Azeroth Shadow of the Moon

Chapter 430: Rise to the challenge

Although the fact that Keure was parasitized by powerful void creatures was somewhat beyond Andrea's expectations, the trip to Oshu'gun was generally very smooth.

Both Douri and Keurei are Naaru who have not completely decayed. As long as you find the right method, it is not very difficult to rescue them.

But Kara is completely different.

Kara had completely decayed into an entropy long before Genidar crashed, and her situation was completely different from that of D'Ori and Keure.

Based on the idea of ​​going from simple to difficult, Andrea has successively dealt with Douri and Keure, but Kara, who is the final mission target, makes him a little bit helpless.

When living in Shadowmoon Valley before, Andrea had observed Kara's situation many times from the extreme distance.

Entropy Demons are not irrational creatures, but they act more on instinct.

It has been more than 30 years since Karla floated in the Draenor stratosphere, and Velen has been paying attention to her for more than 30 years, and only after confirming that there is no harm, the tribesmen are allowed to settle in Shadowmoon Valley.

The cautious Velen did not send the draenei to test Kara. As a prophet blessed by the naaru, he knew much more about the naaru than other draenei.

The warning that D'Ory had given Andrea, she had also told Velen many years ago.

The deadly Shadowmoon orcs tried instead of Draenei, and needless to say, the vision of the shattered bodies of those shamans still remained in Velen's mind.

From Velen's point of view, Andrea's ability to save D'Ori and Keurei is enough to make the Draenei feel excited.

Although Carla's fall was a pity, he, the bishop's council, and even the two naru persuaded Andrea to give up the idea of ​​saving Carla because the difficulty was too high.

Douri and Keurei have just recovered from decay, and their strengths are far from reaching their peak. In addition, Naaru is not good at fighting, so they cannot be expected to contribute.


Andrea himself was a little hesitant. Seeing his hesitation, Shandris suggested in a low voice next to Andrea's ear, "Should I ask Elune? Let's see what she says."

"Well, let's try it."

However, Andrea and Shandris were disappointed by the results of the meditation call, and Elune was now hiding as she said before, and the call failed to bear fruit.

"Elune once said that we can call her to send us back after completing the mission. Now that she chooses not to answer my prayer, does it mean that she thinks our mission is not yet complete?"

Shandris smiled wryly and nodded, "That's probably what it means. It seems that we still have to find a way to solve Kara's problem."

After some discussion, Keure was sent back to Shattrath by Othar, and he sat in the City of Light to provide faith for the people of the new capital of Draenei.

Andrea and Shandris, who were determined to rescue Kara, returned to Shadowmoon Valley with Velen, but this time they did not stay in Amberli Village, but went directly to the newly completed Temple of Karabo.

The Karabor Temple, which took many years to build, is not simply a sacred temple to provide belief and prayer for the people of Shadowmoon Valley. The piers are distributed by the sea like a bird spreading its wings and also serve as a trading port.

Not only the trade fleets leading to Talador and the Spiers of Arak, the exploration ships departing from the port of the Karabor Temple can ignore the dangers of the land and sail along the isolated sea surrounding Draenor, bringing the planet close to the sea. The land edges of the sea are detailed on the map.

But these are issues that the Draenei need to worry about. Andrea and Shandris came to Karabor to discuss with Velen how to save Kara.

Velen sighed helplessly and said, "With all due respect, I still don't approve of provoking Kara. She is very powerful after she has fallen. I should have the right to speak on this point as I have had direct confrontation with Entropy Kara."

Before the crash of Genidaer, the fallen Kara caused huge damage in the spaceship, which was the most fundamental cause of Genidahr's crash.

In order to protect his own people, Velen stood up to fight Kara when he knew he was invincible, and forced Kara to be exiled from Jinidaer when he was seriously injured.

Velen said with a wry smile, "Kara's strength is by no means invincible to any mortal. I have not fully healed from the injury I suffered from fighting her for more than 30 years."

As an immortal who has lived for thousands of years and has been blessed by the naaru, Velen's strength has already stood at the apex among the mortal races, and one step further can break away from the shackles of mortals and achieve true immortality.

But this last step is not easy, the accumulation of tens of thousands of years is still standing still, Velen, who has lost his ambition, has begun to give up, and he puts more energy on protecting and guiding his people.

With the help of his innate prophetic talent, Velen has sincerely cooperated with the three naaru during these tens of thousands of years, avoiding the pursuit of the Burning Legion many times.

The Draenei in exile still maintain a relatively complete civilization inheritance, and most of the credit should be attributed to Velen.

But because of the battle with Kara, Velen, who was seriously injured, temporarily lost his prophetic ability. For the first time in tens of thousands of years, he faced a situation where he could not see the way ahead. This made him very uneasy, and his acting style began to become cautious.

Compared with Vinlen, Andrea is undoubtedly still a young man, and he still retains a relatively strong aggressiveness.

"Prophet, can we combine the power of the holy light of the two of us, so that we can reach the total amount that Deore said?"

Velen stroked his beard and nodded, "Theoretically, it is possible, but Kara will definitely not sit back and watch us slowly complete the energy synchronization."

"Except for me, including the archbishop, they are not strong enough to compete with Kara. The most important part of your plan is here, how to drag out this difficult-to-short energy synchronization period."

Even if the holy light is also used, everyone's energy fluctuations are different.

To purify Kara at one time, Velen and Andrea must condense their holy light energy into one, which requires them to adjust their own power to complete the attunement and matching.

This process is destined not to be fast. After all, Andrea and Velen have not experienced thousands of years of getting along like Shandris, and they don't know each other well enough. It is impossible to deepen the tacit understanding in a short period of time.

Andrea didn't know how long it took him and Shandris to travel from Azeroth to Draenor, and he didn't know much about Draenor's timeline, so he could only guess that it was about before the Black Gate More than 100 years.

The Burning Legion has yet to find traces of the Draenei, and UU Reading Kil'jaeden has yet to tempt the orcs, but these things that are almost destined to happen in the future may be difficult to avoid.

To put it simply, the time left for Andrea is at most 100 years. If he cannot complete the task and successfully evacuate Draenor within this period, he and Shandris can only stay on this planet to face the calculations of the Burning Legion They confronted the terrifying soldiers of the evil orcs.

"Let's think differently."

Andrea put his hand on his chin and thought, "Since it takes a long time to synchronize the holy light, what if I use the body of shadow to absorb part of Kara's void energy, so that his energy decays enough to be purified by you, the prophet?"

Velen froze for a moment, and then there was a look of surprise in his eyes, "Yes! I forgot that you have the talent of void."

"In this case…"

Velen closed his eyes and thought carefully for a while, "Maybe it is feasible, but we need to adjust and improve the plan."

"There is only one chance. If Kara cannot be successfully purified, she will definitely incur her crazy revenge for the creatures in Shadowmoon Valley. We still need to think long-term."

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