Azeroth Shadow of the Moon

Chapter 434: Development of Azeroth

The news of the return of Andrea and Shandris quickly spread throughout the upper echelons of the Night Republic.

Fandral and Maiev arrived following Tyrande's footsteps, Seres, Leticia, Niyana, Aurora and others soon brought Onyxia and Lunara and other long-term guests Come here.

However, the first thing that caught everyone's eyes was a big dark ball of light. Shandris was discussing something with Tyrande standing aside with a worried face.

Aurora scanned the scene, but couldn't find her father.

"Mom, where's dad? Why are you alone?"

The reunion with relatives and friends after a long absence made Shandris feel very relieved, but Andrea's current situation made her unable to pull out a symbolic smile.

Stretching out her hand to touch Aurora's long hair, Shandris opened her mouth to explain something, but she couldn't get the words out of her mouth.

Although Celeste often gets confused, her logical ability has been greatly developed by Andrea's long-term influence and work training after marriage.

The strange atmosphere at the scene made her think of a bad possibility, her eyes slowly opened wide and she looked at the black ball of light in disbelief.

"Could it be... this ball is Andrea?"

Shandris was silent for a moment, then nodded with difficulty under the astonished eyes of her relatives and friends.

Fandral also asked dumbfounded, "What happened to you on Alien Star? Why did Andrea become like this?"

Shandris shook his head, "It's hard to say, let's go back and talk about it first, temporarily martial law here, don't let anyone disturb him."

When Andrea and Shandris set off from Azeroth, the War of the Three Hammers in the dwarven kingdom of Khaz Modan had just begun.

In Shandris' subjective impression, he and Andrea had only been separated for about ten years, but in fact, the time in Azeroth had already advanced significantly at this time.

Because of Thaurissan's reckless actions, the Firelord Ragnaros was mistakenly summoned to the material world.

A scorched black volcano rose up with the emergence of Ragnaras, and the terrain of the Black Iron Plain and Dustwind Canyon has undergone tremendous changes.

These two areas are now called the Burning Plains and Scorching Canyon respectively. The originally fertile soil was scorched by the flames of the Firelord, and the Red Ridge Mountains in the Stormwind Kingdom were also affected to a certain extent.

The black iron dwarf originally wanted to summon a trump card for a comeback, but unexpectedly found himself a difficult father.

From then on, the Black Iron Dwarves were enslaved by the Fire Demon King and forced to follow Ragnaros' orders to create a weakened version of the Fire Kingdom in the belly of Blackrock Mountain. A large number of creatures from the Fire Elemental Realm took the opportunity to settle in the material world.

After the mighty War of the Three Hammers, the three major tribes of the Kingdom of Khaz Modan were completely separated.

The Black Iron tribe occupies the Burning Plains and the Scorching Canyon, and is driven by Ragnaros to live a life of slavery.

Grim Batol, the capital of the Wildhammer tribe, became very dilapidated under the attack of the Dark Iron dwarves, and the tribe was divided into two because of disagreements.

A small number of tribesmen who were reluctant to leave their homeland stayed in the wetlands and continued to guard Grim Batol, and the eastern half of the wetlands and swamps were under their control.

Kaderos, King of the Wildhammers, led most of his tribe north into the Hinterlands, and established a new homeland, Eagle's Nest Mountain, in this barren land ruled by the Vilebranch trolls.

Originally, most of the territory of the Kingdom of Khaz Modan and the capital Ironforge were owned by the biggest victor, the Bronzebeard tribe, including Dun Morogh Snow Mountain, Loch Modan, the western part of the wetlands and the northern part of the Badlands.

The descendants of the mountain king Modimus Anvilmar lost their former authority, and the Bronzebeard tribe symbolically supported the descendants of the previous rulers.

When Shandris returned to Azeroth, it was already about 70 years before the Dark Portal, and she and Andrea spent a lot of time in the two interstellar shuttle passages.

Aside from the War of the Three Hammers, not much has happened in the 100+ years since Shandris and Andrea left.

The only thing worth mentioning is the war between the Stormwind Kingdom and the Gnolls, and the Kezan Islands, which were symbolically controlled by the Zandalari trolls, were overthrown by the goblin rebels.

Concerned about her husband's condition, Shandris has no intention of official duties after returning to her hometown.

Most of the time she stayed near the big ball of light, silently waiting for Andrea to wake up from hibernation, and Seles also joined in watching her husband.

Without Andrea's guidance, the development of the Night Republic has slowed down slightly, but it still holds the undisputed top spot in Azeroth.

After the War of Shifting Sands, the three great deserts of Silithus, Tanaris, and Uldum underwent tremendous changes under the transformation of the Furnace of Origin.

The desert terrain is gradually receding, and the green grassland spreads out from the base point of several oases that have appeared one after another. Today, these three areas have restored some of their former splendor.

Since the total population of the night elves could no longer support their continued territorial expansion, after bargaining between the Supreme Council and the Tol'vir King's Council, the tol'vir began to explore their footprints into the transformed Silithus.

After giving up the territory they could not control, the ancient race of the tol'vir deepened their cooperation with the night elves, and the southern part of Kalimdor, which was originally affected by the Qiraji and C'Thun, was completely pacified.

Suramar, which has not long returned to the Night Republic, continues to develop rapidly under the leadership of the great magister Elisande. Today, this night pearl has become the largest trade transfer point between the Eastern Continent and Kalimdor by virtue of its unique geographical location. .

All nations with ports, including Zandalar and Kul Tiras, have established maritime trade routes with Suramar.

Fueled by massive trade taxes, the reopened Suramar expanded its territory at incredible speed.

Although the Zandalari trolls lost the overseas colony of the Kezan Islands, their colonization of the Kezan goblins was only for scientific research purposes, in order to study the Kaya ore on the island, and they don't feel bad about losing it.

The goblins who overthrew the slave owners developed a new civilization on the Kezan Islands, UU Reading www.uukanshu. com They exploited a large amount of oil stored in the Kezan Islands and gradually researched goblin engineering, which is completely different from the mainstream technology of Azeroth today.

The situation in Northrend is still the same. Since there is no excess population expansion, Sandara, dragon-scavenging vrykul and Drakkari trolls continue to guard their existing territories, maintaining a delicate and fragile balance.

On the contrary, the furbolg tribe in Grizzly Hills declined more and more, losing the opportunity to unify, they split more thoroughly, and even started fierce fighting among the major tribes due to territorial disputes.

When Malfurion woke up from the dream and came to visit Andrea after hearing the news, Shandris learned something about the Emerald Dream from the archdruid.

Although the Nightmare's expansion was very strong, the guardian forces headed by Malfurion and Ysera still firmly controlled them in a corner of the Dreamland.

However, the entanglement with the nightmare ultimately involved a lot of energy from the Green Dragon and the Cenarion Council, and perhaps part of the purpose of the ancient gods had been achieved.

Moreover, Shandris accidentally heard a familiar and disgusting name from Malfurion.

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