draenor version, when the player comes to this world, the orcs have become the absolute masters of Draenor.

But it is different now. Although the Gorian Empire of the ogre has fallen apart under the coordinated attack of the orcs and the elements, the ogre strongholds that exist as independent city-states in various parts of Draenor still maintain a considerable degree of combat effectiveness.

The most famous of these are Highmaul in Nagrand and Bladespire Keep in Frostfire Ridge.

Although Shadowmoon Valley is located in a remote place, the ogre still built a fortress here, which is located to the west of Amberley Village, named Fortress of Pain.


Andrea patted his forehead and said helplessly, "Yrel, it's a good thing to be helpful, but you have to look at the degree and do what you can."

"I'm still under the supervision of the bishop's council. I was able to accompany you out thanks to the guarantee of Archbishop Hataru. I can't bother him every time, right?"

Perhaps because he was taken care of by his relatives and neighbors since he was a child, Yrel often helped the villagers solve some problems with gratitude, including finding things outside the village.

The wilds of Draenor are not safe. Various powerful native species such as ogres, grons, thorn beasts, and forest spirits are huge threats. Before Amihan and other loggers went out, they were also escorted by Neri's ranger go out.

Not to mention the brats who don't know the heights of the sky and the earth, and sneak out of the village to play when the adults are not paying attention. As a rookie garrison officer, Yrel has received training for less than a year, so it is very difficult to survive in the wild alone.

More than a month ago, because he wanted to give his sister Samara a crystal ornament as a birthday present, Yrel asked Andrea for help after consulting Archbishop Hataru, and they went to the Moonflower Valley in the northwest of Amberi Village to mine.

Draenei's class system is not strict, even an archbishop like Hataru can easily get along with the people.

With the help of the archbishop, Samara's birthday gift was successfully formed, and Yrel seemed to have tasted the sweetness. In the past three days, she came to ask Andrea to go out with her.

"Why don't you go to Shandris?"

Andrea rubbed her temples with a headache, "She is more active than me when she is allowed to go out?"

Yrel curled her lips and complained, "Santis is too serious like Archbishop Nelly. When I'm with her, I don't dare to breathe. It's too depressing."


Andrea shook her head amusedly. Because Shandris has been in a high position all year round, she will inevitably carry the majesty of a superior.

And she didn't deliberately learn how to restrain her aura like Andrea, which caused Shandris to quickly feel sympathy with Neri, who is also a female general, but the young Yrel was unwilling to be with her. She goes out together.

He turned his eyes to the smiling Samara, "Samara, what do you think? Is it really appropriate for Yrel to run around all day like this?"

Samara glanced sideways at her younger sister who made a pleading expression, and a mischievous smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

"I have also told her many times, but this girl has never accepted my suggestion, so let her go."

"Isn't her aspiration to be a garrison officer? This profession requires a lot of experience in actual combat. Just let this child go out with you. Anyway, it can be regarded as experiencing actual combat in advance."

Andrea rolled her eyes, 'Sure enough, both sisters are wearing a pair of pants. '

The last time the search for minerals went smoothly, there was no battle on the way, and Yrel seemed a little unwilling. She hoped to meet the ogre this time and find a chance to try it herself.

Newborn calves are not afraid of tigers, this girl's impression of ogres is still in the description of her instructor, she doesn't know how difficult these tall and strong men are to deal with.

Shandris had battles with ogres recently when she went out on patrol. According to her, this kind of intelligent creature with rough skin and thick flesh is indeed very powerful in individual combat, and may even be superior to the tauren in one-on-one.

But the ogre's intelligence is very low, as long as they can figure out a way to play tricks on them, they can even defeat the ogre without a fight.

But Andrea knows that this rule is not absolute.

Ogres have a very small chance of appearing as a double-headed individual. Ogres with two heads have extremely high intelligence and super high magic talent without exception. It is under their leadership that the Gorian Empire can dominate Germany. Rano for hundreds of years.

Fortress of Pain is one of the independent city-states of ogres, and there must be many two-headed ogres sitting in it, but the patrols of Nari, Shandis and others will not go deep into the fortress, and they have not encountered these ogres for the time being core combat power.

After hesitating for a while, Andrea finally sighed, "Go get permission from a certain archbishop first, as long as they allow me to leave the village, I can accompany you to find the pendant."


Yrel didn't wait for Andrea's "but" to say, turned around, twisted her little butt, bouncing and chasing after Akama who had just left, her blue tail behind her was cheerful swinging left and right.


Andrea turned her head to look at Samara speechlessly, "You just leave this crazy girl alone?"

Samara spread her hands with a doting smile on her face, "She won't listen to what I said. Let her experience the dangers of this world by herself. Anyway, with Mr. Andrea following, nothing serious should happen."

"Emotionally, you treat me as free labor to bring up a baby, right..."

Neri was out on patrol and did not return, and Hataru just happened to go to the construction site of the Karabor Temple to supervise the construction. Yrel ran all the way and finally caught up with Akama who was about to return to Shattrath. license.

Among the five archbishops, Andrea has met four of them, and only Maradal, who has been in Auchindoun all the year round, has met them.

Archbishop Osar, who leads the Shatar Scholars Organization, is busy with official duties, so he only met Andrea and Shandris by the way when he visited the construction site of the Karabor Temple.

This archbishop is more indifferent than others, with the customary style of a mage, arrogant and reserved, in stark contrast to the passionate Akama.

After obtaining the permission to leave the village, Yrel changed into a rare set of better-looking armor, which was a birthday present given to her by Samara last year.

Normally, Yrel was reluctant to use it, and always wore the simple armor issued to apprentices by the Hand of the Prophet.

After all, it is for apprentices, and they will not be allowed to wear it to experience actual combat outside the village. In terms of funds... naturally there will be a reduction.

The sky of Shadowmoon Valley is magnificent and dreamy, and the blue-black night sky dotted with stars makes Andrea look up at the beautiful scenery from time to time.

But the environment here made it difficult for the draenei without night vision ability to travel. At this time, Yrel was holding a lantern filled with the energy of the holy light in his hand.

"A white elephant-like mountain lies in the middle of the road, I hit the left with the hammer and the right with the ax..."

Yrel, who was walking on the quiet plain continent, didn't feel nervous at all. UU Reading even happily sang Draenei's ballad.

Andrea rolled her eyes behind her, "I hope you can maintain this optimistic attitude when you see the ogre with your own eyes." '

Say Cao Cao, and Cao Cao will arrive.

Just as Yrel, who was bouncing around, turned the warhammer in his hand like a baton, a huge stone the size of a millstone suddenly flew out of the woods beside the road.



The sudden movement frightened Yrel so much that her tail stood on end. The girl ran back behind Andrea very carefully, and looked around vigilantly with her head out.


Several one-eyed fat men with a height of more than three meters walked out of the woods with their upper bodies bare, and they all held crude iron weapons in their hands.

"Draenei, hand over your weapons and armor, otherwise, I will eat you!"

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